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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>WEEK 6. FORM 3 Unit three : Our names Section B: 1,2,3. I.Aims and objects After the lesson, Students can know how to spell the names of people II. Language contents + Structure: That is……………………………… III. Teaching aids Record, cassette, plan, teacher’s book, students’s book and workbook IV. Teaching methods : - Work in pairs and work in groups - Communicative approach V. Teaching procedure: A. Organisation - Greeting - Checking students’s attendance 3A: 3B: 3C: B. New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents 1. Warm up + Play game “Walk and talk” - Teacher is a guider Ss1:What is your name? - Students play game Ss2:My name is Mai. And you? * Rules:. Students work in groups.They go aroud. Ss3:……………………….. They ask and answer about the names. Ss4:……………………….. 2. Presentation + Review the English Alphabets A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S, T + Introduce the structure W, X, Y, Z - Teacher gives students model sentence - Teacher reads model Hi. My name is Linda. - Students read again That is L-I-N-D-A. - Teacher explain the use of the structure 3. Practice - Teacher guides students to spell their names - Teacher makes model - Students repeat again - Ask students to work in pairs to practise A: What is your name? - Call some pairs to dis play B: My name is ……………..... - Teacher checks and remarks That is ……………………. 4. Free practice - Teacher presents the picture on page 31 – part 3 The listening text: - Ask students to listen to and ticks the order of the 1.A: What’s your name? picture B: My name’s Nam. That’s N-A-M - Teacher plays record (3 times) A: My name’s Nam. That’s P-E-T-E-R - Teacher goes a round listens to, checks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. A: Hello. I’m Mai - Call students give their answers That is M-A-I - Teacher corrects the answers B: My name is Linda. That is L-I-N-D-A. 3. A: Hello. I’m Alan That is A-L-A-N What is your name? B: My name is Linda. That is L-I-N-D-A. A: Nice to meet you, Linda B: Nice to meet you, Alan Key: 1 – b ; 2 – a ; 3 – c 5. Consolidation and homework - Teacher summaries the lesson and give student exercises Do exercises 6, 7 - Students write down Unit three : Our names Section B: 4,5,6,7 I.Aims and objects After the lesson, Students can get the information from reading text: Matching the sentences are suitable. II. Language contents Review the vocabulary and the structure of period 1 III. Teaching aids Record, cassette, plan, teacher’s book, students’s book and workbook IV. Teaching methods : - Work in pairs and work in groups - Communicative approach V. Teaching procedure: A. Organisation - Greeting - Checking students’s attendance 3A: 3B: 3C: B. New lesson Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents 1. Warm up + Play game “ Conversation Lines” - Teacher is a guider Ss1: Goodbye - Students play game Ss2: Bye. See you later. * Rules: Students make two lines. They work in pairs to say goodbye and reponse 2. Pre-reading + Introduce the the contents of the reading text - Ask students to guess what the sentences are suitable ? - Students guess and give their prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Teacher takes note 3. While - reading - Teacher asks students to read the text and match them with the picture. - Students read silently and match. - Call some students give answers - Teacher corrects the answers - Ask students to read aloud the dialogues. The reading text: 1. A: Hello. I’m Linda. That is L-I-N-D-A. B: Hello. I’m Alan That is A-L-A-N 2. A: What’s your name? B: My name’s Nam A: My name’s Peter. Nice to meet you, Nam B: Nice to meet you, too Key: 1 – b ; 2 – a ;. 4. Post - reading - Teacher asks students to complete the sentence on page 32 – part 5 - Students do “Let’s write” - Teacher goes a round, listens to, checks + Let’s sing - Teacher reads before - Students repeat again. 1. A: How………………..? B: I’m fine,……………….. 2. A: Goodbye. B: ……………………………. The Alphabet Song A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z 5. Consolidation and homework - Teacher summaries the lesson Do exercises 9, 10 - Teacher gives students exercises - Give students exercises Week 6. Time 1. Warm up & revision ( 5’). FORM 4 Unit two: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Section B: 1,2,3 Teacher’s activities - greetings - ask Ss to prepare the books, notebook and school objects. - check the class attendance. 2.Presentation(25’) 2.1. Introduction. - write down the title of the lesson hang up the small pictures of acts: 2.2. New words. swim. Student’s activities - greeting - get out the books, notebooks and school objects - the monitor answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 2.3. Structure. B1 –P22. - read the word three times. - ask Ss to repeat chorally and individually - write down the English words, its part of speech and its meaning in Vietnamese. - do the same with: dance, ride a bike, play football - ask Ss to read all the word presented hang the big picture again a/ Set the scene: - Nam and Peter are in school yard. - ask Ss to listen to the tape. b/ Repetition. - play the tape twice. - play the tape, pause after each sentence. - ask Ss to open the books and assign the roles: + read the question - divide the class into 2 groups and ask Ss to read in group. -listen carefully - repeat chorally 3 times + read the answer: Then inverse the role. - group 1 read the question, group 2 read the answer. Then inverse. - read in pair. - look at the board.. - ask Ss to read in pair. c/ draw out the model sentence - stick the card on the board.. 2.4 Pracrice B2 -23. - repeat the model sentence Can you swim, Nam? - translate into Yes, I can Vietnamese d/ checking: -pronunciation and intonation: the - Ss may answer: it is use when we want to down- intonation of the question know about the and answer. - meaning: ask Ss to translate the homeland. model sentence into Vietnamese. - write the structure. - use: ask Ss when to use this - read all the words question. under the pictures - ask Ss to write down. - read chorally - put away the picture. - go through all the picture in this book - work in group - ask Ss to read the question. - hold up and give the answer for chorally the first picture. Then change the role: T asks, Ss answer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 2.5. Listening. 3. Reinforcement(3’) 4. Home assignment( 2’). - divide Ss into two groups. One asks and another answers, use the picture in their books. - invite some pairs to speech out, check their pronunciation if necessary. - hang up the picture again. - ask Ss to make question and free answer I can…………. I can’t…………… - invite some pair to act out. - give the comment and praise good pairs. a/ Pre- listening. - ask Ss to say about the ex requirement. - ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe them b/ While- listening. - play the tape twice - ask Ss to give the result - play the tape one more time to check the result - give the correct answers and praise the Ss who have the correct answers. 1a,b,c 2d c/ Post- listening. - play the tape to check - ask the Ss to repeat the topic of the lesson - ask the Ss to read all the new words and the model sentence. - ask Ss to learn by heart all the new words and model sentence. - ask Ss to do ex 1,2,3 WB. Page. - work in pair. - some pairs act out. - one S answers, 2 or 3 Ss repeat - describe the pictures in English - listen carefully and do the task. - one S answers, the rest give their comments - listen and check - repeat after the tape chorally twice - say the content by heart - one S answer, 2 or 3 Ss repeat. - read chorally once. - listen and remember. Unit two: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Section B: 4,5,6, Time 1. Warm up&. Teacher’s activities - greetings. Student’s activities - greeting.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> revision.( 5’ ). - ask Ss to prepare the books, notebook and school objects. - check the class attendance. 2. Presentation(25’) * Introduction: Ss reading 2.1. Reading comprehension the test and complete the B4- p 16 sentences a/ Pre- reading. - ask Ss to open the books, look at the picture and read the test. b/ While- reading. - ask Ss to read and discuss in groups - go round to check the Ss hardness and help if necessary. - ask Ss to give the result - give the correct result. 1. Linda can sing and dance 2. She cannot swim and play football 3. She can speak English 4. She cannot speak Vietnamese c/ Post- reading. - ask Ss to read chorally, read in groups and individually. - ask Ss to translate into Vietnamese - ask Ss to do ex 8 page - check and give correct answers 2.2. Writing B5- P 16. - get out the books, notebooks and school objects - the monitor answers. - open the book - read the test then the questions - 2 Ss go to the board answers the questions. -read chorally once, read in groups once - translate sentence by sentence.. * Introduction: You are required to write about the things we can do. - give the outline and ask Ss to write in their books in pencil. Encourage Ss to write as long as possible depend on their knowledge. - get some Ss books and give marks - ask 2 good, quicker Ss to write on the board.. - listen carefully. - write individually based on the outline. - ask some more Ss to read aloud their writings - ask Ss to do Ex 9 page WB - check and give correct answers. - look at their friends writings, check their spelling and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 2.3. Game B6- P 17. 2.4. Summary. B7 – P17. * Ss revise vocabulary which had learned in this unit by ask your friends and complete the table. You: Can you swim, Nga? Nga: Yes, I can You: Can you dance? Nga: No, I can’t - Encourage Ss to say how to play this game depend on complete the crossword. - ask some Ss to say the answers swim dance Play Ride a football bike Nga can cannot can cannot Lan cannot Can cannot Can Nam Can cannot can can Hoa cannot Can cannot can. grammar - listen and check their friends mistakes. - do individually - listen carefully - discuss in groups and fill in the blanks - check the result. - discuss in group the meaning of the sentences in each row and column. - ask Ss to look at the Summary an answer some questions + How many tables are there? + How many columns are there in the first table? + How many rows are there in the - read aloud second table? * table 1: - column 1- row 1: talking about abilities to do something - column 2 – row 1: talking about abilities not to do something - listen carefully -column 2 – row 2: the short write of cannot * table 2: - column 1- row 1: offering food and drink - column 2 – row 1: accepting or refusing on offer. - column 1- row 2: ask about abilities - column 2 – row 2: answer about abilities 3. Reinforcement - ask Ss to do Ex 10 page WB & home assignment(5’) - ask Ss to revision the whole unit - prepare for the next lesson - give the comment for the whole lesson, give marks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 6. FORM 5 Unit 3 Jobs Section B: 1, 2, 3. I. Aims 1Knowledge: Ss’ll able to talk about the jobs 2. Skills: listening and speaking 3.Language focus: a. Grammar: A: What subject do you like? B: I like Music. I want to be a singer. b. Vocabulary: singer, footballer, musician, dancer, taxi driver II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: A cassette, puppets 2 Students’: book, notebook III. Activities for teaching and learning 1. Settlements (1’) 2 .Oral test: (4’) -Call one S do ex 4 page 22 on the board -One S do ex 5 -One S do ex 6 Other remark. T gives marks 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Activity 1: (3’) Warm up and review -T ask some questions: Look, listen and answer What’s your name? My name’s (Hoa). What does your father do? He is a doctor. What is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is Music. Activity 2:( 10’) 1.Listen and repeat 1.Listen and repeat a- Pre listen T says about the situation in the dialogue New words: singer, footballer, musician, Look, Listen. Dancer, driver - Guide Ss use question and answer: LiLi: What subject do you like? Mai: I like Music. LiLi: Why do you like it? Mai: Because I want tobe a singer. b- White- listen Play a tape 3 times c- Post-listen Call some Ss read again Activity3(10’). -Look, listen and repeat Listen and repeat sentence by sentence Ss work in pair Some pairs practice to talk Two or four Ss read in front of the class Other listen carefully and remark 2. Let’s talk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 2. Let’s talk Guide Ss to say follow structures: I want tobe a footballer. -Guide Ss to say: A footballer a singer A musician a dancer Activity 4(10’) 3.Listen and check - Guide Ss to listen -Play a cassette 2-3 times - Call some Ss talk in front of the class IV. Other activity: -Guide Ss to do exercises -T remarks the lesson.. - Read follow teacher (2-3 times) Ss practice to say in group A: I want tobe a singer. B: I want tobe a dancer. Some Ss practice in front of the class Other listen and remark 3.Listen and check -Some Ss read aloud, then all Ss read Listen and check: True- T; False- F Some Ss give result Other listen and remark - Do exercises 7, 8, 9 in work book -Learn by heart new words and structures. -Prepare next lesson. Unit 3 jobs Section B: 4, 5, 6,7 I. Aims 1Knowledge: Ss’ll able to read and write about what you want tobe. 2. Skills: reading and writing 3.Language focus: a. Grammar: A: What does your father do? B: He;s a doctor. A: What do you want tobe? B: I want tobe a nurse. What does he want tobe? He wants to be a singer and musician. b. Vocabulary: future II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: A tape, puppets 2 Students’: book, notebook III. Activities for teaching and learning 1. Settlements (2’) Sing a song: The way we go school 2 .Oral test: (3’) -Call 2 Ss do ex 7, 8 . -Two Ss talk about your shelf 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Activity 1: (4’) Warm up and review Work in pair -Take out some cards: Nam, Mai……. 1-3 pairs practice. Other listen and Ask Ss talk about them Remark Activity 2:( 10’) 4. Read and answer 4. Read and answer a- Pre-reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> T read aloud 1st times New words: future, piano I like to sing. I like to play piano too. I want to be a musician in the future. - Guide Ss use the present tense with the third Person:- He wants tobe a singer. b- White- reading T read 2- 3 times Call some good Ss read aloud T remark c- Post-reading: answer the question Call some Ss read again Call some pairs practice Key: 1. His name’s Nam. 2. He’s a student. 3. His favourite subject is music. 4.He wants tobe a singer and a musician. Activity3(8’) 5.Let’s write: Write about what you want to be Guide Ss to write - Introduce your self - Favourite subject - What do you like? - What do you want tobe? Note: structure: like to + V Use present tense Activity 4(7’) 7. Summary - Guide Ss to read sentences in book - Call some Ss read aloud IV. Other activity: Play game: 6. Let’s play -Guide Ss to play: guess the job. -Guide Ss to do exercises -T remarks the lesson.. Listen and line the new words Read new words and new sentences Look, Listen and repeat Listen and read sentence by sentence Read individual Read in chorus Read in line sentence by sentence -Work in pair Some pairs practice in front of the class Other listen and remark. 5. Let’s write -Write in their notebook -Then one-two Ss write on the board -Read individual Other listen and remark 7. Summary -Read and remember What does your father do? He’s a doctor. I want to be a nurse. 6. Let’s play: Work in group: draw a picture of someone at work. Can your classmates guess the person’s job? - Do exercises 10, 11, 12 in work book -Learn by heart new words and structures. -Prepare next lesson DUYỆT CỦA BGH.

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