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English test 29 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Xuan truong high school Teacher: Do Hong Tuyen. ‹Mobile phone: 0982 986 679. ENGLISH TEST 29 Tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D . Address: Xuan bac – Xuan Truong – ND I. Ngữ âm Chọn một từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu. B. honour B. struggle B. politician B. nation B. position B. creative B. suggest B. majority B. employer B. opinion. C. title C. political C. immortality C. apply C. begin C. introduction C. surrender C. continue C. minority C. abroad. D. difficult D. society D. different D. moment D. enemy D. university D. report D. education D. reasonable D. surprise. Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác các từ còn lại. 1. A. rough 2. A. noon 3. A. chemist 4. A. thought 5. A. pleasure 6. A. chalk 7. A. knit 8. A. put 9. A. how 10. A. talked. B. sum B. tool B. chicken B. tough B. heat B. champagne B. hide B. could B. town B. naked. C. utter C. blood C. church C. taught C. meat C. machine C. tide C. push C. power C. asked. II. Ngữ pháp và từ vựng Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.. D. union D. spoon D. century D. bought D. feed D. ship D. fly D. moon D. slow D. liked. Good chance for you to master English. 1. A. admire 2. A. describe 3. A. independence 4. A. comfort 5. A. ashamed 6. A. influential 7. A. profit 8. A. career 9. A. vocational 10. A. general. 1. They haven’t beaten me yet. I still have one or two _____ up my sleeve.(traps / tricks / jokes / defences) 2. You ____ go to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse.(ought to / ought / rather / better) 3. According to the forecast it will be mostly cloudy, with ____ of rain in the north.(outbreaks / elements / bursts / times) 4. ____ of all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Jones for his talk.(On behalf / On account / In person / Instead) 5. The brothers are so alike I can’t ____ one from the other.(say / notice / mark / tell) 6. The mother was ____ of making a cake when the front door bell rang.(at the centre / on her way / in the middle / halfway through) 7. ____ you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.(Although / If / Unless / When) 8. If you want to join the History Society, you must first ____ this application form.(make up / write down / fill in / do up) 9. He has just taken an examination ____ chemistry.(on / about / for / in) 10. The police have asked that ____ who saw the accident should get in touch with them.(somebody / someone / one / anyone) 11. In the past, most people believed that the world’s resources could never be used ___.(up / all / whole / at all) 12. I do not think that purple shirt ___ with your yellow skirt. (suits / fits / goes / wears) 13. The main road through Salisbury was blocked for 2 hours today after an accident ___ several vehicles. (containing / connecting / involving / including) 14. The company directors asked the government to ___ in the dispute and prevent a strike. (intervene / interact / intercept / interpose) 15. After the campaign a special medal was ___ to all combatants. (gained / awarded / earned / deserved) 16. The usual reason for exemption from tax does not ___ in this case. (apply / impose / regard / concern) 17. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no ___ for them. (request / claim / requirement / demand) 18. In the legal profession, men ___ woman by 5 to 1. (outnumber / supersede / overcome / outclass) 19. I must take this watch to be repaired as it ___ over 20 minutes a day. (increases / progresses / accelerates / gains) 20. That was absolutely delicious. Can you give me the ___? (formula / instruction / prescription / recipe) 21. ___ did Jerome accept the job. (Only because it was interesting work / Because it was interesting work / Only because it was interested work / The work was interesting) 22. ___ were slowly lowered to the ground for medical attention. (The victims who were screaming and who were burning / The creaming burn victims / The screamed burnt victims / The victims who were burning screamed) 23. This car has many features including ___. (stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas / good music, safe devices, air conditioning, and gas / stereo, safety devices, air conditioned. and good gas / stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage). Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT. Lop11.com. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 24. The proposal was tabled ___ that it would be helpful. (temporarily because there was not sufficient evidence / because for the time being there were not sufficient evidence / because at the present time there was not sufficient evidence / temporarily because there was not sufficient enough evidence) 25. Adams was dismissed from his opinion ___. (because his financial records were improperly / because finance he kept poor records / for keeping improper financial records / for keep financial records that were improper).  Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với dạng thích hợp của từ trong ngoặc. 1. She’s quite _______________________: she plays the flute and the piano.(music) 2. He was ________________________ when he did the test badly.(hope) 3. We started our trip on a beautiful ________________________ morning.(sun) 4. I enjoyed the book very much because it was so ________________________ .(read) 5. His ________________________ knowledge is very poor – he thinks Paris is in Italy.(geography) 6. Her fair is ________________________, not bright red.(red) 7. A very old car is usually an ________________________ car.(rely) 8. I’ll always remember that journey – it was an ________________________ experience.(forget) 9. The knife may need ________________________ before it is used.(sharp) 10. The city has over million ________________________.(inhabit). III. Kyõ naêng 1/ Kỹ năng đọc. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho mỗi chỗ trống. The threat to the environment Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)___ . Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)___if we do not make an effort to(3)___them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (4)___for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies some birds, such as parrots, are caught(4)____, and sold as pets. for many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat- the place where they live is(5)___. More (6)___ is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces then there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (7)____, but these chemical pollute the environment and(8)___ wildlife. The most successful animals on Earth- human beings- will soon be the only ones (8)____. Unless we can solve this problem. 1. A. danger B. threat C. problem D. vanishing 2. A. disappeared B. vanished C. empty D. extinct 3. A. harm B. defend C. protect D. serve 4. A. hunted B. chased C. games D. extinct 5. A. lively B. alive C. for life D. for living 6. A. exhausting B. departing C. escaping D. disappearing 7. A. earth B. soil C. land D. area 8. A. products B. field C. herbs D. crop 9. A. spoil B. harm C. all D. wrong 10. A. left B. over C. staying D. survived. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho mỗi câu. 1. For centuries, people have been playing kicking games with a ball. The game of soccer developed from some of these early games. The English probably gave soccer its name and its rules. In European countries, soccer is called football. Some people believe that the name “soccer” came from the high socks that the players wear. Organized soccer games began in 1863. In soccer, two teams of eleven players try to kick or head the ball into the 5 goal of the other team. The goal keeper, who tries to keep the ball out of the goal, is the only player on the field who can touch the ball with his or her hands. The other players must use their feet, heads, and bodies to control the ball. Every four years, soccer teams around the world compete for the World Cup. The World Cup competition started in 1930. Brazil is the ho0me of many great soccer players, including the most famous player of all, Pele. With his fast dazzling speed, Pele played for many years in Brazil and then later in New York. People in more than 140 countries 10 around the world play soccer. It is definitely the world’s most popular sport. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The World Cup B. Soccer C. Pele D. The goal keeper. 2. How often does the World Cup take place? A. for centuries B. in 1863 C. in 1930 D. every four years 3. Pele is a famous ___. A. soccer player B. soccer coach C. goal keeper D. baseball player 4. What does dazzling in the last paragraph mean? A. funny B. amazing C. light D. difficult 5. All players except the goalkeeper can use the following parts to control the ball EXCEPT their ____. A. feet B. bodies C. heads D. hands 1 Over four hundred years after his death, scholars are still unraveling the mysteries of Michelangelo’s art. Recently one mystery that was revealed was that his famous drawing of a pensive Cleopatra included a hidden drawing of a different Cleopatra on the reserve side. This hidden Cleopatra shows a tormented woman, whose eyes stare out at the viewer and whose mouth is open, screaming in horror. The two images, drawn on two sides of the same paper, can be Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT. Lop11.com. 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 5. viewed simultaneously. A second mystery concerns Michelangelo’s architectural plan for the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Did he intend for the dome to look like the model he built between 1558 and 1561? Or did he change his mind after building the model and decide to elevate the dome in the way it is today? Scholars do not agree on the answer. A third mystery about on of the greatest artists who ever lived was why he destroyed hundreds or thousands of his drawings before he died. Did he feel that they were unimportant? Did he want posterity to see only his finished 10 products? 1. The word “unraveling” in line 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. Solving B. Questioning C. Amazed at D. Afraid of 2. It can be inferred from the passage that the most unusual aspect of the Cleopatra drawing is that ___. A. the figure is screaming B. the figure is tormented C. one drawing is hidden D. on drawing is backwards 3. The word “revealed” in line 2 could best be replaced with which of the following? A. Masked B. Reversed C. Personified D. Made known 4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “horror” in line 4? A. Force B. Terror C. Lunacy D. Idiocy 5. Which of the following words could best replace the word “images” in line 4? A. Pictures B. Symbols C. Concepts D. Idols 6. The word “simultaneously” in line 5 means the same as which of the following? A. In reserve order B. One after the other C. At the same time D. In mirror image 7. Scholars disagree about ___. A. when St. Peter’s Basilica was built. B. what kind of dome Michelangelo wanted. C. who elevated the dome of St. Peter’s. D. who built the model. 8. The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica ___. A. bears no relation to the one in the model. B. was destroyed after the model was built. C. follows the plan of the model. D. is raised more than the one in the model. 9. According to the passage, Michelangelo is ___. A. screaming in horror. B. one of the greatest artists in the world. C. a private person. D. the most famous architect in Rome. 10. Why did Michelangelo destroy so many drawings before he died? A. Nobody knows. B. They were unimportant. C. They were only drafts of later material. D. He had changed the drawings.. Tìm một từ thích hợp để cho mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn. People all over the world know William Shakespeare as one of the greatest poets and dramatists. He was born in the small English (1)_____________ of Stradford-upon-Avon and (2)_____________ up in a large family of eight brothers and four sisters, but many of them died very (3)_____________. His father, John Shakespeare, made and sold gloves. William learned at a (4)_____________ in Stradford. He married very young when he was (5)_____________ nineteen, and went to London where he worked at a theatre. There he began to write (6)_____________ for the theatre. His plays were good and people liked them. Now Shakespeare could help his family in Stradford. He (7)_____________ thirty-seven plays and some books of (8)_____________. At the end of his (9)_____________, he came back to Stradford and (10)_____________ there.. 2/ Kyõ naêng vieát. Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa trong câu. 1. If you forget his number you might look it up in the telephone directory. A B C D 2. I’d like to go on a holiday, but I have not got many money. A B C D 3. That is a news circus which formed in 1992. AB C D 4. He got bad mark. He wishes he reviewed his lesson carefully. A B C D 5. Mr. Smith, is my uncle, is a well-known orator. A BC D 6. Faraday had to work at an early age because of his family was very poor. A B C D 7. Astronauts are orbiting in space capsules are weightless. A B C D 8. The teacher told to us not to make much noise in class. A B C D 9. His mother wanted to know why Tom didn’t come to class the day before. A B C D 10. This shirt is so small for him to wear. A B C D. Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu có sẵn sau đây. 1. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this. A. I wish you told us about this. Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT. B. I wish you would tell us about this. Lop11.com. 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> C. I wish you had told us about this. 2. He is getting them to mend the windows. A. He is having the windows to mend. C. He is having to be mended the windows. 3. It started to rain at 2 o’clock and it’s still raining. A. It has been raining at 2 o’clock. C. It has been raining for 2 o’clock. 4. They made her hand over her passport. A. She was made to hand over her passport. C. She was handed over to make her passport. 5. I tried to eat the cake, but it was too sweet. A. It was such a sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it. C. The cake was too sweet that I couldn’t eat it. 6. My brother and I went to that school. A. I went to that school and my brother, too. C. I went to that school and so did my brother. 7. She said to us, “Don’t be late again”. A. She said to us not to be late again. C. She told to us not to be late again. 8. I often get up early in the morning. A. I’m used to getting up early in the morning. C. I used to get up early in the morning. 9. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him. A. He isn’t good at getting an interesting job. C. He is only interested in getting a good job. 10. The garden is too small to play football in. A. The garden is so small not to play football in. C. The garden isn’t big enough to play football in.. D. I wish you have told us about this. B. He is having to mend the windows. D. He is having the windows mended. B. It has been raining since 2 o’clock. D. It has been raining in 2 o’clock. B. She was made hand over her passport. D. She was handed over for her passport to make. B. It was so sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it. D The cake was very sweet that I couldn’t eat it. B. I went to that school and so my brother did. D. I went to that school and so my brother did, too. B. She told us not to be late again. D. She told us not to be late again. B. I’m used to get up early in the morning. D. I used to getting up early in the morning. B. He isn’t interested in getting a good job. D. Even a good job isn’t suitable to him. B. The garden is small enough to play football in. D. The garden is such small that they can’t play football in.. Viết lại câu sao cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi. 1. “Why don’t you complain to the company, Peter?” said William.  William suggested _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. He started to play the guitar five years ago.He has ______________________________________________________ 3. I am fond of my nephew although he behaves terribly.  I am fond of my nephew in ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. I won’t swim in the sea because it is too cold.  The sea is not _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. “I was not there at the time,” he said.  He denied ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. “Who does that suitcase belong to?” the police asked us.  The police asked us whose __________________________________________________________________________ 7. She hasn’t ridden a horse before. It’s _________________________________________________________________ 8. We couldn’t answer those two difficult questions.  Those two _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Haven’t you got any cheaper televisions? Are there _____________________________________________________ 10. I would prefer you not to smoke in here. I’d rather ______________________________________________________. Sử dụng nguyên dạng của từ/cụm từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc để viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. 1. “You’ve broken my radio, Frank!” said Jane. (accused) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2. My car really needs to be repaired soon. (must).................................................................................................................. 3. Susan regrets not buying that house. (wishes).................................................................................................................... 4. I could never have succeeded without your help. (you) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. I thought I might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me. (case) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6. Linda’s plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. (fallen) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7. The bread was too stale to eat. (fresh)............................................................................................................................... 8. Perhaps Brian went home early. (may).................................................................................................................................. 9. I can’t possibly work in all this noise. (impossible) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. The thief suddenly realized that the police were watching him. (watched) .................................................................................................................................................................................................... The end Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT. Lop11.com. 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho mỗi câu.tr 75 1000 de trnghiem Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau tr 84 bia vang sam va tr 102. Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT. Lop11.com. 1.

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