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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UBND QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG TRUNG HIỀN PRIMARY SCHOOL ***    ***. HỌ VÀ TÊN GIÁO VIÊN : PHẠM THỊ HƯƠNG TỔ : CHUYÊN BIỆT. NĂM HỌC: 2016 - 2017 UBND QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG TRUNG HIỀN PRIMARY SCHOOL Week 8. Period: 22 nd. Plan: 20/10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teach: 26/10(4A + 4B + 4C). Unit 5: CAN YOU SWIM? Lesson 3: (1, 2, 3) I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to catch the sounds of the letters s and sw in the words sing and swim in the sentences I can sing and I can’t swim. - Skills: listening, speaking. II - Language contents : - Sentence patterns : - Vocabulary:(Review) can, swim, draw, dance, sing, ride, (a) bike, cook, skate. - Grammar : - Can you ….? - Yes, I can / No, I can’t III - Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’s: books, notebooks, workbooks. IV - Teaching procedure: 1. Check attendance: - Greeting. - Checking for the students' attendance. - Have pupils asking and answering about months in a year. 2. Review the lesson: - Have Ss play the game: Slap the board 3. Today’s lesson: Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Teaching aids e. 5’. 8’. 8’. I. Warm up: - Ask Ss to sing II. New leson: 1.Listen and repeat. -Tell pupils that they are going to practise saying the sounds of the letters s and sw in the words sing and swim respectively. - Play the recording and ask pupils to repeat a few times. -Put the letters s and sw, the words sing and swim and the sentences I can sing and I can’t swim on the board. -Play the recording a few more times and let pupils say the sentences, paying attention to the target sounds. - Check some pairs. 2.Listen and number Then say aloud. -Tell pupils that they are going to listen to four sentences with the sounds s and sw and number them. -Give pupils a few seconds to read the sentences in silence and identify the words with the letters s and sw. *Explain the new word swing. Check pupils’ understanding. -Have pupils listen to the recording and number the sentences. - Play the recording again for them to check their answers. - Remind pupils to focus on the words with the sounds s and sw while listening.. - Sing Can you swim?. - Practice .. - Look and listen. - Listen and repeat. “Look at the book and read. - Work in pairs to share - Listen to check. -Teacher’s book -Student ‘s book. - Catch clearly the sounds. - Say aloud (indi.- Gs) Give out and then note down. - Listen and try to catch the duty - Give out.. -Stickers, puppets, flashcards - Picture, poster - CD and cassette play. - Picture, pos.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 7’. - Get pupils to say the sentences aloud Audio script: T’s book/48 Key: a. 4 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 - Read in pairs. Language note: play + the + (musical - Identify. instrument) 3.Let’s chant. - Tell pupils that they are going to say the chant Can you sing? - Check comprehension. - Play the recording a few times for pupils to -Catch about the duty, voc. - Note down. do choral and individual repetition. Show them how to chant and do actions. - Read aloud and check. - Put them into groups of four. Get pairs or - Practise in pair: groups to sit opposite of each other and Read the chant practice chanting and doing actions. Go - Listen around offering help, if necessary. - Listen and clap their hands - Call two groups of pupils to the front of the - Listen and chant aloud class to chant and do actions. The rest of the - Chant class claps along to the rhythm. III.Reinforcement : -Play recording a song: Happy birthday . IV.Homelink: - Ask Ss to do exercises in A,B (WB) at home.. -Student ‘s book - CD and cassette play. - Picture, poster - Student’s book.. -Listen.. - Do at home.. - Work’s book 4’. 3’ Rút kinh nghiệm: ……………………………………………………………………………...............…... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………............... ................................................................................................................................... UBND QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG TRUNG HIỀN PRIMARY SCHOOL Week 8. Period: 23 rd. Plan: 20/10 Teach: 27/10(4A + 4B + 4C). Unit 5: CAN YOU SWIM? Lesson 3: (4, 5, 6) I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -After the lesson, students are able to to read to find who can/can’t do somethings and write the sentences about their abilities - Skills: listening, speaking. II - Language contents : - Sentence patterns : - Vocabulary:(Review) can, swim, draw, dance, sing, ride, (a) bike, cook, skate. - Grammar : - What can you do? B. I can ..... OR - Can you…? III - Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’s: books, notebooks, workbooks. IV - Teaching procedure: 1. Check attendance: - Greeting. - Checking for the students' attendance. - Have pupils asking and answering about months in a year. 2. Review the lesson: - Have Ss play the game: Slap the board 3. Today’s lesson: Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Teaching aids e. 5’. 8’. 8’. I. Warm up: -Ask Ss to make sentences. - Ask/answer: -Can you……? +Yes, I can/ No, I can’t II. New leson: 1.4.Read and complete. Tell pupils that they are going to read the text about Mai and her friends Nam and Phong and write their names under the pictures. Explain the meaning of and in the pictures. Check understanding. - Have pupils read the first three lines of the passage and explain why we put Mai under the third pair of pictures. -Give pupils time to do the task independently. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Correct Key: 1. Nam 2. Phong 2.5. Write about your self . -Tell pupils that they are going to write a short paragraph about what they can and cannot do, following the structure of the given text. - Tell pupils that the given text is an article from a blog. Ask pupils to ask/answer about : her name, what she can do and what she cannot do. - Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write. Then give them time to do the task independently. Go around to offer help, if necessary Key: Pupils’ own answers 3.6.Project . - Tell pupils that they are going to interview three classmates to get information about their abilities and complete the chart.. -Ask/answer: -Can you……? +Yes, I can/ No, I can’t. - Practice . - Practice with the same pictures. -Listen. - Read individually silently - Work in individual, read the text and focus on the information to complete the blanks -Swap their answers - Work in pairs - Swap their answers - Check -Teacher’s book -Student ‘s book -Read the blog to understand what Linda writes about herself: ask/answer -Discuss in Gs how to write -Swap and check their answers -Stickers, puppets, before checking as a class. flashcards - Talk - Read and catch. -Do a demonstration in front of the class as an example before starting the activity. - Make the chart and interview friends to complete it - Some Ss report their work in. - Picture, poster - CD and cassette play. - Picture, pos.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 7’. 4’. - Ask pupils to pay attention to the sample sentences in the bubbles. Check their understanding of the symbols of the chart. III.Reinforcement : -Play recording a song: Sing the song in activity 6 IV.Homelink: -Ask Ss to do exercises in A,B (WB) at home.. front of the class -Take note -Listen. - Do at home.. -Student ‘s book - CD and cassette play. - Picture, poster - Student’s book.. - Work’s book. 3’. Rút kinh nghiệm: ……………………………………………………………………………...............…... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….. UBND QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG TRUNG HIỀN PRIMARY SCHOOL Week 8. Period: 24 th. Plan: 20/10 Teach: 28/10(4A + 4B + 4C). Unit 6: WHERE ‘S YOUR SCHOOL? Lesson 1: (1, 2) I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to ask and answer the questions about where a school is. - Skills: listening, speaking. II - Language contents : - Sentence patterns : - Vocabulary: Street , map , village , district , … - Grammar : - Where is your School?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> + It’s in Truong Dinh Street . III - Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’s: books, notebooks, workbooks. IV - Teaching procedure: 1. Check attendance: - Greeting. - Checking for the students' attendance. - Have pupils asking and answering about months in a year. 2. Review the lesson: - Have Ss play the game: Slap the board 3. Today’s lesson: Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities e. 5’. I. Warm up: - Let sts introduce their school ( in Vietnamese). - Ask/answer: - Describe the school ( in Vietnamese). Teaching aids. - Practice . - Practice with the same pictures. TH TRUNG HIEN. 12’. 11’. - Look and listen. - Listen and repeat. II. New leson: “- Where is your School? + It’s 1.Look ,listen and repeat. -Tell pupils that they are going to learn to ask in Truong Dinh Street . -Give out and then note down. and answer questions about where their - Listen and try to catch the duty school is. - Give out. - Have them look at the four pictures to discuss the content in which the language is - Read in pairs. used. Ask them questions such as Who are the pupils? Where are they? And What are they talking about? -Play the recording a few times for pupils to listen. -Play the recording again for them to listen and repeat(some times) - Look at the pictures and talk 2.Point and say . about the name of the schools -Tell pupils that they are going to practice - Ask the question Where’s asking and answering questions about where your school? and give the answer It’s in Oxford Street a school is, using (chorally and individually) - Where’s your school? - Point and talk in Ps: + It’s in + (place) -Have them look at the bubbles and the Where is your school? pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts. - Point to the first picture and say the word It’s in Oxford Street. ……………... -Tell them to practice asking and answering -Report the question in pairs, using the prompts in the - First, tell pupils to work in pairs: one pupil asks What’s the bubbles and the words under the picture.. -Teacher’s book -Student ‘s book -Stickers, puppets, flashcards. -. icture, poster - CD and cassette play. - Picture, post -Student ‘s book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Check as a class and correct pronunciation, if necessary. *Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your school. Ask its name and where it is III.Reinforcement : -Play recording a song: Happy birthday . IV.Homelink: - Ask Ss to do exercises in A,B (WB) at home.. name of your school? Where is it? and the other answers My school is + (school). It’s in + (place). - Report -The groups take turns asking and answering questions. - Ss listen and repeat. - Do at home.. - Work’s book 4’. 3’ Rút kinh nghiệm: ……………………………………………………………………………...............…... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………............... ......................................................................................................................................

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