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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning : 15 / 08 / 2016 Week : 3 Period : 7. Unit 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Section A : Telephone numbers ( 1,2,3 ). I. Objectives : - By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to know : + How to read telephone numbers + How to use the future simple tense - Develop listening, and speaking skills II. Teaching aids : - Cassette player and cassette tape - Pictures - Extraboard III. Procedures: T’s and Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up: . - T has Ss play “ Bingo” to review cardinal numbers - Ss play game 2. Presetation : - T sticks picrure A1 on the board and asks some questions. What is it? How can you read it? - Ss answer loudly - T explains the way to read the telephone Ex: 8322111 number. eight three double two one double one 2. Structures : -T writes some sentences on the board and - What is your telephone number? explains the structures -I’ll call you soon. -Ss look at the board and take notes I will 3. Practice : - T has Ss practice reading some telephone numbers - Ss practice in front of the class - T gives feedback - T asks Ss to listen and write the telephone numbers they hear - Ss listen and write, change the answer *Answers : with their friends a. 8251654 b. 8250514 -T plays the tape again c. 8521936 -Ss listen and check d. 8351793.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> -T calls on some Ss give their result -Ss write the telephone numbers on the board -T gives feedback - T plays the tape A3 -Ss listen then practice the dialogue. e. 8237041. 4.Consolidation : - T lets Ss ask and answer about the telephone number. -Ss work in pair - Some pairs practice -T has interview their friends - asking about the name, the address and the telephone numbers -Ss practice in group -T calls on some groups practice in front of the class and gives feedback 5.Homework : *T asks Ss to : -Write exercise into notebooks -Prepare new lesson *Ss listen and take notes. Unit 2 : A4, 5 / page 21. Date of planning : 15 / 08 / 2016 Week : 3 Period : 8. Unit 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Section A : Telephone numbers ( 4,5 ). I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to arrangement on the phone - Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills II.Teaching aids : - Cassette player and cassette tape - Pictures - Extraboard III.Procedures : T’s and Ss’ activities Content 1.Warm up: -T has Ss listen and write some telephone numbers -Ss listen and write on the board - T gives feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 2. Presetation : - T introduces the context ( use the picture about Hoa and Tam) - T gives the guided question : “What are they talking about?” - Ss listen and answer -T elicits some words -Ss listen and take notes -T has Ss read these words -Ss read the words in chorus then in individual. 1. Vocabulary - will - sure - meet - see. -T writes some sentences on the board 2. Structures : and explains the structures - Will you be free tomorrow evening? -Ss look at the board and take notes - I’ll see you tomorrow - What will they do? Would you like to see a movies? 3.Practice : T lets Ss listen to the dialogues -Ss listen to the tape twice -T. calls on some Ss read the dialogues -Ss practice loudly -T asks Ss to read the text silently and do exercise -Ss answer the questions individually -T calls on some Ss give their result -Ss give their answers aloud and write on the board -T gives feedback -Ss take notes - T explains the requirement (A5) then plays the tape - Ss listen twice and take notes -Exchange the answers -Write on the board - T gives feed back 4.Consolidation : -T has Ss work in groups to make the similar dialogues then tell about Phong and Tam - Ss work in groups then practice in front of the class 5.Homework : *T asks Ss to : -Write exercise into notebooks -Prepare new lesson. *Answers : a- Phong and Tam. b- They will see a movie. c- They will meet at 6.45. d- They will meet in front of the movie theater.. *Answers : a- 8545545 b- a movie c- Lan’s house d- bus. Unit 2 : A6/ page 22.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> *Ss listen and take notes. Date of planning : 15 / 08 / 2016 Week : 3 Period : 9. Unit 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Section A : Telephone numbers ( 6 ). I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make a phone - Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills II.Teaching aids : - Cassette player and cassette tape - Pictures - Extraboard III.Procedures :. T’s and Ss’ activities 1.Warm up: - T asks Ss to tell about Phong and Tam - Ss retell in front of the class - T gives feedback 2. Presetation : - T introduces the context ( use the picture about Han and Phong) - T give the guided question : “Who are talking?” “What are they talking about?” - Ss listen and answer -T elicits some words -Ss listen and take notes -T has Ss read these words -Ss read the words in chorus then in individual. Content. 1. Vocabulary - to tell - to be back. 2. Structures : -T writes some sentences on the board - Can I speak to Lan? and explains the structures - Who is calling? -Ss look at the board and take notes - I’ll call again 3.Practice : T lets Ss listen to the dialogues -Ss listen to the tape twice -T. calls on some Ss read the dialogues -Ss practice loudly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -T asks Ss to read the text silently and do exercise -Ss answer the questions individually -T calls on some Ss give their result -Ss give their answers aloud and write on the board -T gives feedback -Ss take notes 4. Consolidation : - T has Ss make the similar dialogues - Ss work in pairs - Ss practice in front of the class -T corrects 5.Homework : *T asks Ss to : -Write exercise into notebooks -Prepare new lesson *Ss listen and take notes. *Answers : a- Phong is calling. b- Han is answer the phone. c- They are talking bout Lan. d- She will be back at about 6. f- Phong will call her again fter six.. Unit 2 : B1, 2, 3 / page 24. IV.Feedback : ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Ngày 22 tháng 8 năm 2016. Lưu Thanh Vân.

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