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Nemesis unleashed volume II 73

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CHA damage to both creatures on a success or one point
each of temporary CON and CHA damage to each creature
on a failed attempt. It is possible to surgically separate
conjoined creatures; doing so requires a Heal check with a
DC equal to 10 + the spell’s caster level and requires 2d6
hours work. The surgery inflicts 1d8 points of permanent
CON and CHA drain on a success and half that amount on
a failed attempt, which leaves the victims conjoined.
If either target succeeds on a REF save, they leap clear of
each other before their flesh fully fuses, and both targets
instead merely take 1d8 points of temporary CON and
CHA damage, as large sections of their skins are flayed
from their bodies.

Downpour of FIlth
School conjuration (acid, skatto) Level druid 7, witch 7
Casting Time one standard action
Components V, S
Special Requirement Caster must possess the Wards of
Filth feat
Range long (400 ft + 40 ft/level) Duration 1 round/two
Saving Throw FORT partial (see text)
Spell Resistance No
Muddy clumps of still-hot shit drips upward from the
casters outstretched hand, in defiance of gravity and logic.
Then suddenly grey clouds and a cloying mist gather, and
endless waves of shit fall from the sky.
When you cast downpour of filth, you must expend a daily
use of your Wards of Filth feat.

You create a zone of shit with a 100 ft spherical diameter
anywhere up to the spell’s maximum range. Within this
zone, the rain of shit provides improved concealment, and
fallen shit functions identically to a grease spell.
All creatures and objects within this zone suffer 5d6 +
1d6 per two/levels acid damage (max 15d6 acid) and are
considered nauseated as long as they remain in this zone
and for 1d4 rounds after leaving it. A successful FORT
Save each round halves the acid damage and prevents
nausea for that round, but the save must be repeated each
round the creature remains in the zone.
School transmutation Level alchemist 4, druid 4, witch 4
Casting Time one standard action
Components V, S, M (a vial of mutagenic or occult
chemicals, worth 50 gp/DC 7)
Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/level)
Duration 1 round/ two levels
Saving Throw FORT partial (see text) Spell Resistance
You twist a creature’s genome, overloading their bodies
with so many clashing beneficial mutations they become a
crippling burden. Within seconds, your victim becomes a

quivering and helpless mess of wings, additional limbs and
incoherent new organs.
For the spell’s duration, each round the target gains a
randomly chosen Gift of Nature but also suffers 1d4 points
of temporary DEX damage. A successful FORT Save
prevents the target from acquiring a Gift of Nature or

suffering DEX damage that round, but this save must be
repeated on each round of the duration. A target reduced
to zero DEX by these mutations becomes paralyzed and
helpless, only able to take purely mental actions.
Despite their increasing clumsiness and disorientation, the
spell’s target can use any granted Gifts of Nature normally
for the spell’s duration.

Soul Freeze
School evocation (cold) Level druid 9
Casting Time full round action
Components V, S
Range 1 mile radius + 1 mile per 4 caster levels
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw FORT partial Spell Resistance Yes
You open a portal behind the clouds, unleashing a
snowstorm for the ages, summoned from the coldest corner
of Multiverse. Everything in the path of the snow freezes
and shatters.
All creatures and objects within the range of the soul freeze
suffer 1d6 points of cold damage per two caster levels.
Each round of exposure inflicts 1d6 points of DEX damage,
and reduces the target’s land speed by 10 ft. A successful
FORT Save halves the cold damage, and negates that
round’s DEX damage and reduction in base land speed.
Once the spell ends, lost DEX and land speed returns at the
rate of 1 DEX or 5ft landspeed per minute.
Creatures reduced to either 0 DEX or 0 ft land speed by this
spell freeze completely, transforming into an icy statute, as
if by flesh to stone, save that the target is transformed to ice

rather than rock.
The soul freeze deposits roughly half an inch of snow and
ice per round, which melts normally and remains after the
spell’s duration expires.

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