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Nemesis unleashed volume II 48

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Special Abilities
Coven Octopus Poison (EX)
Type: bite - Injury Save: F-DC 15
Frequency: 1/round for 13 rounds
Effect: 1 STR
Cure: 1 save
Blackwater Sorcery (Sp)
The Coven Octopus can only use its darkness and black
tentacles spell like abilities when fully submerged, and in
an area of dim light or worse.
Jet (EX)
A Coven Octopus can jet backward once per round as a
full-round action, at a speed of 200 ft. It must move in a
straight line while jetting, and does not provoke attacks of
opportunity when it does so.
Mage Breaking Grapple (SU)
The Coven Octopus imposes a -4 penalty on Concentration
checks to maintain a spell if it grapples a spellcaster or
damages that spellcaster with its tentacles.
Tentacle Array (EX)
Rather than rolling out thirteen individual melee attack
rolls, the Coven Octopus makes a bite and up to two
tentacle array attacks, at a higher than normal attack bonus
and damage, which reflect multiple tentacles all working
together to assault a foe. If the Coven Octopus makes an
attack of opportunity, it uses its tentacle array attack.

Mystically imbued with powers of tangible shadow, Coven

Octopus are even more intelligent than the ordinary, and
extremely clever octopus. Such enchanted beasts are
common guardians in the waterways of witch-kingdoms
and patrolling the seas around magic academies and
wizardly fortresses. Several Coven Octopus are assigned to
patrol a particular waterway, even establishing rough patrol
‘shifts’ among themselves that never leave the waterway
undefended even when the creatures rest… or when a bored
Coven Octopus crawls out of the water to perform some
minor mischief upon the owner of their household.
Coven Octopus resemble ordinary octopus, but are far
larger and more majestic. Their slick skins are a rich sable,
and their eyes gleam like fiery gold. A Coven Octopus
always has thirteen tentacles – this witch’s number of
powerful natural weapons give the creature an amazingly
fierce grip.

Orzar – CR 1
Large CN Monstrous Humanoid
XP 400
Init -1 Senses Blindsense
60 ft, lowlight vision, scent,
Perception +5
Languages Aquan
AC 12 Touch 8 Flatfooted 14
(-1 size, -1 DEX, +4 natural)
HP 2d10 +4 hp (15 HP)
FORT +2 REF +2 WILL +4

(+6 vs fear effects)
Resist Cold 10
Spd 40 ft, Swim 50 ft
Melee +6 slam (1d8+5
bludgeoning plus grab, 20/
Special Attacks
Bloodsucking Constriction
(1 CON)
Special Qualities
Str 20 Dex 9 Con 15 Int 4
Wis 12 Cha 7
Base Atk +2 CMB +7 (+9
grapple) CMD 16
Feats Improved Grapple,
Power Attack
Skills Perception +5, Swim
+18, Survival +5
Environment any ocean
Organization usually hunts solitarily, found in tribal
groups of 4d6 adults and twice as many juveniles
Treasure incidental

Special Abilities
Bloodsucking Constriction (EX)
While the Orzar maintains a grapple, it automatically

inflicts 1 point of CON damage per round without the
need to make a combat maneuver check to inflict damage.
Each point of CON drained restores 1d3 HP to the Orzar if
the creature is wounded. This ability otherwise functions
identically to the constrict universal monster ability.

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