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Nemesis unleashed volume II 50

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Osteon is expertly planed, sanded and
carved, until they are as ornately elegant
as a church chandelier. The creature’s
unique shape is a mark of pride for its
necromancer master.
Osteons are intelligent enough to be
deployed as spies and assassins, a role
they excel in. They are also capable
of commanding small squads of nonintelligent undead, effectively serving
as the sergeant of a zombie or skeleton

The Prince
of Hell – CR 27
Large CE Outsider (chaos, demon, evil,
XP 3,276,800
Init +10 Senses Lowlight vision,
Darkvision 120 ft, see in darkness,
trueseeing, Perception +65
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common,
Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Orc, true
speech, telepathy 300 ft
AC 33 Touch 33 Flatfooted 22 (+10 DEX,
+1 dodge, +12 profane)
HP 50d10 +400 hp (675 HP)
Damage Reduction 20/epic and good
Spell Resistance 36
Regeneration 30/epic and good

FORT +40 REF +49 WILL +48
Immune Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire,
Negative Energy, ability score damage/
drain, charm, fatigue and the exhausted
condition, the sickened and nauseated
conditions, sleep
Resist Force 20, Pleasure 20, Sonic 30
Spd 90 ft, Flight 500 ft (good)
Melee +63/+58/+43/+48 devil’s pitchfork
(1d10+12 piercing plus 1d10 fire, 20/x2)
+56 vorpal tail (6d6+7 slashing, 18-20/x2)
Ranged +63/+58/+43/+48 devil’s golden fiddle (2d6+4
slashing/force plus 1d10 pleasure, 20/x4, 30 ft range
increment) OR
+73 devil’s golden fiddle Perform check (2d6+4
slashing/force plus 1d10 pleasure, 20/x4, 30 ft range

Special Attacks Bardic Performance (66 rounds/
day, Deadly Performance, Frightening Tune, Inspire
Competence +6, Inspire Courage +4, Inspire Heroics),
Profane Fires Breath Weapon (120 ft line, 6d6x10 profane
energy, R-DC 44 half, usable every third round)
Special Qualities Rejuvenation
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 50th Concentration +62)
Constant – protection from good, protection from law, true

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