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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Plan of E9 Correct the examination (Week 19) Revision: Adjectives and adverbs Adverbs clause of reason: as/ because/ since Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 20. 1/. Adjectives and adverbs:. Adjectives Adverbs extreme extremely good well happy happily slow slowly strange strangely Ex: My teacher speaks English quite well. He looks very strange. 2/. Adverbs clauses of reason (as, because, since): Ex: Ba is tired because/ as/ since he stayed up late watching TV. - She wanted to go home because/ as/ since She felt sick. 3/. Vocab: 4/. Exercises: (Unit 6 workbook: 1, 2) *Multiple choices: 1. The old man walked to the park. a. slow b. slowly c. good d. well 2. If we use much on vegetables, they will become poisonous and inedible. a. water b. grass c. pesticide d. a& b are correct. 3. A complaint letter has sections. a. three b. four c. five d. six 4. I want everyone to listen , please. a. carefull b. carefully c. careless d. care 5. I need group one along the shore. a. to walk b. walk c. walks d. walking 6. I think we should trash to reduce the amount of garbage. a. to burn b. burn c. burns d. burning Revision: Adjectives + that clause Conditional sentence type 1 + exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 21+22 1/. Adjectives + that clause:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Ex: That’s wonderful. I’m pleased that you are working hard. Adj + that + clause - I’m sorry that I have broken your bicycle. 2/. Conditional sentence type 1: * Type 1: If clause , main clause. (present simple) , (will/shall + V(inf) (cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i) Ex: If it is fine, I will go fishing. - If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants will die. - If we keep our environment clean, we will live in the happier and heathier life. 3/. Vocab: 4/. Exercises: (Unit 6 workbook: 3, 4) *Multiple choices: 1. If we work hard, we this beach a clean and beautifull place again. a. make b. making c. made d. will make 2. If we use much on vegetables, they will become poisonous and inedible. a. water b. grass c. pesticide d. a& b are correct. 3. If people stop using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures preserved a. will be b. are 4. If the pollution continues, what might a. happen b. happened 5. How can we reduce the amount a. for b. to 6. It would be better if you. c. is. well. d. to be. ? c. happening d. to happen gabage we produce? c. of d. in. trash onto the water.. a. don’t throw b. doesn’t thow c. throw d. threw Revision: Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however + exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 23+24 1/. Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however Ex: Mrs Quyen bought corn, potatoes and cabbages at the market. - I’d love to play volleyball but I have to complete an assignment. - Do you Vietnamese tea or milk tea? - We didn’t have any television therefore we didn’t know any information about the weather. - Ba’s hobbies are playing football and collecting stamps..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 2/. Vocab: 3/. Exercises: (Unit 7 workbook: 1,2) *Multiple choices: 1. I’d love to play volleyball I have to complete an assignment. a. but b. and c. or d. because 2. It’s raining, we can’t go to the beach. a. and b. however c. because d. so 3. Ba failed his math test. , he has to do the test again. a. However b. Therefore c. But d. And 4. We are saving money we want to buy a new house. a. so b. because c. but d. therefore 5. A speech usually has parts. a. two b. three c. four d. five 6. Solar energy can be used on . a. days b. cloudless day c. cloudy days d. cloud day 7. We can save by using solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil. a. resource b. natural resources c. resource nature d. nature resources 8. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but . a. necessary b. necessaryly c. necess d. necessities 9. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to . a. save electricity b. waste electricity c. buy electricity d. sale electricity Revision: Phrasal verbs Make suggestions: suggest + V-ing Suggest(that) + S + should & exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 25+26 1/. Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after, go on Ex: Hanh can’t go to the movies with us tonight. She will have to look after her little sister. - I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ve looked for everywhere and I can’t find it anywhere. - Mrs Yen forgot to turn off the faucet when she left for work. 2/. Making suggestions: - suggest + V-ing + ... - suggest + (that) + S2 + should + V(infinitive) +... Ex: Mrs Mi suggests taking showers to save water. - I suggest that you should learn more hard..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3/. Vocab: 4/. Exercises: (Unit 7 workbook: 3, 4) *Multiple choices: 1. Listen to the weather to know what the weather will be like tomorrow. a.news b. forecast c. television d. radio 2. All building in Sweden will be by solar energy in 2015. a. to heat b. heat c. heating d. heated 3. Solar energy doesn’t cause . a. pollution b. pollutte c. polluttes d. to pollutte 4. We can save by using solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil. a. resource b. natural resources c. resource nature d. nature resources 5. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to . a. save electricity b. waste electricity c. buy electricity d. sale electricity 6. Hanh can’t go to the movies with us tonight. She will have to her little sister. a. look after b. look for c. look d. go on 7. Mrs Ha suggests some tools to check cracks in the pipes. a. to get b. get c. gets d. getting 8. I think we a shower instead of a bath to save energy. a. should take b. need take c. taking d. taked Revision: Relative clauses Adverb clauses of cocession exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 27+28 1/. Relative clauses: (Mệnh đề quan hệ) - Who: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ ngêi (subject) - Whom: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ ngêi (object) - Which: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ vËt Ex: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or February. - Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay with us during the Christmas. 2/. Adverbs clauses of concession: although/ though/ even though : mÆc dï Ex: He went to school although/ though/ even though he was tired. 3/. Vocab: 4/. Exercises: (Unit 8 workbook: 1, 2, 3, 4) *Multiple choices: 1. Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February. a. who b. which c. what. d. whom.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 2. We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade on national Day last year we live in KonTum. a. and b. because c. but d. although 3. Family members live apart try to be together at Tet. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 4. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all people. a. Asian b. American c. Jewish d. European 5. Easter is a festival which is celebrated in many countries. a. joy b. joyfully c. joyless d. joyful 6. In many countries, people crowd the streets to watch parades. a. color b. colorful c. colorfully d. a & b are correct. 7. Let me you on this examination. a. to congratulate b. congratulate c. congratulating d. congratulated 8. I like reading books tell about different people and their cultures. a. who b. which c. what d. whom Revision: Relative pronouns Relative clauses (cont) & exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 29+30 1/. Relative pronoun: - Who: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ ngêi (subject) - Whom: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ ngêi (object) - Which: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ vËt - That: thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ ngêi/ vËt. Dïng trong c©u cã: tiÒn ng÷ hỗn hợp, tính từ cực cấp hoặc đại từ bất định Ex: Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay with us during the Christmas. - Vietnam, which is in south-east Asia, exports rice. - Neil Armstrong who first walked on the moon lived in the USA. 2/. Vocab: 3/. Exercises: (Unit 9 workbook: 1, 2, 3,4) *Multiple choices: 1. Can you the volume? a. turn on b. turn at c. turn in 0 2. Ha Noi will have between 23 C and 270C. a. temperature b. temperatures c. rain 3. We since we left school. a. meet b. haven’t met c. met. d. turn up d. rainy d. meeting.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 4. The water pipes may by the typhoon. a. be damaged b. damage c. damaging d. to damage 5. In 1995, a huge earthquake the city of Kobe in Japan. a. to strike b. strike c. struck d. striking 6. Mount Pinatubo, which is a in the Philippines, erupted in 1991. a. earthquake b. typhoon c. tornado d. vocalno 7. It was the world’s largest eruption in more than 50 years. a. volcano b. volcanic c. earthquake d. tornado 8. Lan ran home with the dog and her mother what skippy did. a. to tell b. tell c. telling d. told 9. Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup? a. Vietnam b. Singapore c. Thaidland d. Indonesia 10. Which animal in Vietnam was to be logo of SEA Games 2003? a. to choose b. choose c. chosen d. choice Revision: Modal: may/ might Conditional sentence type 1 & type 2 exercise Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 31+32 1/. Modal verbs: will/ shall can/could S+ may/might + V(infinitive) must/ have to ought to/ should Ex: You will be able to jump very high on the moon. - It may be a book or it might be a game. 2/. Conditional sentences: (C©u ®iÒu kiÖn) * Type 1: If clause , main clause. (present simple) , (will/shall + V(inf) (cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i) Ex: If it is fine, I will go fishing. * Type 2: If clause , main clause. (past simple) , (would/could + V(inf) (kh«ng cã thËt ë hiÖn t¹i, lµ ®iÒu kiÖn mong íc, gi¶ sö...) Ex: Nam could arrive school on time if he had an alarm clock. 2/. Vocab: 3/. Exercises: (Unit 10 workbook: 1, 2, 3,4) *Multiple choices: 1. If it rains this evening, I go out. a. will b. won’t c. would 2. If Ba were rich, he travel around the world. a. will b. won’t c. would. d. wouldn’t d. wouldn’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4. If I talk.. an alien from other space, I would invite him/ her to my home and. a. to meet b. met c. meet 5. There is still evidence for people to believe in the a. existence b. exist c. existing 6. You mut be in excellent condition. a.physic b. physicly c. physical. d. meeting of UFOs. d. to exist d. a, b, c are correct.. Revision grammar & exercise for exam Date plan: Date teach: Week teach: 33+34 I. Grammar: 1. Tenses: (Các thì của động từ) - Present simple: * to be: S + is/am/are + ... * ordinary verbs: S + V/ V(-s/-es) + ... - Past simple: * to be: S + was/were + ... * ordinary verbs: S + V-ed/ V2(past simple) + ... - Present progressive: S + is/am/are + V-ing + ... - Past progressive: S + was/were + V-ing + ... - Present perfect: S + have/ has + V-ed/ V3(past participle)+... - Modal verbs: S + modal verbs + V(infinitive) 2. Passive: (Câu bị động) - Present simple: S + is/am/are + V-ed/ V3(past participle) + ... - Past simple: S + was/were + V-ed/ V3(past participle) +... - Present perfect: S + have/ has + been + V-ed/ V3(past participle) +... - Modal verbs: S + (modal verbs)+ be + V-ed/ V3(past participle) +... 3. Wish: The past simple with: wish (mong íc ë hiÖn t¹i) (Unit 3) Modal could/ would with: wish (mong ớc giả định) 4. Adverb clauses of result: so: v× thÕ/ v× vËy (Unit 3) Ex: Ba stayed up late so he is tired. 5. Adverb clauses of reason: as/ because/ since: v×/ bëi v× (Unit 6) Ex: Ba is tired because/ as/ since he stayed up late. 6. Connective: and, because, or, so, therefore, however Ex: (exercies in Unit 7) 7. Making suggestions: (Unit 7) 8. Adverbs clauses of concession: although/ though/ even though : mÆc dï (Unit 8) Ex: He went to school although/ though/ even though he was tired. 9. Relative clauses: (Mệnh đề quan hệ) (Unit 8 + Unit 9) 10. Conditional sentences: (C©u ®iÒu kiÖn) * Type 1: If clause , main clause. (present simple) , (will/shall + V(inf) (cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i) Ex: If it is fine, I will go fishing. * Type 2: If clause , main clause. (past simple) , (would/could + V(inf) (kh«ng cã thËt ë hiÖn t¹i, lµ ®IÒu kiÖn mong íc, gi¶ sö...) Ex: Nam could arrive school on time if he had an alarm clock. II. BµI tËp: - Ôn lại các từ vựng từ Unit 1 đến Unit 10. - Bài tập phần: Language focus từ Unit 1 đến Unit 10. - C¸c lo¹i bµi tËp tr¾c nghiÖm:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1. Khoanh tròn phương án đúng nhất a, b, c hoặc d để hoàn thành những câu sau: 1. Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February. a. who b. which c. what d. whom 2. We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade on national Day last year we live in KonTum. a. and b. because c. but d. although 3. Family members live apart try to be together at Tet. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 4. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all people. a. Asian b. American c. Jewish d. European II. Ghép những từ ở cột A với những từ ở cột B để thành câu có ý nghĩa: A. B. 1. I suggest. a. don’t throw trash onto the water.. 2. It would be better if you. b. he forgot his umbrella.. 3. If people stop using dynamite for fishing,. c. buying a good dictionary.. 4. Nam got wet because. d. a lot of sea creatures will be well preserved. III. Khoanh tròn phương án a, b, c hoặc d để chỉ ra phần sai ở các câu sau: 1. I am the boy which is wearing a white T-shirt. a b c d 2. Auld Lang Syne is a song who is sung on New Year’s Eve. a b c d 3. The China language gave us the word “typhoon”. a b c d IV. Chän phương án a, b, c hoặc d để chỉ ra phần ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i: 1. a. phone 2. a. money. b. stone b. Monday. c. none c. move. d. don’t d. mouth. V. Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau với các từ đã cho: have writing. gave little. watch standing. eyes missed. Dady, I am (1) this to tell you how much you are (2) and loved. I will always (3) that day- my wedding day. You were (4) there with tears in your (5) while I was walking towards my groom. You (6) me hug, and the feeling tha you never wanted to let me go. But at last I had to leave you and start my ney life...a moment in time that lasted forever. I now (7) children, Dad, but I will always be your (8) ! Happy Father’s Day..

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