Speciality: Educational Management
Code: 9140114
The dissertation was finished at:
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Viet Vuong.
Reviewer 1:………………………………………………
Reviewer 2:………………………………………………
Reviewer 3:……………………………………………….
The dissertation will be defended in the university committee:
At ……………….., 2019
The dissertation can be read at:
- National library of Vietnam;
- Thai Nguyen University - Learning Resource Center;
-Library of University of Education.
1. Trần Hoàng Tinh (2015), “Trò chơi quân sự trong giáo dục quốc phòng,
an ninh một số hoạt động ngoại khóa nhằm góp phần rèn luyện tính kỷ
luật cho sinh viên”, Tạp chí Giáo dục, Số 372, Kì 2 (12-2015), 2015.
2. Trần Hoàng Tinh (2015), “Rèn luyện tính kỷ luật cho sinh viên thông qua
hoạt động ngoại khóa tại Trung tâm Giáo dục quốc phòng Thái
Nguyên”, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập
145, Số 15, 2015.
3. Trần Hoàng Tinh (2016), “Rèn luyện kỹ năng tổ chức hoạt động ngoại
khóa cho giảng viên Trung tâm Giáo dục quốc phòng Thái Nguyên”,
Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập 148, Số
03/1, 2016.
4. Trần Hoàng Tinh, Nguyễn Xuân Trường (2017), “Một số giải pháp nâng
cao chất lượng tự học của sinh viên tại trung tâm Giáo dục quốc phòng
Thái Nguyên trong giai đoạn hiện nay”, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công
nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập 163, Số 03/1, 2017.
5. Trần Hoàng Tinh, Trịnh Tấn Hoài, Nguyễn Thế Tài (2017), “Tăng cường
quản lý công tác giáo dục chính trị tư tưởng cho sinh viên tại Trung tâm
Giáo dục quốc phòng và an ninh trong giai đoạn hiện nay”, Tạp chí
Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập 163, Số 03/2, 2017.
6. Trần Hoàng Tinh (2017), “Thực trạng và biện pháp xây dựng kế hoạch
chỉ đạo thực hiện giáo dục tính kỷ luật cho sinh viên tại Giáo dục quốc
phòng và an ninh”, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Thái
Nguyên, Tập 175, số 15, 2017.
7. Trần Hoàng Tinh, Trần Văn Khánh, Nguyễn Trung Kiên (2018), “Tăng
cường công tác kiểm tra, đánh giá hoạt động giáo dục tính kỷ luật cho
sinh viên tại Trung tâm Giáo dục quốc phòng và an ninh trong giai đoạn
hiện nay”, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập
179, Số 03, 2018.
8. Trần Hoàng Tinh, Phạm Văn Tuân, Nông La Duy (2018), “Xây dựng trung đội
tự quản trong quản lý giáo dục tính kỷ luật cho sinh viên tại Trung tâm Giáo
dục quốc phòng và an ninh trong giai đoạn hiện nay.”, Tạp chí Khoa học và
Công nghệ, Đại học Thái Nguyên, Tập 183, Số 07, 2018.
1. Rationale for the research
Discipline is an important quality of employees in the modern
society, which creates cultural beauty in personal life and order and
rule in the community. In present society, due to the impact of the
market mechanism and international integration, in addition to some
positive aspects such as dynamism, creativity and sense of
entrepreneurship, the youth and students, on the reverse side,
contribute to many negative phenomena, the order and rule in many
places are sometimes violated.
Disciplinary education for students is a measure to ensure the
success of courses, the quality of training of universities, and to form
an important quality of professional workers in the industrial society
we are aiming for.
In terms of theory, so far in our country, there have been some
research projects on disciplinary education for students at high
school, undergraduate students at universities and learners at military
colleges. Especially since the Law on National Defense and Security
Education was issued, there have been a number of research projects
on national denfense and security education for students, but there
has not yet been any research work on the management of
disciplinary education for students in national denfense and security
education centers.
In the past years, disciplinary education for students at the
centers has been paid attention by the leaders and the objectives and
requirements of courses have been obtained successfully. However,
the management of disciplinary education for students at the centers
still has several limitations due to many different reasons, so the
management of dispilinary education for students needs to be studied
in a systematic way, to find appropriate management measures. From
the above reasons, as an official working at the Center for National
Defense and Security Education , we chose "Management of
disciplinary education for students at the Center for National Defense
and Security Education" as ourdoctoral thesis.
2. Aims of the research
On the basis of theoretical research and survey on the status of
disciplinary education for students at different centers for national
defense and security education, the dissertation proposed educational
management measures to form a sense of discipline for students,
contributing to improving the quality of courses at the center and the
quality of human resource training in colleges and universities.
3. Objects and participants of the research
3.1. Objects of the research
Disciplinary education activities for students at centers for
national defense and security education.
3.2. Participants of the research
Management of disciplinary education for students at the
Center for National Defense and Security Education.
4. Scope of the research
- In terms of contents: Management of disciplinary education
for students in the system of centers for national defense and security
- In terms of research field: At present, there are two systems
of national defense and security education center in the whole
country: one is university centers managed by the Ministry of
Education and Training, the other is military college centers managed
by the Ministry of National Defense. The dissertation carried out
surveys at 5 centers managed by the Ministry of Education and
Training: Center for National Defense and Security Education -Hue
University, Center for National Defense and Security Education
-Hanoi University of Education 2, Center for National Defense and
Security Education -Hanoi National University, Center for National
Defense and Security Education - Ho Chi Minh City National
University, Center for National Defense and Security Education Thai Nguyen University and conducted an experiment at the Center
for National Defense and Security Education -Thai Nguyen
- In terms of time:From 2014 to 2018
5. Hypothesis of the research
Discipline is an important quality of personality with complex
psychological structure, the formation of discipline for students is a
process that is influenced by many factors among which education
and experience are two core elements. Management of disciplinary
education for students at the centers is a scientific and practical issue.
If we have management measures that are appropriate to the
psychology of students, promoting activism, positivity, creativity of
students and in accordance with the military education environment
in centers for national defense and security education, the quality of
training will be improved, contributing to the implementation of the
goals of national defense and security education according to the Law
of National Defense and Security Education.
6. Tasks of the research
- Investigate the theoretical basis of the management of
disciplinary education for students at national defense and security
education centers.
- Survey, evaluate the real status of the management of
disciplinary education for students at national defense and security
education centers.
- Propose measures to manage disciplinary education for
students at national defense and security education centers.
- Conduct an experiment, and evaluate the effectiveness of the
application of proposed measures.
7. Methodology of the research
7.1. Methodology
7.2. Methods
-Group of theoretical research methods
questionnaires; interview; experience synthesis; testing; experiment.
-Group of supportive methods: Use statistical math formulas
and SPSS software to process data.
8. Arguments of the research
- Discipline of students in national defense and security
education centers is the product of education and training, reflected
in the awareness, attitude, behavior of students, obeying regulations
and rules of the centers, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles, to
successfully complete every task, bringing success to training
- Disciplinary education management at national defense and
security education centers is more effective than at any other
educational environments.
- Management of disciplinary education for students at
national defense and security education centers is a combination of
measures, consistent with the characteristics of the students’ ages and
social practices, contributing positively to the implementation of the
education of national defense and security and training objectives of
9. Research questions
- What is the nature of the sense of discipline? How does the
formation process of students’discipline at national defense and
security education centers take place?
- What are the characteristics of disciplinary education for
students at national defense and security education centers? What are
theimpact factors?
- What is the real situation of discipline, disciplinary education
and management of disciplinary education for students in national
defense and security education centerstoday?
- What
managingdisciplinary education for students at national defense and
security education centers?
10. New contributions of the research
In terms of theory: Systematized the thereotical basis
ondiscipline, disciplinary education and management of disciplinary
educationfor students at national defense and security education centers.
In terms of practice:
-Surveyed, analyzed, and assessed the situation of discipline,
disciplinary education and the management of disciplinary education,
assessed the factors affecting the management of disciplinary
education for students at the centers.
- Proposed measures to manage disciplinary education for
students in accordance with age psychological and practical
characteristics at national defense and security education centers.
11. Structure of the dissertation
In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, Recommendations,
References and Appendices, the main contents of the dissertationare
presented in 4 chapters.
Chapter 1
1.1. Previousresearch on management of disciplinary educationfor
1.1.1. Foreign research Research projects on discipline and sense of discipline
Discipline and sense of discipline are important issues of social
life, so many scientists have studied on their various aspects in
differents field of study such as Philosophy, Sociology, Education
and Psychology. In each different political regime, scientists also
have different approaches to and concepts of discipline and sense of
6 Research projects of management of disciplinary education.
Many scientists have studied in depth about the position, role,
educational path and goal of disciplinary education for different
subjects and ages. All the authors claimed thatdiscipline is a quality
of not only each individual but also of all members in the
community; it helps each person and every community to fulfil the
objectives that have been set out in a proper order.
1.1.2. Previous research in Vietnam Research on disciplinary education for students
In our country, research projects on disciplinary education
initially focused on high school students, and thenon students and
military school learners. Although there are many different
approaches, the authors analyzed and clarified the role and nature of
discipline, sense of discipline; theoretical and practical basis, and the
urgency of disciplinary education for studentsand building a
disciplined educational environment; proposed solutions to improve
the quality of disciplinary education, managing disciplinary
education for students. Research on disciplinary education for learners at military
The authors analyzed the nature of the process of disciplinary
education for soldiers; the contents and methods and the diversity of
the forms of disciplinary education for students. The authors pointed
out the successful and unsuccessful factors, subjective and objective
causes, and lessons in disciplinary education for learners in particular
and for soldiers and officials under the circumstance of being ready
to fight in the context of the modern world. Research on management of disciplinary education for
university students
The issue of management of disciplinary education for
university students has also been addressed by many authors. In the
field of national defense and security education, there have been a
number of research projects, articles in scientific journals that
addressed this issue on many dimensions, in many areas and on many
subjects, but in general, these papers are affirmed that it is vital that
national defense and security education must be combined with
disciplinary education in military environment so that the quality of
education and training can be enhanced and comprehensive.
1.2. Theoretical issues on discipline and sense of discipline
1.2.1. Discipline General concept
From scientists’ viewpoints and our analysis we claimed that
"Discipline is the rule, the sanctions set to maintain the stability and
development of organizations and to regulate behaviors of the
members so as to achieve common goals.” discipline
For the military - armed forces, with specialized activities of
political and military training, combat readiness, it is a requirement
that all military personnel strictly obey commands, rules of the army,
and living routine. So according to us: Military discipline is the
orders, regulations, and directives that require all military personnel
to perform promptly and accurately. Students’ discipline in national defense and security centers
A national defense and security (NDS) center is a place where
students of universities and colleges focus on learning about NDS
knowledge in 4 to 5 weeks. Therefore, students’ discipline in NDS
centers are domestic rules, living routines and training tasks, strictly
regulated and requiring all students to comply, to ensure the
consistency in the operation of the centers and to achieve the
objectives of the course.
1.2.2. Sense of discipline General concept
From the scholars' concepts, it is clear that sense of discipline
is an important quality of the individual; it is the observance of rules
and regulations, in order to meet the common requirements of the
community.Sense of discipline unites the collective benefits and
personal interests.
From the analysis of the authors’ concepts, we concluded that:
sense of discipline is a personality quality, including consciousness,
belief, morality, will, motivations, skills, habits..., reflected by the
serious and responsible self-observance of the requirements, regulations
of organizations, and fields of social and professional activities. Military sense of discipline:
Due to the characteristics of military operation, the military
sense of discipline relates to political consciousness, ideological
position, morality, willingness and combat readiness skills of soldiers
in all situations. Thus, military sense of discipline is the quality of
military personnel, the realization of political views, ideological
standpoint, combat readiness, expressed by unconditional observance
of all orders of superiors and army orders. of discipline of students in national defense and
security education centers
The sense of discipline of students at the Center for national
defense and security education is shown in the implementation of
rules, regulations, daily routines, costumes, holidays, manners,
languages to communicate with superiors and teammates in the
classroom, on the drill-ground, during break time, play hours, in selfservice labor, in executing all orders of superiors. So The sense of
discipline of students at NDS centers is the awareness to execute
rules, regulations, orders of the army and the laws of the state,
based on the political enlightenment and the awareness of the
obligations and responsibilities of the learners in the
implementation of the goals of courses.
1.3.Theoretical issues on disciplinary education for students
1.3.1. Education
Education is an overall pedagogical process, with systematic
impacts of educators on students, helping them to raise their sense of
self-conciousness in trainingand practising to form qualities and
capabilities in accordance with the requirements of the society and time.
1.3.2. Disciplinary education for students
Disciplinary education for students is an important task of
universities. This job is done through the teaching process, through
experience activities, collective activities and social exchanges. The
result of disciplinary education for students is the transformation of
the requirements of schools, social organizations, and the State laws
into the awareness, attitude and behavior of each individual.
1.3.3. Disciplinary education for studentsat NDS centers
Disciplinary education for students at the NDS centers is a
process of systematic impact of educators on students through
various forms of organization, to raise awareness, form attitudes,
habits, behaviors of discipline for students in learning and training at
the center and maintaining and developing it in learning and working
after the course.
1.4. Theoretical issues on management of disciplinary education
for students
1.4.1. Management
Management is an organized and oriented impact of managing
subjects on managed objects by diverse methods to achieve the
defined objectives.
1.4.2.Management of disciplinary education for students at NDS
Management of disciplinary education for students at NDS
centers is the process of organizing, directing and exploiting
resources to educate awareness, attitude and behavior for students in
learning, training and self-improving at NDS centers.
1.4.3. Characteristics of disciplinaryeducation management for
students at NDS centers
Particular attention should be paid to the characteristics of the
object and the characteristics of the educational environment for
1.4.4. Factors affecting management of disciplinary educationfor
students at NDS centers
Management of disciplinary education for students at NDS
centers is always subject to multi-dimensional impact with objective
and subjective factors, including direct and indirect impacts, positive
and negative impacts, controllableand uncontrollable impacts,
intertwined, interdependent and interchanging, which should be paid
attention to at NDS centers.
1.4.5. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of management of
disciplinary education for students at NDS centers
Criteria 1: Students' awareness of discipline
Criteria 2: The appropriateness of the plan for disciplinary
education management for students
Criteria 3: The appropriateness of measures on students
Criteria 4: Results of disciplinary education for students
Conclusion of chapter 1
Chapter 2
2.1. Introduction to NDS centers
2.1.1. Brief introduction to history of NDS centers
2.1.2. Oganizational structure of NDS centers
2.1.3. Functions, responsibilities and jurisdictions of NDS centers
2.2. Survey of the situation
2.2.1. Aims
2.2.2. Objects and quantity of objects
2.2.3. Contents
2.2.4. Data collection instruments and survey sample
(questionnaires and the others)
2.2.5. Methods of survey
2.2.6. Methods of data processing
2.3. Results of the survey
2.3.1. Students’ discipline at NDS centers Students’ and educational forces’ awareness
The awareness and understanding of students with regard to
the requirements of learning and training activities at the centers at
first is not good, especially on the requirements and rules of learning
activities. Later on during the process of learning and training at the
centers, the level of knowledge of each student is strengthened and
improved gradually, but still does not meet the requirements. The attitude of students on discipline observance
In general, the attitude of students in learning and training at
the centers is not really good and does not fully meet the criteria set
for each student during and after the learning and training process at
the centers. Student behavior in disciplinary observance
According to the evaluation of educational forces and selfassessment of students, only the behavior of students in examinations
and end-of-module tests is "Good" ; the one in classroom learning
activities, drill-ground activities and in the implementation of the
training regulations is assessed as "Fair", the one in the remaining
contents (self-study, self-training activities) is only evaluated at the
average level in the scale. Therefore it is neccesary tostrengthen the
management to raise the sense of self-awareness in observing
discipline for students.
2.3.2. Disciplinary education for students at NDS centers Contents of disciplinary education for students
The survey results show that the education contents for
students at NDS centers have been supported by the majority of the
educational forces and students, only a few students expressed their
disagreement. Discipilinary education for students recently has
attracted the attention of the management staff of all levels. Through
survey results, it is found that there have been positive changes, but
there are still some contents that have a high level of unnecessary or
not good. Methods and forms of disciplinary education for students
When surveying to assess the effectiveness, we found that the
effectiveness of educational methods and forms is not as high as
expected. It is necessary to have adjustments in the coming time. Effectiveness of disciplinary education for students
The students who newly enrolled at NDS centers hadnot good
survey results of the effectiveness of disciplinary education. But with
the help, education and training of the staff, and their efforts, after
finishing the study at NDS centers, there were certain changes in
their sense of discipline in learning and daily routines.
2.3.3. Management of disciplinary education for students at NDS
centers Awareness of the role and importance of the management of
disciplinary education for students
As can be seen from the survey results, the educational forces
had a very good awareness of the role and importance of managing
disciplinary education for students, 83% of participants rated it as
"Extremely necessary", only 17% rated "Neccesary" and no one rated
at the last three levels, and the average score was 4.83 at good level. Directive for the planning of disciplinary education for
Currently NDS centers often build 3 types of disciplinary
education plans for students, the school year plan, Course plan
(learning session) and Weekly plan. According to the survey results,
the directive for the planning of disciplinary education for students at
NDS centers was only evaluated relatively good for the type of
school year plan, while the other two were rated ineffective, leading
to the fact that the quality of disciplinary education for students did
not yet reach the required aims and the average score of the directives
to set up the plan was 3.350, at average level.
13 Result of the directives for the implementation of disciplinary
education for students
From the survey results, the result of directives for the
implementation of disciplinary education for students was not good .
Content No 2 "Directives on contents, program and time of education
for students" and content No 3 "Directivesfor the management of
innovation of disciplinary education methods for students" had better
results, the rate at very good and goodwas over 55%, only about 15%
rated at not yet good and not good. The average scoresof content no 2
and no3 were 3.53 and 3.55 respecively,atfair level. Contents and measures of management of disciplinary
education for students
The survey results show that the appropriateness of the
contents and measures of managing disciplinary education for
students at NDS centers werestrongly agreed and wererated effective
by the educational forces . Assessment and supervision of the process of disciplinary
education for students
From the results, the management of disciplinary education for
students was not implemented comprehensively. In the past years,
there was not adequate attention, there were even times when no
implementation was done, so the effectiveness of disciplinary
education for students was not high, the target was not achieved yet.
2.3.4. Factors affecting management of disciplinary education for
students at NDS centers Subjective factors affecting management of disciplinary
education for students at NDS centers Objective factors affecting management of disciplinary
education for students at NDS centers.
According to the overall assessment byeducational forces, the
level of influence of thesubjective factors on management of
disciplinary education for students was higher than that of the
objective factors, the average score was 3,937 (subjective factors)
compared to 3,813 (objective factors). The educational forces
basically recognized and clearly defined the impacts of subjective
and objective factors on the management of disciplinary education
for students, as well as the training results of students when learning
at NDS centers.
2.3.4. Management effectiveness and causes Management effectiveness
Although the reflected results were not as high as expected, but
there have been certain efforts in the education and training of
teachers and administrators, along with the effort of each student
each day and week. The vast majority of students are aware that
sense of discipline is needed in every student, this is a quality that is
not only needed when studying at NDS centers, or at university, but
also in work and in their whole life afterwards, so most of the
students have identified this is the best condition for each student to
build and form for himself. However, in the implementation process,
there were still some limitations in both management and education,
which in the future need to be overcome. Advantages
Most students of NDS centers had awareness of the position,
role and necessity of discipline in the process of learning in general
and in the learning of national denfense and security education in
particular. After studying at NDS centers, the majority of students
could identify a studentasself-disciplined if he is "self-aware and
activein observing the regulations in learning and training and
considers it as a need."
The disciplinary education for students at NDS centers has
been implemented quite well; with various methods, contents and
forms it has brought about certain effectiveness, having transformed
students’ awareness, attitudes and behaviors on the observance of
discipline, gradually form a sense of disciplineamong students.
The management of disciplinary education for students has
made significant progress, the staff and leaders of NDS centers have
performed quite well their functions and tasks in management
activities. NDS centers have had many innovations in setting up
different management measures to improve the quality of disciplinary
education for students, contributing to improving the results of
national defense and securityeducation subject. Limitations
From the results of the questionnaires as well as direct
exchange, summarizing the practice, in recent years:
The construction and implementation of plans and activities of
disciplinary education for students were passive.
The forms and methods of education were monotonous,
focusing mainly onpropagating the rules of the center, rules on daily
routines, travelling, exams, tests and so on; so the effectiveness of
management of díciplinary education for students was not high.
The cooperation of different educational forces at the centers
has not been well implemented, lack of consistency. The direction for
the implementation of disciplinary education for students was still
limited. The evaluation of the process of disciplinary educationwas
not frequent, leading to not encouraging students to voluntarily
observediscipline, and self-educate themselves to have high sense of
discipline. Causes of limitations
The first reason is that the students had uneven levels of
awareness, the nature of the chosen career also impacted the results
of disciplinary education and management of disciplinary education
for students. The awareness, motivations attitudes of students in
learning and training, along with their habit of being free before
entering the center made them thought at the beginning that it was a
bundle, rigid learning environment and the administration was a lot
of red tape.
The second reason is that the competency and skill of some
teachers and management officialsdid not meet the task requirements,
which is also an obstacle in disciplinary education for students in
NDS centers. Besides, the coordination between forces in NDS
center was not good, not yetmobilizing the participationof all forces
in the education and management of education for students. The
remuneration regime for officials and teachers who work in NDS
centers is still limited, so it has not fully utilized their inherent ability.
The third reason is that the Party's policy, the State's policies
and laws in the field of NDS are always revised to suit the actual
situation of the country, the world and the trend of the time. At the
same time, the impact of the environment in each center also affects
the management of disciplinary education for students. It is stipulated
in the Government's decree that the secondment of military officers is
short (5 years), which has a certain influence on the process of
accumulating experience in the implementation of education in
general and the disciplinary education for students in particular.
The fourth reason is that facilities and equipment for education
and management of education for students at different centers are not
synchronized and adequate, there are no specific forms of these
materials. Study time at NDS centers is short (from 4 to 5 weeks).
Conclusion of chapter 2
Chapter 3
3.1. Principles of proposing management measures
disciplinary education for students at NDS centers
3.1.1. Principle of systematicality and diversity
3.1.2. Principle of purpose ensurance and feasibility
3.1.3. Principle of inheritability
3.2. Measures to manage disciplinary education for students at
national defense and security education centers
3.2.1. Direction of disciplinary education for students right from
the beginning of the course
The purpose of the measure is to help students from the first day
of entering the center be aware of self-discipline, active practice and
study, and experience in the military environment at NDS centers.
3.2.2. Organize and maintain the daily life routines in accordance
with military life at NDS centers.
In fact, this measure aims to build a positive educational
environment for students through maintaining the learning, living and
training regimes for students and organizing them to follow these
decisions. At the same time, each management subject also needs to
provide specific measures, so that all students in the center could
form a unified block (certain hour for certain task).Students are equal
in observing the regimes; Especially, the management staff, who are
close to students, should have management actions to encourage,
motivate students to fully and effectively implement the regimes.
3.2.3. Direction of close coordination between educational
organizations andforces in the center
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the management of
disciplinary education for students, it is necessary to clearly define
tasks and closely coordinate between organizations and forces in the
center. Educational organizations and individuals can only promote
their role and effectiveness when they know their tasks and have
close coordination with each other, throughout the process and the
whole system is operated synchronously and in an unified way.
3.2.4. Building self-management platoon model in NDS centers
Building a model of self-management platoon in the center
aims to promote the spirit of self-awareness, positivity, of each
student, and the whole platoon in learning and training, changing the
goals and objectives set by educational managers and teachers into
the need of each student, turning the educational process into selfeducation process.
3.2.5. Direction of the implementation of various forms of
extracurricular activities
The diversification of various types of activities aims not only
to traindiscipline for students , but also an effective measure to
manage disciplinary education for students, through activities such
as: Organizing students to watch documentary films in the field of
NDS; Organizing students to visit museums of armed forces,
historical relics or some army units located in the area; Organizing
military games contributing to improving the effectiveness of
disciplinary education for students, so that students can have
favorable conditions to train themselves.
3.2.6. Direction of innovating methods of testing and assessment of
disciplinary education for students
Testing and assessment is a very important function of
management activities to evaluate the reasonableness, results as well
as limitations of the organization of implementing the disciplinary
education, and of the educational measures that educational forces
have applied.
Educational management officials must build an assessment
mechanism, including:
Firstly, the forces involved in the assessment;
Secondly, the decentralization and assignment of tasks, the
smooth cooperation among members;
Thirdly, the close combination of testing methods such as:
regular assessment with unexpected assessment, direct with indirect
assessment, assessment by team and self-assessment by individuals;
Fourthly, management officials must be able to assess the
process of testing.
Chapter 4
4.1. Examining the necessity and feasibility of measures to
manage disciplinary education for students at NDS centers
4.1.1. Purpose of examining
4.1.2. Scope of examining
4.1.3. Contents of examining
4.1.4. Methods of examining
Survey form: In-depth interview:
4.1.5. Data processing methods
4.1.6. Results of examining
- Results of the examination on the necessity and feasibility of
measures show that, basically, most of the people agreed with the
system of measures proposed by the author. Most of the reviews
concentrated at very necessary and very feasible level, which proves
that the measures are appropriate, meeting the requirements of
improving the quality and efficiency of management of disciplinary
education for students at the centers.
The survey results also show that the relationship between the
necessity and feasibility of the measuresto managedisciplinary
education for students is very close, meaning that it is both necessary
and at the same time very feasible. It is also the basis for improve the
efficiency of NDS education at the centers, which is a problem that
many people concern.
4.2. Experimenting measures to manage disciplinary education
for students at Thai Nguyen University's Center for National
Defense and Security Education
4.2.1. Overview of the experiment process Experiment purpose Experiment subjects and forces
- Experiment is conducted 2 times:
+ Firs time: From August 14, 2017 to September 17, 2017, on
154 K51 students from University of Education. (experimental group
1had 77 students, control group 1 had 77 students).
+ Second time: From May 14, 2018 to June 17, 2018, on 168 K53
students fromUniversity of Technology and Industries . (experimental
group 2 had 85 students; control group 2 had 83 students).
- Experiment was conductedat Thai Nguyen University's
Center for National Defense and Security Education. Experiment contents
Among the 6 proposedmeasures , the author selected Measure
2: Organize and maintain daily routines in accordance with military
life at at Thai Nguyen University's Center for National Defense and
Security Education, because this measure hadhighest results on the
level of necessity and feasibility. Experiment Method Data processing method Experimental hypothesis
The results of training and learning of students in the
experimental groupswouldbe higher than the control onesafter the
same time of the course at the center. The evaluation of the impact of
disciplinary education management measures for students at the center
was based on the students’ full, profound awareness of the requirements
of discipline in learning, and training; self-concious attitude and
behavior in observing specific contents of díciplineat the center.
4.2.2. Implementation of experiment
A. First time experiment
1. Survey
2. First time experiment pre-evaluation
3. Analysis of First time experiment results
- Results of the sense of discipline of the experimental group
and the control one before and after first time experiment.
- Comparing learning results of NDS education subject of
experimental group and control one, the relation with students' selfdiscipline.
After the first experimentthe results show that the sense of
discipline of the experimental group increased in a more positive
direction; the rate of awareness, attitude and behavior of students in
the experimental groupwas higher compared to the control one. In
general, the first experiment brought about quite promising results,
the most obvious evidencewas the result of learning the subject of
NDS education of the experimental group.
However, after the first experiment, we also noticed some
limitations, so welearned from them before conducting the second one.
B. Second time experiment
1. Survey
2. Second time experiment pre-evaluation
3. Analysis of results after the second experiment
- Results of the sense of discipline of the experimental group
and the control one before and after the second experiment.
- Comparing learning results of NDS education subject of
experimental group 2 and control group 2, the relation with students’
sense of discipline.
After the second experiment, the results were as good as
expected. The sense of discipline of students in experiment 2
increased more than in experiment 1, while learning results of
students in experimental group 2 were higher than that of
controlgroup 2. It is also shown that the measures were brought into
effect, bringing about high effectiveness in the education of NDS for
students at the center.
4.3. Conclusion after examination and experiment
The examination and experiment process were strictly carried
out, the data and evidence of the experimentwerevalid and reliable.
The selection of participants, location is suitable to the scope and
purpose of the identified research aims. The results of the
examination on the necessity and feasibility of the measures, and of
the experimentmanaged to prove that the application of the measures
of management of disciplinary education for students in the center is
appropriate and directly effective to improving the quality of NDS
education subject at the present centers.
I Conclusions
1. There have been many research projects related to
discipline, disciplinary education and management of disciplinary
education for students by domestic and foreign authors. Although
there are many different approaches, researchers agree on the
importance of disciplinary education and management of disciplinary
education for students, considering it a decisive factor in the quality
of education and training.
2. From the analysis of other researchers’ results the
authorhasaddedmore understanding of discipline, sense of discipline,
disciplinary education and management of disciplinary education for
students in general and students in NDS centers in particular.
Discipline is the general regulation of organizations and society,
sense of discipline is the sense of implementing those regulations;
this process takes place according to the general rule of turning the
requirements of society into the qualities of individuals, turning the
educational process into self-education. Self-discipline is a quality of
personality, a product of the process of education and self-education,
a result of the experience of life.
3. The results of surveyson the situation of students’ selfdiscipline, disciplinary education and mangagement of disciplinary
education for students have shown the strengths, weaknesses,
advantages and difficulties in managing disciplinary education,
showing thatit is neccesary for authorities, teachers and management
officials to cooperate smoothly.
4. Measures to manage disciplinary education for students at
NDS centers proposed by the author are measures of the educational
forces to students. Each measure has different purposes, contents and