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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning: 18/9/2013 Date of teaching: Week: 06 Period : 15. UNIT 3: AT HOME (Read) I. Objectives 1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the content of the lesson about safety precautions in the home. * Vocabulary: chemical, drug, lock, match, destroy, injure, cover, cause a fire, electrical socket, kill, reach, bead. * Grammar : Review Modal verb, Why ………? - Because 2.Skills: - Improve ss’ skills: Reading comprehention. 3. Attitude: - Educate ss know to use language accurrately. II. Teaching aids T: pictures, poster Ss: student’s book. III.Methods - Discussion IV. Procedure 1. Organization (1') 2. Previous lesson (no checking) 3. New lesson Teacher’s and student’s activities a. Warm - up (6’) - Ss remind how to do “Salad” Others listen - T remarks and gives Ss how to do “Salad” - T gives Ss to match (ingredients) to do “Salad”. - Ss match - T checks and gives mark. b. Pre-reading (10’) - T asks Ss some questions :. - When Ss answer, T gives some newwords and guides Ss to read newwords - Then,T introduces about the content of the lesson. - T asks sts to read the poster (2')in silence and find the sentences which have the same with. Content  Matching: (Ingredients) 1. Lecture 2. cucumber 3. carrot 4. salad oil 5. onions 6. salt 7. tomatoes 8. apple  Keys 1-c 2-e 4-b 5-f 7-a 8-g. a. dầu thực vật b. cà chua c. xa lách d. 1 quả táo e. củ cà rốt f. dưa chuột g. muối h. củ hành 3-h 6-d. + What can be dangerous to small children in the house? +What will happen if children play with these things ? + What must we do to protect children? * New words : - scissors (n) - chemical (n): ho¸ chÊt - drug (n): thuèc - match (n): que diªm.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> their ideas and the other ideas in the lesson - Some Ss give the answer. - T explains some newwords (if have). - electrical socket (n): æ c¾m ®IÖn - bead (n): h¹t trßn nhá - destroy (v) ph¸ huû, tiªu huû - injure (v) g©y th¬ng tÝch - cause a fire (v): g©y ra löa - kill (v) giÕt chÕt - keep out of children’s reach:để xa tầm với của trẻ em - cover (v): che ®Ëy - lock (v): kho¸. c. While-reading (18’) - T explains the demand of the exercise - Sts read in silence (2') and correct mistakes in pairs - Some Ss give the answers. - T corrects mistakes.. 1. Answer :True or false. Correct the false sentences. a, F: It's safe to keep/ put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards. b, T c, F: A kitchen is a dangerous place to play d, F: Playing with one match can cause a fire. e, T f, T 2, Ask and answer. b, Because the kitchen is a dangerous place. c, Because matches can cause fires. d, Because children can put something in them. e, Because these things can hurt and injure them or even kill them.. - Sts read the poster again and the example in the book - T guides how to answer. - Sts work in silence (2') in pairs - T calls 4 Ss to write the answers on the board. The others practice in pairs - T corrects mistakes - T emphasizes how to use Modal verb: must and mustn’t 4/ Post-reading (8’) - T asks Ss to work in groups, discussing about the topic. - Ss work in groups  Discussion : a. Safety precautions in the street b. Safety precautions at school 5/ Homework (2’) - Write again the answers 2 page 32 at home - Do exercises 5, 6 page 24, 25 - Learn by heart new words - Prepare: Unit 3: Write (page 32, 33) V. Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ Date of planning: 18/9/2013 Date of teaching: Week: 06 Period : 16. UNIT 3: AT HOME (Write) I. Objectives.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a description of a room in their house. * Vocabulary: Folder, beneath, towel rack, lighting fixture * Grammar : - Review structure : There is / are...... - Review prepositions of place. 2.Skills: - Improve ss’ skills: Writing. 3. Attitude: - Educate ss know to use language accurrately. II. Teaching aids T: extra-board Ss: student’s book. III.Methods - talk, discussion IV. Procedure 1. Organization (1') 2. Previous lesson (8') - Ss check the sentences True or False: a. We have to put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards because children may drink or eat these things. b. We should let children play in the kitchen because it is a dangerous place. c. We must make sure children do not play with matches. d. We have to cover electrical sockets so that children do not put anything into them. e. We don’t have to keep all dangerous objects out of children reach. * The answer: a. True, b. False, c. True, d, True, e. False 3. New lesson Teacher’s and student’s activities a. Warm - up (5’) - T asks Ss write newwords. - Ss write the prepositions of place. - T introduces the content of the lesson. b. Pre-writing (15’) - T reads once - Ss listen - T reads again - Ss read after and guess the meaning - T asks Ss to read one more time (in chorus, individually) - T corrects if necessary. Content prepositions.  New-words: - folder : bìa cứng (làm cặp giấy) - wardrobe: tủ áo - beneath (adv/adj): ở phía dưới - towel rack : giá treo khăn - lighting fixture : đèn chùm - T asks Ss to read the description of Hoa’s room, 1. Read the description of Hoa’s room (page 32): then ask some comprehension questions  Questions: - Ss read in silence then answer the questions a. What is there on the left of the room? (individually) then in pairs b. Where is the bookshelf? c. What is there on the right side of the room? d. Where is the wardrobe?  Answers: a. There is a desk on the left of the room b. The bookshelf is above the desk c. There is a window on the right side of the room d. the wardrobe is beside the window and opposite the desk c. While-writing (12’) - T asks Ss to describe Hoa’s kitchen using the given 2. Now write a description of this kitchen (page 33) cues - This is Hoa’s kitchen - Ss write (individually) - There is a refrigerator on the right corner of the - T asks Ss to share with their partners room.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T corrects the mistakes. - Next to the refrigerator is the stove and the oven - On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink there is a towel rack - The dish rack stands on the counter, on the right of the window an beneath the shelves - On the shelves and on the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea - In the middle of the kitchen, there is a table and there are four chairs - The lighting fixture is above the table, and directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase with flowers. 4/ Post-writing (2’) - T guides Ss to write a description of a room in their house ( refer to the paragraph 1,2) (3. Write a description of a room in your house.) 5/ Homework (2’) - Write a description of their bed-room / living room at home. - Learn by heart new words - Prepare : Unit 3: Language focus page 34, 35 V. Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. Date of planning: 18/9/2013 Date of teaching: Week: 06 Period : 17. UNIT 3: AT HOME (Language focus) I. Objectives 1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know how to use reflexive pronouns; Modals : must, have to , ought to; ask and answer with Why- Because. * Vocabulary: review * Grammar : review - Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to - Reflexive pronouns - Why … ? - Because 2.Skills: - Improve ss’ skills: speaking and writing. 3. Attitude: - Educate ss know to use language accurrately. II. Teaching aids T: picture, poster. Ss: student’s book. III.Methods - Multiple choice, Fill in the blanks IV. Procedure 1. Organization (1') 2. Previous lesson (5') * The new words 3. New lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Teacher’s and student’s activities a. Warm - up (5’) - T asks Ss do exercises. - Ss do exercises.. * Activity 1: (10’) - T explains how to use : “must, have to” - Ss listen carefully and write notes. - T asks : “Now you look at the pictures in your book and the verbs in the box, completing the dialogue by putting “have to” or “must” in the correct blanks - Ss work in pairs and play the roles the dialogue - T corrects and notices Ss :. Content  Multiple Choice / Marks : 1. I have a lot of _____ to do, so I can’t go with you a. homework b. home works c. homeless 2. Ba has _____ close friends a. two b. three c. four d. five Modal verbs: Must , have to, ought to - Must + bare-inf : (phải) diễn đạt tính chất bắt buộc - Have to + inf : diễn tả sự bắt buộc / cần thiết. 1. Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue. Use “must” or “have to” and the verbs in the box: (1) must / have to tidy (2) have to / must dust (3) must / have to sweep (4) must / have to clean (5) must / have to empty (6) must / have to feed  Must: bắt buộc do người nói  Have to : sự bắt buộc do hoàn cảnh khách quan. * Activity 2:(15’) - T asks “When do we use “ought to”. What does it  Ought to + inf : (nên, phải nên) : khuyên, đề nghị. mean? Ex: I failed my English test - Ss answer You ought to study harder - T asks “You look at the pictures page 35 and use 2. Look at the pictures. Use “Ought to” to give “ought to” to give advice to the people in the advice to these people: pictures”. b. You ought to get up early - T gives examples. c. You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables - Ss notices. d. You ought to go to the dentist - Ss give advice (individually). - Ss compare with a partner. - Ss go to the board and give advice. - Ss write in their notebooks. * Activity 3: (9’ - T explains how to use “Reflexive pronouns” - Ss listen - T asks “Now you work in pairs and complete the conversation by putting the reflexive pronouns in the right blank” - Ss work in pairs and play the roles a, b, c, d, e - T corrects the mistakes. - Reflexive pronouns  Usage: người, vật chịu ảnh hưởng chính hành động của mình 3. Complete the dialogues. Use the reflexive pronouns in the box. You will have to use some of the reflexive pronouns more than once: b. (1) ourselves c. (2) myself (3) yourself d. (4) himself (5) herself.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> (6) themselves e. (7) yourselves * Activity 4: (12') - T asks: “Why did Hoa go to school late this 4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Hoa, Nam, Ha, Nga, and Mrs. Vui using Whymorning?” Because. - Ss answer: Because she watched TV late last night b. Why did Nam have to cook dinner? - T asks Ss to work in pairs - opened pairs - Because his mom was home late - T corrects the mistakes c. Why did Mrs. Vui, Nam’s mom go home late? - Ss write - Because she had to visit his grandma, she was sick d. Why did Ha fail her English exam? - Because she didn’t learn for her exam. She played the computer games e. Why didn’t Nga go to the movies? Because she had to do her chores. She had to clean the kitchen and sweep the living-room 4/ Consolidation (5’) - T asks Ss do exercise. *Exercise:Corrects mistakes: a, I must to do my homework b, I clean my room ourselves c,Why did she had to go to the dentist ? Because her tooth ached 5/ Homework (4’) - Review all model sentences, grammars in Unit 1, 2, 3 - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare : revision for a 45-minute TEST V. Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

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