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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>1. They're working on the project, aren't they 2. It wasn't my fault was it. ?. ?. 3. Bill got what he wanted, didn't he. ?. 4. It won't be hard to convince her, will it 5. We can't leave him alone, can we. ?. ?. 6. We've done our job, haven't we. ?. 7. You should apologize for what you have done, shouldn't you 8. They didn't start at two o'clock, did they. ?. 9. They finish work at five o'clock, don't they 10. She doesn't like him, does she. ?. ?. ?. 1.. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, isn't he. ?. 2.. The car isn't in the garage, is it. 3.. You are John, aren't you. 4.. She went to the library yesterday, didn't she. 5.. He didn't recognize me, did he. 6.. Cars pollute the environment, don't they. 7.. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, hasn't he. 8.. The trip is very expensive, isn't it. 9.. He won't tell her, will he. 10.. Hugh had a red car, didn't he. ?. ? ?. ? ? ?. ?. ? ?. Exercise Put a question tag on the end of each sentence. (The first sentence is given as an example.) 1.. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in Keystone, isn't it. ?. 2.. The rock was a sacred Indian site once, wasn't it. 3.. It has been a national memorial since 1925, hasn't it. 4.. The monument doesn’t show the bust of President Clinton, does it. 5.. George Washington was the first President of the United States, wasn't he. ?. 1) He sometimes reads the newspaper, doesn't he? 2) You are Indian, aren't you? 3) They had a nice weekend, didn't they? 4) Peggy didn't use the pencil, did she?. ? ? ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5) Mary has answered the teacher's question, hasn't she? 6) The boy is from Turkey, isn't he? 7) Sue wasn't listening, was she? 8) Andrew isn't sleeping, is he? 9) Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, won't they? 10) She has a brother, doesn't she? 1) He's been to Texas, hasn't he? 2) Dogs like meat, don't they? 3) There are some apples left, aren't there? 4) I'm late, aren't I? 5) Let's go, shall we? 6) Don't smoke, will you? 7) He does sing in the bathroom, doesn't he? 8) He'll never know, will he? 9) I think he's from India, isn't he? 10) Lovely day today, isn't it? 1) She is collecting stickers, isn't she? 2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we? 3) You have cleaned your bike, haven't you? 4) John and Max don't like Maths, do they? 5) Peter played handball yesterday, didn't he? 6) They are going home from school, aren't they? 7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did she? 8) He could have bought a new car, couldn't he? 9) Kevin will come tonight, won't he? 10) I'm clever, aren't I?  It's beautiful, isn't it?  He has been, hasn't he?  You can, can't you?  It must be, mustn't it?  You know him, don’t you?  He finished it, didn't he?  He will come, won't he?.      . It isn't very good, is it? It hasn't rained, has it? It can't be, can it? Jenny doesn't know James, does she? They didn't leave, did they?. He won’t do it, will he?. Present simple 'be'. She's Italian, isn't she?. Present simple other verbs They live in London, don't they? Present continuous. We're working tomorrow, aren't we?. Past simple 'be'. It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?. Past simple other verbs. He went to the party last night, didn't.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> he? Past continuous. We were waiting at the station, weren't we?. Present perfect. They've been to Japan, haven't they?. Present perfect continuous. She's been studying recently, hasn't she?. Past perfect. He had forgotten his wallet, hadn't he?. Past perfect continuous. We'd been working, hadn't we?. Future simple. She'll come at six, won't she?. Future continuous. They be arriving soon, won't they?. Future perfect. They'll have finished before nine, won't they?. Future perfect continuous. She'll have been cooking all day, won't she?. Modals. He can help, can't he?. Modals. John must stay, mustn't he?. a. lot. Negative sentences, with positive tags Present simple 'be'. We aren't late, are we?. Present simple other verbs She doesn't have any children, does she? Present continuous. The bus isn't coming, is it?. Past simple 'be'. She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?. Past simple other verbs. They didn't go out last Sunday, did they?. Past continuous. You weren't sleeping, were you?. Present perfect. She hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?. Present perfect continuous. He hasn't been weather, has he?. Past perfect. We hadn't been to London before, had we?. Past perfect continuous. You hadn't been sleeping, had you?. Future simple. They won't be late, will they?. Future continuous. He'll be studying tonight, won't he?. Future perfect. She won't have left work before six, will she?. running. in. this.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Future perfect continuous. He won't have been travelling all day, will he?. Modals. She can't speak Arabic, can she?. Modals. They mustn't come early, must they?.

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