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Giao an Tieng anh lop 3 Unit 9

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN. GRADE 3. UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT?. PERIOD 1: LESSON 1. Objectives:. Sts will be able to ask and answer questions about SO’s school things using “Is this/that + school thing?” Language focus: Pattern: “-Is this/that + school thing? –Yes, it is (No, it isn’t)”; Vocab: desk Resources: Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes -Asks ss to open book on Let’s chant(3p56) W-Class 3p56. Look! Look! Look! Individual -Gets ss to sing the chant W-class 1. Warm-up: 7’ again (2 times). -Calls 2 ss to chant in front of the class. Others give comments. -T follows the steps of desk W-class 2. Vocabulary: presenting new words. Individual 3’ -Sts follows T’s instructions. -T shows the pictures on the Presenting dialogues: 1P58 W-class bb and play the recording 2 Groups times. Pairs -Asks the class to read the W-class dialogues again. (2 times). -Gets ss to read (2 times) in 3. Look, listen groups. and repeat: 8’ -Gets 4 ss to roleplay the dialogues. -T gives out the pattern: “-Is this/that + school thing? –Yes, it is (No, it isn’t)” -Does concept check. -Sts copy the pattern. -Puts the words on the bb. Practice: word cues W-class -Runs through the vocabulary. a/ desk / yes Group -Does the example. b/ pencil sharpener / no Pair 4. Point and say: -T follows steps of word cues. c/ pen / yes 10’ -Sts try to practise using the d/ pencil case / no pattern above. -T corrects speaking. 5. Let’s talk:6’ -Divides class into groups of Realia Practice W-class 4. Group -Does an example. W-class -Guides ss to use real objects.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 6. Homelink :1’. to practise. -Calls 1 group to speak in front of the class, others give comments. -T tells the homelink, ss takenote. The model.. W-class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> LESSON PLAN. GRADE 3. UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT?. PERIOD 2: LESSON 2. Sts will be able to ask and answer questions about colour of school things using “What colour is it/ are they?.” Pattern: 1/ -What colour is it? –It’s ___ 2/What colour are they? – Language focus: They’re______; Vocab: colour, red, blue, white, yellow, brown, green, orange Resources: Pictures, Puppets, Sts’ book, poster, number cards PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes -Asks ss to close books, Brainstorming W-class notebooks. Individual Màu sắc -Asks ss to tell colour in 1. Revision: 5’ Vietnamese. -Leads to the lesson. Objectives:. 2. Vocabulary: 10’. -T follows the steps of presenting new words. -Sts follows T’s instructions.. -T shows the pictures on the bb and play the recording 2 times. -Asks the class to read the dialogues again. (2 times). -Gets ss to read (2 times) in groups. 3. Look, listen -Gets 4 ss to roleplay the and repeat: 8’ dialogues. -T gives out the patterns: 1/ -What colour is it? -It’s _____. 2/ -What colour are they? -They’re________. -Does concept check. -Sts copy the pattern. 4. Point and say: -Puts the pictures on the bb. 10’ -Runs through the vocabulary. -Does the example. -T follows steps of picture cues. -Sts try to practise using the pattern above.. colour, red, blue, white, yellow, brown, green, orange *Checking: slap the board Presenting dialouges:1P60. W-class Individual. Word cues: 2p60 a/ pen / blue b/ ruler / white c/ pencil cases / yellow d/ school bags / brown e/ rubbers / green f/ notebooks / orange. W-class Groups Pairs W-class. W-class Groups Pairs Individual W-class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 5. Let’s talk: 7’. 6. Homelink: 1’. -T corrects speaking. -Cleans the table. -Does an example. -Asks 3 ss to go around to ask about the colour of school things. -T gives comments. -T gives homelink, ss takenote.. Realia practising : 3P60. W-Class Pair W-class. -The vocabulary.. W-class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> LESSON PLAN. GRADE 3. UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? PERIOD 3: LESSON 3. Objectives:. Sts will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letter “i,o” and th in the words ruler and these respectively. Language focus: Pattern: : “My favourite colour is _______”.Phonics: “i,o” Resources: Sts’ book, posters, PROCEDURE Steps and time Sts’ and T’s activities Language focus Modes - T asks ss to close books, Kim’s Game W-class notebooks. colour, red, blue, white, Individual 1. Revision: 10’ - Gives the words on the bb. yellow, brown, green, W-class - Organises and controls the orange game. -T shows the words, models 1P62 W-class the phonics “i,o”, asks ss to i it What colour is it? Groups repeat phonics. o orange It’s orange. Individual 2. Listen and -Ss try to read “i,o” in the repeat: 7’ words, phrases in class, groups and individuals. -T corrects spelling when neccessary. -T gives each student an 2P62 W-class exercise sheet, plays the tape 3 1/ It is my school bag. Individual times, gets the exercise sheet, 2/ My favourite colour is W-class gets feedback. orange. 3. Listen and -Ss listen 3 times and write the write: 6’ blank words, give teacher the exercise sheet, 2 come to the bb to write the answers, other ss give comments. -Shows the chant. Let’s chant(3p62) W-class -Plays the audio of the chant. Individual 4. Let’s chant: -Guides ss to chant. W-class 10’ -Calls 2 ss to chant in front of the class. -T gives ideas about the chant. -T gives homelink, ss -Let’s chant (3p62) W-class 5. Homelink: 2’ takenote..

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