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<b>Name of teacher: Nguyen Thi Giang</b>
<b>Preparing date :March 30</b>th<sub> 2011</sub>
<b>Teaching date: April 2</b>nd<sub> 2011 </sub>
<b>Class : 11A1</b>

<b>Subject : English 11 - Unit 14 – part B : speaking </b>
<b>Class details:</b>

In class 11A1 of basic department, there are 30 students at the age of
16-17,and there are 20 girls and 10 boys. Most of them are better at science
subjects such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry than English. Their
common level is in pre-intermediate. In previous lessons, Ss were very
motivated and strongly interested in group activity. Some Ss are very
intelligent and creative.

<b>Objectives </b>

At the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- express their agreements and disagreements about various topics,
- explain the reasons for agreement and disagreement about a situation.

- textbook, projector, handouts, videos,
- loudspeakers, chalk, blackboard, dices .
<b>Anticipated problems</b>

- For some situations given by teacher, Ss may lack of reasons for expressing
their agreement or disagreement , so the teacher should prepare some

- If the teacher finishes all the tasks and after wrapping up the lesson, there
are still some minutes left. Teacher can prepare an extra activity : DICE

- If there still are some activities left, and there only has about 5 minutes
available. T can just focus on the most important knowledge .

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<b>Time</b> <b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ activities</b> <b>Work</b>

8’ Warm – up

-T shows 3 pieces of video, one by one. For each
video, T pauses at an intentional point.

- Ask Ss to predict what will happen next after each
pause in each video.

-T asks some other Ss whether they agree or
disagree with their friends’ predictions. If they
disagree, they should give their own ideas.

-Finally, T shows the rest of the video.

Whole class

5’ Pre


<b>Activity: Expressing (dis)agreement.</b>

T asks Ss to decide which statements used to
express agreement/ disagreement.

<i><b>Suggestion answers</b></i>


1. I quite agree

with you.

2. I absolutely

agree with


3. Great!

4. Yes, let’s do


5. That’s a good


6. You are



7. I can’t agree

1. That’s a good

idea, but..

2. I don’t thinks

that a good


3. I disagree with

what you say.

4. I’m afraid I


5. I don’t think


6. I don’t agree.

7. I think you’re


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with you


8. You’re right .

9. That’s my

opinion too.


wrong .


20’ While

<b>Activity 1: (5’)</b>

- T introduces some structures to sts to state the
reason for expressing their ideas.


If clause – Type I

 My group agrees to ….because …
 My group disagrees to… because …
-T makes model with 2 good sts in class.

<i><b>Suggested conversation:</b></i>
T: Let’s go camping.

S1: Yes. Let’s do that. Then we can relax and enjoy
the beautiful sights.

S2: Oh, I think it is not a good idea. If we go
camping, we will have to bring a lot of heavy

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<b>Activity 2 (15’):</b>

- T asks sts to work in groups of 6. Then T sets the
scene: “Imagine you have two-day off. Discuss with
your partner to decide what to do. Try to express
your agreement or disagreement.”

<i><b>Some suggestions:</b></i>
Go camping

Outside party in a park
Go to the beach

Cuc Phuong national park
Mai Chau

-T asks sts to work in groups in 8’ to discuss with
their partners.

-T calls 1 or 2 groups to perform in front of the

-T gives correction (if necessary) and feedback.

Group work

10’ Post -

<i><b> Activity</b></i>

-T introduces a topic for Ss and divides the class
into 2 big groups to debate basing on the phrases
and ways learned in the lesson. (One group agrees
and the other disagrees).

- Topic: “There is a general statement that money
is the most important factor to the success of
everyone. Do you agree/disagree and explain

- T asks Ss to discuss and give reasons in five
minutes and T goes around the class as a facilitator
or motivator at that same time.

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- When the time is up, T calls 2 representative Ss or
more to perform in front of the class.

-T gives corrections (if necessary) and feedbacks to
the Ss’s presentations.

- T decides which group has more persuasive ideas
is the winner.

2’ Wrapping

- Teacher summarizes the main points
- Assign homework for students:

“Suppose that you will have two days off next week

and your classmates plan to go for a picnic to
Khoang Xanh.



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