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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 unit 8: Celebrations

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Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 9.
Period: 49
Unit8: celebration
Lesson 1: Getting started +Listen and read
I/The aims of the lesson
-To help ss read a text about some celebrations in the world for details,get
acquainted with relative clause with “who and which”.
*Vocabulary: occur ,decorate,freedom,slavery,jewish,parade.
*Grammar: Relative clause: who,which.
*Skill: -Main skill: Reading, listening.
-Other skills:Speaking, writing.
II/The objective of the lesson
-By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the popular celebrations
in the world.
III/Teaching aids
1.Warm up
Match the icons with the names of the celebrations they represent.
Mid-Fall Festival
Lunar New year
2.Pre teach vocabulary
- (to)occur : xảy ra
- (to)decorate :trang trí

- freedom (n): sự tự do
- slavery (n) sự nô lệ
- jewish ( n): ngưêi Do Thái, thuộc về Do Thái
-(a)parade: cuộc diễu hành
* Check: ROR
3.Pre listen and read

- Today we are going to read a text about some celebrations in the world .
* Brainstorming
T; Asks Ss to think of the name of the celebrations all over the world they’ve
Ss: Guess
T: Get feed back

-What do people often do for Tet holiday?
………………………….in the Passover?
4.While listen and read
T: Asks Ss read silently and listen to the cassette at the same time
Ss: Work in pairs to complete the word map on page 66.
• Answer keys:
Tet( Lunar
New Year


in late
january or

cleaning and
new clothes
and enjoying
special food
in late March eating special
or early April meal
around the
same time

sticky rice cake


special meal
called Seder
chocolate,..sugar, in many

-Modal sentence: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.

Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet.
-Form: N(ng) + Who + V……..+ V……
N(v) + Which + V…….+ V…….
S + V + N (ng) + Who + V +…..
S + V + N(v) + Which + V……
Chữ đứng trước
Chức năng
1.Chủ ngữ(Subject)
2.Tân ngữ(Object)
3.Sở hữu(Possesive)

Chỉ người

Chỉ vật



-Use: §TQH “Who” dùng để nối câu,thay thế cho 1 dt chỉ ng đứng ngay trc nó,có
chức năng làm chủ ngữ cho M§ sau.
§TQH “which”………………………………………vật……………..............
Chủ ngữ và tân ngữ cho mệnh đề sau.
5.Post listen and read
- Ask student to work in groups to look at the grids and introduce the celebrations
to the whole class.
*Fill in with who or which
1.The boys …….are playing in the garden are my children.
2.The flowers ………my friend gave me have withered.
3.The vegetables…………Mr Green sells are not fresh.
4.The singer …….you like best is Miss White.
5.The street …….leads to my school is very wide.
6.Homework assignment
- Read and translate the text into VNese
- Do exercises I in workbooks.

Period: 50

Unit 8: celebration
Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
I/The aims of the lesson
-To pratice giving and responding to compliments.Filling the missing words by

listening to a song.
*Skill:-Main skill:Speaking, listening
-Other skills: Writing, reading,
II/The objective of the lesson
-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to
compliments, and complete a song.
III/Teaching aids
Text book,tape,radio,poster.
1.Check up
-Write new words.
Do ex:Join sentences: 1, The flowers were roses.I bought the flowers for my sister.
2,Mary is a girl.She is wearing a white T-shirt.
2.Warm up
* Chatting: Do you like E songs?
Can you sing any E songs?
Do you know the song which people often sing on New Year’s Eve?
3.Preteach vocabulary

active(adj): tích cực

- (an)activist: nguêi hoạt động

( situation)

- (to)nominate : ghi danh, chọn

( example)

- nomination(n) sự ghi danh


- charity(n): lòng từ thiện


- (to)congratulate-congratulation(n):chuc mung


• Check: what and where
4.Pre listening
*Matching(in scots)
Auld = old
Lang = long
Syne = since
Auld lang syne(n)=the times gone past;the good old days.
-T introduces the song
-Ss read the song in silence and guess the words filled in the blanks
-Get feed back.
-Ss listen to the tape and correct the predictions.
(listen twice)
-T asks to correct





6.Pre speaking
-Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest. What does Mai
say to pay Trang a compliment?And what does Trang respond?
• Give a compliment;
- Well done
- That’s a great...
- That’s an excellent....
- Congratulations on...
- Let me congratulate you on........
• Respond to a compliment;
- Thanks/ thanks a lot.
- It’s very nice/ kind of you to say so.

- That’s very kind of you.
7.While speaking .
T: Have Ss pratice giving and responding the compliments
Ss : Work in pairs
• Practice : Word- cue drill:
Well done/ thanks
Congratulations/ thanks a lot
Let/ congratulate/ on passing the exam/ kind

great report/ nice of you
- T: Asks Ss to work in pairs , to read the situation on page 66, 67 then give and
respond to compliments
- Ss: Work in pairs
- T: Call on some pairs of Ss to act out.
• T: Asks Ss to listen to the song Auld lang Syne and work in pairs to
guess the words in the blanks.
• Ss; Listen
• Answer keys:
• a. days

b. take c. mind d. hand e. kindness.

8.Post listening and speaking
Sing the songs again.
Write compliments according to the situations T gives.
9.Homework assignment
- Write some situations with the compliments, the response to the compliments
into their notebooks
- Do exercises II in workbook.

Period: 51

Unit 8: celebration
Lesson 3:Read
I/The aims of the lesson
-To help ss read for details about children’s emotion on Father’ Day.
*Skill: -Main skill: Reading
-Other skills:Listening, speaking, writing.

II/The objective of the lesson
-By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the opinions , feelings,
and memories of children about their father on the Father’s Day in the U.S.A and
in Australia.
III/Teaching aids
1.Check up
-Write new words.
-Make compliment
2.Warm up
Do we have a father’s day in Vietnam?
What do you do to express your love to your father and mother?
Father’sDay: the third Sunday in June.
Mother’sDay: –(US): the 2nd Sunday in May
(-UK): the middle of March.
3.Preteach vocabulary
- (a)hug : ôm ( Khi chào nhau)
- considerate (adj) : ân cần , chu đáo
( traslation)
- generous (a):>< mean : rộng luîng
( ATN)
- priority(n) : sự uu tiên , quyền uu tiên
( explanation)
- sense of humor ( n) : khiếu hài huíc
( traslation)
- (to)distinguish: phân biệt , làm khác biệt
( traslation)

* Check: ROR
4.Pre reading
T : On Father’s Day in Australia and in the USA, children show their love to their
fathers by giving their father present, cards.
* T/ F sentences
T Asks Ss to guess which sentence is False and which sentence is True
1. Rita’s father teaches him how to love, cry and laugh.
2. Jane’s father always wanted to let her go.
3. Now Jane has children.
4. Bob’s father is a considerate and generous man.
5. Bob doesn’t love his father.
-T: Gets feedback.
5.While reading
- T: -Asks students to read the text and check their guesses.
- T: corrects.
* Answer:
1. T
2.F – Jane’s father never wanted to let her go.
3. T
4. T
5. F – Bob loves his father.
* Reading comprehensions.
T: Asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions on page 69
• Answers :
1. To her Dad
2. He is possibly dead.These ideas may tell about that: ..... how much you are
missed........ , I now have children , Dad,....
3. His sense of humor.

4. The best person in the world, a teacher, a care taker, a friend..........
6.Post reading
T: Asks Ss to write their feelings , opinions, and memories about their fathers.
Ss: Write individually then share compare with their partners.
T: Asks Ss to read out.( If there is time)
7.Homework assignment

- Finish their writings in their notebook and do exercise III in workbooks.

Period: 52
Unit 8: celebration
Lesson 4:Write
I/The aims of the lesson
-To help ss practice writing a letter to a friend.
*Skill:-Main skill: Writing
-Other skills:Listening , speaking, reading
II/The objective of the lesson
-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend/ pen pal
to share their ideas.
III/Teaching aids
1.Check up
-Read the text and answer some questions.
2.Warm up
Ask ss some qs about their father and mother ….

3.Preteach vocabulary
- (to)enhance: tăng cuêng , tôn lên
( explanation)
- (to)have a day off: nghỉ 1 ngày
( example)
- (to)support: = help : ủng hộ , hỗ trợ
- nationwide(adv); cả níc
( translation)
* Check .R.O.R
4.Pre writing
T: In this period we learn how to write a letter to a friend
* Ordering:
- Asks Ss to keep their books closed, show the outline on the board
Ss: Put the parts in the correct order.
* Answer.

paragraph 1-3
paragraph 2 - 1
paragraph 3- 2.
5.While writing

T: Asks Ss to write individually to friend to tell him or her about why
they want to celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day in viet nam and
how to celebrate it. The outline on page 70 will help Ss to write easily.

• Ss; Write individually.
• T: Call Ss to read aloud the letter

• Suggested ideas:
In my opinion, it is essential to have a day to celebrate for our parents.
On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings,
memories and love for their parents. We have an opportunity to enhance family
traditions. Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one
another and to help one another.
I tkink first Sunday of April is suitable. Sunday is a day off so everybody is
free from work or study. April is late Spring or early summer, and the weather is
generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happend outdoors.
It is not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch or dinner
with all members of the family. Children shuold give their parents flowers , send
them cards, or bring them special cake. Moreover, children should serve their
parents the food that they like best.
I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide
because every loves their parents and want their parents to be happy.
6.Post writing
- T: Ask students to share compare with their partners.
- Ss: Share compare
- T: - Ask students to read out their writings and teacher corrects their mistakes.
- Ss: - Read out their wrirings.
7.Homework assignment
- Ask students to write their letter in their notekooks.
and do exercises IV in workbooks.

Period: 53
Unit 8: celebration
Lesson 5: Language focus
I/The aims of the lesson
-To help ss practice some structures of unit 8

*Vocabulary: compose,culture,occur,happen,satisfy,violet,lap.
*Grammar:Practice in relative clauses and further practice in adverbial clauses of
*Skill: -Main skill: Speaking and writing
-Other skills: Listening and reading
II/The objective of the lesson
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use relative clauses and using
though/ although / even though to combine sentences.
III/Teaching aids:
Text books, picture.
1.Check up
- Asks Ss to read aloud the writings
2.Warm up
* Chatting
3.Preteach vocab
- (to)compose:sáng tác, soạn thảo
- culture(n) : nền văn hoá
- (to)occur = (to) happen : xảy ra

( traslation)
( traslation)

- (to)satisfy= please : làm thoả mãn


- violet( a): màu tím

( realia)

- lap(n): đùi ( từ hông đến gối)

( realia)

* Check : R.O.R

T: Remind the Ss about Relative clauses and adverbial clause of concession.
Relative clauses: Who , Which
Adverbial clause of concession.: even though/ though / although
-Asks Ss to do Ex 1 ( page70) in group T divide the class into 4 groups .Each
group does 2 sentences and do Ex on the personal board .
* Keys:
a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year’s Eve.
b. This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday
c. My friend tom, who can compose song, sing Wstern folk songs very well.
d. We often go to the town cultural house which always opens on public holidays.
e. I like reading books which tell about different peoples and their cultures.
f. On my mum;s birthday my dad gave her roses which were very sweet and
g. Judy liked the full – moon festival which happened in Mid-fall very much.
h. Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay with us
during Christmas.
Ex4 ( page72). T : Asks Ss to look at the picture in the books on page 72 and
using correct tense of the verbs to complete the sentense in individually.

Ss: Write and then share compare with their partners.
*Keys: b. ........ , she is still watching TV now.
- c. ....... although the weather bureau predicted the weather would be fine.
- d. .. ate a lot of food............... - e. ............., Mary tried to finish her letter.
-Ask students to do exercise 2 on page 71

-T: Corrects the mistakes.
7.Homework assignmen: -Finish all ex in the workbook.
