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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Planning date: 20/ 3/ 2014 Period: 81. Teaching date: 24/ 3/ 2014 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS (B 1). I. Objectives 1. Knowledge: Students describe activities in seasons and talk about frequency. a. Vocabulary: Words related to the topic “Activities and the seasons”. b. Grammar: Present simple: We often play volleyball in the spring. He never goes fishing in the fall. 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing 3. Attitude: Ss will be educated about activities in seasons. II. Preparation 1. Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2. Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III. Teaching methods - Communication approach - Question and answer, eliciting - Techniques: Ask and answer, Work in pairs/ groups, Discuss. IV. Procedures: 1. Greeting and checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson * Answer - What does Ba do when it’s hot? - What do you do when it’s cold? * Matching Go soccer Play aerobics Do fishing Fly the kites 3- New lesson: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities * Warm up: - T asks. - Ss answer. - T introduces the lesson. * Presentation: - T has Ss look at the pictures and introduces new words. - Ss listen and repeat, then guess the meanings of them- T gives the correct meanings. - Ss copy down. * Practice: - T plays the tape. - Ss listen to the tape and repeat. - T has Ss read in silence. - T calls some Ss read before the class. - T corrects Ss’ pronunciation if necessary. * Free-practice: - T has Ss say what they do in each season and how often. - Ss work in pairs then say before class. - T corrects any mistake if necessary. 4-Consolidation: Use the correct form of the verbs:. Content - What do you often do in the summer? 1. Listen and repeat * New words: - sail (v), picture go sailing - basketball (n) , picture We often play volleyball in the spring..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - I sometimes go ………….. in the spring. ( sail) - He never …………tennis in the summer. (play) - My father always ……….. jogging. (go) - They often ………… swimming in the fall. (go) 5-Homework: Practice reading the text, learn the words, structure by heart and prepare Unit 13 B2,3. V. Experience: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Planning date: 20/ 3/ 2014 Period: 82. Teaching date: 28/ 3/ 2014 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS (B 2, 3). I. Objectives 1. Knowledge: Students ask and answer about activities in seasons. a. Vocabulary: Words related to the topic “Activities and the seasons”. b. Grammar: What do you do in the spring? I always ride my bike. 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing 3. Attitude: Ss will be educated about activities in seasons. II. Preparation 1. Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2. Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III. Teaching methods - Communication approach - Question and answer, eliciting - Techniques: Ask and answer, Work in pairs/ groups, Discuss. IV. Procedures: 1. Greeting and checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson Ss read B1 and write words: - sail (v)/ go sailing/ basketball (n) 3- New lesson: Teacher’s and Ss’activities * Warm-up: - T asks. - Ss answer. - T introduces the lesson. * Presentation: - T has Ss read the dialogue. * Practice: - Ss make new dialogues in pairs. - T calls some pairs to talk before the class. - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. * Pre- writing - T elicits how to practice this part and has Ss write lists of things they do in the different seasons. - Ss pay attention to teacher. * While- writing - T has Ss write about them in their notebooks. - Ss work individually.. Content Do you often play tennis in the fall? Do you go swimming in the summer? 3. Write lists of things you do in the different seasons. Now make dialogues with a partner. What do you do in the spring? I always ride my bike. What do you do? Now write about you. Begin with : In the spring ,I ....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - T has Ss checks mistakes in pairs. - T calls some Ss to write on the board. - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. * Post reading : - T has Ss talk about their activities in different seasons. - Ss talk before the class. - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. - T asks Ss to write down four seasons in a year in their notebooks. 3. Remember. - Ss do as suggested. (Page 139) - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. 4-Consolidation: * Answer the questions: What’s the weather like in the fall / summer / spring / winter? What do you often do in the sunny season/ rainy season? 5-Homework: Learn the words by heart, practice reading the lesson and prepare Unit 14. A1, 2, 3. V. Experience: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Planning date: 20/ 3/ 2014 Period: 83. Teaching date: 29/ 3/ 2014 UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS (A 1, 2, 3). I. Objectives 1. Knowledge: Students talk about vacation plans. a. Vocabulary: Words related to the topic “Making plans”. b. Grammar: Be going to + bare infinitive. What are you going to do this summer vacation? I am going to visit Hue. 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing 3. Attitude: Ss will be educated about making plan for vacation. II. Preparation 1. Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2. Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler … III. Teaching methods - Communication approach - Question and answer, eliciting - Techniques: Ask and answer, Work in pairs/ groups, Discuss. IV. Procedures: 1. Greeting and checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson - Write things you do in the spring and summer. - Answer: + What do you do in the fall/ winter? 3. New lesson: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content * Warm up: Do you go to school in the summer? - T asks. You are free in the summer. - Ss answer. What do you want to do? - T introduces the lesson/ * Presentation: 1. Listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue - T introduces the situation then has Ss look at the with a partner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> picture, guess the place Lan’s going to visit.- Ss answer. - T lets Ss listen to the dialogue. - T introduces new words. - Ss listen and repeat, guess the meanings of the words. - T has Ss read again. - T corrects Ss’ mistakes if necessary. - T introduces and explains new structure. - Ss pay attention to teacher and take notes. - T plays the tape again. - Ss listen to the tape and repeat.. *New words: - vacation (n), explanation - visit (v) , translation - stay (v) , translation - aunt (n) explanation - uncle (n) , explanation - citadel (n) , picture * Structure : Ex: I am going to visit Hue S + be going to + infinitive… S + be + not +going to + infinitive… Be + S + going to + infinitive… 2. Answer. Then write the answers in your exercise book. The answers: a) Lan’s going to visit Hue. b) She’s going to stay with her aunt and uncle. c) She’s going to stay for a week. d) She’s going to visit the citadel.. * Practice: - T has Ss work in pairs: role play the dialogue. - T has Ss play the roles before the class. - Ss play the roles. - T corrects Ss’ pronunciation. - T explains the questions. - Ss ask and answer in pairs. - T has Ss ask and answer before the class. - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. * Pre-writing: 3. Write. - T has Ss read the dialogue A1 again Prepare a dialogue with a partner. Write it in - Ss do as suggested. your exercise book. * While- writing: Suggested answer: - has Ss write the answers for the questions. A: What are you going to do this summer? - Ss work individually. B: I’m going to visit Ha Long Bay. - T has Ss compare the answers in pairs. A: Where are you going to stay? - Ss compare the answers in pairs. B: I’m going to stay in a hotel. Post- writing: A: How long are you going to stay? - T has Ss ask and answer before the class. B: I’m going to stay for two weeks. - T corrects any mistakes if necessary. A: What are you going to do? - Ss take notes. B: I’m going to vivit the beach and swim. - T has Ss read the questions and answers in pairs. 4-Consolidation: Ss make sentences using “be going to + V”. 5-Homework: Learn the words, structure by heart, practice reading the lesson and prepare Unit 14 A 4,5,6. V. Experience: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of the Leader Week 29 ..................................................................................................

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