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<b>Week 4: Unit 3: People’s background</b>
Period 12

Lesson 1: Reading

 <b>Aims: By the end of the lesson , students can understand about Marie Curie’s </b>


By guessing meaning in context, finding evidence and passage comprehension

 <b>Lexical items : Words related to the subject “ people’s background”</b>
 <b>Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board , pictures, handout</b>

 <b>Methods: integrated</b>
 <b>Procedure:</b>

<b>I / Class management: (1’) Greeting and checking attendance</b>

<b> II/ Previous lesson (4’): Ask Ss some verbs followed by V-ing and to-inf</b>
- Ask Ss to put the verbs in brackets into gerund or to-inf

1. Most people prefer (spend) money than (earn) it
2. Don’t forget (send) the letter I gave you

3. I (hope) see you again
III/ New lesson: (35’)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

<b>Warm-up (4’)</b>

- Ask the questions

1. Can you name some famous scientists?
2. Who determined the atomic weight of

<b>Before you read: (8’)</b>

<i><b>New words:</b></i>

+ background (n): lý lịch
+ brilliant (a) : xuất sắc
+ harbour(v) :ấp ủ

+ private tutor (n) : gia sư

+ with flying colors : đạt điểm cao
+ determine (v) : tính tốn chính xát
+ mature (v.i) : trưởng thành

+ Nobel Prize (n) : giaûi noben

+ atomic weight of radium(n): trọng lượng
nguyên tử của nguyên tố rađi

+ humanitarian (a) : nhân đạo
- Ask Ss to repeat

<b>While you read : (17’)</b>

- Read the passage

- Play the tape if necessary

- Ask Ss to read the passage silently

<b>Task 1</b>:<b>Matching</b>

- Ask Ss to match the words and phrases
in A with their meanings in B ( text book)
- Ask Ss to underline the words in column

- Ask them read the text silently to guess
the meanings.

- Ask them to work in pairs

- Class work

<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

New Ton; Ac-si-met; Faraday; Marie –
Curie etc.

- Take note new words
- Repeat after teacher

- Look the passage and listen
- Listen to the tape

- Read the passage silently
- Read the text silently again
- Pair work

- Have some Ss to answer
<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

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- Go round to help Ss if needed
- Give correction

<b>Task 2: Decide True of False</b>
- Introduce the task

- Ask Ss to reread the text to decide
whether the statements are true of false
- Ask Ss to compare the answers with
their partners

- Go round to help Ss if needed
- Call some Ss to answer and explain
- Give feedback

<b>Task 3: Answer the questions</b>

- Guide Ss to understand the meaning of
the sentences in task 2 and ask them to
read the passage once more to find

- Walk around to give help

- Have some Ss to show their
answers in front of class
- Give correct answers

<b>After you read: (6’)</b>

- Ask Ss to find evidence from the

passage to prove each of them. Below are
some adjective, we may use to describe
Marie Curie.

1. Strong willed; ambitious; hard working;
intelligent; humane.

- Ask group work

- Reread the text

- Individual work and the pair work
- Have some Ss answer

<b>- Suggested answers</b>
1 T

2 F ( her dream was to become a

3 T

4 F ( She married Pierre Curie in 1895)
5 T

- Read through task 1

- Individual work and the pair work
<b>- Suggested answers</b>

1.Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on
Nov, 7 ,1867

2.She was a brilliant and mature student
3.She worked as a private tutor before she
went to Paris to continue her studies at the

4.She was awarded a Nobel Prize in
chemistry for determining the atomic
weight of radium

5. No, it wasn’t. Her real joy was “easing
human suffering”

- Work in groups

- Have the representative of each group
show the answer

- The others give feedback

<b>IV. Consolidation (4’): - Ask Ss to close their book and answer some questions</b>
<b>V. Homework (1’): - Learn new words by heart</b>

- Translate the passage into Vietnamese
- Prepare for the next period: Consolidation

+ Review simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect
<b>VI. Experience:</b>

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Period 13

Lesson 2: Speaking

 <b>Aims: Helps students asking and answering questions about people’s </b>


 <b>Lexical items : Words related to the subject “ people’s background”</b>
 <b>Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board , pictures, handout</b>

 <b>Methods: integrated</b>
 <b>Procedure:</b>

<b>I / Class management: (1’) Greeting and checking attendance</b>

<b> II/ Previous lesson (5’): - Read three sentences and answer the question</b>
+ Where and where was she born?

- Translate 4 sentences and write some words: background, humanitarian, atomic
weight of radium, Nobel Prize…

III/ New lesson: (33’)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

<b>Warm-up :(5’)</b>

-Look at the picture and answer the

1- What are they doing ?

2- What are they talking about?
3- Which questions do they ask?

<b>Task 1: ( 8’)</b>

- Present the request of the task
- Ask Ss to decide which the items tell
about someone’s background and make
questions for them

- Ask Ss to do it and then check the
answers with their partners

- Go around to observe and help Ss
- Call some Ss to answer

- Give feedback

<b>Task 2: ( 12’)</b>

- Ask Ss to imagine you are a

journalist .Use the cues to interview a

- Explain some new words if needed
- Ask pair work

- Go around to help

- Call some pairs practice speaking in
front of the class

- Correct mistakes in pronunciation

<b>Task 3: ( 8’)</b>

- Class work

<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

1- They are interviewing

2- They are talking about their class,
birthday etc

3- When / Where …

- Individual work and pair work
- Have some Ss to answer

<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

Family, education, experience

- Pair work

- Have some pairs to talk in front of class
<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

+When / where were you born?
+ How long have you lived in?

+ Can you tell me something about your

+ How many brothers and sisters have
you got?

+ What’s your hobby?

+ What subjects do you like best?
+ How’s work at school?

+ What do you dislike?

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- Ask SS to talk about the person you
have learnt from the interview

- Ask group work

- Have the representative of each group
talk in front of class

- Give feedback

- The representative of each group talk in
front of class

- The others give feedback

<b>IV. Consolidation (5’): Talk about the person you admire</b>
<b>V. Homework (1’) - Learn new words by heart</b>

- Practice speaking
- Prepare for Listening (unit 3)

+ Find out some Olympic champions in the world.
<b>VI. Experience : </b>

<b>Week 5: Unit 3: People’s background</b>

Period 14 Lesson 3: Listening

 <b>Aims: Students listen to the conversation and then make true, false sentences;</b>

fill in the blanks with the missing words. Ss take turn ask and answer about

 <b>Lexical items : Words related to the subject “ people’s background”</b>
 <b>Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board , pictures, handout</b>

 <b>Methods: integrated</b>
 <b>Procedure:</b>

<b>I / Class management: (1’) Greeting and checking attendance</b>
<b> II/ Previous lesson (5’): Talk about the person you admire</b>
<b> </b>

<b> III/ New lesson: (34’)</b>

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

<b>Warm-up (5’)</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer
the questions

1. What’s her name?
2. What is she doing?

3. Do you know anything about her?

<b> Before you listen (9’)</b>

- Explain some new words

+ diploma : văn bằng cấp sau 1 khoá


+ certificate : giấy chứng nhận
<i>Ex</i> : a birth / marriage / death certificate
Degree : văn bằng do trường ĐH cấp
sau khi tốt nghiệp

<i>Ex </i>: He has a chemistry degree ( a
degree in chemistry )

Bachelor of Art ( B.A ) : cử nhân văn

Bachelor of Science ( B. S ) : cử nhân

- Class work
- Suggested answer

1- Her name is Sally
2- She is running

3- She is an Olympic Champion
- Take note new words

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khoa hoïc

+Master ‘s degree ( MA ) : bằng thạc só
+a Ph.D ( Doctor of Philosophy ) : bằng
tiến só

+ Olympic champion(n)
+ sports teacher(n)
+ love story (n)
+romantic (n)
- Ask Ss to repeat

<b>While you listen : (13’)</b>

- Present the content they will listen
- Play the tape one

<i><b>Task 1: Decide True or False</b></i>
- Present the request of the task

- Ask Ss to read through the sentences
and guess true or false

- Play the tape

- Ask some representatives to show their

- Play the tape once more

- Call some Ss to give the answers ( not
all correct)

<i><b>Task 2: Gap -filling</b></i>

- Ask Ss to read all the sentences.

- Ask pair work to discuss the answers
basing on task 1

- Ask some representatives to show their

- Play the tape two times
- Call some pairs to answer
- Give feedback

<b>After you listen: (7’)</b>

- Ask pair to ask and answer about Sally
basing o task 1 and task 2

- Call some pairs to talk in front of class
-Give feed back

- Listen to the tape

- Read the sentences and guess true or

- Listen to the tape
<b>- Suggested answers</b>

1. T 2. T 3. F (I don’t have much
free time) 4. T

5. F ( I want to be a sports teacher)

- Pairs discuss the answers
<b>- Suggested answers</b>

1. general education
2. lives- family

3. different- swimming
4. love stories

5. teacher’s diploma

- Pair work

- Some pairs talk in front of class
- The others give feedback
<b>IV. Consolidation (4’) : - Ask Ss to tell about Sally</b>

<b>V. Homework (1’): - Learn new words by heart</b>
- Prepare for the next period: Writing

+ What does C. V mean?
+ How can we write a C.V?
<b>VI. Experience : </b>

<b>Week 5: Unit 3: People’s background</b>

Period 15 Lesson 4: Writing

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 <b>Lexical items : Words related to the subject “ people’s background”</b>
 <b>Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board , pictures, handout</b>

 <b>Methods: integrated</b>
 <b>Procedure:</b>

<b>I / Class management: (1’) Greeting and checking attendance</b>

<b> II/ Previous lesson (5’): - Write some words: Olympic champions, love story, </b>
sports teacher, teacher’s diploma...

- Talk about Sally in brief
<b> </b>

<b> III/ New lesson: (34’)</b>

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

<b>Warm-up :(5’)</b>

- Guide Ss to look at the C.V in the book
and ask:

1. What is it?

2. Have you ever seen one?
3. Have you ever written one?

<b> Before you write (9’)</b>

<b>Task 1: </b>

-Ask Ss to read the curriculum vital of Mr.
Brown then answer the questions:

1. What’s his name?

2. When / where was he born?
3. Which schools did he attend?
4. Which exams did he pass?

5. When did he work as a tourist guide? /
a hotel telephonist

- Ask some students to write their
sentences on the board

- Check and give correct information
<b>Task 2: </b>

- Ask your partner for the information
about his/ her parent and complete the

- Ask Ss to do it in pairs
- Go around to help

<b>While you write : (12’)</b>

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about his/
her partner’s parent basing o task 2
- Ask Ss to write it individually
- Go around to collect mistakes

<b>After you write : (8’)</b>

- Ask Ss to exchange their writing with a
friend to check.

- Tell 2 Ss to write their writing on the

- Correct common mistakes.

- Class work

- Read the curriculum vital of Mr. Brown
then answer the questions:

- Have some Ss to write the answers on
the board

<i><b>- Suggested answers</b></i>

Mr. Brown was born on November 12th <sub>, </sub>

1969 in Leeds. He went to Kensington
High School and passed exams in English,

French and mathematics. He worked in a
travel agency from June 1991 to

December 1998. And from 1999 to 2002,
he worked as a hotel telephonist. He likes
music and dancing.

- Pair work

- Individual work

- Exchange the letter to check.
- Write the letter on the board
- The others feedback

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- Write a C.V about yourself

<b> - Prepare for the next period: Consolidation</b>
+ Review gerund and to-if

<b> VI. Experience : </b>

<b>Week 6: Unit 3: People’s background</b>

Period 16 Lesson 5: Language focus

 <b>Aims: Teaching the sounds /e/ and /„/. Students practice the isolated sounds, </b>

words containing those sounds and sentences carrying those sounds. Students
are taught the past perfect

 <b>Lexical items : Words related to the subject “ people’s background”</b>
 <b>Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board , pictures, handout</b>

 <b>Methods: integrated</b>
 <b>Procedure:</b>

<b>I / Class management: (1’) Greeting and checking attendance</b>

<b> II/ Previous lesson (5’): - Ask Ss how to complete a C.V and write a C.V about </b>

<b> </b>

<b> III/ New lesson: (33’)</b>

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
<b>I. Pronunciation:(10’)</b>

<b>Warm-up :(2’)</b>

- Ask students to speak aloud the words:
“ man and men”


-Introduce the way to pronounce the


- Read the words once and guide Ss to

- Call some Ss to practice

- Correct Ss’mistakes in pronunciation

<b>Practice these sentences:(4’)</b>

- Read the sentences and ask Ss to repeat
- Ask Ss to underline the words which
have the part pronounced /e/ and /„/
- Walk around to check

- Have some Ss to read the sentences
before class and show the way to
pronounce of some words

- Give feedback

<b>II. Grammar and vocabulary:(23’)</b>
<i>Warm up (</i>

Ex: Yesterday when I came back
home, the cat had eaten my food.
<i>+Which action happened first?</i>

<i>+Did the actions happen in the past or in </i>

<i>the present</i>

- Class work

- The answers may vary

- Take note the way to pronounce the

- Repeat after teacher

- Some Ss read the words in front of the

- The others give feedback

- Practice reading sentences

- Some Ss are asked to read in front of the

- The others give comments

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<i>* The past perfect tense expresses an </i>
<i>action happened before another action in </i>
<i>the past</i>

Ex : I had spoken to Mr. Vy before the

meeting began

<i><b>Exercise 1:(7’)</b></i>
- Introduce the task

- Ask Ss to the task individually first then
in pairs

- Go round to help students if needed
- Call some Ss to answer

- Check and give correction
<i><b>Exercise 2 (7’)</b></i>

- Ask Ss to compare the differences
between simple past and past perfect
- Ask pair work

- Call some Ss to answer and explain
- Give feedback

<i><b>Exercise 2 (5’)</b></i>
- Ask Ss to do task 3
- Ask pair work

- Call some Ss to answer
- Give correct answers

- Individual work and then pair work
- Have some Ss to answer

<i><b>- Suggested answer</b></i>

1. had broken .6.had been
2. had done 7. had left
3.had met 8.had moved

4. hadn’t turned off 9.hadn’t seen
5. had ever seen 10. had broken in
- Pair work

<i><b>- Suggested answer</b></i>

1 – had just finished / came
2 – had seldom traveled/ went
3 – went / had already taken
4 – Did … manage / had gone / got
5 – had just got / phoned / had taken
- Pair work

<i><b>- Suggested answer</b></i>

Had climbed  climbed

Had turned  turned

Had called  called

Had heard  heard

Went  had already gone

<b>IV. Consolidation (5’) : Remind how to use simple past and past perfect and write 2 </b>
sentences using these tenses

<b>V. Homework (1’): - Review unit 15</b>
- Prepare for the next period: Test yourself A
+ Review all new words from unit 1 to 3
+ Review all grammar points from unit 1 to 3
<b>VI. Experience : </b>




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