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Kế hoạch bài dạy tiếng Anh lớp 4 tuần 23

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Week 23 - Period: 89
Date of preparing: 18/02/2022
Date of teaching: 21/02/2022 (4B, 4C)
Date of teaching: 22/02/2022 (4A, 4D)

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of lesson pupils will be able to review phonics, vocabulary,
grammar that they have learn from unit 11 to unit 15.
* Vocabulary: Review
* Structure: Review
2. Skills:
- Practice listening and reading skills
3. Core competences & Personal qualities
- Confident when using English
- Working hard
- United friends
- Co-operation love schools and about the sounds.
- Self-study ability, ability to operate, live responsibly.
II. Teaching- aids
1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives
1. Warm up (4’)
- Call 2 Ss to the board and practice the chant
on page 34.
- Comment

2. New lesson
1. Listen and number
*Activity 1: Listen and number (17’)
- Have Ss look at pictures a, b, c and d and
identify the colour and school thing.
- Set the scene: you are going to listen to the
recording about 4 situations and write the
number correct pictures.
- 1st: Play the recording all the way through for
Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures
in their books

- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and
number the correct pictures.
- Choose one or two Ss to share their answers
with their classmates.
- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their
- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for
- Comment and give feedback
- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.
2. Read and complete (16’)
- Ask Ss to look at the text on page 37.
- Set the scence: “ you are going to read the
text to get the information and complete the
- Give time to do

- Ask students swap their answers before
checking as a class.
- Teacher monitors the activity and offer help
when necessary.
- Call on some Ss to report their answers.
Others listen and comment
- Ask some question about the text to check
student’s understand
* Play a game: Who is faster
- T devides Ss into 4 groups
- T explains how to play this game
- T-ss play together
- T monitors and gives feedback
3. Summary (1’)
- Students answer some questions about lesson
such as: What objective did you learn from

Key: a.2 b.1 c. 5 d. 3 e. 4
2. Read and complete

1. thirty 2. family 3. drinking
4. orange juice 5. seven

VII. Evaluation:

Week 23 - Period: 90
Date of preparing: 18/02/2022
Date of teaching: 21/02/2022 (4B, 4C)
Date of teaching: 22/02/2022 (4A, 4D)

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of lesson pupils will be able to review phonics, vocabulary,
grammar that they have learn from unit 11 to unit 15.
* Vocabulary: Review
* Structure: Review
2. Skills:
- Practice reading and writing skills
3. Core competences & Personal qualities
- Confident when using English
- Working hard
- United friends
- Co-operation love schools and about the sounds.
- Self-study ability, ability to operate, live responsibly.
II. Teaching- aids
1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activitives
1. Warm up (4’)
* Have Ss play the game:

Physical line – up.
- Ask Ss to write the sentences on the board.
- Check and decide the winner.
- Call some ss to read aloud all the sentences.
2. New lesson
*Activity 3: Read and match(12’)
3. Read and match
- T introduces the topic “you are going to read
the sentences to get the information in order to
match the questions to the answers”.
Ss read the sentences individually and check
their prediction. Ss do the task (match the
sentence with a appropriate picture.)
- Ss: Read and work individually
- Monitor the activity and offer help when

- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for
- Ss: Compare the answer with the partner.
- Call on some Ss to report their answers.
Others listen and comment.
- Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.
*Activity 4: Look and write. (12’)
- T asks Ss to open their book on page 37
- T: how many pictures?
- Ss: 4
- T: how many sentences?

- Ss: 4
- T lets Ss run through
- T asks Ss about task: What to do?
- Ss answer
* Individual work. Pupils read and choose the
words to complete the sentences.
* Set time and move around the classroom to
monitor the activity.
- Ask the students share their result follow
- Let some students write their answer on the
board. Others look and give comments.
- T checks( one by one)
- Ss look and check
- Ask some Ss read aloud before the class
- Ss read
* Play a game: Pemanism
- T devides Ss into 2 teams
- T explains how to play this game
- T-ss play together
- T monitors and gives feedback
Activity 5. Write about your father or
mother (15’)
- Tell ps that they are going to complete the
paragraph about their father or mother.
- Give ps a few seconds to read the paragraph
in silence and check their understanding.
- Give them time to do the task.
- Get Ps to read their partners’ paragraphs.

1.e 2. c 3.d 4.b 5. a
4. Look and write.


seven thirty
factory worker
Children’s Day
Orange juice

5. Write about your father or

Then invite a few of them to tell the class
about their partners father/ mother.
3. Summary (1’)
- Students answer some questions about lesson
such as: What objective did you learn from
VII. Evaluation:
---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 21- Period: 91
Date of preparing: 20/02/2022

Date of teaching: 23/02/2022 (4B, 4C)
Date of teaching: 24/02/2022 (4A)
Date of teaching: 25/02/2022 (4D)

Short story
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- Help the pupils to revise all skills such as: Listen and tick, listen and number,
read and match, read and complete, look and say, read short story.
- After revising, the pupils will be able to do the tasks related to vocabulary and
spelling, listening, reading and writing to consolidate the language knowledge
and skills they have learnt in the focused units.
* Vocabulary: Review
* Structure: Review
2. Skills:
- Practice readking listening and writing skills
3. Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Ss confident when using English
II. Teaching- aids
1.Teacher’s aids: Computer, projector, speakers
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities

1. Warm up: (5’)
* Play a game: LN

- T devides SS ino 2 teams (Blue – White)
- T explains how to play this game
- T lets 2 teams play togtether
- T monitors and praises the winner
2. New lesson
*Activity 1. Read and listen to the story.
Then fill the gaps. (10’)
- Ask pupils open the book on page 38.
- Set the context: Read the title of the story.
(Do you understand it? Can you guess what
you are going to read about?
Look at the picture. Elicit their answer What
is the story? Recall any vocabulary such as:
Cat, mouse that pupils will need to
understand the task.
* Check if pupils can understand the task.
* Play the recording three times: the first for
pupils to listen all the way through and the
second for them to do the task. Pause after
each part for them to repeat.
- Ss listen the story.
- Divide class in to groups to role play Chit
and mouse then retell this story
* Pairs work.
- Teacher monitor the activity
- Call on some pairs to display to the class.
*Activity 2. Number the sentences.
( 10’).
* Set the context: You are going to put the
sentences in the correct order and write the

numbers in the box.
- Give Ss time to do the task
- Ask Ss to swap and check their answers
before the class
- Ask a few pairs to role-play the dialogue.
*Activity 3. Work in pairs. Complete the
conversation with information about you
* Set the context: You are going to look at the
question and write the answers
- Give Ss a few second to do the task
- Put Ss in pairs and give them time to do the

1. Read and listen to the
story. Then fill the gaps.

2. Number the sentences.

3. Work in pairs. Complete
the conversation with
information about you.

- Ask Ss to swap and check their answers
before the class
- Ask a few pairs to role-play the dialogue.
*Activity 4. Find words in the story to
4. Find words in the story to
complete the sentences (5’)

complete the sentences (5’)
- You are going to read the sentences and find
words in the story to complete them.
- Give Ss a few second to do the task
- Put Ss in pairs and give them time to do the
- Ask Ss to swap and check their answers
before the class
3. Summary (1’)
- Students answer some questions about
lesson such as: What objective did you learn
from lesson?
VII. Evaluation:
---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 21- Period: 92
Date of preparing: 20/02/2022
Date of teaching: 23/02/2022 (4B, 4C)
Date of teaching: 24/02/2022 (4A)
Date of teaching: 25/02/2022 (4D)

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge:
- Checks Ss’s knowledges through a mini test.
* Vocabulary: Review
* Structure: Review
2. Skills:
- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Ss confident when using English

- Ss can complete missions by themself
II. Teaching- aids
- CD, cassette
III. Procedures:
Task 1. Listen and tick



1. A.

2. A.


3. A.


4. A.


5. A.


Task 2. Listen and tick

or cross

. There are two examples.









Task 3. Listen and tick the correct pictures. There is one example (0).
0. Who are in the photo?


1. What do they wear on Tet holiday?






2. What is Van’s favourite food?




3. What is Vy’s favourite food?








4. What is Vy like?

5. Why do they like Tet?


Task 1A. Look, read and write. There is one example.







When is Christmas Day?
− It’s on the twenty-fifth of December.

1. When is Children’s Day?
− It’s on the first ______ June.

2. ____________ Teachers’ Day?
− It’s on the twentieth of November.

3. What do you usually do before Tet?
− We _______________ the house.
4. What does Phong have at Christmas?
− He gets ________________ from Santa
5. What do Phong and his sister often do in the
New Year’s Eve?
− They watch
firework _________________.
Task 2. Order the words. There is one example.
Example: favourite / food / my / chicken / is
My favourite food is chicken.
1. you / would / some / fish / like / Susan
2. is / her / favourite / juice / orange / drink
3. my / likes / brother / older / lemonade / much / very
4. favourite / drink / what’s / your
5. like / rice / would / and / chicken / you / some

Task 3. Read and complete the answers. There is one example (0).

Mr and Mrs Smith are Linda’s parents. Mr Smith is a worker. He works in a
factory. He is big and tall. Mrs Smith is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She is
slim and beautiful. Everyday, they drive to work at 7:30. They go home at 5:30
in the afternoon. In the evening, they have dinner and watch TV together. They
often eat rice, meat and vegetables for dinner. Linda loves her parents very
0. Who are Linda’s parents? – They are Mr and Mrs Smith.
1. Where does Linda’s father work? – He works in a _____________.
2. What does Linda’s mother do? – She’s a _____________.
3. When do Linda’s parents go to work? – At ____________.
4. What is Linda’s mother like? – She’s _________ and beautiful.
5. What do they eat for dinner? – They eat rice, meat and _____________.
