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Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 1 pot

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ARchitectuRe 2011
No ExpEriENcE rEquirEd


ARchitectuRe 2011
No ExpEriENcE rEquirEd
Eric Wing
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Willem Knibbe
Development Editor: Stephanie Barton
Technical Editor: Jon McFarland
Production Editor: Dassi Zeidel
Copy Editor: Liz Welch
Editorial Manager: Pete Gaughan
Production Manager: Tim Tate
Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley
Vice President and Publisher: Neil Edde
Book Designer: Franz Baumhackl
Compositor: James D. Kramer, Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Proofreader: Publication Services, Inc.
Indexer: Robert Swanson

Project Coordinator, Cover: Lynsey Stanford
Cover Designer: Ryan Sneed
Cover Image: Eric Wing
Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-0-470-61011-4
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wing, Eric, 1970
Autodesk Revit architecture 2011 : no experience required / Eric Wing. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
Summary: “Learn Revit Architecture step by step with this project-based tutorial. Revit Architecture is the leading Building Information Modeling
(BIM) software for architects and others in related fields. Written by renowned Revit trainer Eric Wing, this simple, yet engaging tutorial teaches
you the program’s basics. You’ll find concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial proj-

ect that will take you from an introduction to the interface and Revit conventions right in to modeling a four-story office building. Explains views,
grids, and the program’s editing capabilities, and then progresses as the building’s design would in the real world. Encourages you to work with
structural grids, beams, and foundations and shows you how to add text and dimensions, as well as understand how to use dimensions as a design
tool. Walks you through building floors layer by layer and joining them to exterior and interior walls, and creating and editing roofs and ceilings as
well as stairs, ramps, and railings. Even with no experience, Revit Architecture and its accompanying Web site will support you as you learn Revit at
your own pace.”— Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-470-61011-4 (pbk)
ISBN 978-0-470-90465-7 (ebk)
ISBN 978-0-470-90467-1 (ebk)
ISBN 978-0-470-90466-4 (ebk)
1. Architectural drawing—Computer-aided design. 2. Architectural design—Data processing. I. Title.
NA2728.W482 2010
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To my dad.
You would have pretended to understand
what you were reading in this book
just to make me feel good.
I miss that.
Ac k n o w l e d g m e n t s
efore I ever even pondered writing a technical book such as this one, I was
the guy who bought them and studied them from front to back. This
specific page, however, I always thought was somewhat superfluous… bor-
dering on self-indulgent. As I sit here now, after finishing 23 chapters, I can
categorically say that this section only scratches the surface of the list of people
close to me who have been tremendously inconvenienced by my unavailability
and, conversely, by my temperament during the rare occasions when I was
available. Of course topping this list is my wife, Jennifer, and the kids, Cassidy
and Jacob. You guys always come through for me, and there is no way I could
have written one single chapter without your support, and yes, you get to go to
Disney again, like last year.
Also, I’d like to thank Grandma and Baci for constantly watching and being
with the kids.

On the technical side, thanks to Willem Knibbe for acquiring the book and
working with me on my manuscript and for his constant patience as I lumbered
through each chapter. To Jon McFarland for his complete thoroughness in the
technical editing of the book. I’d also like to thank Stephanie Barton for her
great developmental editing, Dassi Zeidel for helping get the book to the printer,
and copy editor Liz Welch for making sure I made sense. I’d also like to thank
Nick Cerro at C&S Companies for setting the stage for me and for getting me
high-profile speaking engagements in support of my previous books. One more
thanks goes to Franco Zavaglia for providing me with a great cover rendering for
the book.
A b o u t t h e Au t h o r
Eric Wing lives in Syracuse, New York, with his family. He is the BIM Services
Manager for C&S Companies, which is a full-service engineering/architectural
firm headquartered in Syracuse. Eric obtained his degree in architectural engineer-
ing from Delhi University. In addition to writing this book, Eric has written Revit
Architecture No Experienced Required 2010 and Revit Structure Fundamentals,
and he co-authored Mastering Revit Structure. Also, Eric is the manager of the
Autodesk Usergroup training program (ATP), and is a columnist for the AUGIWorld
magazine publication. He also writes a monthly Revit column for AUGI’s HotNews.
In addition to writing, Eric is a nationally recognized speaker, consultant, and
trainer. He is also a bass player in a Syracuse band called Jemba when time allows.
