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Giao an 11

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<i>LESSON PLAN 11 </i>

<b>Unit 01 :</b>


<b>Lesson 1 : Reading</b>

A. Objectives :By the end of the lesson, ss wil be able to understand and use the new vocabulary through the
tasks, read and understand the reading passage about friendship.

<b> B.Teaching aids : Pictures, Posters.</b>
<b>C. Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>



<b>I. Warm up : Hangman</b>
_T gives the rule of the game :

+ T gives the quantity of the word by drawing the
short lines on board

+ T asks ss to guess the letters in the word

+ if ss guess wrong, the teacher draw one line similar
to the drawing

+ ss guess wrong 8 times,the teacher gives the word

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

<b> 1</b>
<b> 2</b>

<b> 3</b>
<b> 5</b>

<b> 4</b> <b>6</b>

<b> 7</b> <b>8</b>

_T introduces the new lesson
<b>II. Pre - reading:</b>

<b>1. Pre - teach vocabulary :</b>

1.(unc) constancy : sự kiên định, bền vững
(adj)constant : kiên định (translation)

+How do you say “bền vững, kiên định” in English ?
2.(unc) trust = confidence : sự tin tưởng (synonym)
+What is the other word of “confidence” ?

3. (unc) sympathy :sự thông cảm (explanation)
+Which word describes an understanding of other
people’s feelings, especially their problems ?
_ T elicits new words from ss

_ T gives the model reading and ask ss to repeat

_T writes the words on the board

_ T checks meaning and pronunciation
_T asks ss to copy down

<b>* Checking voca : R-O-R</b>

_Ss listen to the teacher and take part in the game

<b>*Answer keys : FRIENDSHIP</b>

_Ss follow the teacher

+ constancy / constant

+ trust

+ sympathy

_Ss guess new words if possible
_Ss listen and repeat

_Ss answer

_ Ss copy in notebooks

<i>Nguyen Thong High School Dang Thi Anh Trieu</i>
Week :01, Period :

02 :01

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<i>LESSON PLAN 11 </i>

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>


_T asks ss to repeat the vocabulary some times to

_T cleans the English words and keeps the
Vietnamese meanings

_T asks ss to rewrite the English words
<b>2. Set the Scene : Expression</b>

_T sets up the scene by using the expression

<b>“A friend in need is a friend indeed” </b><i><b>. Have you</b></i>
<i><b>ever heard this sentence ? And do you understand</b></i>
<i><b>it ? Yes. To understand this sentence and the true</b></i>
<i><b>friendship, we are going to find out the reading</b></i>
<i><b>passage </b></i><b>“Friendship”</b>

<b>3. Task : Reciting the poem</b>

<b>You’ve got a friend</b>

By Carole King

When you’re down and troubled
And you need a helping hand,
And nothing, no, nothing’s going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there

To brighten up even your darkest night ;
You just call out my name

And you known, wherever I am,
I’ll come running, to see you again
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall,
All you’ve got to do is call,
And I’ll be there, Yes I will,
You’ve got a friend !
_T asks ss to study the poem
_T helps them to understand it
_T plays the tape

_T asks ss to answer the question :

+ What do you think of the friend in the poem ?


<b>III. While – Reading: </b>
<b>1. Task 1 : Gap-fill</b>

<b>_ T </b>asks ss to read the passage and fill in the blanks

with the suitable words individually

_T tells ss to read the words in the table
_T runs through the sentences

_T encourages ss to try to guess the meaning of the
words in context

_T has ss compare their answers with the partnets
_T asks ss to present the answers on the board in

_T corrects and feedbacks

acquaintance mutual
give-and-take loyal to
incapable of unselfish

friend suspicious

1.Good frienhship should be based on

_Ss repeat chorally

_Ss look at the Vietnamese meanings and read the
English words

_Ss rewrite the English words
_Ss listen to their teacher

_Ss study the poem

_ Ss take part in the astivities
_Ss listen and recite

_Ss discuss the question
_Ss give the ideas

_Ss listen to their teacher

_Ss read the text and do the task 1 in individual
_Ss run through the words

_Ss study the sentences

_Ss try to guess the meaning of the words
_Ss share the answers with their friends
_Ss show their answers on the board
_Ss pay attention to and correct

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<i>LESSON PLAN 11 </i>

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>


2. The children seem to be working
quietly by themselves.

3. He is a(n) man. He always helps
people without thinking of any benefit.

4. A(n) is a person one simply knows, and
a(n) is a person with whom one has a
deeper relationship.

5. You can’t always insist on your own
way – there has to be some .

6. Despite many changes in his life, he remained
his working principles.

7. He started to get when she told him that
she had been to Britain for many times.

<b>2. Task 3 : Answering Questions</b>

_T asks ss to read the passage more carefully and
answer the questions in pairs

_T goes around and helps

_ T has ss share the answers with friends

_T calls on some ss to read aloud the answers in front
of the class

_T listens and corrects
*Questions :

1. What is the first quality for true friendship and
what does it tell you ?

2.Why are changeable and uncertain people incapable
of true friend ?

3. What is the third quality for true friendship and
what does it tell you ?

4. Why must there be a mutual trust between friends ?
5. Why can’t people who talk too much keep a friend
long ?

6. What is the last quality for true friendship and what
does it tell you ?

<b>IV. Post – Reading : Multiple Choice </b>

* Answer keys :

1 mutual 5 give-and-take

2 incapable of 6 loyal to

3 unselfish 7 suspicious

4 acquaintance,frie

_Ss read the text again and work in pairs to answer
the questions

_Ss discuss with their friends to get the correct

_Ss present the answers in front of the class
_Ss correct

<b>* Answer keys :</b>

1. The first quality for true friendship is
unselfishness. It tell us/me that a man who is
concerned only with his own interesrs and feelings
cannot be a true friend.

2. Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of
true friendship because they take up an interest with
enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it , they feel
the attraction of some new object.

3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It
tell us/me that the two friends must be loyal to each
other, and they must know each other so well that
there can be no suspicious between them.

4. There must be a mutual trust between friends
because if not people cannot feel safe when telling
the others their secrets.

5. Talkative people can’t keep a friend long because
they cannot keep a secret, either their own or those
of others.

6. The last quality for true friendship is sympathy. It
tell us/me that to be a true friend you must
sympathize with your friend. Where there’s no
mutual sympathy between friends, there’ no true

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<i>LESSON PLAN 11 </i>

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>



_T ask ss to study the titles carefully and choose the
best one for the passage in groups

_T monitors

_T tells ss to give the answer and explain their choice
_T listens and feedbacks

<i>Which of the choices A,B,C or D most adequately</i>
<i>sums up the ideas of the whole passage ?</i>

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed
B. Conditions of true friendship
C. Features of agood friend
D. Friends and acquaintances
<b>V. Homework :</b>

* <i>Write a short paragraph by answering the</i>
<i>questions “ Why do we need to have friends ? “</i>

_T guides ss to do at home

_Ss read the titles very carefully ,discuss with the
partners and choose the best one

_Ss answer and explain their choice
_Ss listen

*Answer keys :

<b>B. Conditions of true friendship</b>

_Ss listen and do at home



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