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HKII tu tiet 55 den 72

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Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 55
Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get acquainted with the new topic : The first
– aid and the vocabulary of this topic such as: nose bleed, bee sting, emergency, ambulance,
- Material: Textbook, picture on page 80, gap- fill chart and drawing .
- Equipments: Tape, cassette.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test:
Test in the lesson
3-New lesson:
A. Getting started:
- T introduces by asking some questions.
1. Have you ever had an accident that requires first- aid?
2. Have you ever met any situation?
- In our life, we are usually in the situations that require first- aid.
- T introduces some information about the lesson, then hangs the picture on the board.
- Ss show what the picture is about.
a girl has a burn on her arm.
a boy has a bad cut on his leg
a girl has a nose bleed.
a boy has a bee sting
- T shows some new words: burn, bee sting, nose bleed, bandage, ice pack, cotton ball, tiger

palm, alcohol.
- Ss read some new words.
- Ss work in groups to give first- aid to the situations.
- Ss give the answers.
+ a girl has aburn on her arm: - In this situation , I'll put the burn under cold water ,ease the
burn with ice,or cold water pack, and cover with some ointment and cover with a sterile
+ a boy has a bad cut on his leg :
- Firstly, I'll wash the cut with alcohol to sterilize it, then cover it with a bandage. If the cut is
really bad, I will take him to the nearest clinic.
+ a girl has a nose bleed:
-Firstly, I'll try to stop her nose bleeding and let her stand straight and raise her head behind.
And then I cover the bleeding nose with the cotton ball.
+ a boy has a bee sting:
- Firstly, I'll wash the sting with alcohol, then rub some ointment on it .
B. Presentation: Listen and read
* Pre-reading:

 Vocabulary:
- T introduces the topic of the lesson: "A first- aid course"
- T presents some new words
conscious >< unconscious :
keep awake = conscious
cover (v)
hold it tight

fall asleep(v)
put pressure(v)
- Ss read new words in chorus and individually.
- Some Ss read new words before class.
- T corrects the mistakes.
Checking technique:
Slap the board
( Put the new words in Vietnamese on the board )
*While –reading:
1. Practice the dialogue with a partner.
- Ss guess the situation requiring a first aid course.
- Ss guess the situation requiring a first aid course.
- T plays the tape 2 times.
- Ss listen to the tape then read the dialogue in pair, then correct their prediction.
- Some pairs read in front of the class.
- T corrects the mistakes.
- After reading the dialogue T asks Ss some questions.
1. Who are talking in the conversation?
2. Where are they?
3. What happened? Why?
4. Where is the school?
- Ss work in pairs and answer the questions.
- Some pairs answer in front of the class.
- T corrects the mistakes.
1. A girl is talking with a nurse on the phone.
2. The nurse is at Bach Mai hospital and the girl is at Quang Trung school.
3. A student is hurt because she fell off her bike and hit her head on the road.
4. It's on Ngo Sy Lien Lane. It's between Quang Trung Street and Tran Hung

2. Select the topics covered in the dialogue.
- T shows the task and explains the topics
- Ss read the passage again and do the exercise .
- Ss give the answer by writing down the answer on the board .
- T gives the correct answer .
a, b, c, e, f
- Ss work in pairs to discuss again the situations.
 Comprehension questions: Group work
- Ss read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue(P. 81)
- Ss work in groups of 4 to write their answers on a sheet of paper and hand in after finishing
- Collect Ss’ papers and correct
- Key:
a, b, c, e, f
* Post-reading: Gap fill
- T hangs the chart with the paragraph on the board and Ss predict the words in the gaps

“ Yesterday there was an emergency at Lan’s school. A student…(1)… off her bike and hit
her head on the road. She was…(2)… but she cut her head and the …(3)… was…(4)…
badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an…(5)… to Quang
Trung School. Lan was asked to keep the student…(6)… while waiting for the ambulance.”
4. Consolidation:
Have Ss find some more words ( about 4/5) for situations which require first-aid
- Talk about the first aid course for the above situations.
- Do Ex 1( P 78 WB).
- Prepare for " Speaking and Listening"

Prepering date: ...../...../2018

Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 56
Lesson 2: Speak

After the lesson Ss will be able to know how to make request , offers and promises
about the first- aid course. Ss learn about some words: crutch, wheelchair, eye chart,
- Material: Textbook, picture on page 80, chart, posters .
- Equipments: Tape, cassette.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test:
- S1: Read the dialogue and answer the questions about the dialogue.
- S2: Rewrite new words.
- S3: Do Ex 1( P 78 WB).
3-New lesson:
A. Warm up: Revision: Network
Have a cut

Have a burn
Situations which
Require first aid

Have a nose bleed
B. Presentation:
B1. Speak:
* Presentation:

+ Set the scene:

Have a snake bite


T asks Ss questions to elicit the models:
1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?
2. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say?
3. I tell my mother that I’ll finish my work before bedtime. How can I say?
+ Model sentences:
1. Will you (please )get me a bandage?
2. Would you like to come to my party?
3. I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime.
+ Concept checking:
- T shows how to make requests, offers, and promises.
Can/ could you......?
Will/ would you...........?

Would you like....?
What can I get for you ?
Shall I ......?
Will / would you
Can I get you........?

I will.......I promise.
I promise, I will.........
I promise I won't........
I promise to..............

+ Sure
+ Ok
+ All right
- I'm sorry , I can't.
- I'm afraid not.

+ Yes, please.
+ That would be nice.
- No, thanks.

+ I hope so.
I'm glad.
Don't forget.

* Practice:
+ Matching:
- Ss look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements
1. The girl has a burn on her hand.
2. The girl has a bad fever.
3. The boy has just broken the vase.
4. The boy has a headache.
5. The boy has a snake bite.
Answer key: 1.a

+ Picture drill:
- T asks Ss to identify the situations in the pictures.
offer / request
offer / request
- T makes model Picture A) then gets Ss to repeat ( chorus – individual)
A: Would you get me a bandage, please?
B: Sure. Here you are.
- T calls on one student to demonstrate picture b) with the teacher
+ Open pairs: Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate the exchanges of the rest ( c, d, e)

b. Sister : Shall I get you some medicine?
Boy: Yes, please ./ That would be nice.
c. A: Can you get me some bandage?
B: Sure.
d. A Would you like me to get you some medicine?
B: That would be nice.
e. Boy: I promise I won't play soccer in the house again.

Mother: I hope so/ Don't forget.
+ Close pairs: Get Ss in turn to practice all the exchanges ( a-e)
* Production:
- T gives some situations.
- Ss practice different situations given.
a. A: It’s very hot here . ( Request ) Could you open the windows, please ?
B: All right.
a. A: You look tired and hungry. ( offer )................................................?
B: No, thanks.
b. A: Look at the grade for this month. I think you should do better next month.
B: ( Promise )..............................
c. A: Good morning, sir .( offer) ........................................................?
B: Yes, I ‘d like to buy a watch for my daughter.
- T corrects the mistake if necessary.
* Pre-listening:
+ Vocabulary:
- T introduces the content of the listening, and listening’s order.
- Ss look at the pictures and name the things in English.
- T provides the new words:
- (an) eye chart ( use the picture)
- (a) paramedic ( He takes care of patients but he isn’t a doctor nor a nurse)
- wheelchair ( use the picture)
- to wheel ( to push a wheelchair)
- stretcher ( picture)
- crutch-crutches ( picture)
+ Checking: What and Where
+ Matching:
- T asks Ss to look at the picture in their books again and match the letter A, B, C, D, E, F to
the correct words in the box

A: ambulance B: wheelchair
C: crutches
D: eye chart
E: scale
F: stretcher
* While-listening:
+ Order Prediction:
- T rubs out the letters ( A,B…) but leaves the words.
- T tells Ss they are going to listen to a paragraph about the activities taking place in
emergency room which contains the words on the board.
* Post –listening :
- T asks Ss to write the story about the activitives in the pictrure, using Present continuos

“ This is the emergency room in a large hospital……………’’
4. Consolidation:
- T asks Ss to rewrite the above story in the past tense.
5. Homework:
- Let Ss do the exercise6/P80 in the workbook .
- Prepare the next lesson Unit 9 -Read.

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 57
Lesson 2: Listen

After the lesson Ss will be able to know how to make request , offers and promises

about the first- aid course. Ss learn about some words: crutch, wheelchair, eye chart,
- Material: Textbook, picture on page 80, chart, posters .
- Equipments: Tape, cassette.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test:
- S1: Read the dialogue and answer the questions about the dialogue.
- S2: Rewrite new words.
- S3: Do Ex 1( P 78 WB).
3-New lesson:
A. Warm up: Revision: Network
Have a cut

Have a burn
Situations which
Require first aid

Have a nose bleed
Have a snake bite
B. Presentation:
B1. Speak:
* Presentation:
+ Set the scene:
- T asks Ss questions to elicit the models:
4. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?
5. I’d like you to come to my party. How can I say?
6. I tell my mother that I’ll finish my work before bedtime. How can I say?

+ Model sentences:
6. Will you (please )get me a bandage?
7. Would you like to come to my party?
8. I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime.
+ Concept checking:
- T shows how to make requests, offers, and promises.
Can/ could you......?
Will/ would you...........?

Would you like....?
What can I get for you ?
Shall I ......?
Will / would you
Can I get you........?

I will.......I promise.
I promise, I will.........
I promise I won't........
I promise to..............

+ Sure
+ Ok
+ All right
- I'm sorry , I can't.

- I'm afraid not.

+ Yes, please.
+ That would be nice.
- No, thanks.

+ I hope so.
I'm glad.
Don't forget.

* Practice:
+ Matching:
- Ss look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements
1. The girl has a burn on her hand.
2. The girl has a bad fever.
3. The boy has just broken the vase.
9. The boy has a headache.
10. The boy has a snake bite.
Answer key: 1.a
+ Picture drill:
- T asks Ss to identify the situations in the pictures.
offer / request

offer / request
- T makes model Picture A) then gets Ss to repeat ( chorus – individual)
A: Would you get me a bandage, please?
B: Sure. Here you are.
- T calls on one student to demonstrate picture b) with the teacher
+ Open pairs: Get 3 or 4 pairs to demonstrate the exchanges of the rest ( c, d, e)
f. Sister : Shall I get you some medicine?
Boy: Yes, please ./ That would be nice.
g. A: Can you get me some bandage?
B: Sure.

h. A Would you like me to get you some medicine?
B: That would be nice.
i. Boy: I promise I won't play soccer in the house again.
Mother: I hope so/ Don't forget.
+ Close pairs: Get Ss in turn to practice all the exchanges ( a-e)
* Production:
- T gives some situations.
- Ss practice different situations given.
a. A: It’s very hot here . ( Request ) Could you open the windows, please ?
B: All right.
d. A: You look tired and hungry. ( offer )................................................?
B: No, thanks.
e. A: Look at the grade for this month. I think you should do better next month.

B: ( Promise )..............................
f. A: Good morning, sir .( offer) ........................................................?
B: Yes, I ‘d like to buy a watch for my daughter.
- T corrects the mistake if necessary.
* Pre-listening:
+ Vocabulary:
- T introduces the content of the listening, and listening’s order.
- Ss look at the pictures and name the things in English.
- T provides the new words:
- (an) eye chart ( use the picture)
- (a) paramedic ( He takes care of patients but he isn’t a doctor nor a nurse)
- wheelchair ( use the picture)
- to wheel ( to push a wheelchair)
- stretcher ( picture)
- crutch-crutches ( picture)
+ Checking: What and Where
+ Matching:
- T asks Ss to look at the picture in their books again and match the letter A, B, C, D, E, F to
the correct words in the box
A: ambulance B: wheelchair
C: crutches
D: eye chart
E: scale
F: stretcher
* While-listening:
+ Order Prediction:
- T rubs out the letters ( A,B…) but leaves the words.
- T tells Ss they are going to listen to a paragraph about the activities taking place in
emergency room which contains the words on the board.

* Post –listening :
- T asks Ss to write the story about the activitives in the pictrure, using Present continuos
“ This is the emergency room in a large hospital……………’’
4. Consolidation:
- T asks Ss to rewrite the above story in the past tense.
5. Homework:

- Let Ss do the exercise6/P80 in the workbook .
- Prepare the next lesson Unit 9 -Read.

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 58
Lesson 3: Read

After the lesson Ss will be able to know more vocabulary of the first –aids in other
cases: fainting, shock, burns. Ss can learn some words: victim elevate, revive, minimize tissue
damage, sterile.......
- Material: Textbook, picture on page 83, chart, cardboards.
- Equipments: Tape, cassette.
II-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test
- S1: writes new words Practice speaking.
- S2: does Ex 6 (P 80 WB)

- Others practice speaking.
3-New lesson:
A. Warm up: Matching .
1. to send
a. a cup of tea.
2. to fall
b. off the bike .
3. to have
c. the window open.
4. to come
d. out of the hospital.
5. to drink
e. a bad cut on the head.
6.to ease
f. an ambulance to the hospital
7.to keep
g. the pain with drugs.
- Ss list the cases they learnt in the last lesson.
- T introduces the reading: Today we will learn 3 emergency situations: Fainting, shock and
burns. Now you work in groups and discuss what we should do in those situations.
B. Presentation: Read:
a. Pre-reading:
 Vocabulary:
- T shows the new words:
- (to) lie flat:
( mime/drawing)
-(to) elevate  (to) lower (gesture)
- (a) victim

(person who needs first – aid)
- (to) victim
(make sth too hot)
- tissue damage
- (to) ease = (to) stop
- Ss copy

+ Checking technique: Rub out and Remember
+ Network
- T draws the network with some examples on the board.
- T asks Ss to think of what to do in these emergency cases.
- T collects and writes the Ss’ ideas on the board.
cool the burn
with ice



Let the victim lie

Don’t give the victim
any food
b. While-reading
- T has Ss open their books and read the instructions on page 83.

- T asks some Ss to go to the board and add the missing information.
+ Matching
- T asks Ss to read the statements on page 84 and match three leadings A, B, C to them
Answer Key:
a, c, e
+ Grid:
- T draws the grid on the board.
- T asks Ss to read the instructions again and fill in the information.
- T calls on some Ss to the board to write their answers.
Answer Key:
- Leave the patient lying flat.
- Don’t force him/ her to sit or stand.
- Elevate the patient’s feet, or lower
his/ her head below the level of the
- Give him/ her a cup of tea when - Don’t overheat the victim with
he/ she revives.
blankets or coats.
- Don’t give the victim any food or
drink or drug.

- Cool the burn immediately to
minimize the tissue damage.
- Put the affected part under a
running cold tap (if possible).
- Ease the pain with ice or cold
water packs.
- Cover the burned area with a thick

sterile dressing.
- Ss copy the grid in their notebooks.
- T explains some other structures:
- Force sb to do smt : bắt ai đó làm gì
- Let sb do smt : để ai đó làm gì
- Ss read the text aloud .
- T corrects the pronunciation if necessary.
+ Model sentences:
- T asks the question to elicit the answer
A: Why should we cool the burn immediately?
B: We should do it so as to
minimize tissue damage.
in order to
Concept checking:
Form: so as to/ in order to + bare infinitive.
Meaning: để.
Use: to indicate purposes.
- Ss copy.
c. Post-reading
+ Role Play:

- T writes the model on the board and asks Ss to ask an answer questions using their own
Model: A: Why ………………….?
B: ……….. in order to / so as to ………..
- T asks Ss to write the questions and full answers (LF 1) in their exercise books
4. Consolidation:
- T asks Ss to read the text again.
- Let Ss do the exercises 5,7,8 /P80,81,82 in the workbook .
- Prepare the next lesson Unit 9 -Write.

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 59
Lesson 4: Write

After the lesson Ss will be able to know how to write a thank- you note to a friend.
- Vocabulary: cheer up, bored, come over to oness place
- Grammar: The simple past tense; the simple present tense; the simple future tense.
note to a friend.

- Material: Textbook, Ao papers, whiteboard markers and subboard.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test

- S1: Rewrite new words.
- S2:Read the text and answer the questions: What should you do for
3-New lesson:
A. Warm up:
- Ss give the outline of the letter.
- T concludes
+ Heading - writer's address
- date.
+ Opening.
+ Body of the letter.
+ Closing
- T introduces the lesson: Writing a thank-you note.
B. Presentation :Write:
* Pre-writing:
 Vocabulary
- T elicits words from Ss.
1. (to) thank (sb) for (sth) (give an example with a gap)
 eg: She thanked me for helping her.
2. (to) cheer (sb) up = (to make (sb) feel happier
3. (to) come over:
- Ss copy.
+ Checking : Slap the board
+ T sets the scene: “Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she
wrote a thank-you note to Hoa. Why and what did she write?”
+ True / False Predictions
- T hangs the poster with the statements on the board.
1. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy.
2. Hoa’s gift cheered Nga up.

3. Nga’d like Hoa to see her at the hospital.
4. Nga is very bored now.
- T asks Ss to read the statements and predict.
- T gets Ss to give their predictions. (only one Ss for each statement) and write on the board
- T asks Ss to look at the letter on page 84 and complete it with the right verb forms.
- T monitors and helps Ss with the tense forms.
- T calls on some Ss give their answers and correct.
1. was
2. were
3. helped
4. came
5. am
6. will phone
- T asks Ss to read the whole letter and check if their predictions are right or not.

- T corrects.
Answer Key:
1. False  Flowers (not candy)
2. True
3. False  at her house (not at the hospital)
4. True
*While-Writing: Questions and Answers
- T tells Ss they are going to write a thank-you note to a friend and invite him / her to go on a
picnic with them.
- T puts the poster with the questions (page 85) on the board.
What did your friend give / send you?
On what occasion?
What was / were it / they like?

How did you feel when you received the present?
How do you feel now?
Do you want to invite your friend to somewhere?
If so, then when?
How will you contact your friend?
- T asks some Ss to answer the questions orally.
- Ss practice seeking to each other.
- T monitors and corrects.
- T asks Ss to join the sentences in to a paragraph (not put any numbers, eg:1, 2, 3…) to make
it a thank - you note.
- T tells Ss to write their letters on a sheet of paper to hand in or in their exercise notebooks.

Dear Lan,
Thank you very much for your interesting book you gave me on my
birthday last week. It's a wonderful book about Vietnamese traditions. It
helped to make my day much more meaningful.
This week I have free time, and my family has decided to go on a
picnic to my home village on Saturday. Why don't you join us? We will be very
happy to have you along.
I will phone you tonight for details.
I 'd love to see you.
Your friend,Huong
* Post-writing:
- T divides the class into 4 groups and choose a letter randomly in each group.
- T asks 4 groups to copy 4 chosen letters on posters then put them on the board.
- T compares the posters and corrects.
- T calls on some more Ss to read their letters for the class (if possible).
- T gives feedback and corrects.
- T asks Ss to use the same format to write another letter to another friend for another occasion.

4. Consolidation:
- T asks Ss to use the same format to write another letter to another friend for another occasion.
5-Homework :

- Do the exercise10 in the workbook on page 84,85.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 9- Language focus.

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 60
Lesson 5: Language focus.

After the lesson Ss will be able to grasp some grammar notes. The structure in order
to / so as to. The simple future tense, modal will to make requests, offers and promises.
- Material: Textbook, posters and reference book.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test:
- S1: rewrites the letter.
- Three Ss hand in the writing
3-New lesson:
A- Warm up: Completing sentences.
- T divides Ss into two groups: Group 1 writes incompleted sentence, group 2 goes on writing,
using to do or for doing to express the purpose.
B- Presentation .

I. Grammar.
1. In order to / so as to.
- T gives an example:
I always keep the window open in order to let the fresh air in.
so as to
- Ss look at the sentense and show the relation between the two information.
- Ss show the use of in order to / so as to.
- T concludes
* In order to/ So as to / To : Express the purpose.
Ex 1 (P86 ). Match one part of a sentence from column Awith another partin column B.
Then write a complete sentence by using in order to/ so as to.
* New words:
- anxiety (n)
- inform (v)
- entrance exam (n)
- Ss work in pairs to do the exercise 1.
- Ss read the sentences they have matched.
- T gives the correct answer.
1- f, 2- c, 3- b, 4- e ,5 - a , 6- d
2.The Simple Future Tense:
- Ss give the form and the use of the simple future.

- T explains it again
* Uses: to express the actions that are going to happen.
* Form:
+) S + will + V + O.
- ) S + won’t + V + O.
? ) Will + S + V + O ?
Yes, S + will.

No, S + won't.
- Ss give some examples:
I will go to Hanoi tomorrow.
She won’t come to Sapa this Summer.
Will they write to her ?
Ex 2 ( P86 ): Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai. Complete the dialogue. Use
the correct word or short form.
- T shows the task.
- Ss do the exercise 2 (p 86 ), work in pairs.
- Ss show the answer.
- T corrects the mistakes
1. will
2. will
3. won,t
4. shall
5. will
6. ,ll
- Some pairs read the dialogue again.
3. Will to make requests, offers, promises.
- T gives the examples.
Will you open the window for me ?
Shall I close the window ?
I promise , I will do it better next time.
- Ss show the use of will in the examples.
- T concludes: For requests, offers and promises
Ex 3 (P87): Nga is helping her grandmother. Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences. Use the words under each picture and will.
- T shows the task and the pictures.
- Ss show the situation of each pictures.
- Ss work in pairs to use the pictures to complete the dialogues on (page 87).

- Some pairs practice in front of the class.
- T corrects mistakes
b. Mrs Tuyet: Will you give it to me , please ?
c . Mrs Tuyet ; Will you answer the phone ?
d. Nga: Will you turn on the TV, please Nga?
e. Mrs Tuyet : Will you pour a grass of water for me ?
Ex 4( P 88): Work with a partner, look at the pictures. Make requests, offers and
promises. Use the words in the box and will or shall.
- T shows the task and the pictures.
- Ss show the situation of each pictures.
- Ss work in pairs to use the pictures to complete the dialogues on (page 87).
- Some pairs practice in front of the class.
- T corrects mistakes.
a. Will you empty the garbage can, please?
b. Will you paint the door, please?/ I will paint the door this afternoon.
c. Will you study harder, please?/ I will study harder.
d. Will you carry the bag for me, please?/ Shall I carry the bag for you?

e. Will you hang the washing, please? / Shall I hang the washing for you?
f. Will you cut the grass, please?/ I will cut the grass for you?
4-Consolidation :
- Repeat the main content of the lesson.
5-Home work :
- Do exercises again.
- Prepare for the new lesson: Unit 10: Getting started & Listen and read.

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018

Period 61
Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and Read

To present the new topic: " Recycling"; To present some important new vocabulary;
To teach Ss know how to give advice and instructions.
- Vocabulary: reuse, reduce, recycle, protect, natural resources, overpackage, plastic bag.
- Grammar: modal verbs: should, ought to
- Material: Textbook, picture on page 89, chart, 6 flashcards.
- Equipments: Tape, cassette.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test:
- S1: Do Ex 5 ( b,c )
- S2: Do Ex 6 ( b,c )
- S3: Do Ex 7 ( c,d )
3-New lesson:
A. Getting started:I. Getting started
- T introduces: As you know, garbage is an urgent/ a big problem in our society. Now you
work in pairs, make a list of ways that help to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.
- T gives new words:
- wrap thing(v)
- make fertilizer (v)
A: We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
B: You are right. We should also reuse plastic bags.
- We should tree leaves to wrap things such as: banana leaves, lotus leaves.
- We shouldn't buy things overpackaged.
- We shouldn't buy " throw- way products"

- Ss work in pair, show the way to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.
- Ss present in front of the class.
- T comments and introduces the lesson.
B. Presentation: Listen and read:
- T shows the logo and asks:
1. Which organization does this logo represent?
2. What does this organization do?

- Ss show what it means.
- T introduces the topic of the lesson: We have discussed the ways to reduce the amount of
garbage in our life. And one of the effective ways is recycling. In your opinion, what is
recycling? Can you give some examples of recycling?
- We are going to listen a representative from " Friends of the Earth" Miss Blake talking to
students of Quang Trung school about recycling.
* New words:
- reuse (v)
- representative (n),
- reduce (v)
- protect the environment(v)
- recycle (v)
- save natural resources (v)
- representative (natural resources
- Cloth bag: túi vải
Plastic bag: túi nhựa
- Banana/ lotus leaves: lá chuối, lá sen
Overpackaged: đóng gói quá nhiều
- Throw away products; sản phẩm vứt đi sau khi dùng.
Packaged; đóng gói
* Technique: explanation, real objects, rub out and remember.

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner. One of you is Miss Blake. The other plays the
roles of Ba, Hoa and Lan.
- Ss listen to the tape .
- Ss read in group
- Some groups read in front of the class
2. Answer the questions.
- T shows the task and the questions
- Ss read the dialogue again and find out the questions.( Work in pairs)
- Some pairs ask and answer in front of the class
- T corrects the mistakes
* Answer:
a. Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged.
b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
c. Recycle means not just throwing things away.Try to find another use for them.
d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an orgarnization
like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library, or asking your family and friends or
scientific society.
e. Mrs Blake tells Lan that we should not use plastic bags because they are difficult to be
destroyed, so amount of garbage increases.
- Ss list the things that we do to reduce the garbage.
+ Not throwing things away.
+ Reuse things.
+ Not buying things that are overpackaged.
- Ss work in pairs to write.
- Ss read the sentences aloud.
4. Consolidation:
- Write the questions and full answers in your exercise notebooks.
5. Homework:
- List the things we can do to reduce the garbage
- Do Ex 1, 2 ( P86-WB)

- Prepare for " Speaking and listening "

Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 62
Lesson 2 :Speak & Listen

Ss know how to group and recycle garbage and how to make compost; the vacabulary
of this topic: metal, fabric, leather, glass, compost, grain, heap.
- Material: Textbook, Picture, a mapped dialogue chart, realia (clothes)…
- Equipments : Tape,cassette.
III-Teaching process:
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test: Correct Ex 1,2 ( WB- P 86 )
3-New lesson:
A. Warm up: Jumbled words
+ SUERE :......... + REUSE
+ LASPIC : ..........+ PLASTIC
+ PRAW :............ + WRAP.
B. Presentation:
I. Speak
* Pre- speaking:
- T shows the picture.

- Ss work in pairs, look at the pictures and name the things in the picture in English.
- Ss show the answer.
- T concludes
- Ss work in pairs to distingiush and devide the things into groups.
Paper : paper, old/ used newspapers, books, cardboard boxes….
Glass: bottles, glasses, jars………………
Plastic: plasti bags, plastic bottles, plastic wares………
Metal: food cans, drinking cans, tins…………..
Vegetable matter: fruits peels, vegetables.
Fabric: clothes, sandals, schoolbags………
* While- speaking:
- T shows the task of discussion and the model in textbook.
- Ss read the model.
- Ss discuss in pair
- Some pairs practise in front of the class
- T comments
- Ss work in pairs to find more items.
- Some pairs read aloud the words they found.

S1: Which group do clothes belong to?
S2: Put them in “fabric”
S1: What can we those clothes?
S2: We can recycle them and make them into paper and shopping bags.
S1: Is “fruit” vegetable matter”?
S2: That’s right.
S1:What will we do with it?
S2: We make it into compost and fertilizer our field.
* Post- speaking:
- T corrects the mistakes and asks Ss to make other items.

II. Listen
* Pre- listening:
- Ss answer the questions:
Have you ever seen a compost heap?
Do you know how to make a compost?
- compost heap (n)
- Egg shells: (n)
- grain products (n)
- Moisture: (n)
- Condensation: (n)
+ Technique for presentation: explanation, translation
+ Technique for checking: Rub out and remember
* While- listening:
- Ss work in pairs to discuss about how to make a compost heap.
- Ss show the answer
- T introduces the listening.
- Ss listen to the tape twice and choose the correct answer.
- Ss discuss the answer in pair.
- Ss show the answer.
- Ss listen again to check the answer.
- T corrects mistakes.
a) A, b) B, c) A, d) B
* Post- listening:
* Put these phrases in the order of the compost- making process.
1. Use shovels to turn the compost.
2. Start a compost heap.
3.Water the compost.
4. Place in the garden.
5. Use as fertilizer.
6. Keep for six months.

- T shows the task.
- Ss do the task in pair then show the answer in front of the class.
4- Consolidation:
- Practice the dialogue with your partner, replacing the information.
5- Homework:
- Practice speaking.
- Do Exercise 2, 3 (P86, 87- WB)
- Prepare for the next lesson.


Prepering date: ...../...../2018
Teaching dates: ....../....../2018
Period 63
Lesson 3 :Read
After the lesson Ss will be able to learn how to recycle things such as: glass, car tires,
bottles and the vocabulary of this topic.
- Vocabulary: tire, pipe, sandals, refill, melt, glassware, deposit, dung, fertilize
- Grammar: Passive voice
- Material: Textbook, Picture, word square chart, drawing…
- Equipments : Tape,cassette.
III-Teaching process: , photocopied pictures (P.95),
1.Class organization: 8A:……………………………..; 8B:………………………….
2-Oral test: Do Exercise 2, 3 (P86, 87- WB)
3-New lesson:

A. Warm up: Word square
Answer key:
environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect
envelope , dust, green tree, can, plastic, paper bag
reduce, reuse, recycle
B. Presentation:
* Pre-reading:
I. New words:
- tire (n)
- melt (v)
- pipe (n)
- glassware (n)
- sandals (n)
- deposit (v)
- refill (v)
- dung (n)
- floor covering (n)
- make law (n)
- approximately (adv)

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