Fix Your Own Computer For Seniors For Dummies
Services tab, System Configuration
utility, 87, 257–258
settings, restoring computer
choosing problem solving utility,
Last Known Good Configuration
utility, 276–278
restore points, creating manually,
System Restore utility, 267–274
undoing actions, 264
uninstalling programs, 264–266
Settings tab, Display Properties
dialog box, 146
ShieldsUP! tool, 93
skin, keyboard, 222
slave device, 194
software. See also updating software
Control Panel, opening, 49–50
display, customizing, 50–52
faxes, configuring, 56–58
Internet Options, 52–53
Mail, configuring, 53–55
Network Setup Wizard, 55–56
overview, 47
printer, 56–58, 219–220
Program Compatibility Wizard,
System Information, viewing, 61–62
touring Windows, 48–49
troubleshooting, 329–331
updating, 73–74
Windows accessories, exploring,
Windows Explorer, 59–61
solid-state memory, 254
sound adapter, external, 324
spam, 104, 116–118
speaker, 16–17
speed, increasing, 175
Speed tab, Keyboard Properties
dialog box, 227
spooler, 216
spyware, 103, 114–116
Start Windows Normally, Safe Mode
option, 291
starting, in Safe Mode, 280–282
startup, diagnostic, 258–259
Startup Repair utility, 245
Startup tab, System Configuration
utility, 257–258
static discharge, 167
storage device, 38–41
streaky line, when printing, 212
Successful repair message, 246
surge protector, 24, 98
Synchronous Dynamic Random
Access Memory (SDRAM), 179
System Configuration utility
computer maintenance, 86–88
diagnostic startup in Windows XP,
normal startup in Windows XP, 260
system setup screens, 254–256
viewing in Vista, 260–261
viewing in Windows 7, 260–261
viewing in Windows XP, 256–258
System Information utility, 61–62,
System Properties dialog box,
System Protection tab, System
Properties dialog box, 275–276
System Recovery Options window,
245, 291–292
System Restore utility
overview, 267–274, 285
restore points, creating manually,
solving software problems with, 330
when to reinstall Windows, 248
SYSTEM.INI tab, System
Configuration utility, 257
• T •
tablet, 12–13
temperature, maintaining, 95–97
CD/DVD drive, 207–208
keyboard, 228–229
printer hardware, 213–218
printer software, 219–220
thermal fit, 162
third-party utility, defragmenting,
tone, uneven print, 210
Tools tab, System Configuration
utility, 88, 257–258
touchpad, 11
touchscreen, tablet, 12
touring Windows, 48–49
tower case, 27, 32
cleaning, 229–231
defined, 10–11
maintaining, 222–225
replacing, 235–236
reviving, 235
troubleshooting, 232–234
transmission, blocking secret, 114
Troubleshoot Printer Problems
link, 216
computer that won’t start, 322–324
Device Manager, 306
external drive, 204–205
hardware problems, 324–327
internal drive, 202–204
Internet connection, 331–334
keyboard, 225–229
memory, 181–184
mice, 232–234
monitor, 143–144
printing problems, 213, 216
software problems, 329–331
trackball, 232–234
video adapter, 150–153
video connections, 142
video output, 141
Windows problems, 327–329
Windows Troubleshooting Wizard,
Turn Off Automatic Updates
option, 72
20-pin connector, 160
24-pin connector, 160
Fix Your Own Computer For Seniors For Dummies
• U •
U key, 280
UAC (User Account Control),
107, 260
Undo System Restore radio button,
undoing action, 264
uneven print tone, 210
Uninstall button, video adapter
Properties dialog box, 154
Uninstall or Change a Program
utility, 81–82
uninstalling program, 81–84,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS),
24–25, 322
Universal Serial Bus. See USB
Update Driver button, video adapter
Properties dialog box, 154
Update Driver Software dialog
box, 306
updating device driver, 306
updating software
corrupted device drivers, fixing,
corrupted program files, fixing, 79
other software, 73–74
overview, 67
Service Pack status, checking, 74–75
Service Pack updates, 75–76
uninstalling programs, 81–84
Windows Live applications, 76–79
Windows Updates, 68–73
upright tower case, 32
UPS (uninterruptible power supply),
24–25, 322
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
devices, removing from computer,
flash drive, 40
mouse, 222–223
ports, 21, 45, 196
USB SoundBlaster Live! 24-Bit
External sound adapter, 324
User Account Control (UAC),
107, 260
• V •
vent, checking and cleaning, 95
VGA Mode, 290
video adapter
overview, 146–147
troubleshooting, 150–153
video connection, troubleshooting,
video driver, resetting, 153–154
video output, troubleshooting, 141
View Available Updates link, 69
View System Recovery Options, 291
virus, 103, 109–110
voice gateway, 171–172
• W •
Waiting for Incoming Connection
window, 128–129
warning icon, Device Manager
window, 298
warranty, 124
Web site, fine print on, 117
webcam, 16
What’s New in Windows option,
Windows Vista, 49
white blotch, when printing, 212
white line, when printing, 210
wide ribbon cable, 187
Wi-Fi adapter, 324
Windows 7
accessories, exploring, 58–59
Add a Printer dialog, 56
Control Panel, opening, 49–50
corrupted device drivers, fixing,
Device Manager, opening, 297
Disable Driver Signature
Enforcement option, 291
disabling devices, 302
Disk Defragmenter, 91, 309
disk errors, checking for, 313–315
display, customizing, 50–52
display settings, checking and
changing, 147–150
Enable Low Resolution Video
option, 290
external drives, troubleshooting,
faxes, configuring, 56–58
firewalls, building, 107
Getting Started command, 48
Go Online to Learn More option, 49
internal drives, troubleshooting, 203
Internet Options, 52–53
Network Setup Wizard, 55–56
Personalization dialog, 51
power consumption, reducing,
printers, configuring, 56–58
Program Compatibility Wizard,
refreshing, 246–248
reinstalling, 248–251
Remote Assistance in, 130–132
repairing installation, 243–246
restore points, 272, 275–276
Safe Mode, making screen easier to
read in, 283–284
Safe Mode, testing settings in, 288
System Configuration utility, 86,
System Information, viewing, 61–62
System Restore, 268–269
touring, 48–49
troubleshooting wizards, 304–305
uninstalling programs, 81–82,
Update Driver Software dialog box,
updates, manually checking
for, 68
video adapter, troubleshooting,
What’s New in Windows option, 49
Windows Explorer, 59–61
Windows Security Center,
configuring, 105
Fix Your Own Computer For Seniors For Dummies
Windows Advanced Options Menu
screen, 280, 289
Windows Explorer, 59–61
Windows Live applications, 76–79
Windows Live Mail client, 54
Windows Mail program,
configuring, 54
Windows NT File System (NTFS),
Windows Remote Assistance
overview, 124–125
in Vista, 126–129
in Windows 7, 130–132
in Windows XP, 125–126
Windows Security Center,
configuring, 105–107
Windows Updates
checking for automatically, 70–73
checking for manually, 68–70
Windows Vista
accessories, exploring, 58–59
Add a Printer dialog, 56
Control Panel, opening, 49–50
corrupted device drivers, fixing,
Device Manager, opening, 297
Disable Driver Signature
Enforcement option, 291
disabling devices, 302
Disk Defragmenter, 91, 309
disk errors, checking for, 313–314
display, customizing, 50–52
display settings, checking and
changing, 146–147
Enable VGA Mode option, 290
external drives, troubleshooting,
faxes, configuring, 56–58
firewalls, building, 107
internal drives, troubleshooting, 203
Internet Options, 52–53
Mail, configuring, 53–55
Network Setup Wizard, 55–56
Personalization display, 51
power consumption, reducing,
printers, configuring, 56–58
Program Compatibility Wizard,
Recovery Console option, 291
refreshing, 246–248
reinstalling, 248–251
Remote Assistance, 126–129
repairing installation, 243–246
restore points, 272, 275
Safe Mode, making screen easier to
read in, 283
Safe Mode, testing settings in, 288
System Configuration Utility, 86
System Information utility, 61–62,
System Restore, 268–269
touring, 48–49
troubleshooting wizards, 304–305