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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 08. Date of preparing: 11/10/2015. Period: 30. Date of teaching: 13/10/2015. Unit 5 Can you swim? (Lesson 3, part 1,2) I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: -pronounce the sounds of the letters s and sw in the words sing and swim II. Preparations: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: (7’) -Have Ss sing the Can you swim? song 2. Presentation :(10’) Task 1: Listen and repeat. -Have Ss open their books page 34. -Tell Ss that they are going to review phrases of saying sing and swim. -Produce the sound of the letter s in the word sing and that of the letter sw in the word swim. -Play the tape. -Play the tape again. 3. Practice: (12’ ) Task 2: Listen and number. Then say aloud -Have Ss open their books to page 34. -Get Ss to talk about the way to do the task. -Tell Ss that they are going to listen and number the pictures. -Listen and check answer. -Ask Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for correction. -Ask 3-4 Ss to read their answers aloud to the class -Listen and give comments. -Have the whole class repeat each line of the dialogues. 4. Production :( 5’) Task 3: Let’s chant Can you sing? -Ask Ss to look at the chant in their books. -Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. -Play the tape again.. Student’s activities -Sing a song. -Open their books. -Listen. -Listen. -Listen and repeat. -Read in group. -Open their books. -Talk. -Listen and number. -Check answers: a.4 b.1 c.2 d.3 -Trade their answers. -Read -Listen and give comments. -Repeat all the phrases.. -Look the chant. -Listen. -Listen and repeat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> -Ask Ss to practice singing in groups. -Call on one group to perform the chant at the front of the class.. -Practice reciting. -Perform the chant (the rest of the class recite along and clap the rhythm.. 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss to practice greeting saying goodbye to their friends at home. IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ Week: 08. Date of preparing: 11/10/2015. Period: 31. Date of teaching: 13/10/2015. Unit 5 Can you swim? (Lesson 3, part 3,4) I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: -Pronounce the sounds of the letters s and sw in the words sing and swim II. Preparations: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: (7’) -Have Ss brainstorm all the phrases they have learnt related to what they can, using Can you…..? -Monitor the activity. 2. Presentation :(12’) Task 1: Listen and repeat.(Review) -Have Ss open their books page 34. -Tell Ss that they are going to review phrases of saying sing and swim. -Play the tape. -Play the tape again. -Play the tape again. 3. Practice: (10’ ) Task 2: Read and complete -Have Ss open their book page 35. -Tell Ss that they are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to complete the. Student’s activities -Brainstorm.. -Open their books -Listen. -Listen -Listen and repeat. -Read in group -Open their books. -Listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> sentences -Guide ss to do the task. -Read and do the task individually. -Monitor the activity. -Have Ss trade their answer in pair for correction. -Call on some Ss to report their answers. -Listen and give comments. -Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus. Task 3: Write about yourself. -Ask ss to look at the exercise. -Guide ss to to the task. -Give an example. -Ask ss to do the task. -Check answers. 4. Production :( 5’) Task 4: Project -Tell Ss that they are going to interview three classmates to get information about their abilities and complete the chart -Ask Ss to pay attention to the sample sentences in the bubbles -Get a pairs to do a demonstration in front of the class as an example before starting the activity -Give Ss time to do the interview in class -Call on some Ss to the front of the class to report on their word 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss to learn by heart the lesson at home. -Guess and complete. -Trade their answers. -Perform the task. -Listen and give comments. -Repeat all the phrases. -Look. -Listen. -Listen. -Do the task. -Check answers. -Listen and interview -Pay attention -Work in pair. -Listen. IV: Comments: .............................................................................................................................................................. .. Week: 08. Date of preparing: 12/10/2015. Period: 32. Date of teaching: 14/10/2015. Review 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -Revise the topics, language competences, sentence patterns, vocabulary and phonics they have learnt from units 1-5 . II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm-up: (5’) -Sing songs. -Sing songs 2. Presentation :(34’) -Guide ss to do the exercises at home. -Listen. Task 1. Listen and tick. Task 2. Listen and number. Task 3. Read and complete. Task 4. Read and match Task 5. Look and say. 3.Practice: 4.Production: 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss review the whole lesson IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ Week: 08. Date of preparing: 11/10/2015. Period: 31. Date of teaching: 13/10/2015. Short Story Cat and Mouse I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: -Get the idea of the story. II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm-up: (3’). Student’s activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -Sing songs. 2. Presentation :(7’) Task 1: Listen to the story. -Ask ss to look at the pictures. -Ask ss questions: Apart from the cat and mouse, what can you see? A chair, a door, a window, ect.) -Play the tape and let the ss read and listen. 3. Practice: (19’) Task 2: Complete the conversation. -Tell ss that they are going to read and fill the gaps. -Give ss a few seconds to read the text in silence, and check their comprehension. -Give ss time to do the task. -Ask ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. Task 3: Work in groups of three. Read the conversation. Then act it out with your own names -Tell ss that they are going to read the questions on the left and group them with the answers on the right by drawing a line between them. -Give ss a few second to read the text and check comprehension. -Give ss time to do the task. -Ask ss to swap and check their answers before checking s a class. 4.Production: (10’) Task 4: Unscramble these words from the conversation - Tell ss that they are going to practice the dialogues, using their own names. -Ask groups of ss to sit face and practice the dialogue. -Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue. -Correct the pronunciation, if necessary. 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss read the story at home.. -Sing songs. -Look at the pictures. -Answer the questions. -Listen. -Listen. -Read the text. -Check their answers. -Listen. -Read the text. -Check their answers.. -Listen. -Sit face and practice the dialogue.. IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................

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