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Nemesis unleashed volume II 49

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Ferocious Grab (EX)
Orzarii have no fear of grappling sea beasts even larger
than themselves The Orzar can use their grab ability
creatures of up to size Huge. If two or more Orzarii are
engaged with the same creature, they may use their grab
ability on creatures up to size Gargantuan.
Land Weakness (EX)
Orzar are adapted to life underwater and are at a severe
disadvantage on land. The creatures suffer a -4 penalty on
attack rolls, combat maneuvers, skill checks and saving
throws when outside the ocean.

Orzarii (the plural form of Orzar) are primitive hunters who
stalk the deep ocean trenches. Strong and utterly fearless,
Orzar hunt alone as a point of pride. Swimming silently
through the frigid depths, Orzar can overbear most ocean
dwellers, and on the rare occasions that an Orzarii tribe
chooses to hunt cooperatively, the behemoths can slaughter
even whales and giant squids. These rare, communal hunts
are the only time Orzar cooperate with one another – at
other times, if one crosses into another’s hunting territory
the two brutes battle to the death.
Orzar are bulky, whale-like humanoids. Their long,
powerful fingers are lined with lamprey-like mouths that
chew through flesh, pulverizing muscle and suctioning up
blood and fat. Orzar hunt primarily by sonar, and their eyes
are tiny, vestigial organs almost hidden by the creature’s
blubbery, insulating skin.

Osteon – CR 3
Medium LE Undead
XP 800
Init +2 Senses Darkvision 90 ft, lowlight vision,
Perception +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 16 Touch 12 Flatfooted 14 (+2 DEX, +4 natural)
HP 4d8 +4 hp (22 HP)
Damage Reduction 5/bludgeoning
FORT +2 REF +3 WILL +4
Immune Cold, undead immunities
Channel Resistance +5
Spd 40 ft
Melee +5 slam (1d6+2 bludgeoning, 20/x2) plus +5 sting
(1d7+2 piercing plus energy drain, 20/x2)

Special Attacks energy drain (1 level, F-DC 13),
Sneak Attack +2d6
Str 14 Dex 15 Con – Int 11 Wis 13 Cha 12
Base Atk +3 CMB +5 CMD 17
Feats LungeB, Nimble Moves, Skill Focus (stealth)
Skills Climb +9, Stealth +11
Environment any
Organization solitary if dispatched on an assassination
mission, or found in command of large squads of skeletons,
zombies or other lesser undead

Treasure none

If skeletons are the rusty meat cleaver of undead minions,
an Osteon is a fine longsword crafted by a master artisan. It
takes months of costly toil to assemble an Osteon, as layer
upon layer of powdered bone is lacquered to a skeletal
frame until the scorpion-tailed killer takes shape. Each

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