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When people in the US have company or when they are invited (1) ____ a formal or informal get – together
they usually make a point of trying to (2) ____ others feel compfortable and relaxed. On the whole, they tend
to be informal. Man shake hands, but usually (3) _____ when they are introduced. Male friends and business
associates who haven’t seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually
don’t shake hands when being introduced (4) _each other. When a woman and a man are introduced, shaking
hands is up to the woman. Americans rarely shake hands to say goodbye, except on business occasion.
American women are used (5) ______ being independent. They are used to going places by themselves,
earning their own money, and often living alone. Sometimes they will ask men for help, but they usually
don’t want to be protected. Since the women’s movement started, it’s not always clear whether except men to
open doors or help them into their coats. American women may start conversation (6) ____ men or even ask
them to dance.
There are a lot of Americans who don’t smoke or drink, and many who don’t want people to do those
things in their house. It’s always best to ask before you (7) ___ up a cigarette, if you are with people you
don’t know very well. Non – smokers have become more militant about smoking in public places. Many
restaurants, for instance, have established special sections (8) _______ smokers.
House guests may bring gifts when they come to visit, and they often offer to help in some ways. As a
guest , you may want to ask your host or hostess if there’s anything you can do to help in the kitchen. In
many (9) ______, the gesture is more important than actually helping. You may also want to take your friend
out to dinner (10) _____ the end of your stay, but it’s not expected for you to do so.
New words.
1. company 4. help sb into one’s coat
2. get – together 5. light up
3. make a point of doing 6. special section
Exercise 1. True or False
a. ______ Americans tend to be informal in get – togethers.
b. ______ Americans men always shake hands when they meet.
c. ______ An American woman always shake hands when she is introduced to a man.
d. ______ Few American women live alone.
e. ______ American may ask men to dance.

f. ______ You should always bring alcohol to a dinner.
g. ______ American men never cook meals in the kitchen.
Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.
1. When do American men shake hands? When don’t they?
2. What are American women used to ?
3. What is the attitude of non – smokers in public places?
Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with the words provided.
Company Expected Say goodbye Say hello Smokers
Business associates Get – together Millitant Shake Public
1. They are attending a ______ speaking course.
2. I just want to drop in to ______ because I’m going away in a few days.
3. These young people have _______ regularly on Friday afternoons.
4. Well, they are not my friends. They are only ________.
5. Do you usually ______ hands when you are introduced to someone else?
6. A lot of _______ want to quit smoking.
7. Well, they are not my ______ guests.
8. She’d like to have _______ because she lives alone.
9. Do you shake hands when you ______ to a Vietnamese ?
10. Non – smokers become more ________ about smoking in public places.
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with “ use”: “ used to”: “ be used to doing” giving the correct form of them.
1. My brother ( kick ) ______ the covers off in the night and cry out in this sleep.
2. I work in a bakery, so I ( get ) ______ up very early in the morning.
3. When you work in a factory, you soon ( hear ) ______ the noise.
4. I ( arrive ) ______ late for work, until I was told off.
5. Chicko ( eat ) _______ American food now.
6. I ( be ) _____ patient, but as I get older I can’t suffer fools gladdy.
7. If you ( negative ) ______ your English, you’ll forget it.
8. My father ( smoke ) ______ a pack of cigarettes a day, but now he has given up.
9. I ( be ) ______ heavy traffic in this city.
10. Life here is much easier than it ( be ) ________.

11. Do you now how to ( _______ ) a computer ?
12. We ( speak ) ______ to our teacher.
13. He ( be ) ______ an excellent footballer, but now he’s too old to play.
14. My teacher ( teach ) _______ six hours a day.
15. May I (______ ) your texbook?
Exercise 5. Find and correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. Sam used to living in Oklahoma, but his company had him transfer to a better position in Georgia.
2. We got used to cook our food when we had to live alone.
3. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it ?
4. Mr Peter used to think of him as the only president of the company.
5. Janet finally used to cook on an electric stove after having a gas one for so long.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with suitable word
A- When we were in England last year, I (1) ______ fishing with my friend, Peter. Early in the morning, we
were sitting quietly by the (2) _______ of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise. We saw a duck come
along with three ducklings paddling cheerfully behind her. As we watched them, (3) ____ was a sudden swirl
in the water. We caught a glimpse of the vicious jaws of a pike – a fish (4) _____ is rather like a freshwater
shark – and one of the (5) _______ was dragged below the surface.
This incident made Peter furious. He vowed to catch the pike. (6) _____ three successive mornings, we
returned to the vicinity and used different (7) ____ of bait. On the third day, Peter was lucky. (8) ____ an
artificial frog as bait, he managed to hook the monster. There was a desperate fight but Peter was determined
to capture the pike and he succeeded. When he had got it ashore and killed it, he (9) _____ the fish and found
that it scaled (10) ______ thirty pounds – a record for that district.
B- American and Canadian families often (1) _____ friends and relatives over for diiner. The guests usually
bring (2) ____ small gift, like some flowers or a bottle of wine. Before dinner, the family and the (3) ______
usually sit and talk (4) _____ and have drinks.
Then everyone moves to the dining table for (5) ____. At the end of the meal, everyone (6) ___ dessert and
coffee. After that the family and the guests (7) _____ back to the living room and sit and talk some more. The
guests usually (8) _____ around 10:00 or 10:30/
Exercise 7. Give the correct form of word in bracket.
1. ( 1 – Finance )__ no one denies the fact that we’re now ( 2 – good ) __ than we were 5 or 6 years ago

2. ( 3 – Courteous ) ______ is another way for “ Politeness”.
3. Although he was older than his wife, he ( 4 – live ) _______ her by ten years.
4. They were robbed of money and ( 5 – value ) _______ at gunpoints.
5. An ( 6 – office ) ______ announcement about it is expected tomorrow.
6. These shoes may be ( 7 – price ) ________, but they are very good quality.
7. Our company is one of the world’s largest footwear ( 8 – manufacture ) ________.
8. She has a really strong ( 9 – person ) _______.
9. ( 10 – Accommodate ) _______ is arranged in hotels or private apartments.
10. It is difficult for small companies to survive in a ( 11 – compete ) _______ market.
Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning.
1. He always fed the animals with difficulty. He was not used _____________
2. My father doesn’t smoke a lot of cigarettes any more. My father used ______________
3. I feel confused when I speak in front of the crowd. I’m not used ________________
4. Long ago there was a beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean. There used
5. It’s difficult for my son to wear glasses. My son isn’t used ____________
6. Policemen always wear uniform when they are on duty. Policemen are used ___________
7. Was there a hotel on that corner ? Used there __________________
8. My mother never goes to bed late. My mother’s never used _______
9. People said that the government had spent too much money on roads. The Government _______
10. They said that what happened was Jim’s fault. What ______________________
11. People say the Chinese invented gunpowder. The Chinese ________________
12. It is said that golf was invented in America. Golf _______________________
