Adapting Information
and Communication
Technologies for
Effective Education
Lawrence Tomei
Robert Morris University, USA
Hershey • New York
InformatIon scIence reference
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Adapting information and communication technologies for effective education / Lawrence Tomei, editor.
p. cm.
Summary: "This book addresses ICT assessment in universities, student satisfaction in management information system programs, factors
that impact the successful implementation of a laptop program, student learning and electronic portfolios, and strategic planning for e-
learning. It provides innovative research on several fundamental technology-based initiatives, and will make a valuable addition to every
reference library" Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-922-9 (hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-925-0 (ebook)
1. Educational technology. 2. Education, Higher Effect of technological innovations on. 3. Information technology. I. Tomei, Lawrence
LB1028.3.A333 2008
371.33'4 dc22
Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education is part of the IGI Global series named Advances in Infor-
mation and Communication Technology Education Series (AICTE) (ISSN: 1935-3340).
British Cataloguing in Publication Data
A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
Advances in Information and Communication
Technology Education Series (AICTE)
Editor-in-Chief: Lawrence Tomei, Robert Morris University, USA
Mary Hricko, Kent State University, USA
ISBN: Pending
The Advances in Information and Communication Technology Education (AICTE) Book Series serves as a medium for introducing, collaborat-
ing, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating new and innovative contributions to the theory, practice, and research of technology education
applicable to K-12 education, higher education, and corporate and proprietary education. The series aims to provide cross-disciplinary nd-
ings and studies that emphasize the engagement of technology and its inuence on bettering the learning process. Technology has proven to
be the most critical teaching strategy of modern times, and consistently inuencing teaching style and concept acquisition. This series seeks
to address the pitfalls of the discipline in its inadequate quantiable and qualitative validation of successful learning outcomes. Learners with
basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic master those skills better and faster with technology; yet the research is not there to defend how
much better or how much faster these skills are acquired. Technology offers educators a way to adapt instruction to the needs of more diverse
learners; still, such successes are not generalized across populations or content areas. Learners use technology to acquire and organize infor-
mation evidence a higher level of comprehension; but we are not sure why. The purpose of the AICTE is to grow this body of research, propose
new applications of technology for teaching and learning, and document those practices that contribute irrefutable verication of information
technology education as a discipline.
Integrating Information & Communications Technologies into the Classroom
Lawrence A. Tomei; Robert Morris University, USA
Information Science Publishing ♦ copyright 2007 ♦ 360 pp ♦ H/C (ISBN: 1-59904-258-4) ♦ US $85.46 (our price) ♦
E-Book (ISBN: 1-59904-260-6) ♦ US $63.96 (our price)
Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom examines topics critical to busi-
ness, computer science, and information technology education, such as: school improvement and reform, stan-
dards-based technology education programs, data-driven decision making, and strategic technology education
planning. This book also includes subjects, such as: the effects of human factors on Web-based instruction; the
impact of gender, politics, culture, and economics on instructional technology; the effects of technology on so-
cialization and group processes; and, the barriers, challenges, and successes of technology integration into the
classroom. Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom considers the effects
of technology in society, equity issues, technology education and copyright laws, censorship, acceptable use and
fair use laws, community education, and public outreach, using technology.
Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education
Edited By: Lawrence A. Tomei, Robert Morris University, USA
Information Science Reference ♦ copyright 2008 ♦ 300pp ♦ H/C (ISBN: 978-1-59904-922-9) ♦ $180.00 (list price) ♦ Pre-Pub
Price: $165.00
Educational initiatives attempt to introduce or promote a culture of quality within education by raising concerns
related to student learning, providing services related to assessment, professional development of teachers, cur-
riculum and pedagogy, and inuencing educational policy, in the realm of technology. Adapting Information
and Communication Technologies for Effective Education addresses ICT assessment in universities, student
satisfaction in management information system programs, factors that impact the successful implementation
of a laptop program, student learning and electronic portfolios, and strategic planning for e-learning. Providing
innovative research on several fundamental technology-based initiatives, this book will make a valuable addi-
tion to every reference library.
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Hershey • New York
Detailed Table of Contents vi
Preface xiv
Section I
Chapter I
Integrating Technology to Transform Pedagogy: Revisiting the Progress of the Three Phase
TUI Model for Faculty Development / John E. Graham and George W. Semich 1
Chapter II
Blended ICT Models for Use in Higher Education / L. Drossos, B. Vassiliadis,
A. Stefani, and M. Xenos 13
Chapter III
The KAR-P-E Model Revisited: An Updated Investigation for Differentiating Teaching
and Learning with Technology in Higher Education / Lawrence A. Tomei 30
Chapter IV
Applying the ADDIE Model to Online Instruction / Kaye Shelton and George Saltsman 41
Chapter V
TRAKS Model: A Strategic Framework for IT Training in Hierarchical Organizations /
Shirish C. Srivastava and Thompson S. H. Teo 59
Section II
Educational Initiatives
Chapter VI
Technology Assisted Problem Solving Packages for Engineering /
S. Manjit Sidhu and S. Ramesh 73
Table of Contents
Chapter VII
Perceptions of Laptop Initiatives: Examining Determinant Factors of University Students
for Successful Implementation / Chuleeporn Changchit, Robert Cutshall, and Susan Elwood 88
Chapter VIII
Incorporating Geographic Information Systems for Business in Higher Education /
David Gadish 100
Chapter IX
Programming Drills with a Decision Trees Workbench /
Dimitris Kalles and Athanasios Papagelis 108
Chapter X
Career Questing Revisited: A Protocol for Increasing Girls’ Interest in STEM Careers /
Karen S. White and Mara H. Wasburn 121
Chapter XI
How to Use Vignettes in an Online Environment to Expand Higher Order Thinking
in Adults / Maria H. Z. Kish 135
Chapter XII
Business-Plan Anchored E-Commerce Courses at the MBA-Level / C. Derrick Huang 157
Chapter XIII
Cyber Schools and Special Needs: Making the Connection /
Shellie Hipsky and Lindsay Adams 168
Chapter XIV
Game Mods: Customizable Learning in a K16 Setting / Elizabeth Fanning 180
Chapter XV
Project Management in Student Information Technology Projects / Maria Delia Rojas,
Tanya McGill, and Arnold Depickere 190
Chapter XVI
Teaching TCP/IP Networking Using Practical Laboratory Exercises / Nurul I. Sarkar 205
Section III
Chapter XVII
Assessment of ICT Status in Universities in Southern Nigeria / Sam E. O. Aduwa-Ogiegbaen
and Raymond Uwameiye 216
Chapter XVIII
Using Indices of Student Satisfaction to Assess an MIS Program /
Earl Chrysler and Stuart Van Auken 232
Chapter XIX
How Students Learned in Creating Electronic Portfolios / Shuyan Wang and Sandra Turner 245
Chapter XX
Strategic Planning for E-Learning in the Workplace / Zane L. Berge and Lenora Giles 257
Compilation of References 271
About the Contributors 298
Index 306
Preface xiv
Section I
Chapter I
Integrating Technology to Transform Pedagogy: Revisiting the Progress of the Three Phase
TUI Model for Faculty Development / John E. Graham and George W. Semich 1
In a previous article, the authors illustrated a three-step staff development program for linking technol-
ogy training with theory to transform pedagogy. Essentially, the model identied three key phases: the
training phase, application phase, and the integration phase. The focus of this chapter is to update the
research on the three-phase model and to highlight the progress Robert Morris University has made in
transforming the teacher-centered classroom into a technology rich, learner-centered environment. This
transformation process is explained and illustrated for the reader.
Chapter II
Blended ICT Models for Use in Higher Education / L. Drossos, B. Vassiliadis,
A. Stefani, and M. Xenos 13
Information transfer is a tradition in higher education; in the information transfer model, knowledge is
passed from the experts (tutors) to the learners (students) by means of lectures and text books. The hope
of increasing the educational impact by using impressive tools based on ICT has the serious disadvantage
of increased cost. We argue that new, low-cost educational models based on constructivism can be used
in parallel with traditional learning, introducing a blended (or enhanced) learning approach. In such a
blended environment, organizational, educational, and technological issues need to be considered as a
whole. We introduce a light-weight blended educational model based on cooperation and experimenta-
tion. We describe the educational background, introduce a development framework and briey discuss
its quality aspects based on the ISO standard.
Detailed Table of Contents
Chapter III
The KAR-P-E Model Revisited: An Updated Investigation for Differentiating Teaching
and Learning with Technology in Higher Education / Lawrence A. Tomei 30
Since 1996, the K-A-RPE model has served to differentiate teaching and learning of technology. It is
offered here as an archetype for other institutions seeking to develop their own comprehensive technol-
ogy program. Knowledge, application, research, practice, and evaluation (K-A-RPE) offer the necessary
dichotomy among instructional technology programs for undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral candi-
dates. Similar to other more well-known taxonomies, the K-A-RPE model is progressive and assumes
mastery and competency at previous levels. Readers are exposed to the ISTE technology standards for
teachers as well as how particular institutions implement the set of competencies in their individual
programs of study. By establishing how technology skills are addressed in higher education, readers will
be able to transfer the KARPE model to new initiates at all levels of instructional technology education,
business, and corporate as well as traditional education.
Chapter IV
Applying the ADDIE Model to Online Instruction / Kaye Shelton and George Saltsman 41
This chapter assembles the best ideas and practices from successful online instructors and recent lit-
erature. Suggestions include strategies for online class design, syllabus development, and online class
facilitation, which provide successful tips for both new and experienced online instructors. This chapter
incorporates additional ideas, tips, and tricks gathered since it was originally published in the October
2004 issues of the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning as “Tips and
Tricks for Teaching Online: How to Teach Like a Pro!”
Chapter V
TRAKS Model: A Strategic Framework for IT Training in Hierarchical Organizations /
Shirish C. Srivastava and Thompson S. H. Teo 59
This chapter is an introduction of new information technology (IT) in organizations is a necessary, but not
a sufcient, condition for organizational success. The effective adoption and use of IT by organizations
is dependent to a large measure on the strategic planning for using the technology, including long-term
planning for training the organizational members. Despite the strategic nature of technology training
in organizations, most existing studies on technology training address only the operational issues, for
example, training needs assessment, learning, delivery methods, and so forth. The strategic concerns of
IT training for enhancing business productivity are not largely addressed by the current literature. To
address this gap, we explore the strategic role of IT training in hierarchical organizations. We synthe-
size various ideas in the literature on change management, training needs analysis and IT adoption to
evolve a ‘strategic IT training framework’ for hierarchical organizations, namely the TRAKS model.
The proposed framework recognizes the differences in IT training requirements for different levels of
employees. Further, the model suggests tracking training requirements based on attitudes, knowledge,
and skills for different segments of employees and planning training accordingly. The study provides
an actionable and comprehensive tool, which can be used for systematically planning IT training for
enhancing productivity of organizations.
Section II
Educational Initiatives
Chapter VI
Technology Assisted Problem Solving Packages for Engineering /
S. Manjit Sidhu and S. Ramesh 73
This chapter presents the development of technology-assisted problem solving (TAPS) packages at the
University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). This project is the further work of the development of interac-
tive multimedia based packages targeted for students having problems in understanding the subject of
engineering mechanics dynamics. One facet of the project is the development of engineering mechanics
dynamics problems for core undergraduate engineering courses. This chatper discusses the development
of an interactive multimedia environment for solving relative motion of a rigid body using rotating axes,
and more specically outlines the framework used to develop the multimedia package, highlighting our
multimedia design process and philosophy.
Chapter VII
Perceptions of Laptop Initiatives: Examining Determinant Factors of University Students
for Successful Implementation / Chuleeporn Changchit, Robert Cutshall, and Susan Elwood 88
Parallel to advancements in information technology usage, there are increasing demands for basic com-
puter skills at minimum from today’s college graduates. As a consequence, many colleges and universi-
ties have chosen to stimulate campus laptop initiatives as a way to provide their students opportunities
to grow their computer skills and experiences. However, the success of laptop programs is very much
dependent on the degree to which students and faculty are accepting a laptop environment and are
willing to implement such programs. Dening which conception factors are necessary is essential for
successful implementation. This study examines such factors by focusing on university student percep-
tions of required laptop programs in order to distinguish which factors they perceive as important. In
understanding what factors encourage student support of laptop initiatives, such programs can be made
more useful to students as well as more benecial to universities.
Chapter VIII
Incorporating Geographic Information Systems for Business in Higher Education /
David Gadish 100
Schools of business can benet from the adoption of geographic information gystems (GIS). A brief
overview of GIS is presented with an example showcasing how it can be presented in a business school,
the benets for business schools, their students, and faculty, and a comprehensive approach for promot-
ing such spatial thinking. The goal is to empower faculty to adopt GIS for their research and teaching,
producing a large number of business school graduates that can promote spatial thinking in their orga-
Chapter IX
Programming Drills with a Decision Trees Workbench /
Dimitris Kalles and Athanasios Papagelis 108
Decision trees are one of the most successful machine learning paradigms. This chapter presents a library
of decision tree algorithms in Java that was eventually used as a programming laboratory workbench.
The initial design focus was, in regards to the non-expert user, to conduct experiments with decision
trees using components and visual tools that facilitate tree construction and manipulation, and in regards
to the expert user, to be able to focus on algorithm design and comparison with few implementation
details. The system was built over a number of years and various development contexts and has been
successfully used as a workbench in a programming laboratory for junior computer science students.
The underlying philosophy was to achieve a solid introduction to object-oriented concepts and practices
based on a fundamental machine learning paradigm.
Chapter X
Career Questing Revisited: A Protocol for Increasing Girls’ Interest in STEM Careers /
Karen S. White and Mara H. Wasburn 121
This chapter develops an educational strategy to foster the interest and persistence of middle school girls
in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers using existing Websites. Criteria
are specied that enable middle school teachers to evaluate Websites as supplemental learning activities
within prescribed curricula. In particular, the evaluative criteria help assess sites that provide materials
appealing to boys and girls, allowing teachers to adopt them without concern that they are providing an
unfair advantage to girls.
Chapter XI
How to Use Vignettes in an Online Environment to Expand Higher Order Thinking
in Adults / Maria H. Z. Kish 135
A challenge in teaching and providing any type of instruction in the online learning environment is to
ensure that participants are engaged in the process and nd meaning in their learning. This case study
investigated the use of vignettes as a teaching strategy and learning activity of the generative learning
model in a hybrid online course. Vignettes are short and realistic stories that may help bridge participants’
previous experiences to applying course material in relevant situations. The generative learning model,
consisting of ve main components: attention, motivation, knowledge, generation, and metacognition
(Wittrock, 2000), was incorporated when requiring students to answer teacher-generated vignettes and
to generate their own vignettes. Two outcomes were anticipated using vignettes within the generative
learning model in a hybrid online course: (1) enhancement of academic achievement, and (2) higher
order thinking. This study considered data from student work collected from the instructional techniques
course, GITED 631, taught in the graduate school of education at Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, in the fall of 2003. Eight participants responded to teacher-generated vignettes, created
diagrams and rubrics, created their own vignettes, and recorded their observations concerning vignettes
in reective learning logs. The adult online learners in this study professionally focused on teaching
children and adults. This study’s participants all professionally focused on teaching children and adults.
The research ndings indicate that the use of teacher-generated vignettes can increase academic achieve-
ment, and that learner-generated vignettes can help students achieve higher order thinking. This chapter
also discusses the methods that have been used to teach adult learners how to respond to and create
vignettes for their own teaching and presentation purposes.
Chapter XII
Business-Plan Anchored E-Commerce Courses at the MBA-Level / C. Derrick Huang 157
The diversity and currency of subjects covered in e-commerce courses at the MBA-level present a chal-
lenge to educators. In this chapter, we analyze and recapitulate our experience in using the business plan
to anchor the e-commerce course to address those challenges. Business plan requirements can link the
various subjects together, afford students with a real-life experience learning process, and, with proper
curriculum design and course delivery, give students an opportunity to be “reective practitioners.”
Results showed that students’ learning and interests for the e-commerce subjects were high with the
business plan requirement.
Chapter XIII
Cyber Schools and Special Needs: Making the Connection /
Shellie Hipsky and Lindsay Adams 168
Cyber schools for K-12 students are growing in number. It is vital that appropriate strategies are devised
to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. The PA Cyber Charter School serves 468 students
who have individualized education plans. Parent surveys were thematically analyzed and revealed six
predominant themes including: communication, interests, focus, less-stigma from the special education
label, education differences in comparison to other methods, and cyber school shortcomings. The study
also utilized the action research model to determine and present the techniques and strategies that are
working in the PA Cyber Charter School for their students with special needs. Teacher-tested documents
included in the appendix were based on the study, and a model for special needs strategies in the cyber
learning environment has been established through this chapter.
Chapter XIV
Game Mods: Customizable Learning in a K16 Setting / Elizabeth Fanning 180
A game mod describes a modication within an existing commercial computer-based game that has been
created by a user. By game modding, a user can participate in the creative process by taking the setting
of their favorite game and customizing it for entertainment purposes or to convey information. For years,
commercial computer-based game developers committed considerable resources towards preventing users
from “hacking” into or “hijacking” their games. Now several computer-based game developers provide
editors with their products to encourage users to create content, and to allow educators, for instance, to
take advantage of the benets and production quality of commercial computer games to create custom-
ized instruction. This chapter focuses on mainstream, accessible games with straightforward modding
tools that can be easily integrated into a learning environment.
Chapter XV
Project Management in Student Information Technology Projects / Maria Delia Rojas,
Tanya McGill, and Arnold Depickere 190
Universities teach project management to information technology (IT) students. The project management
principles that students have previously learned are often put into practice in a project course, intended
to give nal year students the experience of applying their knowledge to real or simulated projects. This
chapter reports on research that investigated the use of, and usefulness of, project management in stu-
dent IT projects. The results show that there was a wide range in the application of project management
practices, with students being more likely to produce the initial documentation associated with some of
the project management knowledge areas than to make use of it throughout the project to monitor the
project’s progress. The results also showed that the number of project management guidelines applied
in student projects was not linked with IT project success. However, there was a strong relationship
between project management plan quality and obtaining a good software product.
Chapter XVI
Teaching TCP/IP Networking Using Practical Laboratory Exercises / Nurul I. Sarkar 205
Motivating students to learn TCP/IP network fundamentals is often difcult because students nd the
subject rather technical when it is presented using a lecture format. To overcome this problem we have
prepared some hands-on exercises (practicals) that give students a practical learning experience in
TCP/IP networking. The practicals are designed around a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system
and are suitable for classroom use in undergraduate TCP/IP networking courses. The effectiveness of
these practicals has been evaluated both formally by students and informally in discussion within the
teaching team. The implementation of the practicals was judged to be successful because of the positive
student feedback and that students improved their test results. This chapter describes the practicals and
their impact on student learning and comprehension, based on the author’s experiences in undergraduate
computer networking courses.
Section III
Chapter XVII
Assessment of ICT Status in Universities in Southern Nigeria / Sam E. O. Aduwa-Ogiegbaen
and Raymond Uwameiye 216
The aim of this study is to investigate the inuence of faculty afliation and teaching experience on the
use of the Internet by faculty members in six rst generation universities in Southern Nigeria. A total of
476 faculty members from nine faculties across the six universities participated in the study. The data
for the study was collected by means of a questionnaire survey and this was deemed appropriate as it
allowed the views of all the participants to be sought on a Likert-type scale options. The results of this
study provide a number of insights: (a) the faculties of engineering, science and arts in that order were
the foremost users of the Internet for instructional purposes; (b) the faculties of education and agriculture
were the least experiences in the use of the Internet; and (c) faculty members with less than ve years
teaching experience use the Internet more than older faculty members. Recommencation was made that
universities in Nigeria should invest more in ICT facilities.
Chapter XVIII
Using Indices of Student Satisfaction to Assess an MIS Program /
Earl Chrysler and Stuart Van Auken 232
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate a methodology by which management information systems
(MIS) alumni evaluate the content of courses and their satisfaction with an entire MIS program. The
approach can be used to assess the relevancy of an MIS curriculum. By way of clarication, an MIS
program prepares its graduates to be effective in the tasks necessary to design, program and implement
systems that will provide management with timely, accurate and useful information for decision making.
This is in contrast to computer science (CS) programs that prepare their graduates to be knowledgeable in
the technical aspects of computer hardware and operating systems software. This study rst determines
if there are any differences in the evaluations of the content of required MIS courses by alumni based
upon whether the graduate was using their rst year on the job or one’s current position as a frame of
reference. Next, a factor analysis is performed, using the scores earned by specic courses, to reduce
the content value of specic courses into specic factors, thus simplifying understanding of the type of
learning that is taking place. A factor analysis is performed both for course content scores during one’s
rst year on the job and, again, in one’s current position. Using a global measure of satisfaction with the
entire MIS program, the course content factor scores are then regressed against a student’s satisfaction
with the entire MIS program. This regression analysis is performed, once again, for both one’s rst year
on the job and in one’s current position. The implications for evaluating the effectiveness of an MIS
curriculum are presented and discussed.
Chapter XIX
How Students Learned in Creating Electronic Portfolios / Shuyan Wang and Sandra Turner 245
This case study investigated the learning experiences that occurred during students’ development of
culminating electronic portfolios for a master of education in the computer education and technology
program. The meaning that students gave to their learning experiences and the problems they encoun-
tered were also investigated in order to understand how students learn in a technology-enriched learning
environment. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observations, and document
analyses from seven M.Ed. students before, during, and after developing electronic portfolios. Findings
indicate that creating electronic portfolios supports students’ mastery of technology-related knowledge
and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students reported that they learned not only
“by doing,” but also from peers through collaboration, from reection on their artifacts, and from syn-
thesizing their electronic portfolios.
Chapter XX
Strategic Planning for E-Learning in the Workplace / Zane L. Berge and Lenora Giles 257
New information and communication technology, specically computer networked systems, create both
a demand and an opportunity for businesses to approach training and knowledge management from
new perspectives. These new training perspectives are driven by the need for businesses to provide the
right training quickly and efciently and to support knowledge systems that are current, accessible, and
interactive. This chapter will discuss strategic planning in terms of the organizational elements and the
e-learning program requirements that are necessary to build a framework in order to institutionalize and
sustain e-learning as a core business process.
Compilation of References 271
About the Contributors 298
Index 306
During the publication year 2006, the International Journal of Information Communication and Technology
Education (IJICTE) evidenced a focus on models, educational initiatives, and assessment of instructional
technology. Many of the articles shared with our readership throughout the year concentrated on the
results of investigations on these three educational apparatus.
By denition, a model is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the struc-
ture or workings of an object, system, or concept. (Wikipedia, 2007). They may refer to abstractions,
concepts, and theories used to estimate, predict, or forecast events. In his paper, Gerald Grow (1996)
offers a cognitive model of learning that begins with comprehension to predict what prior knowledge
will be relevant and which strategies might prove to be useful in teaching. Next, learning occurs when
this new information becomes a part of a learner’s existing knowledge network. Finally, recall comes
into play to call up stored information in response to some cue for use in a process or activity. Memory
is reconstructive. Grow’s nal comment is worth remembering here, “In a nutshell: cognition is an ac-
tive, recursive, integrated process by which we continuously model the world and continuously modify
the model.” These working denitions of a model will serve us well.
Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education re-introduces a series
of models for consideration that include the TUI model for faculty development, blended ICT models
for higher education, the KARPE model for differentiating teaching and learning with technology, the
ADDIE model applied to online instruction, and the TRAKS model for IT training in organizations.
Educational initiatives are nothing new to education. In point of fact, the discipline is replete with
examples of initiatives started and dissolved, tried and abandoned, successes and failures. Educational
initiatives attempt to introduce or promote a culture of quality within education by raising concerns
related to student learning, providing services related to assessment, professional development of
teachers, curriculum and pedagogy, and inuencing educational policy, for our purposes, in the realm
of technology.
In this text, the reader is provided updated investigations into several important technology-based
initiatives. They include technology-assisted problem packages for engineering, incorporating geographic
information systems, programming with decision trees, a scheme for increasing female interest in science
curriculum, using vignettes to exapnd higher order thinking, anchoring e-commerce courses with busi-
ness plans, supporting special needs learners in cyber schools, game modding and customized learning
opportunities, infusing project management in student technology projects, and teaching networking
using practical laboratory exercises.
Evaluating educational technology programs is challenging. Thankfully, the research and the literature
are beginning to ll the void in what we know about the successful integration of technology. As more
and more universities, schools, and corporate training organizations develop technology plans to ensure
technology will directly benet learning and achievement, the demand for more investigations into an
understanding of how technology impacts learner achievement becomes even greater. The question, thus,
becomes how do you evaluate educational technology programs that vary in the students they serve, the
curriculum they teach, and the technologies employed?
Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective Education offers four revised
articles from 2006 that address ICT assessment in universities, student satisfaction in management
information system programs, factors that impact the successful implementation of a laptop program,
student learning and electronic portfolios, and strategic planning for e-learning.
A recap of the chapters, by category (models, educational initiatives, and assessment) follows.
In their chapter, Graham and Semich introduced a three-step staff development program for linking
technology training with theory to transform pedagogy. The model proposed three key phases: train-
ing, application, and integration. Their updated research, seen in Chapter I, on the three-phase model
entitled, “Integrating Technology to Transform Pedagogy: Revisiting the Progress of the Three Phase
TUI Model for Faculty Development,” highlights the progress that one university has made to transform
the teacher-centered classroom into a technology rich, learner-centered environment.
Information transfer is a tradition in higher education. In the information transfer model, knowl-
edge is passed from the experts (tutors) to the learners (students) by means of lectures and textbooks.
Increased costs often dash any hopes of increasing the educational impact of these traditional resources
by augmenting them with more advanced technology-enhanced ICT tools. Drossos, Vassiliadis, Stefani,
and Xenos argue that new, low-cost educational models based on constructivism can be used in paral-
lel with traditional learning to introduce a blended (or enhanced) learning approach. In such a blended
environment, organizational, educational and technological issues need to be considered as a whole.
Their initial manuscript introduced a light-weight blended educational model based on cooperation and
experimentation. Chapter II, “Blended ICT Models for Use in Higher Education,” adds a developmental
framework and discuss its quality aspects based on the ISO standard.
The knowledge, application, research, practice, and evaluation (K-A-RPE) model was initially offered
as a benchmark for differentiating technology-oriented teaching and learning. The K-A-RPE model was
added to the progressive, hierarchical classication systems of other taxonomies. Additional undergraduate,
masters, and doctoral programs in instructional technology were added to the original data presented in
the 2 2006 article. The ndings shared by Tomei in Chapter III titled, “The KAR-P-E Model Revisited:
An Updated Investigation for Differentiating Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Educa-
tion,” now include some 87 programs, 1542 courses, and over 14,000 learning objectives.
Online education has quickly become a widespread and accepted mode of
instruction among higher education institutions throughout the world. Although many faculties who
teach traditional courses now embrace teaching online, others still feel intimidated when asked to de-
velop a course using technology. The ADDIE model, rst presented in the July-September 2006 issues
of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, is a ve-step
process that has proven equally adept at designing both traditional and online instruction. The ve steps,
analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate, provide the framework for solid instructional design
techniques. In Chapter IV, “Applying the ADDIE Model to Online Instruction,” Shelton and Saltsman
add to their assembled best practices and augment their initial ndings with new suggested strategies
for online class design, syllabus development, and online class facilitation. Both novice and experienced
online instructors alike will benet from the ideas, tips, and tricks published in this chapter.
Introduction of new information technology (IT) in organizations is a necessary, but not sufcient,
condition for organizational success. Effective adoption and use is fostered by the integration of IT into
an organization’s strategic planning in areas of technology use, planning, and training. Despite the stra-
tegic nature of technology training in organizations, most existing studies on technology training address
only operational issues (e.g., training needs assessment, learning, delivery methods, etc.). More strategic
concerns (i.e., enhancing business productivity) are largely not addressed by the current literature. To
address this gap, Srivastava and Teo explored the role of IT training in hierarchical organizations, in
Chapter V, entitled “TRAKS Model: A Strategic Framework for IT Training in Hierarchical Organi-
zations,” the authors synthesize various ideas related to change management, training needs analysis
and IT adoption to evolve a strategic IT training framework for hierarchical organizations; namely, the
TRAKS model. The rst contribution presented in volume 2, number 4, of the International Journal of
Information and Communication Technology Education offered framework for recognizing the differ-
ences in IT training requirements at various levels of employees. The model suggested tracking training
requirements based on attitudes, knowledge, and skills for different segments of employees. The revised
manuscript augments the original study with discussions of actionable and comprehensive tools that can
be used for systematically planning IT training. The result: enhanced productivity and a more complete
and robust training itinerary.
Educational Initiatives
Sidhu and Ramesh present their work in Chapter VI, entitled “Technology Assisted Problem Packages
for Engineering,” on the development of technology-assisted problem solving (TAPS) packages at the
University Tenaga Nasional (Nigeria) that began with an investigation into the development of interac-
tive multimedia based packages targeted for engineering. Their original work was shared in volume 2,
number 1 issue of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education.
This chapter continues the research into the philosophy, design, and development of interactive multi-
media for solving engineering dynamics problems.
Increasing demands for basic computer skills at today’s colleges parallel advancements in overall
information technology use. As a consequence, many colleges and universities have initiated campus
laptop programs to provide their students opportunities to grow their computer skills and experiences.
However, the success of laptop programs is very much dependent on the degree to which students and
faculty are accepting a laptop environment and are willing to implement such programs. Dening which
conception factors are necessary is essential for successful implementation. In their initial investiga-
tions reported in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education,
Changchit, Cutshall, and Elwood examined student perceptions of the required laptop programs in order
to distinguish which factors they perceive as important. In Chapter VII, “Perceptions of Laptop Initia-
tives: Examining Determinant Factors of University Students for Laptop Successful Implementation,” the
authors add to our understanding of the factors that encourage student support of laptop initiatives and
how such programs can be made more useful to students as well as more benecial to universities.
Schools of business can benet from adoption of geographic information systems (GIS). In Chapter
VIII, “Incorporating Geographic Information Systems for Business in Higher Education,” Gadish pre-
sented a brief overview of this technology along with an example of how it can be incorporated into a
business school curriculum. Benets for business schools, their students, and faculty are discussed and a
comprehensive approach for promoting such spatial thinking is presented. The goal of the research was to
determine ways to empower faculty to adopt GIS-based research and teaching while producing business
school graduates who can promote spatial thinking in their own organizations. The follow-on manuscript
validates the ndings and uncovered that, with time and effort, an increased awareness of spatial thinking
and use of GIS technology benets business school administrators, faculty and students.
The design for this chapter focused on a library of decision tree algorithms in Java that were eventu-
ally used as a programming laboratory workbench. Kalles and Papagelis found decision trees to be one
of the most successful machine learning paradigms. Chapter IX’s experiments with decision trees found
that using components and visual tools facilitate decision tree construction. The resulting system has
been built over a number of years and has been successfully used in a programming laboratory for junior
computer science students. The underlying philosophy, expanded in this follow-on study of “Program-
ming Drills with a Decision Trees Workbench,” was to achieve a solid introduction to object-oriented
concepts and practices based on a fundamental machine learning paradigm.
Chapter X, “CareerQuesting Revisited: A Protocol for Increasing Girls’ Interest in STEM Careers,”
by White and Wasburn, introduces an educational strategy to foster the interest and persistence of middle
school girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. In the chapter, criteria
are offered that would assist middle school teachers in the evaluation of Websites to serve as supplemental
learning activities within prescribed curricula. As the authors’ investigations continued, new evaluative
criteria distinguished successful factors between boys and girls, allowing teachers to adopt them reduc-
ing the concern that they are providing an unfair advantage to either sex.
A challenge in teaching and providing any type of instruction in the online learning environment is
to ensure that participants are engaged in the process and nd meaning in their learning. Kish’s previous
case study, “Overview of Using Vignettes to Develop Higher Order Thinking and Academic Achievement
in Adult Learners in an Online Learning Environment,” investigated the use of vignettes as a teaching
strategy and learning activity in a hybrid online course. The generative learning model was explored
and two outcomes were anticipated: (1) enhancement of academic achievement and (2) higher order
thinking. The modied study in Chapter XI discusses the methods used to teach adult learners how to
respond to and create vignettes for their own teaching and presentation purposes. Participants responded
to teacher-generated vignettes, created diagrams and rubrics, created their own vignettes, and recorded
their observations concerning vignettes in reective learning logs. The research ndings indicate that
the use of teacher-generated vignettes can increase academic achievement, and that learner-generated
vignettes can help students achieve higher order thinking; a most appropriate example of a technology-
based initiative.
Graduate-level educators are challenged by the diversity and currency of subjects covered in e-com-
merce courses. In Chapter XII, “Business-Plan Anchored E-Commerce Courses at the MBA-Level,”
Huang found the use of the business plan model a viable means for addressing those challenges. The
apparatus of a business plan links subjects together while tendering students with real-life experiences.
Learning, with proper curriculum design and delivery, gives students an opportunity to be reective
practitioners. Results from Huang’s initial study are sustained in this revised paper as he continues to
show one successful methodology for learning.
In Chapter XIII, “Cyber Schools and Special Needs: Making the Connection,” Hipsky and
Adams introduced the concepts of a new educational delivery network formally coined “cyber schools.”
For targeted K-12 students, the cyber school strategies have become particularly successful, especially
to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. In the International Journal of Information and
Communication Technology Education (volume 2, no. 4), Hipsky and Adams studied 468 students of the
Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School and six dominant themes including: communication, interests, focus,
less-stigma from the special education label, education differences in comparison to other methods, and
cyber school shortcomings. The study employed the action research model to uncover the techniques and
strategies at work in today’s cyber schools. The revised investigation and latest results presented in this
text augmented the teacher-tested documents from the original study and enhanced the cyber learning
model for special needs strategies established through this research.
A game mod(ication) describes an adaptation for another purpose of an existing commercially avail-
able computer-based game originally created for an entirely different intention. Using game modding, a
user can participate in the creative process by taking the setting of their favorite game and customizing
it for entertainment (or educational) purposes or to deliver new knowledge and fresh information. For
years, commercial computer-based game developers committed considerable resources towards prevent-
ing users from “hacking” into or “hijacking” their games. Now several computer-based game developers
actually encourage partner-users to build additional content and seek the advantages of producing quality
commercial computer games and customized instruction. Chapter XIV, “Game Mods: Customizable
Learning in a K16 Setting,” focuses on mainstream, accessible games with straightforward tools that
are easily integrated into a learning environment. Read the author’s updated version of these interesting
instructional technologies and how they might be applied to today’s classrooms.
Chapter XV, entitled “Project Management in Student Information Technology Projects,” by Rojas,
McGill, and Depickere reports on their investigations into the use and usefulness of project management
in student IT projects. The results show there was a wide range in the application of project management
practices with students more likely to produce the initial documentation associated with some of the
project management knowledge areas than to make use of it throughout the project. The results also show
that the number of project management guidelines applied in student projects is not linked to project
success. The revised chapter continues to show the strong relationship between project management plan
quality and a good software product discovered in the initial study, and goes further in exploring this
aspect of how universities teach project management to information technology students. The project
management principles that students have previously learned remain applicable to experiential learning
in a project-based course; the experience of applying knowledge to real or simulated projects makes an
important contribution to this text.
Finally, motivating students to learn TCP/IP network fundamentals is often difcult because students
nd the subject rather technical when presented via the lecture format. To overcome this problem we
have prepared some hands-on exercises (practicals) that give students a practical learning experience in
TCP/IP networking. The practicals are designed around a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system and
are suitable for classroom use in undergraduate TCP/IP networking courses. The effectiveness of these
practicals has been evaluated both formally by students and informally in discussion within the teaching
team. The implementation of the practicals was judged to be successful because of the positive student
feedback and that students improved their test results. Chapter XVI, “Teaching TCP/IP Networking Us-
ing Practical Laboratory Exercises,” describes the practicals and their impact on student learning and
comprehension, based on the author’s experiences in undergraduate computer networking courses.
In Chapter XVII, entitled “Assessment of ICT Status in Universities in Southern Nigeria,” Aduwa-
Ogiegbaen and Uwameiye offer readers an insight into factors of faculty afliation and teaching experi-
ence with respect to the use of the Internet. Their results, amplied in this revised study, provide three
important ndings. First, the faculties of engineering, science and arts (in that order) were the foremost
users of the Internet for instructional purposes. Second, the faculties of education and agriculture were
the least experienced in using the Internet. And, third, faculty members with less than ve years teaching
experience use the Internet more than senior faculty members. Readers will most certainly compare their
schools with those in this Nigerian study with probably fairly similar results. If such an investigation
has not been conducted at your institution, the questionnaire survey and methodology are available in
this chapter for your consideration.
In Chapter XVIII, entitled “Using Indices of Student Satisfaction to Assess an MIS Program,” the
authors demonstrate a methodology by which management information systems (MIS) alumni evalu-
ate the content of courses and their satisfaction with the program. In the initial study rst offered in t
the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (volume 2, no. 2),
Chrysler and Van Auken sought to isolate differences in the evaluations of the content of required MIS
courses by alumni based upon whether the graduate was using their rst year on the job or one’s current
position as a frame of reference. A factor analysis, a global measure of satisfaction, and a regression
analysis were brought into play to measure a student’s satisfaction with the entire MIS program. In this
updated manuscript, the authors enhance their research by offering implications for evaluating the ef-
fectiveness of an MIS curriculum.
Chapter XIX, “How Students Learned in Creating Electronic Portfolios,” investigated learning
experiences that occurred during development of electronic portfolios for a graduate technology pro-
gram. Wang and Turner spent time investigating student learning experiences and the problems they
encountered in an attempt to understand how they learn in a technology-enriched learning environment.
Originally, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observations, and documented
analyses before, during, and after developing electronic portfolios. Initial ndings indicated that creating
electronic portfolios support mastery of technology-related knowledge and promote critical thinking
and problem-solving skills. This chapter reinforces previous reports that students learn best by doing
and even better through collaboration, reection on artifacts, and synthesis that comes from creating
electronic portfolios.
Computer-networked systems create a demand and an opportunity for businesses to approach train-
ing and knowledge management from new perspectives. These new training perspectives are driven by
the need for businesses to provide the right training quickly and efciently and to support knowledge
systems that are current, accessible, and interactive. In Chapter XX, “Strategic Planning for E-Learning
in the Workplace,” Berge and Giles discuss strategic planning in terms of the necessary organizational
elements and the e-learning requirements to build a framework for sustaining e-learning as a core busi-
ness process. In this chapter, the process of developing a strategic plan originally posited was augmented
with an examination of the internal and external environments that help an organization determine its
current situation prospects for business in the future. The chapter examines the two components that
guide the future activities of the organization: a mission statement and vision statement. Once this stra-
tegic foundation is laid, the organization can go about the business of transforming itself into a learning
culture that maximizes the use of technology with an investment in learning that produces outcomes to
further business processes and goals.
Information technology makes it possible for faculty and trainers to improve the manner in which they
present materials in both a traditional, face-to-face classroom or via technology-enhanced online teach-
ing. When used properly, technology increases the frequency and quality of instructor-student interac-
tion and, consequently, learner outcomes. Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for
Effective Education offers its best papers from 2006 categorized as models, educational initiatives, and
assessment issues.
The TUI model for faculty development will introduce a three-step staff development program for
linking technology training with theory. A blended ICT model adds a developmental framework for use
in higher education. The KARPE model will differentiate learning objectives using technology. The
ADDIE model will provide the framework for designing both traditional and online instruction. And,
the chapter discussing the TRAKS model will synthesize various ideas related to change management,
training needs analysis and technology adoption.
A wide range of educational initiatives will be introduced in this text. The development of technology-
assisted problem solving packages for engineering will suggest to the reader how interactive multimedia
might assist in helping students solve complex engineering dynamics problems. Increasing demands for
basic computer skills were examined in light of student perceptions of a required laptop program and
will be shared. Benets for business schools, their students, and faculty from the adoption of geographic
information system technology are covered later. The use of a Java-based decision tree algorithm library
will report on its successes when integrated into a programming laboratory for junior computer science
students. An educational strategy that has the potential to foster the interest and persistence of middle
school girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers will be offered. The
use of vignettes as a teaching strategy and learning activity in a hybrid online course is exposed. The
business plan model is recommended as a viable means for addressing the challenges of diversity and the
currency of subjects covered in modern e-commerce courses. Strategies appropriate to meet the needs
of students with exceptionalities in today’s cyber schools are to be examined along with six dominant
themes including communication, student interests, learner focus, the special education label, compari-
son to other learning methods, and cyber shortcomings. The use of game modications to deliver new
knowledge and fresh information is highlighted. The project management principles explained in one
chapter remain applicable after additional investigation; the experience of applying knowledge to real
or simulated projects will continue to make important contributions. The shortcomings of the lecture
method of instructional delivery are explored and the use of practical exercises found to produce posi-
tive student feedback and improve student test results.
Finally, issues of assessment were introduced. The rst such chapter will offer an insight into fac-
tors of faculty afliation and teaching experience with respect to the use of the Internet. Another will
evaluate the content of required MIS courses using factor analysis, a global measure of satisfaction,
and a regression analysis. Electronic portfolios, and how they support mastery of technology-related
knowledge and promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, will be presented to readers. And,
the last chapter will discuss strategic planning in terms of the necessary organizational elements and the
e-learning requirements to build a framework for sustaining e-learning as a core business process.
As you begin your journey into Adapting Information and Communication Technologies for Effective
Education, consider how the models, educational initiatives, and assessment issues presented impact
your personal understanding of information technology education.
Grow, G. O. (1996). Serving the strategic reader: Reader response theory and its implications for the
teaching of writing. An expanded version of a paper presented to the Qualitative Division of the Asso-
ciation for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication. Atlanta, August, 1994. Retrieved from
Cognitive Model (2007).Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved April 7, 2007, from en.wikipedia.org/