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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b> TEST 26 - 2011-2012 </b>

<b> </b>


1. A. equip B. entrance C. gateway D. favourite

2. A. material B. reference C. marvelous D. circumstance

3. A. curriculum B. intensity C. computer D. educator

4. A. educate B. emotion C. discipline D. flexible

5. A. minority B. vocational C. economics D. transnational

<b>II.Choose the best option</b>

6. I'd rather you ... at my party last night.

A. be B. were C. had been D. have been
7. ... will Mr Forber be able to regain control of the company.

A. With hard work B. In spite of his hard work C. Only if he works hardly D. Only with hard work
8. Of the two new secretaries, one is competent and _______ is not.

A. another B. other C. the other D. the second
9. The flight instructor, .... at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given.

A. when interviewed B. when he interviewed C. when his interview D. when interviewing
10. .... and terrifying, coral snakes can grow up to 4 feet in length.

A. They are extremely poisonous B. The poison is extreme
C. Extremely poisonous D. An extreme amount of poison

11. ... seasonal rainfall is winds that blow in opposite direction in winter more than in summer.
A. Causing B. That cause C. To cause D. What causes

12. He ... in the doorway in order to light his cigarette.

A. entered B. paused C. hung D. settled
13. His name was on the .... of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.
A. tip B. end C. edge D. top

14. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, .... ,couldn't see his work on this machine.
A. however B. therefore C. yet D. anyhow

15. The garden ... as far as the river.

A. advances B. extends C. develops D. enlarges
19. She tried to .... out of the window to see the procession more clearly.

A. bend B. curve C. bow D. lean
20. A new Minister for Agriculture has been ...

A. determined B. assured C. admitted D. appointed

21. The air conditioning unit ... for hours by the time you arrive.

A. will have been running B. shall run C. will be running D. will run
22. We were having so much fun on the ship that we were ... to disembark at our destination.

A. refusing B. doubtful C. reluctant D. hesitant

23. It s no use shouting at grandmother, she s as deaf as a<b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>………</b>.

A. pin B. post C. pole D. door

24. The judge found him ... of stealing and sent him to prison.

A. evil B. innocent C. guilty D. wicked

25. The committee is made up ... players, trainers and managers.

A. for B. by C. to D. of

26. She asked for ... classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly.

A. peculiar B. particular C. Private D. personal

27. We'll go to Paris for our holiday, ... it isn't too expensive.

A. except B. provided C. so far as D. unless

28. It was _______ easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player.

A. purposefully B. exceedingly C. relatively D. normally
29: We were _______ a mile of our destination when we ran out of petrol.

A. hardly B. inside C. only D. within

30: A _______ girl is a girl who has blond hair.

A. blond-hair B. blond-haired C. hair-blond D. haired-blond
31: _______ all the hard work they put in, the students got good exam results.

A. As a result of B. In compared with C. According to D. In addition to
32: If you book in advance you will _______ certainly have a better table at our restaurant.

A. mostly B. almost C. most D. the most

33: The air of the hills is colder than _______.

A. one of the plains B. of the plains C. the plains D. that of the plains
34: _______ children were injured. They all came back unharmed.

A. Not any of the B. None of the C. Not any of D. None of
35: I didn't know exactly how old he was, but he _______ about 30 the first time we met.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

36 The building work is still on schedule _______ a problem in digging the foundation.

A. due to B. despite C. so as D. only if

37. It is necessary to be careful _______ your career.

A. when choosing B. when you will choose C. when you have chosen D. when you are chosen

<b>III. read the following passage and answer the questions that follow </b>

The term "fixed star" refers to stars whose positions do not seem to change relative to other stars. As stars are
constantly moving, their patterns alter gradually, but the difference may not appear significant over a period of 50 or 70
years, because, unlike planets, stars are located at a great distance from the earth. Barnard's star, which is considered to

move the fastest among the fixed stars, requires 200 years to noticeably alter its position by a distance equal to the
moon's diameter. Compared to planets, which seem to be continuously shifting, stars appear <b>stationary </b>in their positions
and relative distances from other bodies in a constellation. Astronomers employ spectrographs and photometers to keep
track of perpetually shifting constellations. By using the spectrographs and photographs obtained over decades,
scientists are able to <b>detect</b> changes in the proper motions of stars. By computing the differences in the spectra length,
color, and shade of color, they can predict the direction of a star's movement in the near and distant future. A classical
example is the cup of the Big Dipper, which is open quite a bit more widely now than it was 40,000 years ago. According
to the spectrograph-based projections, 50,000 years from now the opening will be so expansive that the constellation will
no longer resemble a dipper.

38. This passage is probably taken from an article discussing

A. the uses of spectra for projections B. various fixed constellations and stars
C. the classification of planets and stars D. the emergence and motions of stars
39. The author of the passage implies that stars

A. seem to rotate differently than planets B. appear to retain their distances from other stars
C. are presumed to be perpetually fixed and immobile D. alter their ray emissions gradually
40. The author mentions Barnard's star as

A. an example of a very brilliant star B. a description of a constellation divide
C. a point of reference for star mobility D. proof of star diameter and proximity
41. In line 6, the word "stationary" is closest in meaning to

A. shining B. glimmering C. immobile D. immense

42. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. stars revolve every 40,000 to 50,000 years B. stars alter their trajectories every 200 years
C. planets are closer to the earth than stars D. planets do not appear to be as close as stars

43. In line 9, the word "detect" is closest in meaning to

A. spy B. project C. trace D. compute

44. The author of the passage implies that astronomers detect the movement of stars by

A. using photographs and mathematical reasoning. B. comparing the spectrum of each constellation .
C. overlaying the spectrum images in succession. D. forecasting changes in the position of stars.
45. The author of the passage conveys which of the following about fixed stars?

A. They are inspected by means of photometers. B. They are comparatively simple to categorize.
C. Their movements are imperceptible. D. Their spectra vary in intensity

<b>IV.Read the following passage and answer the question</b>

Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. They say that (46)____ the Internet and other new
technologies, (47)____ no longer any need for school buildings, formal classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one
day, but this is hard to (48)_____ a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to
make schools better, not (49)_______ them. We should invent a new kind of school that is (50)_____ to libraries,
museums, science centers, laboratories, and even companies. (51)____ could give talks on video or over the Internet.
TV networks and local stations could develop programming about things students are (52)______ studying in school.
Already there are several towns (53)______ this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg, Virginia, is one of them. Here the
entire city is linked to the Internet, and learning can (54) _______ at home, at school and in the office. Businesses
provide programs for the schools and the schools provide computer labs for people without their own (55)____ at home.
46: A. despite B. because of C. though D. because

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

55: A. jobs B. equipment C. documents D. computers
<b>V.Read the following passage and answer the question</b>

Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical elements <b>essential</b> for plant nutrition so

that the yield can be increased. Natural substances such as animal droppings, ashes from wood fires, and straw have
been used as fertilizers in fields for thousands of years, and lime has been used since the Romans Introduced It during
the Empire. It was not until the nineteenth century however, that chemical fertilizers became widely accepted as normal
agricultural practice. Today, both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety of forms.

A complete fertilizer is usually marked with a formula consisting of three numbers, such as 4-8-2 or 6-6-4, which
<b>designate</b> the percentage of content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated. Synthetic fertilizers,
produced by factories, are available in either solid or liquid form. Solids, in the shape of chemical granules, are in
demand because they are not only easy to store but also easy to apply. Recently liquids have shown an increase in
popularity, accounting for about 20 percent of the nitrogen fertilizer used throughout the world. Formerly, powders were
also used, but <b>they</b> were found to be less <b>convenient</b> than either solids or liquids.

Fertilizers have no harmful effects on the soil, the crop, or the consumer as long as they are used according to
recommendations based on the results of local research. Occasionally, however, farmers may use more fertilizer than
necessary in which case the plants do not need and therefore do not absorb, the total amount of fertilizer applied to the
soil. The surplus of fertilizer thus can damage not only the crop but also the animals or human beings that eat the crop.
Furthermore, fertilizer that is not used in the production of a healthy plant is leached into the water table. <b>Accumulations</b>
of chemical fertilizer in the water supply accelerate the growth of algae and, consequently may disturb the natural cycle
of life, contributing to the death of fish. Too much fertilizer on grass can cause digestive disorders in cattle and in infants
who drink cow's milk. Fertilizer must be used with great attention to responsible use or it can harm the environment.

56. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A. Local research and harmful effects of fertilizer B. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer
C. A formula for the production of fertilizer D. Content, form and effects of fertilizer

57. The word essential in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?

A. limited B. preferred C. anticipated D. required

58. Which of the following has the smallest percentage content in the formula 4-8-2?

A. Nitrogen B. Phosphorus C. Acid D. Potash

59. What is the percentage of nitrogen in a 5-8-7 formula fertilizer?

A. 3 percent B. 5 percent C. 7 percent D. 8 percent

60..; The word designate in paragraph 2 could be replaced by

A. modify B. specify C. limit . increase

61. Which of the following statements about fertilizer is true?

A. Powders are more popular than ever. B. Solids are difficult to store.

C. Liquids are increasing in popularity. D. Chemical granules are difficult to apply.
62. The word they in paragraph 2 refers to

A. powders B. solids C. liquids D. fertilizer

63. The word convenient in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. effective B. plentiful C. easy to use D. cheap to produce
64.The word Accumulation in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. increase B. decrease C. the act of getting sth gradually D. use
<b>VI.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting</b>

65.. Anthropologists (A) agree that our (B) primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics (C) probably have natural

protection (D) against the sun.

66: There is a severe famine in Somalia , and thousands of people are dying from hungry.

67: When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed.

.68. With his (A) many theories, Albert Einstein (B) did a great impact on physics, (C) so much so that he (D) is often
called the greatest physicist of all time.

69.. In (A) that age of computers, (B) it is difficult to imagine (C) how tedious the work of accountants and clerks (D) must
have been in the past.

70: The threat of being dismissed do not worry me any more because I have started my own business.

71. Thomas was not given details of the company s new project.<b>’</b>
A. Nobody had ever told Thomas about the new project.
B. Thomas wasn t let to know the details of the new project.<b>’</b>
C. Thomas was told that the new project was very dark.

D. Thomas was kept in the dark about the company s new project.<b>’</b>
72. The police ended the fight between 2 gangs by arresting the leaders.
A. The fight between the 2 gangs ended until the police arrested the leaders.
B. The police put a stop to the fight between the 2 gangs by arresting the leaders.
C. Only when the leaders of the 2 gangs were arrested that their fight ended.

D. The police succeeded in arresting the leaders of the 2 gangs after their fight ended.

73. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

D. Telling him what I really thought was what I daren t do.<b>’</b>

74. Colin s inability to make sound judgements dates from his accident.<b>’</b>

A. The date of Colin s accident was when he couldn t make sound judgements.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
B. Colin has been inable to make sound judgements since the date of his accident.
C. Ever since his accident, Colin has been unable to make sound judgements.
D. Before his accident, Colin s job was to make sound judgements.<b>’</b>

75. John was earning much less in his previous job than he is now.

A. John is earning more in his current job. B. John is earning less in his current job.

C. John had a higher salary in his previous job D. John s previous job brought him as much money as his current one<b>’</b>
76.<i>Mary should have done her homework last night instead of watching television</i>

A. Mary did her homework instead of watching television last night
B. Mary didn't watch television and do her homework last night
C. Mary watched television and did her homework last night
D. Mary watched television and didn't do her homework last night.
77. The football team has agreed that it would sponsor the operation.
A. The operation has been agreed to be sponsored by the football team.
B. The football team has done an agreement to sponsor the operation.
C. It has been agreed that the operation would be sponsored.

D. It has been agreed by the football team to sponsor the operation.
78. At the end of his speech, the winner thanked his parents.

A. The winner finished his speech and he thanked his parents.
B. Following his speech, the winner thanked his parents.
C. After the speech, the winner went on to thank his parents.
D. The winner finished his speech by thanking his parents.
79. I don t think the TV is likely to blow up at any minute.<b>’</b>

A. There is little likelihood that the TV will blow up at any minute.
B. The TV is likely not to blow up at any minute.

C. According to the TV, I am not likely to blow up at any minute.D. I am of the opinion that the TV is going to blow up.
80. In 1967 programmes began to be tranmitted in colour.

A. Many colours began to be transmitted into programmes in 1967.
B. The first programmes to be transmitted in colour was in 1967.

C. Colour programmes had made an adventure in transmission by 1967.

D. 1967 saw the advent of the transmission of colour programmes.

<b> </b>

<b> TEST 26 - 2011-2012 </b>


1. <b>A. equip</b> B. entrance C. gateway D. favourite

2. A. material B. reference C. marvelous D. circumstance

3. A. curriculum B. intensity C. computer <b>D. educator</b>

4. A<b>. </b>educate B. <b>emotion</b> C. discipline D. flexible

5. A. minority B. vocational <b>C. economics</b> D. transnational

<b>II.Choose the best option</b>

6. I'd rather you ... at my party last night. A. be B. were <b>C. had been</b> D. have been
7. ... will Mr Forber be able to regain control of the company.

A. With hard work B. In spite of his hard work C. Only if he works hardly D<b>. Only with hard work</b>
8. Of the two new secretaries, one is competent and _______ is not.

A. another B. other <b>C. the other</b> D. the second
9. The flight instructor, .... at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given.

<b> A. when interviewed</b> B. when he interviewed C. when his interview D. when interviewing
10. .... and terrifying, coral snakes can grow up to 4 feet in length.

A. They are extremely poisonous B. The poison is extreme
<b>C. Extremely poisonous </b> D. An extreme amount of poison

11. ... seasonal rainfall is winds that blow in opposite direction in winter more than in summer.
A. Causing B. That cause C. To cause <b>D. What causes</b>

12. He ... in the doorway in order to light his cigarette.

A. entered <b>B. paused</b> C. hung D. settled
13. His name was on the .... of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.

<b>A. tip</b> B. end C. edge D. top

14. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, ...., couldn't see his work on this machine.
<b>A. however</b> B. therefore C. yet D. anyhow

15. The garden ... as far as the river.

A. advances <b>B. extends</b> C. develops D. enlarges
19. She tried to .... out of the window to see the procession more clearly.

A. bend B. curve C. bow <b>D. lean</b>
20. A new Minister for Agriculture has been ...

A. determined B. assured C. admitted <b>D. appointed</b>

21. The air conditioning unit ... for hours by the time you arrive.

<b>A. will have been running</b> B. shall run C. will be running D. will run
22. We were having so much fun on the ship that we were ... to disembark at our destination.

A. refusing B. doubtful C<b>. reluctant</b> D. hesitant

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

A. pin <b>B. post</b> C. pole D. door
24. The judge found him ... of stealing and sent him to prison.

A. evil B. innocent <b>C. guilty</b> D. wicked

25. The committee is made up ... players, trainers and managers.

A. for B. by C. to <b>D. of</b>

26. She asked for ... classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly.

A. peculiar B. particular <b>C. Private</b> D. personal

27. We'll go to Paris for our holiday, ... it isn't too expensive.

A. except <b>B. provided</b> C. so far as D. unless

28. It was _______ easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player.

A. purposefully B. exceedingly <b>C. relatively</b> D. normally
29: We were _______ a mile of our destination when we ran out of petrol.

A. hardly B. inside C. only <b>D. within</b>

30: A _______ girl is a girl who has blond hair.

A. blond-hair <b>B. blond-haired</b> C. hair-blond D. haired-blond

31: _______ all the hard work they put in, the students got good exam results.

<b>A. As a result of</b> B. In compared with C. According to D. In addition to
32: If you book in advance you will _______ certainly have a better table at our restaurant.

A. mostly <b>B. almost</b> C. most D. the most

33: The air of the hills is colder than _______.

A. one of the plains B. of the plains C. the plains <b>D. that of the plains</b>
34: _______ children were injured. They all came back unharmed.

A. Not any of the <b>B. None of the</b> C. Not any of D. None of
35: I didn't know exactly how old he was, but he _______ about 30 the first time we met.

A. should be B. should have been C. must be <b>D. must have been</b>
36 The building work is still on schedule _______ a problem in digging the foundation.

<b>A. due to</b> B. despite C. so as D. only if

37. It is necessary to be careful _______ your career.

<b>A. when choosing</b> B. when you will choose C. when you have chosen D. when you are chosen

<b>III. read the following passage and answer the questions that follow </b>

The term "fixed star" refers to stars whose positions do not seem to change relative to other stars. As stars are
constantly moving, their patterns alter gradually, but the difference may not appear significant over a period of 50 or 70
years, because, unlike planets, stars are located at a great distance from the earth. Barnard's star, which is considered to
move the fastest among the fixed stars, requires 200 years to noticeably alter its position by a distance equal to the
moon's diameter. Compared to planets, which seem to be continuously shifting, stars appear <b>stationary </b>in their positions
and relative distances from other bodies in a constellation. Astronomers employ spectrographs and photometers to keep
track of perpetually shifting constellations. By using the spectrographs and photographs obtained over decades,
scientists are able to <b>detect</b> changes in the proper motions of stars. By computing the differences in the spectra length,
color, and shade of color, they can predict the direction of a star's movement in the near and distant future. A classical
example is the cup of the Big Dipper, which is open quite a bit more widely now than it was 40,000 years ago. According
to the spectrograph-based projections, 50,000 years from now the opening will be so expansive that the constellation will
no longer resemble a dipper.

38. This passage is probably taken from an article discussing

A. the uses of spectra for projections <b>B. various fixed constellations and stars </b>

C. the classification of planets and stars D. the emergence and motions of stars
39. The author of the passage implies that stars

A. seem to rotate differently than planets <b>B. appear to retain their distances from other stars</b> dong 5
C. are presumed to be perpetually fixed and immobile D. alter their ray emissions gradually

40. The author mentions Barnard's star as

A. an example of a very brilliant star B. a description of a constellation divide
<b>C. a point of reference for star mobility</b> D. proof of star diameter and proximity
41. In line 6, the word "stationary" is closest in meaning to

A. shining B. glimmering <b>C. immobile</b> D. immense

42. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. stars revolve every 40,000 to 50,000 years B. stars alter their trajectories every 200 years
<b>C. planets are closer to the earth than stars</b> D. planets do not appear to be as close as stars
43. In line 9, the word "detect" is closest in meaning to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

44. The author of the passage implies that astronomers detect the movement of stars by

<b>A. using photographs and mathematical reasoning</b>. B. comparing the spectrum of each constellation .
C. overlaying the spectrum images in succession. D. forecasting changes in the position of stars.
45. The author of the passage conveys which of the following about fixed stars?

A. They are inspected by means of photometers. B. They are comparatively simple to categorize.
<b>C. Their movements are imperceptible</b>. D. Their spectra vary in intensity

<b>IV.Read the following passage and answer the question</b>

Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. They say that (46)____ the Internet and other new
technologies, (47)____ no longer any need for school buildings, formal classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one
day, but this is hard to (48)_____ a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to
make schools better, not (49)_______ them. We should invent a new kind of school that is (50)_____ to libraries,
museums, science centers, laboratories, and even companies. (51)____ could give talks on video or over the Internet.
TV networks and local stations could develop programming about things students are (52)______ studying in school.
Already there are several towns (53)______ this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg, Virginia, is one of them. Here the
entire city is linked to the Internet, and learning can (54) _______ at home, at school and in the office. Businesses
provide programs for the schools and the schools provide computer labs for people without their own (55)____ at home.
46: A. despite <b>B. because of</b> C. though D. because

47: A. there are B. they are C. it is <b>D. there is</b>
48: A. know B. realise <b>C. imagine</b> D. consider
49: <b>A. to eliminate</b> B. eliminative C. eliminator D. elimination
50: A. limited <b>B. linked</b> C. contributed D. addressed
51: A. Policemen B. Experts <b>C. Orators</b> D. Businessmen
52: <b>A. actually</b> B. rarely C. intentionally D. publicly
53: A. which <b>B. where</b> C. that D. with
54: A. take time B. take part <b>C. take place</b> D. take in
55: A. jobs B. equipment C. documents <b>D. computers</b>
<b>V.Read the following passage and answer the question</b>

Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical elements <b>essential </b>for plant nutrition so
that the yield can be increased. Natural substances such as animal droppings, ashes from wood fires, and straw have
been used as fertilizers in fields for thousands of years, and lime has been used since the Romans Introduced It during
the Empire. It was not until the nineteenth century however, that chemical fertilizers became widely accepted as normal
agricultural practice. Today, both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety of forms.

A complete fertilizer is usually marked with a formula consisting of three numbers, such as 4-8-2 or 6-6-4, which

<b>designate</b> the percentage of content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated. Synthetic fertilizers,
produced by factories, are available in either solid or liquid form. Solids, in the shape of chemical granules, are in
demand because they are not only easy to store but also easy to apply. Recently liquids have shown an increase in
popularity, accounting for about 20 percent of the nitrogen fertilizer used throughout the world. Formerly, powders were
also used, but <b>they</b> were found to be less <b>convenient</b> than either solids or liquids.

Fertilizers have no harmful effects on the soil, the crop, or the consumer as long as they are used according to
recommendations based on the results of local research. Occasionally, however, farmers may use more fertilizer than
necessary in which case the plants do not need and therefore do not absorb, the total amount of fertilizer applied to the
soil. The surplus of fertilizer thus can damage not only the crop but also the animals or human beings that eat the crop.
Furthermore, fertilizer that is not used in the production of a healthy plant is leached into the water table. <b>Accumulations</b>
of chemical fertilizer in the water supply accelerate the growth of algae and, consequently may disturb the natural cycle
of life, contributing to the death of fish. Too much fertilizer on grass can cause digestive disorders in cattle and in infants
who drink cow's milk. Fertilizer must be used with great attention to responsible use or it can harm the environment.

56. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A. Local research and harmful effects of fertilizer B. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer
C. A formula for the production of fertilizer <b>D. Content, form and effects of fertilizer</b>

57. The word <b>essential</b> in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?

A. limited B. preferred C. anticipated <b>D. required</b>

58. Which of the following has the smallest percentage content in the formula 4-8-2?

A. Nitrogen B. Phosphorus C. Acid <b>D. Potash</b>

59. What is the percentage of nitrogen in a 5-8-7 formula fertilizer?

A. 3 percent <b>B. 5 percent</b> C. 7 percent D. 8 percent

60..; The word <b>designate</b> in paragraph 2 could be replaced by

A. modify B. specify C. limit . increase

61. Which of the following statements about fertilizer is true?

A. Powders are more popular than ever. B. Solids are difficult to store.

<b>C. Liquids are increasing in popularity</b>. D. Chemical granules are difficult to apply.
62. The word <b>they</b> in paragraph 2 refers to

<b>A. powders</b> B. solids C. liquids D. fertilizer

63. The word convenient in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

A. increase B. decrease <b>C. the act of getting sth gradually</b> D. use
<b>VI.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting</b>

65.. Anthropologists (A) agree that our (B) primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics (C) <b>probably have</b> natural
protection (D) against the sun.

66: There is a severe famine in Somalia , and thousands of people are dying <b>from hungry.</b>

67<b>: When</b> many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed.

.68. With his (A) many theories, Albert Einstein (B) <b>did</b> a great impact on physics, (C) so much so that he (D) is often

called the greatest physicist of all time.

69.. In (A) <b>that age</b> of computers, (B) it is difficult to imagine (C) how tedious the work of accountants and clerks (D)
must have been in the past.

70: The threat of being dismissed <b>do not worry</b> me any more because I have started my own business.

71. Thomas was not given details of the company s new project.<b>’</b>
A. Nobody had ever told Thomas about the new project.
B. Thomas wasn t let to know the details of the new project.<b>’</b>
C. Thomas was told that the new project was very dark.

<b> D. Thomas was kept in the dark about the company’s new project.</b>

<b>the dark (about something) = </b>

knowing nothing about something

<i>Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.</i>

<b>keep something dark</b>

= to keep something secret and not tell people about it<i>He's got two children? Well he's kept that dark, hasn't he!</i>
72. The police ended the fight between 2 gangs by arresting the leaders.

A. The fight between the 2 gangs ended until the police arrested the leaders.

<b>B. The police put a stop to the fight between the 2 gangs by arresting the leaders.</b>
C. Only when the leaders of the 2 gangs were arrested that their fight ended.

D. The police succeeded in arresting the leaders of the 2 gangs after their fight ended.
73. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.

A. It was too scared of me to tell him what I really thought. <b>B. I lacked the courage to tell him what I really thought.</b>
C. I was not courage enough to tell him what I really thought.

D. Telling him what I really thought was what I daren t do.<b>’</b>

74. Colin s inability to make sound judgements dates from his accident.<b>’</b>

A. The date of Colin s accident was when he couldn t make sound judgements.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
B. Colin has been inable to make sound judgements since the date of his accident.
<b>C. Ever since his accident, Colin has been unable to make sound judgements. </b>
D. Before his accident, Colin s job was to make sound judgements.<b>’</b>

75. John was earning much less in his previous job than he is now.

<b>A. John is earning more in his current job. </b>B. John is earning less in his current job.

C. John had a higher salary in his previous job D. John s previous job brought him as much money as his current one<b>’</b>
76.<i>Mary should have done her homework last night instead of watching television</i>

A. Mary did her homework instead of watching television last night
B. Mary didn't watch television and do her homework last night
C. Mary watched television and did her homework last night

<b>D. Mary watched television and didn't do her homework last night.</b>
77. The football team has agreed that it would sponsor the operation.
A. The operation has been agreed to be sponsored by the football team.
B. The football team has done an agreement to sponsor the operation.

C. It has been agreed that the operation would be sponsored.

<b> D. It has been agreed by the football team to sponsor the operation.</b>
78. At the end of his speech, the winner thanked his parents.

A. The winner finished his speech and he thanked his parents.
B. Following his speech, the winner thanked his parents.
C. After the speech, the winner went on to thank his parents.
<b>D. The winner finished his speech by thanking his parents</b>.
79. I don t think the TV is likely to blow up at any minute.<b>’</b>

<b> A. There is little likelihood that the TV will blow up at any minute.</b>
B. The TV is likely not to blow up at any minute.

C. According to the TV, I am not likely to blow up at any minute.D. I am of the opinion that the TV is going to blow up.
80. In 1967 programmes began to be tranmitted in colour.

A. Many colours began to be transmitted into programmes in 1967.
B. The first programmes to be transmitted in colour was in 1967.



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