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Unit 1 A visit from a pen pal

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>I. Objectives. 1. Language focus: - Ss review forms and uses of requests, offers, promise, passive, past progressive tense .... 2. Language skills: - Ss remember knowledges II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book,... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures. 1. Organization: 2. Checking up: 3. New lesson: The content Teacher's activities& Ss' activities 3.1- Modal "Will": Request, offer, promise: - Listen to the T and rev. - Repeat the uses and forms: * We often use: "Will/would you please + verb ... ? With the answers: Yes, of course / No, I' m afraid ... 3.2- Passive voice..: *Passive forms with present simple and future simple: Make examples: + "... (am / is / are) + Past participle (PII)" + "... (shall/ will) be + Past participle(PII)" - Compare active and passive: Active: I do this exercise. 1 2 3 Passive: This exercise is done by me. 3 2 1 Note: - Review and copy the forms. + Active form: S + V + O + Passive form: S + be + P + by + O 3.3- Past progressive: *Past progressive tense: + The form: S + was/were + V-ing + O Eg: I was watching TV at 7 p.m last night. Eg: I was watching TV when the phone rang. Make example: Eg: I was doing my homework while my mother + Act: Nam drank that bottle of milk. was watching TV. + Pas: That bottle of milk was drunk (by Nam). 3.4- Would/Do you mind ... ? * Request Eg: Would you mind opening the window / If I open the - Listen to the T and copy. window ? 3.5- Reported speech: - Ask Ss to retell the changes when they rewrite the reperted speech. - Make ex.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Ex: Marry said, ‘’I am tired now “  Marry said (that) she was tired at once.. - Listen to the T , and review - Work in groups to tell and report. 4. Drill: - Ss repeat the basic forms that they' ve reviewed. 5. Homework: - Prepare the next lesson (Study Unit 1) Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… Preparing day: 19 / 08/2015 Teaching date: 21 /08/2015. Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Period 02: Getting started & listen and read I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to introduce to a foreigner a visiting to Ha Noi. 1. Language focus: + Structure: Review simple past with "Wish" + Vocabulary: Correspond, be impressed by, friendliness, mosque, pray, wish .. 2. Language skills: - Ss train discussing, asking and answering skills II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, pictures.... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures. 1. Organization: class 9a,b 2. Checking up. (Qs will be given on the new lesson) 3. New lesson. The content Teacher's activities Ss' activities Ss' activities 3.1- Warm-up: * Ss' answers may be: - Hang the pictures on BB, divide the class into 2 Ha Noi Opera House groups. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum - Sum up Ss' answers .... - Present some places, that Ss can’t name. 3.2- Presentation - Introduce the new situation by asking Ss to a) Hung King Temple imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming to stay b) Temple of Literature with them. Say what activities would you like to c) Ben Thanh Market do during the visit. d) Museum of History -Give suggested As e) Restaurant f) Opera House - Make some suggested Qs: + Do you have avy pen pals ?. 3.3- Practice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> + Where does he come from ? + If he visits Ha Noi, what will you introduce him ? - Give some statements about the text: 1) Lan's pen pal comes from Malaysia. 2) Kuala Lumpur is a small city. 3) The girls visited Hang Luoc Street on Monday. 4) They will write letters to eachother again. *New words : Correspond: liªn l¹c qua th Be impressed by:.. bÞ Ên tîng bëi.. Friendliness: sù th©n thiÖn. Mosque: nhµ thê Håi gi¸o Pray: cÇu nguyÖn Wish: íc muèn , ao íc.. Keep in touch: gi÷ liªn l¹c Used to + V : Tríc ®©y thêng.... - Ask Ss to read the text then choose the correct option to complete the sentences.. - Answer the T' s Qs.. - Scan the text and decide whether the statements are True or False. * Answer key: 1-T 2-F 3-F. 4-T. - Listen to the tape (look at book) - Copy and read the new words and phrases in chorus and individually.. * Answer key: 1. C (two weeks) 2. B (Ha Noi people were friendly) 3.4Production * Grammar:. 3. D (all the above) 4. B (invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur) S + wish + (that)+ S + V(past subjunctive) (It expresses a wish in the present) * "Used to" + V - Hang the picture on the BB 4. Drill. - Ask the Ss to retell and remember the topic of the text, and structures. 5. Homework. - Ask Ss to make 5 sentences using "wish" + (that) clause. - Do exercise 1 ( page 5 - work book ).preparing U1:Speak+Listen Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. Preparing day: 23 /08/2015 Teaching date: 25 /08/2015. Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Period 03 : Speak + listen I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will futher practice introducing and making friend, talking about our country. 1. Language focus: - Structure: Let me introduce myself, Please to meet you ... - Vocabulary: Review 2. Language skills: - Ss train speaking and listening kills. II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player extra-board, picture... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. Organization: Class 9a,b 2. Checking up: - T asks Ss to answer the questions: + Where did Lan took Maryam to ? + What was Maryam impressed by ? 3. New lesson: The content. T' s & Ss' activities 3.1- Warm up:. - Ask Ss to name some famous places in Hanoi - Work in groups to discuss –Eg: that they know in English. - Hoan kiem lake ,NgocSon Temple - One pillar Pagoda. - Flag Tower of Ha Noi. - Temple of Literature.. ....... 3.2.1- Pre-speaking. - Introduce topic of the lesson: (Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. Put the dialogue in the correct order to make a complete one). - Correct Ss' s mistakes then give the right answers:. - Look at book and listen to the T and then work in groups to put the dialogue in the correct order.. - Give answers in front of the class. - Check and copy the right As. * The right As are: 1 c  5 b  4  d  2 e  3  a  6 3.2.2- While-Speaking.. - Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.: - Let Ss practice the dialogue - Ask Ss to look at the information in the book and make similar dialogues. - Ask some pairs to practice in front of the class 3.2.3- Post-speaking. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to rewrite about EX: Her name is Yoko, she comes from Tokyo. she Maryam ‘s friends: Yoko, Paul, and Jane. likes Vietnamese people. She loves old city in Vietnam, too.... 3.3,1- Pre-listening. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures, then give the differences between them. 3.3.2- While-listening. - Play the tape (twice - Let Ss check their answers eachother. - Ask Ss give answers. - Listen to the tape again and - Play the tape again and give the right answers. sentences:. -ask Ss some questions. 4. Drill.. Answers key: 1) restaurant. 2) On the grass. 3.3.3- Post-listening. 3) Sign. 4) 130. complete the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Ask Ss to repeat and remember the main contents of the lesson. 5. Home work. - Ask Ss to reveiw the lesson, ).preparing U1: Read Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. Preparing day: 26 /08/20114 Teaching date: 28 /08/2015. Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Period 04: reading I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be provided the informations about Malaysia, a member country of ASEAN. And about some other countries in ASEAN. 1. Language focus: + Structure: Review + Vocabulary: tropical climate, unit of currency, national language, Islam ... 2. Language skills: - Ss train reading comprehension skill II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, a map of Malaysia... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures. 1. Checking up: (4 ms) - Ask Ss to do exercise 4 in the work book (on BB) 2. New lesson: Teacher's activities. Ss' activities 3.1. Warm up.. - Hold the class to do networks about the - Work in groups to do networks countries in ASEAN. Thailand Singapore 3.2. Pre-reading. ........ ......... * Ss' answers may be: Malaysia; Indonesia; Laos; Philipine; Myanmar; Cambodia; Viet Nam .... - Hang the map on the BB. - Introduce the information about Malaysia.. - Look at the map and listen to the T' s introduction about Malaysia and its capital. - Work in groups to discuss and predict then complete the table. - Ask Ss to work in groups to complete the table p10. *New words and phrases: ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nations: HiÖp héi c¸c quèc gia §NA -Listen to the tape Comprise: bao gåm - Copy and read the new words Tropical climate: khí hậu nhiệt đới Unit of currency: đơn vị tiền tệ Islam: §¹o Håi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Tamil: ngêi/tiÕng Ta-Min Primary language: ng«n ng÷ chÝnh. - Ask Ss to read the text and fill in the table.. * Answers keys: 3.3. While-reading.. Malaysia. Area : 329,758 Population : over 22 million - Correct Ss' mistakes. Climate : tropical climate Unit of currency : the riggit Capital city : Kuala Lumpur - Ask Ss to read the text and decide whether the Official religion : Islam statements are true or false. National language : Bahasa Malaysia * The right Answers: Compulsory second language : English 1. T - Work invidually to read the text again and decide 2. F (There are more than 2 religions) true or false. 3. F (El, Chinese and Tamil are also widly - Compare answers with parners. spoken) - Give answers in front of the class 4. F (One of the three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil) 5. F (El is a compulsory second language, not 3.4. Post-reading primary language -Ask some Ss to read the text aloud in front of the class. - Translate the text into Vietnamese 4. Drill. - Ss repeat and remember the main content of the lesson. 5. Home work. - Ask and explain Ss to do exercises in workbook .Preparing Unit1:Write Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. Preparing day: 30 /9/2015 Teaching day: 31 /9/2015. Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Period 05:. writing. I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to their relatives or friends about their visits to other places. 1. Language focus: + Structure: A letter + Vocabulary: Review 2. Language skills: - Ss train writing a letter. II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra board, e ... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures. 1. Checking up. - Ask one or two Ss to retell the main information about Malaysia (in their own words). 2. New lesson: Ss' activities. Teacher's activities 3.1. Warm up..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Give some questions (on the extra-board) - Work in groups to discuss, use the T' s questions. + Where did you go ? + To Ha long. + What did you do ? + Swim, Sunbathe ,visit the Bay. + How did you go there ? + By car. + Which places did you visit + Bai chay, the Bay, visit the caves ... 3.2. Pre-writing. - Ask Ss to look at the outline then ask and -Work in pairs look at the outline and ask - answer about answer. your trip by using the suggested questions. + When did you arrive in .... ? + Who met you at the bus .... ? + Which places did you visit ? + Who did you met during the visit ? + What kinds of food did you eat ? 3.3. While-writing. + What did you buy ? * Ss' writing may be: - Ask Ss to write the paragraph. Use the Dear Mai, answers as prompts. I arrived at Hue Railway station at 2pm on Sunday. - Give the suggested ideas: My uncle, Hung took me home by taxi. + First paragraph: I’ve visited the Imperial City. I was amazed by the I/ arrive/ Hue railway Station/ at 2pm scenery here. I also went to DongBa market, the biggest market in Hue. This is the place I bought souvenirs. /Sunday. Yesterday, My uncle and I went to eat beef noodle. I My uncle take me home/ taxi. enyoyed it verry much. + Second paragraph: I will leave Hue at 7am on Saturday. I am so happy. - I’ve visited / Imperial city./ Dong Ba market/ The biggest market in Hue/ eat beefnoodle /..... People in Hue are very nice and friendly.i miss them verry much.The train will come to Hanoi at 5pm. Please + Third paragraph: I/ feel so happy/. People are frienly/ nice/ the pick me at the station. I am looking forward to meeting you and telling you food/ delicious/ the scenery / beautiful...... about the trip. I will leave at.../ on Saturday/ arrive home See you then. at... .Please pick me at the station. Yours. ..... 3.4. Post-writing. - Read the letter aloud.. - Ask Ss to read their writing aloud in front of the class.. 4. Drill. - T reminds Ss to remember the forms and content of the letter. 5. Home work. - Write a letter to your frend with the same content.Preparing Unit1: Language focus Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. Preparing day: 1 .9.2015 Teaching day: 3 .9.2015. Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Period 06 I. Objectives.. Language focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Ss will review the past simple tense, and get on with conditional sentence type 2 with "wish". 1. Language focus: + Structure: S + V-ed + O.; S + wish + past subjunctive( were) + Vocabulary: Review 2. Language skills: - Ss remember knowledges II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board... 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, .... III. Procedures. 1. Checking up. - Correct Ss' homework. 3. New lesson: Ss' activities. Teacher's activities 3.1 Warm up.. - Ask Ss to work in groups to list things they did on - Work in groups to to list things .... the weekend. * Ss' answers may be: went camping. played scocer. went fishing. watched tennis match..... 3.2. Past simple tense: Form: S + V-ed + O. - Ask Ss to retell the forms and the uses of the simple Exercise 1: past tense. - Work in pairs, study the table and make similar dialogues about Nga's , Lan's , Nam's and Hoa's weekend. - Explain the aim of the exercise. - Ask Ss to study the table and make similar dialogues. Exercise 2: - Give answers in front of the class. Ss' answers may be: - Ask Ss to give answers and correct their answers. 1. baked a cake. 2. hung colorful lamps on the wall / in the room. 3. bought flowers. 4. painted a picture of Ha Noi. 5. went shopping. 3.3. Conditional sentences. - Explain: (The conditional sentence type 2 is used to express unreal action or an action doesn't happen at - Copy and make example: EX: present). T: You are not very fat. (That' s the fact and you + When it is used with "wish": can change) S + wish + S + past simple  S: I wish I were fatter. - Work in pairs to give wishes: * The right answers are: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to give wishes, use the b) I wish I were in the swimming pool now. c) I wish I had a computer situations in the book. d) I wish I had a car. e) I wish I had a sister. f) I wish I drew well. Note: In this case "were" is used for all g) I wish I had my friend' s phone number. persons. h) I wish I knew many friends. i) I wish it rained so oten in my hometown..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> j) I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown. 4. Drill - Ss repeat the basic forms that they' ve reviewed. 5. Homework: - Do exercises in the work book. Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..

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