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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning:. Date of teaching:. Period:1: Giới thiệu chương trình, hướng dẫn phương pháp học bộ môn Period:2 COSOLIDATION I. Pronunciation: 1)Qui tắc phát âm ‘s’ và ‘es’ đối với động từ ở ngôi thứ ba số ít *Có ba cách phát âm khác nhau đối với chữ cái ‘s’ khi nó được thêm vào một động từ ở ngôi thứ ba số ít: /s/. /z/. /iz/. “S” được đọc là “s” khi động từ tận cùng bằng các âm /p/, /t/ /k/ , /f/ Ex: gets, stops, takes, laughs… “S” được đọc là ‘z’ sau các âm /b/ ,/d/, /g/, /v/, /m/ /n/ /l/ Ex: describes, spends, hugs, lives… “S” được đọc là /z/ sau tất cả các nguyên âm Ex: agrees, stays, tries… “S” phải chuyển thành ‘es’ và phát âm là ‘iz’ sau các âm /s/, /z/ ,/iz/ ………………………………. Ex: relaxes, freezes, rushes, watches… *Các động từ ‘do’ và ‘say’ khi thêm ‘s’ hay ‘es’ vào thì cách đọc thay đổi Say /sei/………….says/seiz/, Do/du/………….does/d^z/ 2)Qui tắc phát âm /ed/ ở thì quá khứ đối với dộng từ có qui tắc Có ba cách phát âm đối với động từ hợp qui tắc : /t/,. /d/, /id/. *Âm cuối của động từ được đọc là /d/ sau những âm:/p/ /k/ /f/ /s/ …………….. Ex:hopped, worked, laughed, addressed, pulished, watched… *Âm cuối được đọc là /d/ sau các âm:/b, /g/ /v/, /z/, /m/, /n/, /l/, /r/ Ex: rubbed, hugged, lived, surprised, changed, bathed *Âm cuối được đọc là /d/ sau tất cả các nguyên âm Ex: agreed, played, ẹnoyed… *Âm cuối được đọc là /id/ sau các âm /t/ và /d/ Ex: started, decided, needed, wanted….. II. Tenses in English: 1)The simple present 2)The simple past 3)The present perfect 4)The present continuous III. Conditional sentences 1) If-1(real in the present or future) 2) If-2(unreal in the present).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3) If-3( unreal in the past) Questions. Answers. 1)Supply the correct verb form 1.My father (not watch )TV everynight. doesn't watch. 2.I (meet) Author three days ago. met. 3.John (drive) tha car ever I (know) him. has driven- knew. 4.People (speak) English in the most of Canada. speak. 5.I (not see) him since last Monday 6.Hurry up!The train (come). has not seen is coming. 7.We (not see) them for a long time. have not seen. 8.Somtimes I (get) up before the sun (rise). get-rises. 9.You (watch) TV last night?. Did- watch. 10.When I (arrive) at his house, he still (sleep). arrived-was sleeping. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. UNIT 1: Period:3 I. Objectives:. Date of teaching: FRIENDSHIP. A- READING. - By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to read the text and understand the main ideas of the text about friendship and express their ideas about it - Master some key words to talk about the friendship. II.Language focus *Vocabulary :acquaintance ,loyalty, constancy, enthusiasm, unselfishness, in capble of,suspicous(a), ............. *Grammar: the simple present, Infinitive *Skills: 4 skills, especilly : reading and speaking III. Method and teaching aids: -Communicative approach -Textbook, picture, handouts, poster *Techniques Gap –filling, ask and answer, matching , mutiple choice, discussion IV. Procedures: A. Warm up: (4 minutes) Treasure Hunt *T gives some pictures about :flowers, rings, ice-sceam, eye, dog, Ss combine the first letter in the name of the thing to have a key word *The key word is “FRIEND” T asks: Do you have many friends? * How is a good friend , according to you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> B.NEW LESSON: T’ACTIVITIES 1. Before you read: (8 minutes) T introduces the picture (text book) and asks some questions 1.Who are the people in this picture? 2.What are they doing? 3.Are they having a good time? 4.Do you have many friends? There is a poem about the friendship ,I’ll read to you , Listen and then answer the question in the textbook. Explains some vocabularies by many different ways. STS’ACTIVITIES .Sts listen and answer the questions (individually/ whole class) - They are friends. - A boy is playing the guitar and others are singing. - Sure, they are. Yes, .... Listen and answer the question * What do you think of the friend in the poem? - The friend in the poem is sincere and helpful. vocabulary - acquaintance (n):people who you meet but not closed and you knew about them -selfish (a)-selfishness (n) = not generous :people who don’t lend you any thing or money ><unselfish (không vị kỷ) -constancy (n)= Sự kiên định----Constant(a) - enthusiasm (a): the person who always ready to help people when they need (nhiệt tình) -loyalty (n) :=faithfulness (lßng trung thành). For you ,how is a friend you need?. -sympathy(n)-sympathetic(a):sự thông cảm, sù đồng tình Answer by matching the sentences in A with the sentences in B Matching: Colunm A Colunm B 1.It would be fun to have a friend 2.I’d like ready to find a friend 3.I don’t want to be a friend with anyone 4.A perfect friend is a person a.who is unshelfish b.who is talktive(or always has suspicious) c.who is honest(or true, faithful) d.who is reliable Task1: (8 minutes) Ss open their book and read the text in silently, guess the meaning of the words based on the. While you read: (26 minutes). contexts in the sentences. (For example, to guess T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop the meaning of unselfish Ss may realize that this at the lines that contain these words to guess their word is the noun of unselfishness in line 5..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> meanings (except for, the word ‘friend as this Therefore, they may guess the meaning of word is familiar with Ss).. unselfish first). Ss can pay attention to the prefix un - and such phrases as concerned only, his own interest and feelings in the following sentence. Ss should read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of speech of the word to fill in each blank. For example, in sentence 1 the. T instructs Ss to use some strategies to do Task1. word to fill in should be an adjective; in sentence 4 the two words should be nouns. Read the words / phrases in the box to choose the most suitable one to fill in the blank Work individually. T asks Ss to work individually to do the task T goes around to help Ss when necessary. T asks Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss. T asks Ss for their answers and tells them to explain their choices. T gives the correct answers:. Exchange the answers with other Ss. Read aloud the answers The answers: 1. mutual. 5. give – and - take. 2. incapable of. 6. loyal to. 3. unselfish. 7. suspicious. 4. acquaintance / friend Task2: (7 minutes) + Ss should read the text carefully and try to summarize it in the Ss own words. + Then Ss search through the list of main ideas. T asks ss to read the passage again and decide provided in the task to find the most suitable one. which of the choices A, B, C, or D most + Ss should make sure the main idea chosen sums adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage. up the entire text and not just one idea within it. T calls some Ss to give their answers and asks The answer: B. Conditions of true frienship other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.. T gives feedback and the correct answer.. Task3: (11 minutes) Work in groups and answer individually Listen and use some strategies to do the task. 1. The first quality for true friendship is. T asks Ss how to do this task. If they do not remember, T may instruct them to use some strategies to do the task:. unselfishness. It tells us / me that a person who is concerned only with his / her own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend. (paragraph 2)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> + First, skim the six questions to understand them.. 2. Because they take up an interest with. • underline the key words. For instance, in enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they question 1 Ss can underline what, first quality, feel the attraction of some new object. (line 2 - 3, paragraph 3). friendship.... • decide what information they need to find in the 3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tell us / me that the two friends must be loyal to. text. • look for questions words like “why” which each other, and they must know each other so well indicates Ss should read for specific thing like a that there can be no suspicions between them. (line 1 - 3 - paragraph 4). reason.. + Go back to the first question and locate the 4. Because if not people cannot feel safe when information for the question by finding the key telling the other their secrets. (line 1, 3, paragraph words in the passage and mark the place.. 5). +.Read the part carefully to find the answer. Ss can 5. Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their own or of others (line 3,4. paragraph 5) use their own words. + Continue with the rest of the questions. — T asks Ss to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their peers. — T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices. — T gives the correct answers AFTER YOU READ: (5 minutes). 6. The last quality is sympathy. It tells us / me that to be a true friend one must sympathize with his / her friend. Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship. (last paragraph) Ss work in pairs to discuss the question in the book.. T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question Report the ideas to the class. We need to have friends because friengds are the in the book. people we can trust and share our interests, * What does the text tell you about the true feelings, sorrows and happiness with, and who friendship. And which is the most important and completely sympathize with us ... which is the least important in your opinion ? HOMEWORK: T calls some Ss to report their ideas to the class. - Learn by heart all of the new words and do the WRAPPING UP: T summarises the main points of the lesson.. extra exercise as homework - Prepare : Speaking. T asks Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and do the extra exercise as homework -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. UNIT 1:. Date of teaching: FRIENDSHIP.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Period:4. B- SPEAKING. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - describe physical characteristic and personalities of a person - talk about the famous friend II. Language focus *Vocabulary :oval, straight, ponytail, curly, quick-witted ,crooked, good -natured *Grammar: the simple present, Wh-question *Skills: 4 skills, especially : speaking III. Method and teaching aids: -Communicative approach -Textbook, picturescards, poster * Techniques Role -play, ask and answer, matching , describing * Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help. IV. Procedures: A. Warm up: and check-up (5 minutes) -T calls one or two sts to go to bb and answer the qs 1.Which qualities are mentioned in the reading text to be a good friend? 2.Do you have many friends? 3.Do you have any closed friend ?How is she or he like? B. NEW LESSON: T’ACTIVITIES Pre-speaking (8 minutes). STS’ACTIVITIES *)Matching:. T divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4. -sts work in goups and choose the qs with the ans. students. Asks ss to match the right questions to the right answers. 1.What is she like?. -T gives handouts to sts. 2.what does she look like?. These are the questions to describe physical 3.How is she?. a.. She is fine. b. Pretty and easy-going. c.tall and beautiful. characteristic of a person T asks them to read Useful language on page 16. T may ask if Ss know the meanings of the adjectives provided. T elicits or teaches some words: *Vocabulary: useful language: - height: tall, medium, short, rather short, too. - Skin: white, pale(tái,nhợt nhạt), suntanned (r¸m n¾ng), greasy skin (da nhên) General appearance: beautiful (women), handsome.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> tall. (men), pretty (women / girls), good-looking (men and. - Face: square, large, oval, round, long high,. women), plain (b×nh thêng) attractive, well-dressed,. - Forehead: broad, high, low. Age: She was in her late teens (18, 19 tuæi) / he was in. - Nose:straight, long, flat, crooked (kho»m),. his early twenties (21 - 23 tuæi) / she was about thirty. turned-up (hếch), big, small, flat (tẹt). years old / a middle-aged woman / a man in his sixties. - Hair: black, grey, thin, long, wavy, brown,. (kho¶ng 60 tuæi). bald. -Characters: easy-going (v« t), friendly, hard-working,. - Eyes: green, blue, brown, gray. honest, kind, patient, intelligent, polite, sincere (ch©n. - Mouth: heart-shaped, wide, thin, full. thµnh), sympathy.. - Chin: pointed chin, double chin While-speaking (24 minutes) 1. Task 1: - Asks ss to look at the picture and asks. How many people are there in the picture? Can you guess the age of each them?. Ss to work in pairs to describe the people in the picture -sts: report to the whole class. Now let describe their physical charateristic. Suggested answers:. Calls some Ss to present their answers.. 1. The boy is about 16 years old. He may be shortsighted. T checks and gives the feedback. because he’s a wearing a pair of glasses. He has short black hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips and a small chin. He’s quite good-looking. 2. The girl is about 14. She’s also wearing a pair of glasses. She has shoulder-length black hair, and she’s wearing a ribbon. She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and a pointed chin. She’s quite pretty. 3. The man is in his forties. He’s tall and well-built. He has short brown hair and a square face with a broad forehead, small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips. He‘s quite good-looking. 4. The woman is in her twenties. She’s quite tall and slim. She has long curly brown hair and an oval face with broad forehead, big eyes, a straight nose, heartshaped lips and a small chin. She’s very beautiful. Discuss and number the following personnalities in order of importance in a friendship.Report the result to the class:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Ex: I think , understanding is the most important personality beacause it makes people mare believe in the life -Ex: She is beautiful girl, she is very genlte and honest….. -ss work in groups to make questions or facts about a 2.Task2: Asks ss to discuss and number the personalities. in. order. of importance. in. friendship and then report the results. Caring(chu đáo),. hospitable(hiÕu kh¸ch),. modest(khiªm tèn), sincere, generous(réng lîng), helpful, understanding, pleasant, honest *Describe one of your person in your classmates(guessing game). famous friend , based on the suggestions in the text book - ss role play *making questions: 1.What is his/her name?Could you tell me his name? 2.what is his date of birth?when was he born? 3.what is he like?what does he look like? 4.what is his hobby?what does he do in his spare time?-Why is he interested in Math? -How long does it take him to study Math?. Post-speaking (6 minutes). -How much time does he spend on Math everyday?. 3. Task3: (Role -play) -T goes through the useful language on page 17 *Useful language:. -What made him so successful? Home work: (2 minutes) -Write a short paragraph about your (famous )friend. + His or her personalities: Friendly, humorous, quick-witted, good-. -Prepare Listening. matured, helpful, honest, pleasant, caring, + How is or she won the price Studious, intelligent, keenly interested in Mathematics, eager to learn, patient, calm T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments Assign homework -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. UNIT 1:. Date of teaching: FRIENDSHIP. Period:5. C- listenING. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Listen comprehension about one’s daily dayactivities - Listen and decide true or fasle statements II. Language focus: *vocabulary :apartment building, guitarist, sense of humour, around *skills: 4 skills, especially :Listen and speaking III. Method and teaching aids: - Communicative approach - text book, cassette player, poster * Tecniques: Braistorming, T/F statements, discussion IV. Procedures: A. Warm up: and check-up (5ms) -T: tell me your best/close friend ? Do you have any close friend?who is your best friend ? How did you meet him/her? How long have you know each other? - What qualities do you admire in your best friend? "Thank you for telling us about your best friend. So we know that your best friend is ..... You'veknown each other for ...... years. You first met when you .... What you like best about her/him is that she/ he is ....." -Today you 'll hear some people talk about their best friends. B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES STS’ACTIVITIES 1)Before you listen:(7ms) Asks ss to listen and repeat:. -Sts open their books and read the words in the text book. -T helps ss to pronounce the words given in the (chorus) book and explain the meaning of them. - apartment building (n): toµ nhµ cã nhiÒu c¨n hé - Residential area :Khu trung cư. Teaches some words taken from the listening. - sense of humour: he or she is capable of making you. passage. laugh (khiÕu hµi híc) - Go through a rough time: Tr¶i qua thêi kú khã kh¨n - Give Sb a ring = Phone sb. 2) While you listen:(20ms). - Cold = unfriendly :lạnh lùng. -T puts the poster on bb. - Share : chia sẻ. You will hear Long and Lan talk about their. *Task 1:. best friends .Listen to their talks and decide. -sts read through and predict T or F. they are true or false. -Sts listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words. - T plays the tape twice or three times. - Decide whether statements are true or false.. T asks for sts'answers and writes them on the. - Ss work in groups of 4 to compare their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> board.. *Lan’s talks (from 1 to 6 at page 18). -T gives feedback. 1. F (They used to live in the same building there) 2. F. (It is what people think) 3. T 4. F (Lan went to Do Son first and then called Ha, so Ha rode on her motorbike to Do Son to meet Lan) 5.T 6. F (They have been best friends since Lan’s frip to Do Son) *Long’ talks: (from 1 to 5 at page 18) 1. F (they met in college) 2. F (Minh was a guitarist) 3. T 4. T. 5. T. *Task 2: filling in the table - Ss try to fill the table - Ss to complete their notes. - Work in pairs and check the answers Suggested answers: How & where did they met? T guides sts to do task 2. T may ask them to try to fill the table with the things they remember from the previous times of listening. T plays the tape again T gets Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -T corrects and gives the results. What do they like about their friends? Lan -They used to live in the same residential area in Ha Noi -Lan went on a two-day trip to Do Son and Ha went there to hepl her -Ha’s very friendly and helpful -Ha’sociable.She got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around Long -They met in college -Minh play the guitar and Long was a singer -They work together -Minh has a sense of humour -Minh likes to go plays and movies -Minh is a good listener -Minh is friendly and helpful Sts work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> a.Who is Lan’s best friend? - Ha b. How long have they been friend? - for a long time c.Where did they use to live? - They used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residential area in Ha Noi d.When did Ha’ family move to Hai Phong? - in 1985 e. How is Ha? - Ha is very friendly. f.When did lan first start to get to know Ha? - When Lan was going on a two day trip to Do Son last year g. How and where did Long and Minh meet? - They met 3)After you listen (6ms). in college Long was a singer and Minh was a guitarist. T gets sts to work in pairs to talk about how Ha h.What is Minh’good quality? has been Lan's best friend and how Minh has. - He has a goodsense of humour, he is funny , helpful. been Long's best friend.. and very good listener. T calls some pairs to present their answers.. i.What do they like to go together?. — T elicits feedback from the class and gives - They like to plays and movies together. Home work(2ms) final comments WRAPPING UP — T summarises the main points of the lesson. — T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. -Write a paragraph for 100 words about how you and your friend has become best friend - learn by heart all new words -prepare writing. Date of planning:. UNIT 1. :. Date of teaching:. FRIENDSHIP. Period:6 D- WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to write a paragraph to describe about a friend , real or imaginary II. Language focus: *vocabulary: apartment building, guitarist, sense of humour, around *skills: 4 skills, especially :reading and writing *grammar: the simple present.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> T gives the outline III. Method and teaching aids: - Communicative approach - text book, handout, poster *Tecniques: guessing game, write it up, survey IV. Procedures: A. Warm up: and check-up(10ms) -T calls two sts to go to bb and write some adjectives of physical characteristic and personalities to describe a person -T calls one student to go to bb and look for ward to the class ,T put the name of a sts in the class , a student can describe that sts,and the ss at bb guess “who is he/she?” Ss may ask questions such as: + Is the person a girl? + Is she tall? + Is she short—sighted? + Is she friendly?... -If that sts describe and guess well , he or she will get good marks -T: you have just described a friend in the class,today we continue to describe a person ,your friend B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES I.Pre-writing(10ms). STS’ACTIVITIES. T sets the scene: You are going to write about a. Read the passage describing a person and say which. friend, real or imaginary, using the provided. sentences describe:. guidelines. T gets Ss to read the task and the. Ss’ writing should include three parts: (1) general. guidelines silently and work out what they are. information about their friend, (2) his / her physical. required to write about. characteristics and personalities, and (3) what Ss like. T elicits the verb tenses that may be useful. about the friend.. when Ss want to write about when and where. In this case, Ss may use the simple past tense and past. they met their friend.. continuous in their writing.. If needed, T may revise the uses of these work individually tenses.. -Write it up:Write about your friend or your teacher. T may also elicit / revise the adjectives and you like best expressions Ss can use to describe their friend’s appearance and personalities. — T gets Ss prepare an outline for their writing. -Ex: who is she/he? -How old is he/she -where does he/she live?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> and. -where and when you met her /him?. exchange it with their peer.. -physical characteristics(height, face, eyes,. — T goes around to offer help and gives hair,clothes) Example 1: corrective Feed back. Hoa has been my best friend since many years.She is. II.While-writing(24ms) T gets Ss to write about their friend in 15 minutes. T goes around to observe and offer help. T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction, T goes around and collects mistakes and errors.. quite a lively person. She is fairly tall with a good fingure.She ‘s got a heart- shaped face with a small sort of turned- up nose. It is very attractive . She has got long , black wavy hair and blue eyes with very long eyelashes.Her complexion is white. Her lips are very full and she has got dimples in her checks. Now she lives very far from me , but we still keep contact through e- mail .. T collects some writings for quick feedback.. Example 2: Of all my friends , I like Ha Giang best.She is my classmate, and we have been friend for a long time.We met one day when she was looking for a books.which she needed in the school library. She has a nice face, and when you meet her,the first you notice are her dark eyes She is someone I like beacause she is clever and has a good sense of humour.We also have something common beacause we both like reading novels and watching films. III. Post -writing(4ms). I hope that we will be friend forever. T provides general comments on the writings.. Home work(1minute). T summarises the main points of the lesson. -Doing the writing in the text book page 11 and 15. Assigns homework. -Write a paragraph to describe one of members in your family -Prepare Languge Focus -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. UNIT 1:. FRIENDSHIP. Date of teaching:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Period:7. E - Language focus. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to: + know how to pronounce the two sounds:/. / and /. /. + review how to use infinitive with “TO” and infinitive withuot “TO” Language focus *pronunciation: /. / and /. /. *grammar: Infinitive with “TO” and infinitive without “TO” *grammar: the simple present II. Method and Tecniques - Communicative approach and task-based teaching , - Pronuncation, gap-filling , ordering words, transformation III. teaching aids: -text book, handout, poster IV. Procedures: T’ACTIVITIES A. Pronunciation: (10 minutes). STS’ACTIVITIES. - Ask students to look at their books then - Open the books introduce to them. - Look at; Listen and Repeat. *Listen and repeat :. - Repeat the words in chorus then individual. - T plays the tape or read loudly then ask students to repeat - Introduces : / d / - / t∫/. - Look at Practise the sentences. - Correct pronunciation for the students. - Listen to the teacher then repeat in chorus then. * Practise these sentences. individual. - Reads the sentences loudly - Asks students to repeat B. Grammar and Vocabulary(30 minutes) 1. To infinitive - T writes some sentences on the board and. Take note. underline the to+ infinitive. *Notes. + I have letters to write to my friends. - The infinitive can be placed after nouns/pronouns. + I have some homework to do. to show how they can be used or what is to be done. + Does he get anything to eat?. with them. + Have you got anything to say?. + I have letters to write = I have letters that I must. - T asks Ss to comment on the use of to +. write……. infinitives in these examples. T reviews the form. + I have some homework to do= I have some.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> and use of to –infinities in the example. homework that I must do. S+ have....+ to –Vinfi............ + Does he get anything to eat?= Does he get. S+ be+ Too + adj for SB to Vng/t/. anything that he can eat?. S+ be+ adj enough + to –Vinfi.... N/pro+to -infinitives Ex: I need someone to take care of my children to -infinitives + prepsitions ex: I need someone to talk to my mother Can I borrow your case to keep my records in? Individual work 1. Who wants somethings to eat 2. I have some letters to write 3. I am delighted to hear the news. Practice. 4. My mother has some shopping to do. Exercise 1. 5. You always have too much to talk about. Ask Ss to do exercise1 individually and then. 6. It’s lovely to see you again. compare their answers with another student. 7. It’s too cold to go out. - T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers. 8. I’m happy to know that you have passed the. - T gives the correct answers. exams *Infinitive without “TO” + After modal verbs (can/ could/ must/....). 2. Infinitive without to(10m). - The children can sing a song. — T calls some Ss to give out some verbs that - He will help you with the work are followed by bare infinitives,. + After: HAD BETTER,WOULD RATHER. — T may make clear that:. -You had better take your father’s advice. + We can use a noun or pronoun object + bare -They decided to join volunteer work rather than go on hoiliday infinitive after verbs of perceptions such as feel, hear, watch, see, notice, observe, smell... The bare infinitive generally refers to the complete action. + We use the bare infinitive after let and make: let sb do sth = allow sb to do sth, make sb do sth = force sb to do sth Ask Ss to give some examples Listens and asks the other to comment. * After verbs of preposition: hear, see, watch, notice.feel để chỉ hành động đã hoàn thành. They saw someone go into the garden I see her cook dinner (completed action) Notice:I see her cooking dinner(I see she’s cooking dinner) * After make ,let ,have and bid eg: She let her children play game all the time -after :except, but, than.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Practice. He did nothing but watch. Exercise 2. ------------------. -T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to. Pair work and then individual work. rewrite the sentences by using the words given. 1. The police watched them get out of the car. -T asks them to compare answers with another. 2. They let him write a letter to his wife. pairs. 3. I heard them talk in the next room. -T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write. 4. The customs officer made him open the briefcase. their answers. 5. The boy saw the cat jump though the window. - T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct. 6. Do you think the company will make him pay. answers. some extra money? 7. I felt the animal move towards me. Assigns homework. 8. Do you think her parents will let her go on a. Build the sentences ,using the cues given below:. picnic?. 1.I/have?some letters?write. 3. Homework(4minutes). 2.It/lovely/see/you again. Learn by heart all the knowledge they’ve learnt and. 3.English/important language/master. practice them again at home. 5.They/make/I/do/it. - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2(lesson 1: reading) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching:. Period:8 A - READING I. Objectives. :By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to:. - read and understanding about the story - Master some new words to talk about their personal experiences Language focus: *Vocabulary: Embarrassing-embarrased, floppy hat,glance at, dol, make a fuss,, sneaky,a wod of, .... *Grammar: Simple past tense II. Method and Tecniques: -Communicative approach and task-based teaching , - Gap-filing ,pairwork, ask and answer III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster,cassette player, real objects IV. Procedures A. Check up : (5ms) -T calls two ss to bb and answer the qs + Questions “How to use the infinitive with TO and without TO.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> + Do the exercise:give the correct form of the verb in tne bracket: 1.Please let me (know) your name 2.I don’t know how (use ) this computer 3.I have a lot of homework (do) today 4.We haven’t got anything (tell) you 5.We hear him (leave) house in this morning -T asks some question to lead the new lesson: 1.Would you feel embarrassed or upset if you tell lie? 2.If you made a stupid mistake , how would you feel? 3.Have you ever felt confused before someone? Today we………… “personal experiences” is the thing that happened to you that influnced the way you think and behave B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES STS’ACTIVITIES Before you read:(10ms) T introduces the pictures: The six pictures describe Sts discuss in the groups and guess what is happening the events in a story. They are not in order. Can to the girl in each of the picture you describe what's happening in each of them. Picture a: The girl is very happy when she wears a red Ex: How does the girl in the picture feel? cotton floppy hat Picture b: The girl looks surprised when her father tell her about the beautiful hat, her biggest dream ......................................... While you read: (22ms) Set the scene: You are going to read a story in which a girl’s telling about her most embarrassing. -ss listen and give the meaning of the words. situation. Then you do the tasks that follow. T use ssome methods to teach the new words to introduce new words to sts. Copy in their notebooks and read in chorus. a).vocabulary: -embarrassed-embarrassing. (a). =. upset. (synonym): ngượng ngùng, lúng túng -a floppy hat (n) (visual): mò vải mềm -an idol (n) : (explain): thần tượng - (to) glance (at) (mine): liếc nhìn -sneaky (a) : vụng trộm , lén lút (to) make a fuss: làm ầm ĩ lên, làm om sòm. Task 1:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Asks ss to read the reading passage and do the task Silent reading (the story at page 23 in the text book) 1. work in groups and do the exercises in the text book at. Asks Ss to go back to the passage to locate and page 24 and write the answer on bb (Ss need to guess read around these words so that they can guess which part of speech they might deal with in each case) their meanings. For example, the words “idol” Ss use both their knowledge of the words in the box found in line 3. and their guess-work with the given sentences to match. may refer to “someone you admire and adore”. Ss them correctly. can understand this meaning thanks to the words Answers: “pop star” and the idea that the girl wants to look 1. glanced. 2. making a fuss. like this person.. 3.embarrassing 4. idols. -T checks and corrects and gives feedback. 5.sneaky Task 2: Put the pictures of the events (on page 22) in the order. T gets Ss to read the text silently again and then they happened in the story (pairwork) with a peer work out the sequence of the pictures given on page 22 again, this time based on the Answers: information in the text.. 1. Picture d. 2. Picture b. T calls a student to give and explain his / her. 3. Picture f. 4. Picture e. answer.. 5. Picture a. 6. Picture c. b*Answers: 1.D ,2B ,3F ,4E, 5A, 6C. Task 3: -Sts work in groups and write the answer on the poster • underline the key words to decide what information. Task 3:Answer the questions. they need to find in the text. T checks if Ss can answer the comprehension • look for questions words like “why” which indicates questions in Task 3 without having to read the Ss should read for specific thing like a reason. passage again. If Ss cannot, T gets them to read the questions carefully and gives them some tips to do the task: 1.What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9? 2.Why did the father give her some money on her birthday? 3.What did she see in the boy'sbag? 4.Why did she decide to take the money from the. + Then they should go back to the passage and locate the key words in the passage. + Then they should read around the key words carefully to find the answer. 1. A floppy cotton hat (lines 2 —3, paragraph 1) 2. To buy a floppy cotton hat (lines 1 —2, paragraph 2) 3. A wad of dollar notes that look exactly like those her father had given her. (lines 2 —3, paragraph 3).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> boy’bag without saying anything about it?. 4. She thought that was her own money and the boy. 5.What did she do with the money?. had stolen it from her. She wanted to take it back without making a fuss. (lines 3 —6, paragraph 3). After you read:(6ms). 5. She bought the hat of her dream. (line 1, paragraph. +Discussion. 4). * How did the girl in the story feel when she. -T corrects and gives feedback. discovered that the money she had taken from the. e.g. ‘perhaps she could”, “she. might want to...” and. boy’bag was not hers?. some adjectives that express feelings, e.g.. * What do you think the girl had to do after she. “embarrassed”,. discovered that the money she had taken from the. “ashamed”,. “confused”,. “unhappy”, “uncomfortable “, “uneasy”, etc.. boy’s bag was not hers?. Home work:. Assigns homework (2ms). - Rewrite a short paragraph about your most embarrassing experience in your life - Prepare the next lesson: speaking -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:9 I. Objectives. “sad”,. b - speakING. :By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to talk about their personal experiences. and feeling before experiences Language focus *grammar: Simple past tense, present perfect II. Method and Tecniques - Communicative approach , - Gap-filing ,pairwork, ask and answer,role play, ordering statements III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster, ... IV. Procedures A. Check up: answer the questions: (5-7ms) 1. What the girl wish to have when she was grade 9? 2. Who was the girl ‘idol? 3. Who gave her some money on her birthday ? 4. What did she see in the boy’ bag? 5. Why did she take the money from the boy’bag? 6. What did she do with the money? -T asks some questions: - Have you had some personal experiences? - How do you feel if you meet a famous film star?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - How do you feel if you fail in the exams? B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES T introduces the task and gets Ss to do it in. Task 1 (8ms). pairs. Ss to do it individually, then compare the answers with a. -T put the poster of task 1 on bb. peer.. T calls a student to read out his / her answers.. Sts work in pairs and match the sentences. STS’ACTIVITIES. T checks with the class and gives corrective Answers: feedback.. 1. d. T introduces or elicits the structures “Make. 2. c. somebody do something” or “Make somebody. 3. a. + Adjective”.. 4. b. T introduces the task. 5. e. T can model some questions and asks sts work. Task 2: (13ms). in pairs. Work in pairs (one asks one answers). Ex:. b. Have you ever spoken English to a native speaker?. + have you ever met a foriegner?. d.Yes, I talked to English girl last summer.. + when and how did happen?. h. How did you meet her?. + how did the experiences effect you?. a. I was walking along Trang Tien street when an English. Or: Have you ever to talk to a famous star?film. girl ....... about the lake.. star?. e.What did you talk about?. *Notes:Use the past simple to tell a story or. g. Everything about the lake :It’s name ,the great turltes in. something which we remember again.. it ,etc.. T introduces the task: Underline the structures c.How did the experience effect you? ued to to talk about past experiences in the. f. Well, It makes me more interested in learning English.. dialogue 2, then use the structure and ideas in. Task 3: (15ms) Ss are going to ask and answer questions. task 1 to make a similar dialogue. about their past experiences, using the suggested questions. *Useful structures:. on page 26.. - Have you ever……….?. ss role play and pratise the dialogue. - How did it happen………..?. H: have you ever been serious ill?. - When did it happen?. G:Yes, I have had a bad cold.And I had to be away from. - How did the experiences effect you?. school for nearly a week H: When did it happen? G:Last summer H:How did it happen?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> G:One evening ,when I left for the evening class ,the sky was cloudy with black clouds. My mother told me to take my raincoat ,But I didn’t H:So you got wet in the rain on the way home G: Right ,I got wet through and I got home in such a terrible state and that night I ran very high temperature.Then I got serious ill H: How did the experience effect you? G:I missed some classes, and I learned a precious lesson : I should appreciate my health , and especially I should Assigns homework:. take my parent’advice. Home work: (2ms) Write a paragraph about your experiences in your life Prepare for the next lesson : Listening -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:10 C - ListenING I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to listen and choose the correct answer , filling in the gaps Language focus *Grammar: Simple past tense *Vocabulary:scream, memorable, terrified, gas stove, unforgetable, escape II. Method and Tecniques - Communicative approach , - Gap-filling ,pairwork, , T/F statements, matching III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster, drawing pictures, cassette player IV. Procedures A. Check up:Tell your experiences in your life and how did effect you? (5ms) B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES BEFORE YOU LISTEN: (10ms). STS’ACTIVITIES. -T asks some questions. Ss listen and answer the questions. 1. What is happening in the picture?. - A fire is burning and someone is trying to put it. --The building is on fire. 2. What is this woman doing? She is trying to carry the girl out of the fire.. out - She is carring her daughter out of the fire - I feel very terrible.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 3.How do you feel when you see a large fire?. -I called the fire brigade. ---I may feel frightened. -Sts listen and guess the meaning. 4.What would you do if you saw a large fire?. vocabulary:. --I would call the fireman to put the fire out.. - terrified (a) (visual) : khủng khiếp. T uses the picture in the text book to teach the new. - memorable = unforgetable (synonym) (a): không. words. thể quên. Asks Ss to practice the vocabulary in chorus. T helps - scream (v) (visual): la to ,la hét Ss to pronounce them correctly. - Embrace (v) (mine): ôm ấp - gas stove (n) (real object):bếp ga. WHILE YOU LISTEN: (25ms). - escape (v) (explain): trốn thoát. -Asks Ss to read the statements to understand them. - rescue : cứu. -Tplays the tapes once for Ss to listen and do the task Task 1: T/F statements: - Checks the answer with the whole class. Ss read through the statements to understand them. - T can play the tape again and pauses at the answers. and underline key words. For example, the key. for them to catch. words in the first statement are “Christina” and “businesswoman”. Ss listen and do the task. -T asks sts to open the book and read the passage in. *Answers(feedback). the text book. 1.T. - T checks if Ss can do the task without listening one 2.F (not 3 years ago-13 years ago) more time. If they cannot, T plays the tape again. 3.F (not in the bedroom, ------in the kitchen) But before doing it, T asks Ss to study the text 4F.(not reading book,------- sleeping) carefully for the missing information they need to 5.T (carried me out) fill and guess the answers. Asks ss to tell the results -T corrects and gives the feedback. task 2: Ss study the text carefully for the missing information they need to fill and guess the answers. Listen to the tape. AFTER YOU LISTEN: (8ms). *Answers:. -T gives situation : Chritina says that family is more. 1. small. 2. everything. important than any things .Do you agree or disagree. 3. family. 4. replaced. with her ? why ?Exchange ideas with your partners. 5. took. 6. appreciate. -T can give some suggest ideas. - ss work in groups and discuss about that situation - ss write the main ideas on the poster or sts report front of the class +Suggest ideas:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Family is more impotant than anything else Assigns homework (2ms). because:. - Write a paragraph (for 100 words) about an. -It can not be replaced. accident or a fire which you saw. -It gives me love, support. - Prepare the next lesson:writing. -We will feel warm and believe when live in happy family Home work: Suggested questions - when and where did you see it? - how did you feel? - what did it affect to you? - what could you do at that time?. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period: 11 D - writING I. Objectives :By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to write a letter about one of their most memorable past experience Language focus *grammar: Simple past tense *Writing a letter II. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach , - Gap-filing ,write it up, group work III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster. IV. Procedures A. Check up:Tell your experiences in your life and how did effect you?(5ms) B. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. Warm up(8m) Brain-storming. Whole class. -T asks Ss to tell about their unforgettable past. Group work. experiences and the others make questions to. Past experiences:. ask. -Failing an exam. -Which team makes more questions is the. -Getting a reward. winner. ……………………….. T asks some questions:. Ss give the aswers:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 1. How many parts does a personal letter 1. 5 parts normally have?. 2. The Heading, the Salutation (Greeting), the Body,. 2. What are these parts?. the Closing and the Signature. 3. What do we normally write in the Salutation? 3. We normally write “Dear” or “Hello / Hi” etc. plus the name of the person we are writing to and a comma 4. What do we normally write in the Closing?. at the end.. 5. Where do we normally sign the letter?. 4. We normally write something like “Sincerely”,. A. Preparing to write(10m). “Yours“, “Love”, “Cheers”, “Best wishes”, “See you. T sets the scene: You are going to write a soon” etc. and after that we put a comma. friendly letter to a pen friend telling him or her 5. Our signature normally goes under the Closing. about one of your most memorable past experiences, T gets Ss to read the task silently and work out what they are required to write about. Gives a letter and asks Ss to complete the chat Dear Helen Last night I had a scary dream ,I was walking along in an empty street at night .Suddently, a lion appeared at the end of the street .He ran towards me with his big mouth open and sharp teeth.He roared and jumped upon me.I sceamed loudly ,but noone heard my scream, fortunately at that time I awoke.I’m still frightened now.By the way , how are you? Do you still have a nightmare as before?I think. - Listen and read the task silently Study the letter and complete the chart Questions. Answers. 1.Name of experience. The frightened experience. 2.when it happened. Last night. 3.where it happened. The writer was walking. along an empty street late at night 4.How it happened. The lion ran towards the. writer with his big mouth and sharp teethHe roared and jumped upon her 5.How the experience effected the writer She was frigtened now Practise writing the letter base on the outline Individual work. we have a similar problem now.Write to me as soon as possible. Your friend Minh. T gives the outline of the letter Most unforgettable experience + What happened? -I nearly drowned. A sample letter: Cao Bang September 03nd 2009 Dear Long, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside. I haven’t seen them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> + When it happened?. since my last school holiday.. -A year ago, my last summer vacation. Let me tell you about my last summer vacation at my. + Where it happened?. grandparents’. It was almost a year ago and was one. -A river near my grandparent’s house. of my most unforgettable experiences.. + How it happened?. My grandparents live in a small village in Trung. -When I was swimming, I suddenly caught a. Khanh. There is a large river at the back of their. cold, I felt dizzy and I was too weak to swim. house where I often do swimming every afternoon. + who was involved?. when I spend my vacation with them.. -Some of my friends were also swimming at. One day when I was swimming with some of my. that time, one tried to save me. friends, I suddenly caught a cold. I felt so dizzy and. + How it affected you?. was too weak to continue swimming, so I started to. -I learned that life is so important. sink. I thought I was going to drown but I couldn’t. - T gets Ss to plan their stories according to the. call out for help because I was too tired and terrified.. questions. Luckily, one of my friends saw that and shouted for. Writing(20m). help. Immediately, another friend who swims the best. T gets Ss to write their own letters in 10. among us swam towards me and tried to pull me up.. minutes -Then T asks Ss to work individually, exchange their letters and correct each other - T goes around the class to offer help Feed back on Ss’ writing (6m) -T chooses one letter and reads it to the class - T elicits corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards.. Then other friends swam towards us to help him push me in.. My ljfe was finally saved. Now recalling the moment I thought I was going to die, I understand how precious life is. This event definitely taught me to appreciate my life. What about you? Have you got any unforgettable holiday that you would like to share with me? See you soon.. Home work(1ms) -Write a letter of your experience. Nam. -Prepare the next lesson: L.Focus -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:12 E - language focus I. Objectives η. :By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to pronounce the sounds: /m/,. / correctly and review some tenses. Language focus *pronucation: /m/ ,/n/ / η / *grammar: + present simple indicating past time. /n/. ,/.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> + the past simple ,past progresive and past perfect II. Method and Tecniques - Communicative approach , - Gap-filing ,Riddle order, complete the sentences, groups work, pair work III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster. IV. Procedures A. Check up:Tell your experiences in your life and how did effect you? B.Warm up: -Write words for the things in the pictures in the correct column of the table Sts work in goups and put the corect words in to the right column /m/ mountain. /n/ nose. /η / wrong. man. money. morning. money. running. C. New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES I. Pronunciation (5ms) a)Pratise the sounds: /m/, /n/ / η / T introduces 3 sounds and sts repeat in chorus and in individually -T corrects and give notes b)Pratise the sentences in the text book -T asks sts to read aloud the sentences (individually). STS’ACTIVITIES Listen and repeat *Notes: -when “n” follows “m” in the same sylybal it is usually not pronounced Ex: column, autumn ,solemn -“ng” or “ngue” at the end of the words are always pronounced / η /. II. Grammar: (20ms). Ex: tongue, sing, walking. a) Present simple indicating past time:Thì hiện. -the letter “n” before “g” or :k” is. tại diễn tả thời gian quá khứ. pronounced / η /. +) Exercises 1: Use the correct present tense. Ex: kings, hungry, thank,. form of the verbs in the brackets in the story. think. -Sts listen and take notes. bellow (In the text book on p30). *Form:. -T checks and correct and gives feedback. *Usage:. S + V(+ s, es) +O. Answer:. -Thì HT§ cã thể được dùng để diễn tả thời gian. 1. invites. ở quá khứ. 2. sets. + Ở lối văn kể chuyện (narrative) để cho sự kiện. 3. gets. sống động hơn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 4. waves. Th Ex: The story is about a poor girl who lives with. 5. promises. her single father in a cottage.. 6. carries. +Ở bài tóm tắt kịch/chuyện phim hay bình luận bóng đá. 7. contains. Ex;A man walks into the bar and asks for a glass of. 8. has baked. brandy…... 9. is. Nam takes the ball ,beats two players and centres. 10. is shining 11. are singing 12. is. into it the goal *Tư + têng thuật những gì chúng ta đã nghe và đã đọc Ex:The article explains why the number of students who passed the last exam decreases. B) The past simple, past progressive and past perfect T reviews the forms, the past simple and past continuous, meanings, and uses of Past simple to sts. * Thì hiện tại này được gọi là hiện tại lịch sử (historical present) Sts read through the exercises and work in groups and write the answer on bb +The past simmple: *Form: S + V-ed/V2 +O *Usage: -diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và chấm dứt ở quá khứ : He painted the. T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. Exercises 2: Complete the sentences by putting the verb into the past simple or past progressive: -T checks and corrects and gives feedback. doors -Sự kiện xảy ra trong quá khứ với thời gian được xác định , thương trong câu có các từ như:ago, last year, once, the other day (hôm nọ) once upon a time (ngày xửa , ngày xưa). The answers:. ….. 1. broke / was playing. *This house was once used as a prison. 2. wrote / was. -Sự kiện được lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ. 3. was working / broke. nhưng không còn ở hiện tại. 4. started / were walking. The children often played in this park. 5. told / were having. USED TO+ V(bare –inf) và would có thể. 6. didn’t listen / was thinking 7. phoned / didn’t answer / were doing. dùng trong trường hợp này -Sự kiện xảy ra trong suốt một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ và đã chấm dứt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 8.didn’t wear / didn’t notice / was driving. He worked in this company for two years - Sau It’s time……. It’s time he changed his working +Past continous *Form: S + WAS /WERE+ V-ING *usage: Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả một hành động, sự kiện xảy ra ở một thời điểm đặc thù trong quá khứ What was you doing at 2 p.m yesterday? - Sự kiện đang diễn tiến thì bất chợt một hành đéng khác xảy ra ở quá khứ (hành động ®ang diÔn ra thì dïng ở qktd, hành động nào ngắn hơn và mang tính tức thời, thì ở qkđ) Last night when I was doing exercises , my friend came *Hai hoặc nhiều sự xảy ra cùng một lúc Last night ,while I was listening the radio, my children were learning the lesson. T reviews the form, meaning and use of the past Notes: Với các trạng từ “ALWAYS, perfect and compares it with other past tenses. CONTINUALLY, FOREVER”,. diễn tả sự kiên lặp đi. T gets Ss. to do Exercise 3 individually and then find lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ tỏ ý không hài a partner to check their answers with.. lòng. T checks the answers with the whole class and He was always coming to work late + Simple past perfect: provides corrective feedback +)Exercies 3:. *Form: S + HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in each. *Usage:Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước. sentence into the past simple or the past perfect. một thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ (before +. 1. had eaten / arrived 2. found / had taken 3. got / had closed 4. got / had left. khoảng thời gian trong qk) Eg:These men had been factory workers before 1975 - Diễn tả một hành đéng xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ (hai hành động. 5. got / had arrived. này được liên kết nhau bởi các liên từ như:as. 6. paid/ had phoned. soon as, before, after, when, hành đéng nào xảy. 7. went / said / had not arrived. ra trước ,chia qkht, hành động xảy ra sau chia.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> qkđ). 8. had looked / asked / cost. - When he came ,his girl friend had gone out so. Assigns homework. he couldn’t meet her. HOMEWORK: - Redo exercises 1, 2, 3 in the notebook. - Review unit 1 +2 - Prepare the test 45' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Period:13. Date of teaching. A. READING. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to reading for special information ,understand and talk about the parties in The United States Language focus: *Lexical items: words/phrases related to parties *skill: reading fer gist and for special information II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach - Chatting , ask and answer, discussion III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Procedures: T’ACTIVITIES Warm up: (chatting) (5ms) - T asks sts some questions:. STS’ACTIVITIES. Answer. T: Nam, how old are you ?. Nam: I’m sixteen years old. T: When’s your birthday?. Nam: ........ T: Have you ever celebrated your birthday? where? Outside or at home? how do you celebrate them? T: What did you do at your party? T: Have your parents had a wedding anniversary? Sets the scene: In our country people often have parties to celebrate silver anniversaries., golden. look at the pictures and answer the questions:. anniversary, birthday.Today we are going to see how Listen and answer the question some parties in The United States are.. - The people in picture 1 are friends and the people. PRESENTATION:. In picture 2 belong to a family. - The children in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> -T asks sts to look at the picture and answer the. picture 1 are celebrating a birthday party and the. question. people in picture 2 are celebrating a golden wedding. 1. What is the relationship between the people in. anniversary. the pictures?. Take note. 2. What are they celebrating?. + Silver anniversary = silver wedding The 25th anniversary of a wedding + Ruby anniversary = ruby wedding The 40th anniversary of a wedding. -T explains some words, phrasals to the sts. +golden anniversary = golden wedding The 50th anniversary of wedding + Diamon anniversary = diamon wedding: the 60th anniversary of wedding. Guides ss to read the new words II. While you read. (20ms). Sets the scene: You are going to read about how American people celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Then you do the tasks that follow. - T gets Ss to read the passage silently and then do Task 1. Calls ss to give the answers on the poster or on the bb Gives feedback Sets the scene: In each of the sentence ,there is one word ,not true according to the reading. TASK 1. Listen - Read the passage silently and then do Task1 - Decide which of the activities below talks place at the birthday or at a wedding anniversary party or at both -sts work in groups and give the answers on the poster or on the bb + Answers: Birthdays party: 1,2,3,4,7 Wedding anniversary: 2,3,5,6 TASK 2. -Sts read through the text and work in pairs to find. passage.Underlined the wrong word and correct one. out the wrong words and give the correction for each. Asks ss to work in pairs .. sentence. Calls ss to give the answers on the poster or on the. Pairwork. bb. + Answers:. Gives feedback. 1. eighth —> seventh (line 1, paragraph 1, part A) 2. makes —> eats (line 2, paragraph 3, part A) 3. foods —> presents (line 3, paragraph 3, part A).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 4. anniversaries —> ages (line 4, paragraph 4, part A) 5. months —> years (line 2, paragraph 1, part B) 6. 5th —> 50th (line 2, paragraph 3, part B) 7. silver —> golden (line 5, paragraph 3, part B) -sts work in groups and discussand after that sts go to bb and report their ideas Pairwork III. AFTER YOU READ:. (7ms). The answer may vary. * Asks ss to discuss by answering the questions: 1.Where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday party, at home or in a restaurant? why? 2.Do your parents celebrate their wedding. Home work(3ms) - Write the things which you prepare for your. anniversary? 3.Are you going to celebrate your wedding anniversary parties in the future? why (not)?. birthday party. - Do exercises in the text book again - Prepare the next lesson_ speaking. Assigns homework. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:14 speakING I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to talk about the party they take part in Language focus:* Grammar:simple past, present tense * Skill: speaking II. Method and Tecniques: Communicative approach, retell III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real object IV. Procedures: New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES WARM - UP (7ms) Gives the situation: Yesterday I went to a party.. STS’ACTIVITIES Ask some questions. Please ask me some questionsto get as much 1. Who gave the party? information about the party as you can... 2. Where did it take place? Was it a nice place?. Answers ss' questions. 3. What time did it start and end?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 4. On what occasion was the party held? 5. What activities did you do there? 6. Did you have a good time? T teaches necessary language for talking about parties. *notes: - Host (n): ông chủ(bữa tiệc) - Hostess (n):bà chủ(nt) - Decoration (n): sự trang trí - Budget (n);ngân quỹ. 7. How were the people like? 8. What about foods and drinks? - Take note A birthday/house-warming party A family/social gathering To have/organize/hold/celebrate/give a party To celebrate one’s birthday / wedding anniversary/graduation To join oneself To have fun/a good time Gifts: flowers, souvenirs, a bottle of wine, chocolate Decorations: balloons, flowers, lamps, pictures…. Food and drinks: main courses, cakes, icecream, sweets, soft drink, fruits, ..... Task 1(8m) - Asks ss to open their book and read through all questions and answer the questions Gets Ss to do the task individually - T encourages Ss to take notes while doing so Goes around the class to check and offer help. Task 2 (10ms) - Put Ss in pairs and tell them to tell each other about the party they have been to, base on the outlines they have made in task1 -T asks some sts to retell the parties which he/she took - Call some ss to perform their conversations in front of the class 3. task 3(10ms). Music: pop music, jazz, classical music…… Choose from the list the things you want to talk about Sts open their book and read through all questions, think of a party you have been to and answer the questions (individually work) Tell your party to your friend (pairwork) -Someone can report it in front of the class Sts make some questions and answers with the words (groups )on the posters - where (home or restaurant) - when (date & time) - who to invite (family, relatives, classmates,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> You are take part in a competition to organize the best. teacher, friends). party.Decide on the following. - dressing code (former, informer, costumes). -T moves around and asks sts to have answers. - entertainment (dance,music, games). -T can ask and answer together. - decorations (colored light, bulbs, flowers). *Make questions:. - food and drink (cook our own or order). - budget: How much do you spend for your party?. - budget (how much to spend?how much to. - date and time: When do you organize your party?. contribute?). - who to invite: Who have been invited to the party? How many people do you invite to the party?. Sts of groups go to bb and repport the party. -place:Where do you organize your party?. they are going to organize. Formal/informal: What kind of clothes do you dress. *Example:. at the party?. We are having a Holloween party at 7p.m on. - decoration: How do you decorate your party?. October 31.Would you like to come?We have. - entertaiment: What activities will take place?. also invited English teacher . There will be lot. -food and drink: What food and drink will be. of foof and drink that you like as pizzas,. served?. hambugers, cake, fruit juice.Of course there. 4. Task 4 (6ms). will be dancing and some exciting game with. Tell the rest of the class about your party.try to convince them tocome. enteresting prizes for the winners Home work. -T checks and gives feedba. -write a paragragh for 50 words , talk about the birthday party -prepare the next lesson : Listening. Assigns homework: (1ms). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:15 listenING I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to listen and choose exact information to do exercises and to talk about the party Language focus * Vocabulary: Gathering / restaurant / prizes / birthday cakes/ decorated / icing/ slices/ clapped. * Skill: Listening II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - T/F statements, ask and answer,pre-questions,discussion III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> IV. Procedures Warm up: (5ms) Checking the previous lesson: -Talk about the birthday party you know /see/ (where ,when, food and drink, decoration…) New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. 1. before you Listen (10ms) Lets the students work in pairs to ask and answer -sts ask and answer the questions the questons. Checks the answer with the whole class. If many Pair work students cannot answer the questions, play the tape again and pause at the answer.. Listen and repeat in chorus and individually. Calls some students to explain their answers. Gives the feedback. Listen and take note. Task 2:. - Gathering = coming together. Gets students to read through all the questions - icing (n): sweet, creamy spread for covering before listening and predicts the answers.. cakes. Plays the tape again for students to listen and - clap (v, n): vçtay answer the questions. Listen and repeat Gets students to check their answers with a partner. Sts read through the sentences and predict it T or Checks the answers with the whole class F(whole class) -T checks and gives feed back. sts listen to the tape. 3. AFTER you Listen (8ms). The correct answers. Gets the students to work in groups, retell Mai’s 1. False (not in the evening – about 3 o’clock in birthday party. the afternoon) T goes around the class and offer help if necessary. 2. False ( not over 20 guests – about twenty of us) - It was held at Mai’s place.. 3. False ( not was cut at the beginning – at about. - It lasted about 3 hours (3-6 p.m.).. four thirty p.m). - About 20 guests came.. 4. True. - Mai opened gifts, you played chess, then Mai cut. 5. False (not all the friends – only Mai, her mother. cake.. and the writer). Calls one or two students to give the talk to class. - Read through all the questions before listening. rewrite about Mai’s birthday party. and predicts the answers. - Listen to the tape and answer the questions. - Compare the answers with a partner.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Answers: 1. She was sixteen years old. 2. Because it’s noisy and expensive 3. She served them soft drink and biscuits at the beginning of the party. 4. The birthday cake was brought out at about 4:30 5. It was beautifully decorated with white and pink icing and 16 colorful candles in the middle 6. They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday”. 7. It finished at about 6 in the evening - Give the talk to class base on task1 +2 *Answer the key: We just were at the Mai’s, It was her birthday party and the party was held at her house at about 3 p.m because she doesn’t like having party at a restaurant .We gave her presents .At the party we were served with soft drinks biscuits and cakes,of course we sang the usual song “HAPPY BIRTHDAY “ while Mai blow out the candles and cutting the cake.We listened to the music and play cards, the party ended at six p.m.We are all tired but happy. Homework: (2ms) -Do exercises part D –writing in the text book -Prepare the next lesson: writing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:16 writING I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to know how to write a letter of invitation Language focus *grammar: present tense *skill: writing a letter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - Gap-fillingnswer,ask and answer, write it up III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Procedures: WARM - UP: (5'-7')Competition game The jumbled letter. 1. This is my address: 150A Au Co Road. 2. It’s a beautiful house and it looks over the West Lake and the Water Park. 3. Dear Mary, 4. Guess what! I’ve just moved to a new house in Tay Ho District. 5. Would you like to come? 6. Please let me know your answer as soon as possible 7. See you 8. My parents are giving a house-warming party this Saturday evening, around 6:30 p.m. 9. Hoa 10. 1 think Chris and Kim are coming, too. 11. We’ll have “Pho” and some other special dishes. Answer: Dear Mary, Guess what! I’ve just moved to a new house in Tay Ho District. It’s a beautiful house and it looks over the West Lake and the Water Park.. My parents are giving a house-warming party this Saturday evening, around 6:30 p.m. We’ll have “Pho” and some other special dishes Would you like to come? I think Chris and Kim are coming, too. This is my address: 150A Au Co Road. Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. See you! Hoa T’ACTIVITIES Task 1 (12') Asks some questions:. STS’ACTIVITIES Sts can answer some questions of T, it is up to sts - 5 parts: address, greeting, body. Closing and. 1.How many parts are there in a letter? what signature(post cript) are they?. - It’s up to the sts. 2.Have you ever written a letter of invitation ?. - It’s up to you. 3. Is a letter of invitation long or short?. - Birthday parties, wedding parties, death…... 4. On what occasion are parties held?. - Formal dress.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 5. What kind of clothes do people often wear at. Occasions for giving parties: birthday, graduation,. a party?. wedding anniversary, moving to a new house, family. -T gives feedback. gathering, Christmas, New Year, etc. Dressing codes: Formal: dresses, high-heel shoes for women; suits and ties for men Informal: anything can do: jeans, T—shirt, skirts, etc. Presents give to: anything can do: books, CDs,. Task 2: (8') -T asks sts to read the letter and choose the correct words to fill in the gap * T asks sts to complete the letter with provided words from the box. * T walks around to give help when necessary. T corrects mistakes if necessary Task 3 (16ms) T asks sts write a letter of invitation based on the suggested questions in the tasks: T asks one st to read his/ her own letter then gives remarks. 1. What kind of party are you going to have? 2. Where and when is he going to organize it? 3. Who have been invited to his party? 4. What foods and drinks will be served at the party? 5. What activities will take places at the party?. flowers, scarves, ties, paperweights, pens, bags, hats, etc. Sometimes people might want to bring wine as a gift. -Sts work in groups or work in pairs The correct answers: 1. at my house. 4. to cook. 2. to come. 5. winners. 3. refreshments. 6. by Monday. Work individually *Example: I’m going to hold a party for my birthday party at my house at 5 p.m, on March the fifteen .Will you come ?Most of the students in our class have been invited .Everyone is ready for ;karaoke”, dancing ,etc.I thik it will be interesting .And besides usual foods and drinks there will be a special I myself am going to look So do say you’ll come .I’m looking forward to seeing you at my party Your friend. Assigns homework:. Ha Giang Home work: -Rewrite the letter in your notebook -Prepare “Language focus” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> D: Language focus. Period:17+18. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ps will be able to: - pronounce the sounds:/l/, /r/ ,/h/ correctly in a word or a sentence - use infinitive and gerund ,passive infinitive and gerund Language Focus: *pronunciation: /h/, /r/, /l/ *grammar: Infinitive and gerund, passive infinitive and gerund *skill: 4 skills II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - Gap-filling multiple choice III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Procedures: New Lesson: T’ACTIVITIES I. Pronunciation (10ms). STS’ACTIVITIES. a. Practise the words:. - Ss listen to the tape and repeat. T introduces 3 sounds /h/, /r/, /l/ for a few times and - Ss repeat in individually explains the differences in pronouncing them /h/. NOTES:. /l/. /r/. + Letter “h” is silent when it follows “g, k, g” at. lunch. pretty. hit. the beginning of the word, or in the words. lovely. everyone. house. "honest, hour, honour". lemonade. parents. holiday. + Letter “r” is silent if there is no vowel sound. Jelly. really. hospital. after it. glass. restaurant. husband. + Letter “l” is silent in the words “ half, calm,. salad. library. helocopter. talk, could. T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read Read aloud the given sentences and underline aloud the given sentences (p. 39, Practise these words contain 3 sounds /h/, /r/,/l/ sentences). T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical Read individually *Gerund (V-ing) errors. T calls some Ss to read the sentences again.. Là hình thức động từ được sử dụng như một danh. II. Grammar: (33ms). từ và có chức năng giống như một danh từ. *Review infinitive , To –infinitive. - Subject (chủ ngữ): Smoking is bad for health. *Infinitive (meaning in the future). - Object (t©n ng÷):. *V-ing (meaning in the past). -Sau một số từ: enjoy, appreciate, mind, risk,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Asks Ss work in groups to divide the list of verbs. postpone, quit, avoid, dislike, keep, finish,. into 2 groups: verbs followed by INF and verbs. mention, consider, suggest, delay. followed by Gerund. - Sau giới từ:. enjoy, plan, appreciate, decide, mind, refuse, risk,. - Sau một số cụm từ:. postpone, quit, agree, seem, avoid, ask, dislike,. It’s no good, It’s(not) worth,it’s not any good/use. keep, offer, finish, promise, intend, delay,. - Subject complement (bổ ng÷ cho chủ ng÷). consider, suggest, mention, hope. + His interest is colecting stamps. Answer:. -Sau một số từ với Have:have (any), problem,. Verbs followed by INF: plan,. have fun, have a good time, have trouble, have. decide, refuse, agree, seem, ask, offer, promise,. diffficult, have a hard time. intend, hope, want. - Verb + infinitive or Gerund with a different. Verbs followed by Gerund:. meaning. enjoy, appreciate, mind, risk, postpone, quit, avoid,. + stop, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, go on. dislike, keep, finish, mention, consider, suggest,. Work in pairs. delay. Answers:. Exercise 1: ( 39, 40). 1. having. 2. getting. 3. to tell. 4. practising. 5. to see. Asks ss to practise with pairwork. Listen and take note. Calls ss to present their answers. Passive infinitive:. T gives feedback. *Form: S + want / hope / expect / agree+ (o) + toinfinitive (active). T uses examples to introduce passive infinitive and passive gerund *Passive infinitive and gerund (10ms) Ex: I want to tell you a story (active) I want to be told a story (passive). = S + want / hope / expect / agree + to be+PP (passive) passive rerund: Take note. T uses examples to introduces passive infinitive and. * Form:. passive gerund *passive rerund: I remember Mr Nam telling him that matter = I remember him being told that matter by Mr Nam. Work in pairs. Exercise 2 : ( p. 40). Answer:. Asks ss to practise with pairwork. 1.B. Calls ss to present their answers. Work individually and then find a partner to. S + enjoy / dislike / avoid….+ V-ing. 2.A. 3.B. 4.B. 5. A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> T checks with the whole class and provides check their answers with. corrective feedback.. Answer:. Exercise 3 (P.41). 1. D T gets Ss to do Exercise 3 individually and then find Listen a partner to check their answers with.. 2.C. 3.B. 4.B. 5.C. Home work:. T checks with the whole class and provides - Learning the given verbs by heart corrective feedback. - Reviewing Units 1,2,3 to prepare for the test : TEST YOURSELF A WRAPPING UP (2ms) T summarises the main points of the lesson. For homework, Ss review the uses of different tenses that have been covered in the lesson. Assigns homework -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period: 19. Test yourself a. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to practise 4 skills ,grammar and phonetics by themself Language Focus: *Vocabulary: virtually, prominently, grinning, *Grammar: Infinitive and gerund, passive infinitive and gerund *skill: 4 skills II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - Gap-filling multiple choice III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Procedures: I.Warm up: Sing a song “Happy birthday”(3ms) II.New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. 1-Listening (10ms) *Listen and choose the best answer complete. Ss listen to T or the tape and choose A, B, C or D to. the sentences:. complete the sentences. (from 1 to 5 at page 42). The answers:. -T checks and gives the feed back. 1. A. 25 years 2. D. Lived next door to each other.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 3. B. move to Scotland 2. Reading: (11ms). 4. D.1999. -T asks some questions. 5. C. at Jame’s wedding. 1. Who are they?. Answer. 2. What are they doing?. *Vocabulary:. 3. Whose is the party?. - virtually (adv) :. -T asks Ss to read the text in silently and. - prominently (adv). answer the questions. - ought (n). Calls ss to present their answers.. ss work in pairs *Answer the questions:. 3. Pronunciation and grammar. 1.Because they had been childless ten years after they. (15ms). got married. a, Listen and put the tick ( ) in the right. 2. To take some photos of the happy family. column, paying attention to the pronunciation. 3. The boy was dressed in a smart ,brand ,new ought. of the underlined part of the world. and look like a little prince. 1. nine *. mine. 4. Because he was only interested in the toys (he had. 2. hour*. house. received). 3. matching*. machine. 5.He felt it was a delightful and look forward to the. 4.yam*. jam. next day to have the film developed. b, Complete the sentences , using the right. -Ss work in individually and do the exercises. form (base, full or passive) of the infinitive in brackets. -Ss work in groups and do the exercise. (from 1 to 6 at page. 45). the party. -T checks and gives the feedback. -Ss work in individually the compare the answers with. 4.Writing (9ms) Asks Ss to write about their birthday party (or. a partner. one of their friends’) - After they have finished T picks up some Ss’ writing and find common mistakes then asks Ss to correct 5.Home work (2ms) Do all the exercises in the book in the text book again prepare unit 4. Answers: 1 to see. 2.to be. 3.to phone. 4.pay. 5.to be met. 6.To be appointed. Write about their birthday party by answering these questions + Whose birthday party was it? +Where and when was it held? +What did you do there? +How did you enjoy it?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. TEST 15’ I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: 1. A. singer. B. change. C. generous. D. manager. 2. A. capable. B. loyalty. C. quality. D. family. 3. A.hostess. B.honour. C. happy. D. helpful. II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: infinitive with to or infinitive without to: 1. She finally decided …………….. …..( quit) the job. 2. Did the teacher make you ……………….. ( finish) your homework? 3.We must …………… …..( reply) to the invitation at once. 4. Bill’s parrents won’t let him …………. …….(go) to the party. III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: infinitive or gerund, active or passive: 1. The company seems ………….. ………..( make) good progress this year. 2. Why does John keep ………………………… ( talk) about his mother? 3. I expected …………………… ( invite) to Nam’s birthday party, but I wasn’t. 4. He denied ………………………….. ( pay) any money by his company. IV. Put the verbs into Past Simple, Past Progressive, or Past Perfect: 1. When I ……………………. ( do) the washing – up, I ………………. ( break) a plate. 2. After Fred ………….. ………( spend) his holiday in Italy, he ………….. . ( want) to learn Italian. V. Choose the best correct answer: 1. I used to have some …………… in my teenage. Now it looks funny thinking of that! A. parties. B. friends. C. idols. D. experiences. 2. Young students are often …………… of working for long hour by themselves. A. able. B. hard. C. possible. D. incapable. 3. The old couple are talking happily because they are having their wedding……………. A. birthday. B. ceremony. C. anniversary. D. organization. 4.Good friendship should be based on …………… understanding. A. unselfish. B. deep. C. instant. D. mutual. 5. They asked him why he hadn’t learnt to swim ……….. he was at school. A. after. B. while. C. during. D. whenever. ------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Period:20. 45 minute-test -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching. Period:21. A: Reading. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to: + know about charity work of volunteer in America + master some vocab dealing with the topic through speaking and writing Language Focus: *Vocabulary: volunteer work, mow, handicapped, remote …… *Grammar: present *Skill: 4 skills II. Method and Tecniques: -Communicative approach , -gap-filling multiple choice, discussion III. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Procedures: *Warm up: (5’). T’ACTIVITIES T: Show Ss some pictures and ask them. STS’ACTIVITIES ss answer in individually. questions:. 1. He is helping the blind children to read.. What are the people in the pictures doing?. 2. The Ss are helping the handicapped. 3. These people are helping the AIDS patient.. T: Lead-in : These people are doing the work. Ss: Listen to the teacher and answer the question. without being paid for it.What do you call this. ( Expected answer ) : VOLUNTEER WORK. kind of work ?. Discussing the picture and saying :. I/ Before you read : (7ms). - The old woman is teaching the boy to read.. T: Asks Ss to work in pairs to read the short. - The phrase means that we should teach a person how. poem on page 46 and answer the question and. to make money or produce food rather than give them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> discuss its meaning.. money or food. In other words, we had better teach them a career than give them money.. T: Calls some Ss to present their opinion.. - The pictures tells me that everybody , no matter what. T: Gives some comments and her suggestion. they are young or old, can do volunteer work. vocabulary :. :. -volunteer (v) tình nguyện. Elicits new words from Ss . Ask them to read the. -voluntary (adj): tự nguyện. words in chorus then in individually.. -volunteering (n):sự tự nguyện -voluntarism (n):việc làm tự nguyện. II/ While you read (24’). -to mow (v): cut grass: cắt cỏ. T: Set the scene: “ You are going to read a. -handicapped (a):bị tàn tật , bị khuyết tật. passage about volunteer work.”. -voluntarily (adv). T instructs Ss to read through the sentences. -remote (a): xa xôi , hẻo lánh. provided in the task to identify the part of the. -comfort to s.o: an ủi ai. word to fill in each blank.. Ss: Listen to the teacher.. T: Asks Ss to work individually to do the task. TASK1:. and exchange their answers with others.. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement.. T: Asks Ss for their answers ans give the correct. T: Asks Ss how to do this task. If they do not. Ss: Work individually and exchange their answers with. remember ,T may instruct them to use some. others.. strategies to do the task. T: Asks Ss to work individually to do the. Ss: Listen to the teacher. Locate the information in each. task,then discuss their answers with their partner. sentence in the text and read this part carefully.Read T: Calls some Ss to give their answers and ask. the four choices given to choose the most suitable one.. other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.. Ss: Do following the teacher ‘s requirement.. T: Give sfeedback and the correct answers.. Ss: Give the answers. 1. Voluntary. T: Instructs Ss to use some strategies to do the. 2. Voluntarily. task.. 3. Volunteers. T: Asks Ss to work individually to do the. 4. Volunteered. task,then discuss their answers with their peers.. TASK 2:. T: Calls some Ss to write their answers on the. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement.. board and ask them to explain their choices.. Ss: Do the task individually and discuss.. T: Gives the correct answers.. Ss: Write the answers on the board and explain. ANSWERS:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> T: Instrucst Ss to use some strategies to do the. 1. A ( line 1 – 2 , paragraph 2 ). task. 2. D ( line 3 – 4 , paragraph 2 ). T: Asks Ss to work individually to do the. 3. B. ( line 3 – 4 , paragraph 4 ). task,then discuss their answers with their peers.. 4. D. ( last paragraph. T: Calls on some Ss to write their answers on the. 5. B. ( A : too general; C and D : do not cover the. board and ask them to explain their choices.. whole text ). -T checks and corrects and then gives the. TASK 3 :. feedback. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. Ss: Do the task individually and discuss. Ss: Write the answers on the board and explain. Answers 1. They read books to the people there,play games. III/ After you read (9’). with them or listen to their problems.. T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the questions in the book.. 2. They give care and comfor to them and help them to overcome their difficulties. T: Go around to help Ss when necessary. Ask every two pairs to share ideas.. 3. They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas.. T: Calls some Ss to report their ideasto the class.. Ss: Discuss the question.. Assigns homework. Ss: Share the ideas. Home work : Write a passage (about 50 words ) about some kinds of volunteer work that you are going to join next summer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Period:. Date of teaching. B:. Speaking. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - know to make questions and answer the volunteer work - master some vocab dealing with the topic through speaking and writing II. Language Focus: *Vocabulary: volunteer work, mow, handicapped ,remote *grammar: present *skill: 4 skills III. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach, gap-filling multiple choice, discussion.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> IV. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects V.Procedures: *Check up: -Tell some works of volunteers? who are volunteers? why do they do volunteer works? who are helped by volunteers? Have you ever done volunteer work? what do you do if you are a volunteer? -Do you like this work? why? Ss answer the questions of T * New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES Warmer: (3mn)write some volunteer works. STS’ACTIVITIES -Ss work in groups and write the answer on the bb -Sts’ answers may vary. you know in our society. Clean up the environment help disadvantag. T asks students to speak out some words about. look after the. Volunteer work.. old/sick peolpe helped the handcapped do traffic safety. help the orphanages. T has students do the exercise on page 49 (Work in pairs). Work in pairs and do the task.. Task 1:Decide which of the following. - Read out the answers and explain why some activities. activities are volunteer work.. are not volunteer work. taking part in an excursion and participating. -Helping people in remote or mountainous areas .. in an speaking English club because you do it. -Giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick.. for yourself not for other peolpe.. -Providing education for disadvantaged children. -Joining the Green Saturday Movement. -Providing clothes , foods, ……for the poor. -Cleaning up rivers.. 3. Task 2. -Helping the poor to improve their economy.. - T asks Ss to read the model conversation on. -Establing some programmes to give the money to the. the page 50. then read the list of volunteer. poor to survive.. activities and the exact things related to them.. -Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs. - T elicits and explains some new words. -Taking part in directing the traffic. + War invalid: th¬ng binh. -Helping elderly people. + Martyr: LiÖt sü. -Teaching the children to read and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> + Intersection: ng· ba, ng· t. -Giving them money. - T guides Ss to match the activities on the left. -Playing game with them. with corresponding activities on the right. -Listening to their problems. - T asks Ss to practise the conversation.. -Cleaning up their houses. - Calls on some pairs to act outworks Volunteer. -Cooking meals. - T elicits feed from the class and gives final. -Taking them to places of interest. comments. -Directing vehicles at the interactions -Helping old people and young children to cross the. Conversation 2:. road. A: what kind/ volunteer work/ you. -Talking to them about clean water and right food. /participating ? //. Conversation 1: (work in pairs). B: we/ helping/ elderly people//. A: What kind of volunteer work are you participating. A: what exactly/ you/ doing ?//. in?. B: we/ talking/ clean water/ right food/ health//. B: We’re helping people in mountainous areas.. A:you/ like/ work ?//. A :What exactly are you doing ?. B:yes. I/ like/ taking/ elderly people//. B: We’re teaching the children to read and write.. 4. Task 3:. A: Do you enjoy the work ?. -T instructs: Now you work in groups to talk. B :Yes. I like helping people.. about a kind of volunteer work. - listen to T carefully.. - T asks Ss to read through the example in the. - Read through the example to know how to talk about. book. T encourages Ss to use transition signals. the volunteer activities.. such as also, besides, moreover …….. - work in groups and make the same talks.. - T gets sts to work in groups to make similar. - Act out the talk.Task 3: Work in groups. talks.. Talk about a kind of volunteer work your friends. - T goes around the class to observe and collect usually do to help people. errors. Example: (page 50). - T calls on some Ss to talk about the activities. *We usually take part in helping people in. they take part.. mountainous areas. We teach the children to read and. - T gives feedback and comments.. write .We enjoy the work very much because we like. Summarizes the main points and assigns. helping people.. homework. Homework:. T lists some more activities and asks sts if. Short dialogues : Volunteer Work. they are volunteer work. -Helping adults in Home for Old People -Helping people to repair houses in flooded.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Period:. Date of teaching. a. C. listening. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: + Listen and answer questions relating to volunteer work of one high school in Vietnam. + Improve listening skill by using pictures and exercises + Summarize the story through some cues II. Language Focus: * Vocabulary: volunteer work, mow, handicapped ,remote * skill : Listening comprehension *grammar: present III. Method and Tecniques:-Communicative approach , -gap-filling multiple choice, discussion IV. teaching aids: textbook, casette, tape, handout, poster., real objects, walk-man, , songs, pictures V. Teaching procedures : -. Check lesson T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. A. Warm up activities : ( 5’ ) 1. T shows any pieces of song and asks Sts to guess the. - Sts work in groups. name and the composer of the songs (1) : Tinh ca - Hoang Viet composer. - The leader of each group will listen to and. (2) : Ha Noi mua thu – Vu Thanh composer. give the most exactly and quickly answer. (3) : Mua He Xanh – Vu Hoang composer * T shows some pictures related to Mua He Xanh activities BEFORE YOU LISTEN : (5’) 1. How often do you support charities?. “Mua He Xanh” song . 2. What’s the best way of raising money to support. volunteer work. charities?. ** New words :. 3. Which of these kinds of volunteer work do you. 1.. prefer? * The teacher presents the new words on the board. * Ask Sts to listen & repeat the new words (pay attention to the pronunciation of these words. Organization. for. Education Development 2. Spring School 3. co-operate (v) : to work together with sb else.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> in order to achieve sth 4. disadvantaged children (n) = poor children B. WHILE YOU LISTEN : (20’) Task 1 : Listen and fill in the missing information T asks Sts to read Task 1 silently in order to. 5. fund-raising 6. co-ordinate (v) 7. regularly attend classes. understand the sentence meaning and guess the missing. 8. to be held annually. information. Read Task 1 silently in order to understand the. * T plays the tape several times if necessary. sentence meaning and guess the missing. * Calls some Ss to read aloud their answers.. information. * Correct mistakes. Listen Sts listen to the tape twice to do the task 1. Then, listen again to check information. Task 2 : Answer the questions. - Individual work. * Ask Sts to read silently in order to understand the. Answers :. questions and find the answers.. 1. informal. * Play the tape once again.. 2. 30 street children. * check their own answers. 3. 250 children (with special difficulties). * Correct mistakes.. 4. 1998 5. volunteers, June. AFTER YOU LISTEN :. - Whole class. Summarize the story about Spring School, using the. Sts listen to the tape again to answer the. following suggestions :. questions. Some cues :. - Individual work ( give the answer on BB). -The aim of Spring School. Answers :. -The number of children who live and study at the. 1.It provides classes to disadvantaged children. school or attend classes. in HCMC. -The activities the children at the school tale part in. 2.Dance, theater, singing and circus classes. -The kinds of volunteers that Spring School requires. were set up in 1999. * Call some pairs talk aloud in front of class.. 3.Because they need money to continue their. * Correct their answers and pronunciation mistakes if. English and Performance Arts classes. necessary. 4.Because they need help to organize their. Assigns homework. fundraising dinner held annually in June - pairs work - whole class - Model the discussion in front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> HOMEWORK : In not more than 100 words write about Mua He Xanh activities held in Ho Chi Minh city -. Prepare Writing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Period:. Date of teaching. D. writing (writing a formal letter expressing gratitude). I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to:Writing a letter to express gratitude Language Focus:*Vocabulary: gratitude , receipt, isssue, assistance *skill : writing comprehension *grammar: present II. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach , - gap-filling multiple choice, discussion, Ro and R, write it up III. teaching aids text book, handout, poster., real objects + Teaching aids : Textbook, posters + Approach : Communicative approach IV. Teaching procedures : T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. WARM UP: - Asks Ss some questions about their situations:. - Answer freely. 1/ Have you ever received a donation? When? From whom? 2/ What did you do then? 3/ Did you write a letter for thanks?. Answer. Task 1. - Address, greeting,opening, body, closing,. Asks some questions:. signature.. 1. How many parts are there in a letter?. - Dear Sir/ Madam, Dear…… - Yours Faithfully, / Yours sincerely. 2.What do we normally write in the greeting?. - Do the task 1:. 3. What do we normally write in the closing?. - Read and take notes:. - Asks Ss to read the letter and underline the sentences. - “Dear Sir /Madam”. that express the points:. - “I am very …..some days ago”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> * The opening of the letter. - “The money will…..students”. * The donated amount. - “We will certainly…possiple”. * The way the money is used. - “I would like………company”. * The way the receipt is issued. - “ I look …..faithfully”. * The gratitude to the donor. Write down. * The closing of the letter. - S + be + adjective + to + infinitive. Instructs ss some sructures:. - To receive sth from sb/sth. Task 2. - Would like + to infinitive. - Three parts of a letter.(picture). - To hope + to infinitive + for sth. - Asks Students to do task 2 ;. - First :. the opening. Give outline:. - Second:. the body of the letter. * ( the points in task 1). - Third:. Conclusion/The closing. gets SS to read letter again and remind them to pay. - Writing in pairs.. attention to some structures that they can use in writing a - Some students write their letters on the letter of thanks.. blackboard.. I’m very happy to…………. - Students rewrite the letter (task 1). I’m very glad to………….. Tra Linh,. I can’t say how happy I am about……. 20 October 2009. I’d like to thank you for……………... Dear Sir / Madam,. I’m very grateful to you for………… I can’t find words to express my thanks. I have no words to express my gratitude. I’d like to express my heart-fell gratitude to (sb) for. I’m very happy to receive a donation of one million dong from your organization a few days ago.I think money will help us to build the school library for our students. We will certainly issue the receipt as soon as possible. I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your organization and to. Homework: Teacher asks SS to prepare part 5 Language focus. get more hope assistance and cooperation from your organization in the future. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Le Thi Thanh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Date of planning:. Date of teaching.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Period:. E:. language focus. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - Identify the sounds /w/ and /j/ - Review and comparing the use of Gerund and Present Participle - use of Perfect Gerund and Perfect Participle Language Focus: *skill : writing comprehension *grammar: perfect gerund and present participle II. Method and Tecniques: Communicative approach, gap-filling multiple choice, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. Teaching procedures : T’ACTIVITIES. STS’ACTIVITIES. A. Pronunciation: (10’). 1. Listen and repeat: Demonstrates the two sounds /w/ and /j/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. Plays the tape and ask students to repeat Calls some students to repeat the sounds clearly in front of the class. Listen and repeat /w/. /j/. we wheel. yes years. west wet. yellow use. wine whale. young York. Asks students to work in pairs to practice the words Goes around the class and helps students if necessary 2. Practise reading aloud these sentences: Plays the tape and ask students to repeat Calls some students to repeat the sentences clearly in front of the class Asks students to work in pairs to practices the sentences Goes around the class and help students if necessary B. Grammar:. 1. Simple gerund and present participle:. Listen and repeat 1.We went for a walk in the woods near the railway 2.We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm 3.At about twelve, we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine, and we watched TV 4.Excuse me. Did you use to live in York ? 5.Did you use to be a tutor at the University? 6.I read about Hugh in the newspaper yesterday Have a survey and take note Present participle and Gerund Form : V-ing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> - Gives 2 examples. Use : - Present participle: a verb-ing forms used as. 1. They are dancing. an adjectives,. 2. Dancing bored him. - Gerund: a verb-ing form used as a noun (it can be. Asks student to distinguish between a present. used as a subject, object or complement of a verb,. participle and a gerund. after prepositions, after certain verbs.. Teacher can give more examples to demonstrate. EXERCISE 1:. his explanation. Pairwork Suggested answers:. Asks students to complete the sentences with an. 1. listening. 5. spending. appropriate gerund of the verbs from the box. 2. bending. 6. waiting. Asks some students to read aloud their sentences. 3. behaving. 7. starting. to class.. 4. meeting. Gives the correct answers. EXERCISE 2:. Asks students to complete the sentences with an. do Exercise individually and then compare their. appropriate gerund of the verbs from the box. answers with another student.. Asks some students to read aloud their sentences. Suggested answers:. to class. Gives the correct answers 2. Perfect gerund and perfect participle: Gives 2 examples 1. He was accused of having deserted his ship two months ago 2. Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again Asks student to distinguish between a perfect participle and a perfect gerund . use: + the Perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject (Ph©n tõ hoµn thµnh cã thÓ ®c dïng thay cho hiÖn t¹i ph©n tõ trong câu có 2 hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau cùng một chủ ng÷). + The Perfect participle emphasizes the the first action is complete before the second one starts (Phân từ hoàn thành còn nhấn mạnh hành động thứ nhất hoàn thành trớc khi hành động thứ hai bắt đầu) + The Perfect participle is necessary when there is an interval( kho¶ng t/g) of time between the two actions (NhÊt thiÕt ph¶i dïng ph©n tõ hoµn thµnh khi cã 1 khoảng t/g giữa 2 hành động) + It is also used when the first action covered a period of time (Nó đc dùng khi hành động đầu tiên kéo dài trong một kho¶ng t/g) ex: Having been ill for a long time, He appreciated his health more. 1. burning, rising 2. reading 3. lying 4. shopping 5. preparing 6. trying 7. modernizing Have a survey and take note Perfect Participle and Perfect Gerund Form : Having + pp Use : + Perfect participle: used to reduce a cause emphasizing the action happening before the other. + Perfect gerund: used to refer an action coming before another EXERCISE 3:. do Exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student. Suggested answers:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> Asks students to put the verbs in brackets into the. 1. having made. perfect gerund or perfect participle. 2. having been. Asks some students to read aloud their sentences. 3. having been. to class.. 4. having tied. Asks them to answer which one is perfect. 5. having read - having taken. participle which one is perfect gerund and explain. HOMEWORK:. why. Redo exercise 1,2, 3. Gives the correct answers Assigns homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> V. EXPERIENCE:. Period:26 reading Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: read for specific information. And learn about the rates of illiteracy in Vietnam in 2000. Language focus: Some structures used when talking about the campaign in 2000. Skills: Reading and guess meaning of words or phrases based on the context. II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , - gap-filling multiple choice, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: Some pictures of campaigns for illiteracy eradication. Blackboard, chalk, worksheets IV. procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> T’ activities. Ss’activities. I.WARM- UP (4’) Teacher shows students the picture on page 56 -Students work in groups and give the answers. (Teacher sticks the pictures on the blackboard) and asks students some questions. - In a poor remote/ mountainous area. 1.Where do you think the class is?. - The children at different ages/ illiterate people.. 2.What do you think of the people in the class?. - The textbook for grade one. - An army man.. 3. What kinds of textbooks are they learning? 4. - To read and to write.. .Who is the teacher?. Pairwork.. 5. .What are they learning?. This photo shows a scene of a classroom in a. BEFORE YOU READ: (8’). poor mountainous area. The students are children. T asks ss to describe the picture. of different ages. They are learning the textbooks. T calls some ss to describe the picture.. for grade one and they are taught by an army man. It seems that the students in the classroom are illiterate people. They are now learning how to read and write.. Teacher gives brief introduction: “ Today we will. -Ss work in groups and do the exercises. read the passage about a campaign for illiteracy. 1.TASK 1.. eradication”. Find the Vietnamese equivalent to the following. Teacher explains some new words as well structures expressions. in need.. 1.Universalization of Primary Education Phổ cập. .WHILE you READ ( 20’). giáo dục tiẻu học. Teacher and students discuss and elicit some. 2.The Vietnamese Society of Learning Promotion:. language notes. Héi khuyến häc Việt Nam. Teacher asks students to choose either a or b to 3.iliteracy eradication:Xoá mù chữ complete the sentences below.. 4.Farming techniques:Kĩ thuật canh tác. Teacher asks students to read the text silently and 5.Family planing:Kế hoạch hoá gia đình try to understand the meaning the text as much as possible. Teacher asks students to work in groups, and do TASK 2. task 1.. - read the task requirement and do the task. After a time limit of 3, call on some students to give individually and then find a peer to compare their the answers.. answer with. Which of the choices A,B,C or D. Teacher invites class opinion and gives feedback.. most adequately sums up the whole passage?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> T gets Ss to read the task requirement and do the Answer: D task individually and then find a peer to compare *The fight against illiteracy their answer with. If Ss cannot do the task without reading the passage again, T might want to give them some time to re—read the passage. T might also want to give Ss some strategies to find the main idea of the passage:. TASK 3.. T gives feedback and the correct answer:. Work in pairs. (Option A is too general; Options B and C are too Expected answers: 1. 94% of the population specific After 3 minutes, teacher asks one or two students 2. The campaign for illiteracy eradication. 3. 600 students in 2000 and 800 students in 2001. give the correct answer. to observe 4. They willingly spent their vacation teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write. Students’ work and offers help when necessary. Teacher walks around the class. After 5 minutes, teacher assigns some students to 5. Illiteracy will soon be eradicated. write the answers onto the board. Teacher goes over the answers with the whole class. POST-READING (10’) Teacher puts students in groups of four, discussing these questions. 1.Are. there. any. illiterate. people. in. your. neighborhood? 2. What do you think we should do to help them IV.Home work -learn all the lesson read and write? -prepare the next lesson:speaking Teacher assigns homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Period:27 speaking Class. 11A. Teaching date. Absentees.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to talk about difficulties in school and solution to educate Ss well Language Focus: *Vocabulary: cheat, enforec, strict, low-income *structure: should +V(bare –inf), past simple, past simple II. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach ,Integrated, mainly communicative -Matching ,role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: Some pictures of campaigns for illiteracy eradication. Blackboard, chalk, worksheets, Textbook, posters textbook, handout, poster., real objects Chech up (5’-7’) * Answer the questions: 1.How many provinces and cities in Vietnam had completed the programmes of “Univerlisation of primary Education” by July 2000? 2.How many percentages of the population was able to read and write? 3.How many volunteers students took the campaign in 2001? 4.Do you think taking on the fight against illiteracy is an honorable job to help people? IV. PROCEDURE: T’ activities. T introduces the task and gets Ss to do it in. Ss’activities. 1.Task 1: (7’) Match each problem in A with its. pairs. approciate solution in B. T asks Ss to answer and read aloud the. Ss work in pairs and answer the qs. problems and solutions. Vocabulary. -T explains some new words to Ss. - cheat (v) :gian lËn - solution (n) ; solve (v):giải quyết - enforce (v):đem thi hành án. - Low-income (n):thu nhập thấp T calls a student to read out the answers. T checks with the class and gives corrective - strict (a):nghiêm khắc feedback. - tutor (n): gia sư Answers: 1. b-g T can gives some problems to Ss and asks ss to choose their problems of the school and solutions of their school. 4. c-h. 2. a-e. 3. d-f. 5. i-f. 2.Task 2: (13’)Talk about your school problems and offer think we should do to help them? -Ss work in pairs and pratice the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> *Problems in school:. Ss discuss in groups to give problems in their class as. - Some students can’t buy all the required. well as their solutions. text books. -pair work. - Many students cheat during exams. *Offering solutions:. - Many students live far from school. 1.School library should lend them books. - Some students left school before. 2.Select strict teachers tobe procers. completing it. 3.build domitory. - Many students have difficulties in learning. 4. give talks to them. English. make them work in pairs/work groups. Asking for opinion. A: Many students can not buy all the required books. What do you think we need to / could / .What do you think we should do to help them? should / might want B:I think we should ask the school headmaster to to do?. provide free text book for students from low in come. What do you think about...?. C:We think we should collect used books for school. What your opinion about...?. libraries, too. What do you have in mind?. 3. Task 3: (17’) Think of three of four problems in your class and give the solutions for these problems. T gets Ss to look at the given cues, elaborate. *Model:. on them and elicits some more problems, of. A;What do you think about our class size?Over 50. possible.. students.So it’s difficult foe teachers to help each of us. -Too many students in a class? Large class. B:Yes, but we don’t have enough teachers and class. -Ss keep cheating in during exams. rooms. -Many students have difficulties in leraning. C:So our school should collect more teachers and bulid. English. more classrooms. -Many students come from the poor family. IV.Home work(3’). Asigns homework. -Write about your class problem and what you have done to solve these problems. Period:28 Listening Class. 11A. Teaching date. Absentees.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to:Listen and get some informations of some school in Perth city in Australia Language Focus: *Vocabulary: self-respect, maturity, academic, effective performances *Skill: Listen comprehension II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach ,Integrated, mainly communicative - Matching, role play, discussion, work group, pair work III. TEACHING AIDS. : Some pictures of campaigns for illiteracy eradication. Blackboard, chalk,. worksheets, posters text book, handout, poster., cassette player IV. Producedures Chech up(7’):Tell some problems in your school 1,In your opinion what do you do to solve the problem? 2, What will you do to help the poor children? 3, Do you have any difficulties in your school? T’ activities. Ss’activities. I. Before you listen: (5’) T asks some questions. -It’s up to the answer of ss. 1.1.Have you ever done a survey? 2.Do you know where Perth is? 3.Do you want to know about it? Listen and repeat: T explaints some new words to ss. -effective (a):hiệu quả -self-respect (n):sự tự trọng -maturity (n):sự trưởng thành -acadamic (a):thuộc học thuật -weakness (n):sự yếu ớt -performance (n):sự thể hiện , thành tích. II. While you listen: (25’). *Task 1:Listen and choose the best answer to. T gets Ss to read the questions carefully and work complete the following sentences out what information they need to concentrate on Read the questions carefully while listening. Then T checks with the whole whole class read the options in each question class carefully and underline the words that make them T gets Ss to read the options in each question different. carefully and underline the words that make them different. T gets SS to guess the answer to each question and then tells them they need to listen attentively to check if their guesses are confirmed. Guess the answer to each question.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> T plays the tape once for Ss to listen and do the Listen and do the task and find a partner to check task.. their answers with.. T checks the answers with the whole class.. Ss listen and choose the correct answer. If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the * Answers: answers for them to catch.. 1-D. 2-B. 3-B. 4-C. T checks if Ss can answer the questions without *Task 2: Answer the questions listening again. If they cannot, T plays the tape Try to answer the questions without listening for them to listen again but before doing this, T Read through all the questions, identify the should encourage Ss to read through all the information need to look for in each question (by questions, identify the information they need to finding the key words and the question word, e.g. look for in each question “what’, “where’, “when”, “how”, etc.) and if T plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer possible, predict the answers. the questions.. Listen and answer the questions.. T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner. Then T check with the whole class. T should play. Answer: the tape again and pause at difficult points if 1. In Perth, Western Australia many Ss cannot complete the task. 2. 80% of the students AFTER YOU LISTEN (8’) T divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4 and gets them to discuss the question in the textbook. Which do you think is more essntial for better learning –good teaching or good text books? T goes around to check and offer help. 3. They felt that they should be allowed to have a say in the school decision making. Work in groups of 3 or 4 discuss the question in the textbook *Ex: In my opinions ,there both factors must go together.We can’t separate them apart.If only one factor can not bring about good learning.Both have a very close relation However,I think the teachers facter play more important role because it’s man that decides the. Assigns homework:. success, not“text book” which are only material or books.Only good tools can not give a good result .It’s obvious that there must be the users teachers, etc….. IV. Home work Write your ideas about the above questions in your.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> notebook V. EXPERIENCE:. Period:29 Writing Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to write a paragraph to describe the information in the table of literacy rates in sunshine country Language Focus: * Vocabulary: lowland, dote, decloned, steady. dramatically * Skill: writing a paragraph II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach ,write it up, gap- filling - Matching, role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: Text books , posters. Handouts Check up (7’) : Answer the questions: 1. Where did the survey take place? -In Perth 2. What percentage of the students feltmutual respect was essential for effective learning to take place? 80% of the students What did the old students feel? -They think that they should be allowed to give some input into school decicion making -Have you ever done a survey? Yes, ….. IV. Procedure:. No, …... T’s activities. Ss’activities. TASK 1: Choose a word from the box to fill each. -Ss work in groups and after that work in pairs. space of the paragraph:. and answer the questions. T gets Ss to read the task requirements and work on. Answers:. the task with a peer.. 1.varied. 2.rise. -T cheks and give feedback. 3.went up. 4.declined. T calls Ss to read out their answers and checks with. 5.different. 6.drammatically. the class. Read aloud the model writing. T asks one student to read aloud the model writing. *Vocabulary:. T explains some new words to ss. - Lowland: vùng đất thấp - drammatically:một cách ngoạn mục.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> - data:dữ kiện , số liệu - declined:tõ chối , suy giảm (refused, decreased) Task 2:Write a paragraph of about 100 words, describing the information in the table below. -steady = constant: vững chắc , kiên định -sharply = suddenly:đột ngột, thình lình. T tells Ss to study the table in Task 2 and analyses it with a friend by asking these questions: 1. What does the table describe? 2. Does it describe the past, the present or the future? 3. Which region had the lowest rate in each year? 4. Did the literacy rate in the Lowlands increase or decrease from 1998 to 2007? 5. What about the literacy rates in the Midlands and the Highlands? T checks the answers with the whole class. useful language: -The table shows/describes….. - as can be seen from the data in the table… Nouns Verbs rise increase decrease drop fall rise increase decrease drop fall slight steady sharp gradual dramatic slightly steadily sharply gradually dramatically. Adj. Adverbs. -T cheks and corrects the answers and gives feedback Assigns homework: V. ExperienCE:. Study the table in Task 2 and analyses it with a friend by answering the questions: Literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998 – 2007 Year 1998 2002 2004 2007 Lowlands 50% 53% 56% 95% Midlands 70% 75% 80% 85% Highlands 50% 45% 40% 30% Based on their analysis of the table, Ss now write up a description individually. Write a paragraph of about 100 words The table describes the literacy rates of the population in different parts of the country of Sunshine from 1998 to 2007. As can be seen, they varied considerably between 1998 and 2007. In the Lowlands, the number of literate people increased sharply between 1998 and 2007. In the Midlands, there was a gradual rise in the number of people who were literate. On the contrary, the literacy rate in the Highlands fell gradually. This data may help the researchers or planners make suitable plans for educational development in each area of the country. IV.Home work(2’) • Doing exercises 1, 2 in workbook. (p. 3839) • Preparing section “Language Focus”..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Period:30 language focus Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: -. distinguish the clusters / p1/, / bl /, /pr /, / br / and pronounce the words and sentences containing. them correctly -understand reported speech with infinitives and use these structures to solve communicative tasks Language Focus: * Prounciation:/pl/, /bl/, /pr/ , /br/ *Grammar :reported speech with infinitives II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach, gap- filling, - Matching, role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: Text books , posters. Handouts IV. PROCEDURE: T’s activities. Ss’activities. T models the three clusters /pl I, / bi I, / pr I, / br / I. Pronunciation: *Lisen and repeat: for a few times and explains how to produce them. /pl/ /bl/ /pr/ E.g.: When producing / p1/, Ss should produce / p / Please black pride first and then quickly switch to / 1 I, and so on. Pleasure blouse pretty T plays the tape once for Ss to hear the words Play blue precious. /br/ brown bread brother.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> containing these clusters. Then T plays the tape Plenty. blow. pratice. broad. again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape T asks Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. Then T calls Read the words in each column out loud in chorus for on some Ss to read the words out loud. T listens a few more times and corrects. Read the words out loud.. T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences (p.63, Practise these Pratice the sentences in the text book on page 63 sentences). T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors. T calls some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback. 2) Grammar:Reported speech with infinitive Ex: “Don’t open your books please”. Practise reading aloud the dialogue Reported speech with infinitive Form: S+ TELL(TOLD)/ASK(ASKED) +S.O +TO-INF ADVISED/PROMISED. NOT TO-INF. The teacher told us not to open our books Ex2 : “woukd you like to have dinner with. *Notes:Để chuyển một câu trực tiếp sang một câu. me?”He said to me. gián tiếp đối với dạng câu đề nghị , cầu khiến , mệnh. *He invited me to have dinner with him. lệnh , lời mời…..ta thường bắt đầu với những động từ Như: ask ,tell, invite, advise, promise …..+to –inf Not to –inf Speaker’s words here this today tomorrow yesterday next Monday last Monday. 3)Pratice: *Exercise 1:Complete the sentences without. ago that then that day that night the next day the day before. Reported Speech now tonight. there.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> changing the meaning T gets Ss to do Exercise 1 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with.. the following Monday the previous Monday previously/ before. T checks with the whole class and provides Work individually and then find a partner to check corrective feedback. the answers with. *Answers: 1.They promised to come back again 2.The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore 3.Tom asked Peter to close the winndow 4.The teacher encouraged Eric to join the football team 5.John promised to give it to him 6.My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor Exercise 2 T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with.. 7.My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school. 8.His boss advised him to go home and rest for a T checks with the whole class and provides while corrective feedback. -T checks and correct. Do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. give the answers on bb. Answer: 1. He advised me not to drink too much beer. 2. She invited me to come and see her whenever I want. 3. John wanted me not to smoke in his car. Assigns homework. 4. He told Sue to give him her phone number. 5. He reminded me to give the book back to Joe. 6. He promised not to do it again. 7. He agreed to wait for me. 8. John asked me to lend him some money. Home work:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> -Do exercise 2, 1 again Prepare unit 6(reading) V. EXPERIENCE:. TEST 1 5’ I. Choose the best answer to each question by circling (a), (b), (c), or (d). 1. “Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They ______her to spend the weekend with them. a. advised b. ordered c. invited d. begged 2. “Could you open the window please?” She______ him to open the window. a. reminded b. ordered c. asked d. warned 3. “Go to bed immediately!” Mary’s mother______ her to go to bed immediately. a. advised b. begged c. asked d. ordered 4. “Don’t forget to post the letter!” He ______me to post the letter. a. reminded b. ordered c. begged d. asked 5. “Park the car behind the van.” The instructor______ him to park the car behind the van. a. offered b. told c. asked d. ordered 6. “Please, please, turn down the radio!” Mark’s sister ______him to turn the radio down. a. reminded b. ordered c. asked d. begged 7. “Don’t play with the matches. They’re very dangerous.” The teacher______ the children not to play with the matches. a. ordered b. asked c. warned d. begged 8. “I’ll give you a lift to the airport.” Michelle______to give her husband a lift to the airport. a. refused b. offered c. asked d. begged 9. “I won’t lend you any more money.” Matthew______to lend me any more money. a. offered b. asked c. refused d. invited 10. The teacher said to her student: “You need to study harder.” She______ him to study harder. a. asked b. advised c. ordered d. begged II. Rewrite the sentences below, using the words in brackets 1. He said to her, “ Come to the party”. (persuade) 2. He said to me, “I’ll lend you some money.” (offer) 3. “All right. I’ll help you” Ba said to Minh (agree) 4. “ No, I won’t talk to a lawer”. Binh said (refuse) 5. “I’ll tell you the truth”. Thu said to Hoa. (promise). Answers: I. Choose the best answer to each question 1.c 3.d 5.b. 7.c. 9.c.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> 2.c 4.a 6.d 8.b 10.b II. Rewrite the sentences below, using the words in brackets 1. He persuaded her to come to the party. 2. He offered to lend me some money. 3. Ba agreed to help Minh. 4. Binh refusedto talk to a lawer. 5. Thu promised to tell Hoa The truth.. Period:31 reading Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context. Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic. II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach, gap- filling, - Matching ,role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: -Text books , posters. Handouts IV. PROCEDURE : T’s activities. Ss’activities. Warm –up(5m) - Get Ss to work in pairs, matching the 4 given. Pair work. competition with the correct pictures on page 66. a. Quiz: Road to Mount Olympia. - Check the answer with the whole class. b. London Marathon. - Get Ss to tell which of these competition they. c. Sao Mai Television Singing contest. like most and why. T gets Ss to name some other. d. Olympic Games. competitions that they know or have ever participated in and elicits their comments on the events I. Before you read(7m) - Introduces the topic of the lesson and get Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions on page 67. pair work. - Calls some Ss to answer the questions. Ask Ss to. 1. Yes, Because I want to overcome myself. give reasons for their answers. T helps Ss to. 2. Yes, I do. I like to win in Quiz:”Road to Mount. express their ideas. Olympia” 3.No, it isn’t. Because I think the most important.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Guides Ss to read the new words. thing is having a chance to participate in a. Then asks Ss to guess what they are going to read. competition, learning from other competitors and. about II. While you read. enjoy ourselves Read in chorus. Set the scene: You are going to about a school’s competition Task 1(7m) Get Ss to read the passage silently and then do Task 1 - Check the answers with the whole class - Check Ss’ understanding all these words. St read the text and give answers to task 1. correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning. (Individual work). of the words in Vietnamese. Compare the answers with a partner. Suggested answers: 1. d. 2. f. Task 2(8m). 3. e. 4. c. - Asks Ss skim the 6 questions to understand them. 5. b. 6. a. - Asks them to read carefully the passage again - Then T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner. Individual work and pair work. - Calls some Ss to read aloud their answer and ask. Suggested answers:. them to explain their choices - Gives the correct answers. 1. The representatives of three classes of the speaker’s school (line 1, paragraph 1). 2. The aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English• among students (lines 3-4, paragraph 1). 3. The students’ Parents Society (line 4, paragraph 1). 4. They had to complete 5 activities in all. On completion of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within 2 minutes (lines 14, paragraph 2). 5. They had to observe and score the students’ performance. A maximum score for each activity was 15. At the end of the competition they would announce the total score of each group. The group.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> that got the highest scores will be the winner (lines 47, paragraph 2). Task 3 (8m). 6. A set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford. - Asks Ss to read Paragraph 3 again and complete. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (lines 8-9, paragraph. the sentences. 2).. - Calls some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices. Read Paragraph 3 again and complete the sentences. 1. ….to recite/complete the poem because he could (group work) not remember the last sentence 2…..became the winner of the competition. Suggested answers:. 3. …60 points. 1. ….to recite/complete the poem because he could. 4. …..” For me the important thing was our. not remember the last sentence. participation in the competition and the enjoyment. 2…..became the winner of the competition. we had from it”. 3. …60 points. III. After you read(7m). 4. …..” For me the important thing was our. - T reads the poem aloud once or twice and get Ss. participation in the competition and the enjoyment. to repeat each line after her/him. we had from it”. - Lets Ss practice reciting the poem in their own groups - Calls different groups to read the poem and ask the class to decide who the best performers are. Group work. - Asks them to translate the poem into Vietnamese. Patter ['pætə]: tiếng tí tách, tiếng lộp độp (mưa rơi). Consolidation and homework(3m). Window –pane /'windou'pein/ ô kính cửa sổ. - T summarises the main point of the lesson - Asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and make sentences from them. Whole class Homework learn by heart the new words and make sentences from them Prepare for SPEAKING V. EXPERIENCE:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Period:32 speaking Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give their own opinions of competition at school and to talk about some activities after obsering Language Focus: * Vocabulary: cheat, enforec, strict, low-income * structure:simple present tense * skill: Speaking II. Method and Tecniques - Communicative approach ,Integrated, mainly communicative - Matching, role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: - Some pictures of competition - Textbook, posters text book, handout, poster., real objects IV. procedures: I)Check up: 1.Tell some names of competitions? 2.What was the aims of the competition ? 3.Who sponsored the competition? 4.Read the poem and translate it into Vietnamese T’s activities. Task 1(10m) -Introduces the task and gets Ss to do it individually - Explains the meaning of the new words. - Calls different pairs to report their answers. T should encourage them to explain why they like or dislike a game/constest and help them to express. Ss’activities. individual work and pair work compare with their partners ex: My partner likes…..but I dislike it Both of us like/dislike….. Neither my partner nor I like….. Neither of us like……...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> their ideas when necessary Task 2(10m) - Introduces the task and call on one or two pairs of Ss to read aloud the sample dialogue - Asks Ss to read the useful expression on page 69 and explain the new words - Gives more structures: Asking for opinions: What do you think about..? What’Ss your opinion about……/ How do you feel about…?. read aloud the sample dialogue Ex2 A:What do you think of English Competition? B: Oh, it’s interesting.It’s an opportunity to test my English Ex3: A: What do you think of Art Competition? B: Oh, It’s boring.It’s makes me feel sleepy. Do you like..? Task 3(15m) - Put Ss in groups of 3 or 4. T tells each group to choose a famous TV game or competion and work out details about it - Go around to check and offer help - After Ss have finished, T call on each group to come the front. The whole class will ask questions about the game/contest and guess what game, constest it is.. Work in groups of 3 or 4. *Example: T: Can you tell me something about the competitions you are talking about? Ss:Sure, We can .What would you like to know? T: Where and when did you take part in it? Ss: I saw it on TV Last night? T: What type of Competitions or contest was it? Ss: well it was an English Speaking Competition T; Do you know who organized it? Ss:The International Language center T: Who participated it? ………….. Homework - write a paragraph about a game show. Consolidation and homework(3m) - Summarises the main point of the lesson - Asks Ss to write a paragraph about a game show they like V. EXPERIENCE:. - prepare for LISTENING.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> Period:33 listening Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - Develop extensive listening skills. - Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks II. Method and Tecniques: Communicative approach III. Teaching Aids: Books, pictures, chalk, cassette player, tape IV. procedures: Check up: -Tell the competition you like best and give reasons -Name some of competitions you know T’s activities. Ss’activities. I. Before you listen(10m) - T uses the picture in the textbook to introduce the. Whole class. topic 1. What can you see in the picture?. - We can see two athletes. 2. What event is it?. - Boston Marathon. 3. What is marathon?. - It’s a long distance running race of 26 miles or about 42 km. 4. Where do you think the Boston Marathon might take place?. - In the USA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> 5. What is the Boston Marathon?. + It is held in the USA + It began at the end of the 19th century + The Boston race is about 42 km + Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race. 6. Who do you think can take part in the Boston. - Atheles. race? II. While you listen. Listen and repeat. Task 1(10m). - Clock (v): đạt được, ghi được. Instruction: You are going to listen about the. - Association(n) : Tổ chức , hiệp hội. Boston Marathon. Listen and answer T/F. - Athletic (a): thuộc về điền kinh. questions. Put a tick in the appropriate box. - athletics (n) : , môn điền kinh. - Race (n) : cuộc đua -Marathon race (phr.n). - Before listening, asks Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline keys. read through the statements to understand them and. words.. underline keys words.. - Plays the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task. listen and do the task. - Checks the answer with the whole class. If many. (Individual work). Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answer for Answers: them to catch 1. T 2. T 3. F (2 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds) 4. F (1967) 5. T Task 2(7m). 6. F (pass through 13 towns and ends in centre of. - T asks Ss to read through the questions in task 2. Boston). - Plays the tape again for Ss to answer the questions. Read through the questions in task 2. - Gets Ss to check their answer with a partner. Then T checks with whole class. T should play the. Answer the questions. tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss. 1.He came from New York.. cannot complete the task. 2. She became the first official female champion in. III. After you listen(10m). 1972.. 6. Asks Ss to talk about a famous Vietnamese runner. 3. 8 (women started and finished the race in 1972.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> or sportman/sportwoman that they like. 4. 6164 (runners joined the Boston Marathon in. 7. Put Ss in small groups of 3 or 4. 1984). Asks each group will prepare a short biography of8. a famous Vietnamese runner (or sportman). 9.. After finishing, T calls on the representative of. 10.. each group to talk about their favouite. 11. Work in groups of 3 or 4. sportman/woman. - Vũ Thị Huong / gold / 100-meter running race /. Listens and takes notes of Ss’ errors. T provides. SEA Games 23 / join / compete / SEA Games 24. corrective feedback after that. -> Vũ Thị Hương won a gold medal for women’s. Consolidation and homework(3m) -. Summarises the main point of the lesson. 100-meter running race at the SEA Games 23-2005. She is going to join in (competing at ) the SEA Games 24-2007. Homework -. learn by heart new words and make sentences. -. Prepare for WRITING. V. EXPERIENCE:. Period:34 Writing Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: Write a letter to reply to the request of information II. Method and Tecniques: - Communicative approach , write it up, gap- filling - Matching, role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids: Text books , posters. Handouts IV. PROCEDURE: T’s activities. Ss’activities. Before you write Task 1(10m) -T asks Ss if they want to participate in a competition, what information about the competition they would like to know and would look for. T writes the answers on the board - T gets Ss to read the letter in task 1 individually. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - Ask Ss to indentify who wrote the letter, for what. - Individual work. purpose, what information she requested and. When? (the date and time). compare their answers with the ideas on the board. Where? (the venue) Who? (who can participate, who are the hosts /. While you write(20m). judges, who to contact,ect). - T gets Ss to read the requirement of task 2 and. How? (how to apply to participat, how the contest. work out with a peer what they need to include in. proceeds, how the candidates’ performance is. the reply letter and what kind of language (formal. assesses,etc…). or informal) they need to use.. What? (what is expected of the candidates, what the. - Gets Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes. award is). - T then asks Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other. Individual work and pair work. - T goes around to offer help English for the World 28th October, 2007 Dear Thu Trang,. 106 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem District Hanoi. Thank for your letter and welcome to our English Speaking Competion. Here are some details about. October 18,2007 Dear Thu Trang,. the competion:. Thank you for your interest in our English Speaking. The number of participants is limited- just 25. The. Competition. Here is the information that you. competition is held on 25th November 2007, at 106. request.. Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District,. Date and time:8:30p.m, October 25, 2006. Hanoi. It starts at 8:00p.m. Contestants should be. Venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao. present one hour before the competition for. Number of participant: 25. registration. Entry procedure: Candidates fill an application form. For more information please contact me on the. to participate. phone number(04) 9838188m, and email:. We encourage you to apply to participate by 4p.m,. October 20. Because this year we limit the number of. Best wishes,. participants to only 25, application submitted late. Kate Johnson. will not be considered. For further information, please contact me on 9838188 or email me at We wish you good luck at the contest and look. After you write(7m) - T chooses one or two letters and reads it/them to. forward to seeing you there. Best regards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> the class. Kate Johnson. - Then T elicits corrective feedback from the class. Secretary. and gives final comments afterwards. T should. Whole class. draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas and language use. Consolidation and homework(3m) -. Summarise the main point of the lesson. - T asks Ss to revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions and submit for making in the next lesson Whole class V. EXPERIENCE:. Period:35 language focus Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: + distinguish the clusters / tr /, / dr /, / tw / and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly + understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative tasks. II. Method and Tecniques: Intergrated mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Textbook, hand-outs IV. Procedure: T’s activities. A. PRONUNCIATION Distinguishing sounds. Ss’activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> T models the three clusters / tr I, / dr I, / tw / for a few times and explains how to produce them. Listen and repeat E.g.: When producing / tr I, Ss should produce / t / first and then quickly switch to / r I, and so on. T plays the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the Hear the words containing these clusters and repeat words containing these clusters. Then T plays the after the tape tape again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape. read the words in each column out aloud. T asks Ss to read the words in each column out aloud in chorus for a few more times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud. T asks s to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences (p. 73, Practise these sentences). T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors T calls some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback.. Some individual stds repeat. Practising sentences containing the target sounds Stds work in groups of four.. B. GRAMMAR POINTS a. Presentation(10m) Reported speech with gerund. Listen and take notes. Form: V+(O)+Preposition+(not)+ V-ing. Whole class take note and give examples. Use: We usually use a gerund structure to report. Ex: “Sorry, I’m late”. thanking, apologies, accusations, and so on.. She apologized for being late. Accuse(sb) of, apologise (sb)for, insist. Ex:” I didn’t do that”. on(kh¨ng kh¨ng), congratulated (sb) on,. She denied doing that. dream of, warn(sb) against (dặn ai để phòng. “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very. c¸I g×/ai), prevent (sb)from, thank(sb) for,. much”. suspect(sb) of….. Tom thanked me for helping him. Note: we don’t use'say” in this structure.. “Shall we pick you up at school?”. - Some verbs do not need a preposition:. They suggested picking me up at school. Stop, admit, suggest, deny, mention, propose(đề nghị) b.Practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Exercise 1(10m) - T gets Ss to do the exercise 1 individually and. Individual work, pair work and whole class. then find a partner to check their answers with. Answer:. -T checks with whole class and provides. 1.John congratulated us on passing our exam. corrective feedback. 2.Mary apologized for not phoning me earlier 3Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station 4.The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he had said 5. Bob has always dreamed of being rich 6. I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport. Exercise2 (12m). 7. Her mother prevented Jane from going out that. T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually and then night find a partner to check their answers with.. 8. Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her. T checks with the whole class and provides Work individually corrective feedback.. Answer: 1. Tom insisted on paying for the meal 2. Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to meeting their children soon 3. The boy denied breaking the window of the woman’s house 4. The policeman stopped the customer from leaving the shop 5.The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown’s car. Consolidation and homework(3m) -. T summarises the main points of the lesson. -. Ask Ss to revise reported speech with gerund and do exercises in the workbook. V. EXPERIENCE:. 6. Ann suggested having a party the next Saturday 7. John and his wife were thinking of buying the house.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Period:36 Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, 5 and 6. - Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. 2. Knowledge: After this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself - Language: Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests 3. Skill: After this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Textbook, board, hand-outs, cassette tape and player. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting. - Greeting. - Ask students something about the test - Answer teacher’s questions yourself B * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? I. Listening(2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Ask students to read all the sentences first. - Look at the book and listen to the task. - Ask students to listen to the tape once.. - understand the task. - Ask students to listen again and speak out - Read the questions the statements are true or false .. - Listen to the tape. - Ask students to listen in the third time, the - Listen again and say the statements are true or false. work in groups to compare and discuss the - Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> answers with each others to find the correct answers: answers. II. Reading (2.5 points) (10 minutes). Keys:1A, 2B, 3D, 4C, 5B.. - Presents the task: - Asks pupils to work in groups to compare - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher the answers they have already done to find the - Work in groups to discuss about the passage correct ones.. - Finish the task. - Gives the correct answers to the class:. - Compare their results with the other groups, and then with the keys - Write the answers on the board - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups. III. Grammar(2.5 points) (8 minutes). - Compare the results with the other groups. - Presents the task:. - Show the answers in front of the class.. a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the - Keys: 1D, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C right box.. - Observe the keys and correct their answers.. b/ Let students finish each of of the following - Keys: sentences in such a way that it has the same a. 1. play, 2. drive, 3. twice, 4. proud meaning as the original sentence. - Keys: IV. Writing (7 minutes). b. 1. taking, 2. to go, 3. smoking,. - Presents the task:. saying, 5. do, 6. going, 7. to make.. 4.. - Calls the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class.. - Students work in groups and practise writing. - Two students go to the board and write. - Give the writings by reading aloud.. - Checks their writings and help them correct - Read the writing carefully. the mistakes if they’ve made.. - In groups or in pairs. - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes Sample writing “ Road to Mount Olympia” is a very popular competition for secondary students in Vietnam. It is a general knowledge quiz, which debuted on VTV3 in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> 1999 and since then has been shown at 10:30 a.m every Sunday on the same channel. The show is sponsored by LG Corp and hosted by several popular speakers such as Ta Bich Loan, Luu Minh Vu, and Tung Chi The copetition last one year and consists of 52 qualifying sessions and a final. There are 4 competitors in each session. These are the representatives of different schools around the country. They are asked questions about sciences and arts. The winner of each weekly session can go to monthly session and compete with other students to win a place at the quarterly session. The winners a of the quarterly session can go to the final. The winner of the final will receive a large cash prize. I like the show very much because I can learn a lot Homework (5 minutes). from the questions asked in it.. - Ask students: - Study all the lessons again. + to study all the lessons again + to get ready for the 45 minute-test in the. - Get the knowledge ready for the coming test. next period V. EXPERIENCE:. Period:37 + 38 TEST 45MINUTES + CORRECT THE TEST Class. Testing date. Absentees. 11A Written test 45 minutes. Full name: ……………………………………………………………….. Class 11A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1- A. decided B. visited C. wanted D. handicapped 2- A. corn B. cup C. can D. city 3- A. minority B. literacy C. primary D. library 4- A. whom B. who C. whose D. whale 5 - A. ridden B. white C. give D. risen Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 6. Peter apologized for break the vase. A. B. C D. 7. David asked me telling him the time. A. B C D. 8. Paul thanked me on writing him to dinner. A B C D 9. I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather. A B C D 10. I was in a hurry because I didn’t want being late for school. A B C D 11. Her parents prevented her from get married to her teacher. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences: 12……………………are children whose parents passed away. A. Volunteers B. College students 13. How many ……………are there in the competition? A. participates B. participants. C. Handicapped children. D. Orphans. C. participations. D. participative. 14. Someone told us…………..sit on the stairs. A-don’t B-met/was working C. not to D. to not 15. Her mother prevented her…………..going out that night. A-against B-from C-about D-at 16.I apologised…………..the book at home.. A-for leaving B-to leaving C-leaving D-to leave 17. Tom insisted............paying the bill. A. of B. in C. on D. for 18. I don't mind............late if it will help at all. A. working B. to be work C. work D. to work 19. "Let's go to the cinema"  He suggested........... to the cinema. A. gone B. to go C. go D. going 20. " I made a mistake in the calculations" She........... making a mistake in the calculations. A. promised B. admitted C. apologized D. agreed 21. Jack congratulated me....................passing the examination. A. on B. above C. from D. in 22. John and his wife were thinking.................. widening their farm. A. to B. of C. with D. on 23. The number of .......... people in the remote areas of Vietnam is gradually decreasing. A. illiterate B. illiteracy C. literacy D. literate 24. I warned her............seeing him. A. from B. against C. to D. at 25. " I made a mistake in the calculations" She........... making a mistake in the calculations. A. promised B. admitted C. apologized D. agreed Change the sentences into the reported speech. 26.“ Whatever you do, don’t walk on the grass” the safeguard said to the tourists. -> The safeguard warned…………………………………………………………………………. 27.“ I haven’t done anything wrong,” Tom said. -> Tom denied…………………………………………………………………………………….. 28.“ No, I won’t talk to the lawyer,” Thu said. -> Thu refused…………………………………………………………………………………… 29.“ Yes, I did drive too fast through the town,” she said -> She admitted……………………………………………………………………………………….. 30.”Don’t forget to join in the contest tomorrow morning” Dong said .-> Dong reminded……………………………………………………………………………………… Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question. Spring School is an informal school. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Around 30 street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1 regularly attend classes. The Organisation for Educational Development co-operated with Spring School to set up English classes in 1998. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes participate in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and performance Arts classes. Spring School requires volunteers to help organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is an exciting night in which children dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities. Volunteers are required from February until July to help organize these events. It is hope that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Vietnam. 31. What kind of Spring school? A. a primary school B. a formal school C. an informal school D. a secondary school 32. When were dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes set up? A. In 1997 B. In 2000 C. In 1998 D. In 1999 33. Why do children take part in fund- raising performances? A. Because they want to expand the school. B. Because they want to contact sponsors. C. Because they need money to continue their English and Arts classes. D. Because they like dancing. 34. Where do children dance, sing and play music? A. At their School. B. At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. C. In Ha Noi. D. In the theatres. 35. What is the aim of Spring School? A. It provides classes to volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City. B. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City. C. The aim of this school is fundraising. D. The aim of this school is to raise fund. Choose the best answer: 36. "No, it's not true. I didn't cheat in the exam" A. Tom denied cheating in the exam. B. Tom denied not to cheat in the exam. C. Tom denied didn’t cheat in the exam. D. Tom denied to cheat in the exam. 37. "You should not stay up too late" A. Minh encouraged me to stay up too late. B. Minh advised me staying up too late. C. Minh advised me to stay up too late. D. Minh advised me not to stay up too late. 38. "I'm sorry, I didn't phone you" A. Karen promised not to phone me. B. Karen admitted for not phoning me. C. Karen apologized for not phoning me. D. Karen refused to phone me..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> 39. “”You are too yuong to get married”. Lan’s parents said to her. A. Lan’s parents said that she can’t get married at quite a young age. B. Lan’s parents stopped her from getting married. C. Lan’s parents said that she is so young that she can’t get married. D. Lan’s parents advised her not to get married. 40. Jane said, “You stole my best book, Tom”. A. Jane said that Tom was her thief. B. Jane insisted Tom on stealing her best book. C. Jane accused Tom of stealing her best book. D. Jane wanted Tom to give her best book back to her. THE END. Written test 45 minutes Full name: ……………………………………………………………….. Class 11A Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences: 1. Jack congratulated me....................passing the examination. A. in B. above C. from 2. John and his wife were thinking.................. widening their farm. A. of B. to C. with 3. The number of .......... people in the remote areas of Vietnam is gradually decreasing. A. illiterate B. literacy C. illiteracy 4. I warned her............seeing him. A. against B. from C. to 5. " I made a mistake in the calculations" She........... making a mistake in the calculations. A. promised B. apologized C. admitted 6……………………are children whose parents passed away. A. Volunteers B. Orphans 7. How many ……………are there in the competition? A. participates B. participative. D. on D. on D. literate D. at D. agreed. C. Handicapped children. D. College students. C. participations. D. participants. 8. Someone told us…………..sit on the stairs. A-don’t B- not to C. met/was working D. to not 9. Her mother prevented her…………..going out that night. A- from B- against C-about D-at 10.I apologised…………..the book at home.. A. to leaving B. for leaving C. leaving D. to leave 11. Tom insisted............paying the bill. A. on B. in C. of D. for 12. I don't mind............late if it will help at all. A. to work B. to be work C. work D. working 13. "Let's go to the cinema"  He suggested........... to the cinema. A. gone B. to go C. go D. going 14. " I made a mistake in the calculations" She........... making a mistake in the calculations. A. promised B. apologized C. admitted D. agreed Change the sentences into the reported speech. 15.Shall we go to Paris for the weekend?” Mary said to me. -> Mary suggested................................................................................................................. 16.“ Remember to book a table in advance” She said -> She reminded…………………………………………………………………………. 17. “ All right, I’ll pick you up at 6 pm tonight.” -> She agreed ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 18.I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary. -> Mary apologized for……………………………………………………………………… 19. “I won’t help you with your homework. Never ! ” Jane said to me. -> Jane refused ……………………………………………………………………………... Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question. Spring School is an informal school. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Around 30 street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1 regularly attend classes. The Organisation for Educational Development co-operated with Spring School to set up English classes in 1998. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes participate in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and performance Arts classes. Spring School requires volunteers to help organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is an exciting night in which children dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities. Volunteers are required from February until July to help organize these events. It is hope that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Vietnam. 20. What kind of Spring school? A. a primary school B. an informal school C. a formal school D. a secondary school 21. When were dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes set up? A. In 1997 B. In 2000 C. In1999 D. In 1998 22. Why do children take part in fund- raising performances? A. Because they want to expand the school. B. Because they want to contact sponsors. C. Because they like dancing. D. Because they need money to continue their English and Arts classes. 23. Where do children dance, sing and play music?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> A. At their School. B. In the theatres. C. In Ha Noi. D. At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. 24. What is the aim of Spring School? A. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City. B. It provides classes to volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City. C. The aim of this school is fundraising. D. The aim of this school is to raise fund.. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 25. I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather.. A B C D 26. Her parents prevented her from get married to her teacher. A B C D 27. Peter apologized for break the vase. A. B. C D. 28. I was in a hurry because I didn’t want being late for school. A B C D 29. David asked me telling him the time. A. B C D. 30. Paul thanked me on writing him to dinner. A B C D Choose the best answer: 31. "I'm sorry, I didn't phone you" A. Karen promised not to phone me. B. Karen apologized for not phoning me. C. Karen admitted for not phoning me. D. Karen refused to phone me. 32. “”You are too young to get married”. Lan’s parents said to her. A. Lan’s parents said that she can’t get married at quite a young age. B. Lan’s parents advised her not to get married. C. Lan’s parents said that she is so young that she can’t get married. D. Lan’s parents stopped her from getting married. 33. "No, it's not true. I didn't cheat in the exam" A. Tom denied to cheat in the exam. B. Tom denied not to cheat in the exam. C. Tom denied didn’t cheat in the exam. D. Tom denied cheating in the exam. 34. "You should not stay up too late" A. Minh encouraged me to stay up too late. B. Minh advised me not to stay up too late. C. Minh advised me to stay up too late. D. Minh advised me staying up too late. 35. Jane said, “You stole my best book, Tom”. A. Jane said that Tom was her thief. B. Jane accused Tom of stealing her best book. C. Jane insisted Tom on stealing her best book. D. Jane wanted Tom to give her best book back to her.. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 36- A. literacy 37- A. whom 38 - A. white 39 - A. handicapped 40 - A. corn. B. minority B. whale B. ridden B. visited B. cup. C. primary C. whose C. give C. wanted C. city THE END. World population. D. library D. who D. risen D. decided D. can.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Period:39 Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to: -. develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context. -. use the information they have read to discuss the topic.. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Textbook, board, hand-outs, cassette tape and player. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Asks students close the book. Students’ activities - Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. - Asks students to answers some questions: 1. Are all the people in the same family? 2. Is it good to have many children? 3 .What will happen if every family have a lot of children? -Lead in : today we are going to learn about - Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit7, part world population A: reading Before you read : (7 minutes) - Asks students work in pairs and look at two pictures on the book and discuss the questions 1. Where can you find these scenes? 2. What does each of the pictures tell you? 3. Do you think that the larger in population a country is, the stronger it is? Why/Why not? - Goes around and help if necessary -Ask students to give the answers - Listens to students and correct pronunciation and grammar if necessary. 1. - The scene in the first picture can be seen in a family with too many children. As can be seen in this picture, this couple has 6 children, and they live in an old mud —and—draw cottage with nothing valuable. - The scene in the second picture can be seen in a poor town. As can be seen in the picture, the people in this town seem to have a hard flfe and live in very old houses. The people tend to do manual work and some are unemployed. 2. The first picture tells us that tf we have a big family, we may not support our children properly and give them a good flfe and education. The second picture indicates that population explosion can lead to poverty and unemployment..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> 3. It is not always true that the larger in population a country is, the stronger it is. The reason is that a large population can result in poverty, environmental pollution, unemployed and social evils, which will While you read : (23 minutes). easily weaken a country.. - Ask students to look through the passage and Third World : EX : Laos , India , … read in silence - Help students read the passage. - Look at the book, listen to the teacher and work in pairs:. - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage. - discuss and give correct answers. -Ask students to read loudly the difficult words in chorus. - Listen to the teacher. Task 1 :. - Ask some new words if necessary. - Ask students to do task 1. - Keep the book open. - Let students work individual or in groups. - Listen to the teacher then do task 1. - Help students if necessary. - Ask the teacher if necessary - work individual or in group - Write down in the notebook Keys:. Task 2:. 1.Although. 2. method. 3.increases. 4. resources. 5.sfigures. 6. limit. 7.international. 8. control. Listen to the teacher and read the reading passage.. -Asks students to read the passage again then - Try to answer the questions answer the questions. Keys :. - Asks students to answer the following 1.the population of the world in 10,000BC was 10 questions. million. In1750 it was 6225 million; in 1850 it was. - Asks students look through the passages then 1300million ,in1950 it was 2510 million....(paragraph try to answer the questions in right way. 1). - Lets them work in pairs. 2,by the year 2015 the population of the world is. - Helps students if necessary. expected to be over 7 billion (last line,paragraph1). (the answers in the passage). 3,some scientists say it can ,but others say it can’t (line2-4,paragraph2) 4. no, they don’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> 5,because they know of no safe way to have fewer children( line4-5,paragraph3) - Listen to the teacher -Discuss and find out five world largest countries in After you read : (8 minutes). population. - Asks students to work in groups to discuss find - The students who are called to stand up to talk loudly out five world largest countries i population. say are intelligent ones where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country -Goes around to help the groups when necessary -Calls some groups to answer the question - Listens to students and correct mistakes - Listen to the teacher and write down homework Home work: (2 minutes) - Asks students to do Reading exercise of Unit 7 in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at home V. EXPERIENCE:. World population. Period:40 Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the causes of overpopulation in our country and in the world. - The problem which the overpopulation countries have and offer some solutions. II. Teaching aids:Textbook, handouts.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> III. Anticipated problems: - Ss may not have enough vocalabulary to talk about the topic. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. A. Warm-up (6ms) Picture description - T shows sts the following picture and asks them. Ss work in pairs to discuss the right answers.. two questions.. A man is carring many children by motorbike. + What can you see in the picture?. The picture tells us about overpopulation. + What does the picture tell you?. - T elicits the answers from sts and gives comments. - T introduces the topic of the speaking lesson:. Ss read carefully the following statements and. overpopulation. decide if they are True or False.. T. gives handout: Ss read carefully the following. 1.The population of our country has remained. statements and decide if they are True or False.. unchanged during the last ten years? 2.Our country is 14th among the overpopulated. Suggested answer:. countries in the world.. 1. F. 3. Overpopulation is not a problem in our. 2. T. modern time.. 3. F. 4. We must limit the population growth because. 4. T. our resoueces are limited.. B)Check up : 1.What do you think about the world population ? (decrease or increase) T. introduces the new lesson: Today we’ll talk about the overpopulation, the problem of overpopulation countries and work out some solutions to these problems.. Ss work in pairs to order the causes and. Task 1.(10ms) Instruction: Below are some of the. reminds them to explain their order..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> causes of populatance explosion. You must put. Suggested answers (Ss can give different. them in order of importance and explain why.. answers). T gets Ss to work in pairs to order the causes and 1- People are not properly educated. reminds them to explain their order.. 2- People are not a ware of population. T calls on some pairs to present their order and asks explosion. other pairs if they agree or disagree with their 3- Many people believe that having a large friends.. family is a form of insurance.. T should bear in mind that the answers are open.. 4- People believe that having many children. There is no right or wrong answer, provided that Ss can explain their answers.. means happiness 5- Fewer children die at birth. 6- Religion doesn’t permit peope to have fewer children.. Task 2. (7ms) Instruction: You are going to work in pairs to list the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries T asks Ss to read the useful language on page 83. T reminds Ss that they should match the words/ phrases on the left with the words/ phrases on the. Pair work Suggested answers: -. poor living condition. -. low living standard. -. not enough/expensive food. -. lack/shortage of schools/hospitals/teachers/doctors and. right. nurses. T may asks Ss to think of other problems not mentioned in the book T calls some Ss to report their answers and asks other Ss to feedback. T comments and gives. -. unemployment. -. social evils. -. illiteracy. corrective feedback Task 3. (10ms) T. asks Ss to discuss some solutions to the problem of overpopulation - T. introduces some expressions to help Ss to make. group work Suggested answers: -. a report.. overpopulation. Should be aware of To carry out/ to implement/ to use T. asks some Ss to report their results to the class.. raise an awareness of the problems of. -. raise the the people’s living standard. -. exercise/implement reward and punishment policy. T. corrects if necessary. -. carry out population education program/family planning program.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> use birth control methods. Task 4: Instruction: Now you are going to work in. Ss talk about the problem of overpopulation. groups to talk about the problems of overpopulation. and offer solutions. and offer solutions, using the results of Task 2 and. + first/firstly, second, next. Task 3. +. -Asks Ss to give a short presentation on the. furthermore. problems of population explosion and the solutions. + the first problems is that……/ the next solution. to them. is that….. - Encourages Ss to use transition signals to make. + on the one hand, on the other hand, however,. their presentation. T can elicit the list of signals. but………... from Ss. also,. besides,. moreover,. in. addition,. ( Ss can prepare at home, if there isn’t enough. Consolidation and homework(2m). time). T summarises the main points. Homework: - Think of the best we should. T asks Ss to do exercises in workbook. have to limit the overpopulation. - do exercises in workbook. V. EXPERIENCE:. World population. Period:41 Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of thin lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the story betweeen an inteviewer and Dr Brown about world population Ss will be able to complete some exercises : T/F statements , multiple choice II. Language focus:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> *Vocabulary: Latin America, developing countries, improvement, particularly Inexpensive, rank, generation *Skills: Listening comprehension III. Teaching aids: Text book ,cassette player, poster IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Checking the old lesson:. - interview each other about the causes of. - T calls on 2 sts to interview each other about the. overpopulation and give the solutions to them .. causes of overpopulation and give the solutions to them.. -. listen to T. - T gives comments and marks. pair work. Before you listen(10m). suggested answers. Discussing the questions. 1. Yes, our world is overpopulated because it. -Ask Ss to discuss the questions on page 84 in pairs. has more than 6 billion people. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and. 2. Asia has the largest population with China the. comments on the answers. most populated country in the world and India. - Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen about. the second. Vocabulary Pre-teach - Before writing the new words on the board, T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book.. Whole class. T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually - T teaches some of these words and those taken from the listening passage:. - Latin America :Ch©u Mü La tinh. - T gets Ss to make sentences with the words and. -Rate of population growth: tØ lÖ t¨ng d©n sè. gives corrective feedback. - Developing countries:C¸c níc ph¸t triÓn - Rank(v,n): XÕp h¹ng, thø h¹ng - Fall(n): Sù gi¶m. While you listen Task 1(10m) Instruction: You are going to listen to Dr Brown. - Generation(n): ThÕ hÖ - Shortage(n): Sù thiÕu. talk about the world population. While listening, choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the statements or answer the questions. - Get Ss to read the statements and questions carefully and work out what information they need. Individual work, group work and whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> to concentrate on while listening. Then check with whole class - Gets Ss to read the options in each question and underline the words that make them different - Gets Ss to guess the answer to each question. Suggeted answers:. - Plays the tape once or twice for Ss to listen and do. 1. A. the task. 2. D. - Checks the answer with whole class. 3. C. Task 2(7m). 4. D. Asks Ss to read the questions in task 2 to understand. 5. A. them. 6. C. Plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the. 1. It will be over 7 billion. questions. 2. The population growth rates in some part of. T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner.. the world are not the same. Then T checks with whole class. T should play the. 3. The reason is the improvement of public. tape again and pause at difficult point if many Ss. health services and medical care. cannot complete the task. 4. They are shortage of foods, lack of hospitals and school, illiteracy, and poor living conditions 5. The experts offered four solutions: + to educate people and make them aware of the danger of having more children. After you listen(8m) -. + to provide safe, inexpensive birth - control. T gets Ss to work in groups to orally summarise. methods. the main ideas of the listening passage. T might. + to strictly implement a family planning policy. give Ss some cues base their summary on:. + to exercise strict and fair reward and. + world population today. punishment policies. +world population by 2010 + main cause of population explosion +problems caused by population explosion + solutions to the problems - Encourage Ss to use transition signals to make their summary more coherent (mạch lạc, chặt che) - Go around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes - Call on some groups to present their summary - T elicits feedback from the class and gives final. whole class and group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> comments Consolidation and homework(3m) T summarises the main point of the lesson Whole class V. EXPERIENCE:. World population. Period:42 Class. Teaching date. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: 1.Educational aim: Students should write descriptions of pie charts 2.General knowledge: Students learn how to write a descriptions of a chart - Language: students should interpret statistics on population from a chart - New words: Words related to the topic 3. Skills: Writing descriptions of pie charts II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> Warm up Books closed. Look at the picture and answer:. T shows Ss a pie or a piece of paper with a pie and. S: It’s a cake.. asks questions:. S: You are cutting the cake.. T: What’s this? T: Yes, it’s a pie cake. It’s round. Now look at what. S: They are the same size. They are equal. I am doing. T: Yes, I am dividing it into parts. What do you. S: No, they are not equal.. think about the parts? T: Now open your books and you can see another one. This chart is round so it is a pie chart. Are the patts in the pie chart equal? T: Yes, these parts stand for the distribution of population in the world, and it is not equal among. Ss work in group, read the information in the. regions.. chart and use Useful language to write the. T asks Ss to work in pairs: ask and answer about the. paragraph. information in the chart. Ss practice writing in groups of 3 or 4.. T presents Useful language and explains:. Ss present their writing on the board.. - The chart shows the distribution of world population by region. Suggested paragraph(1). - It can be seen that. The chart shows the distribution of world. - distributed unevenly. population by region. It can be seen from the. - account for …… per cent. chart that the world population is distributed. - more than double the population of. unevenly in the South-East Asia. It accounts for. - half as much as. 58% of the world population. Especially, the. - nearly half of. population of East Asia is more than double the. - rank first / last. population. T instructs Ss how to use Useful language to. Northern American is nearly half of the. describe the chart. population of Africa. In comparison with the. T goes round the class and provide help when. other region, the Ocean ranks last, about 2%.. necessary. Finally the population of Latin America is 2%. T gives some suggested sentences :. more than the one of Northern American, about. - The world population is not distributed evenly / is. 8%.. distributed unevenly.. Suggested paragraph(2). - The South Asia ranks first with 32% / ( The South. The chart show the distribution of world. of. Africa.. The. population. of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Asia has the most people / has the largest. population by region.. population).. As seen from the chart, the world population is. - Very few people live in the Oceania. / The. not distributed evenly. South Asia has the. Oceania is the least populated / The Oceania has the. largest population with 32% while the Oceania. least population.. is the least populated with only 2%. A bit higher. - Less than that in South Asia is East Asia with only. than that of the Oceania are the rates of Latin. 26%.. America and Northern America with 8% for the. - Africa and Europe have fewer people with 11%. former and 6% for the latter. / ( wth 8% and 6%. for the former and 15% for the later.. respectively). Europe accounts for 15% of the. - Compared with the Oceania which ranks last in the world population and Africa is a bit lower with table, Latin has approximately 8% of the world. only 11%.. population whereas Northern America has a lower. To sum up, more people are found in Asia than. rate with only 6%. Nowadays 15% the world. in other parts of the world.. population is living in Europe. T corrects mistakes and gives suggested answer. T asks Ss to write a paragraph of their own at home. Homework: - write a paragraph at home - Prepare for LANGUAGE FOCUS. V. EXPERIENCE:. World population. Period:43+ 44 Class. Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: — Distinguish the clusters / ki /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr /, and / kw / — Pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly — Use conditional sentences (types 1, 2 and 3) and conditional sentences in reported speech appropriately. II. Teaching aids: Chalks, pictures III. Teaching method: Communicative Approach IV. procedures Teacher’s activities. Warm-up: - Read 5 words (class, glass, crash,. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> green, queen). PRONUNCIATION Distinguishing sounds. Listen and reapeat. T models the clusters / kl /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr /, and / kw /for a few times and explains how to produce Listen the words containing the clusters / kl /, them. Eg.:When producing / kl /, Ss should / gl /, / kr /, / gr /, and / kw / produce / k / first andthen quickly switch to /1 /, and so on. T plays the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters. Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat. Read aloud the given dialogue on page 87 in. after the tape. pairs.. T asks Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times.. - Look at the examples and point out the. T calls some Ss to read the words out loud.. grammar points of them:. T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read - Give the formula of the use of conditional sentences 1, 2 & 3. aloud the given dialogue on page 87. -Asks Ss to look at the following examples and. Conditional sentences type 1 :. remark them.. Eg: If I find her address, I’ll send her an. - Asks Ss to explain the formula of the use of. invitation.. conditional sentences 1, 2 & 3.. If he runs, he’ll get there in time.. Revision of conditional sentences (type 1, 2, and. If you don’t get up early, you will miss the train.. 3). Form: If + S+ Vs/es, S+ will + V(infinitive) (simple present) (future). Use: DiÔn t¶ ®k cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i hay t¬ng lai. Conditional sentences type 2 : Eg: If he were a bird, he would fly to you. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. Form: If + S+ V-ed, S+would + V(infinitive) (simple past). Use: DiÔn t¶ ®k kh«ng cã thùc ë hiÖn t¹i. Conditional sentences type 3 : Eg: If you had got there last night, you would have met him. If he had listen to me, he wouldn’t have failed in the exams..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> Form: If+S+had+V-ed, S+would+have+ V-ed (past perfect). Use: DiÔn t¶ ®k kh«ng cã thùc ë QK EXERCISE 1: Work individually then compare the answers with a partner. *Suggested answers: 1.would drive; Exercise 1: T asks Ss to do exercise 1 & 2 T asks 2 Ss to read their answers aloud T asks Ss to remark. T gives feedback & corrects them Exercise 2: T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs and then compare answers with another pair. T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers. T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct Answers:. 4.will take;. 2.could; 5.closed;. 3.is; 6.will come. EXERCISE 2: Work in pairs *Suggested answers: 1. had been told 2. had realised 3. wouldn’t have been 4. would have bought 5. had studied. Listen, survey and take note Conditional sentences in reported speech a. Presentation T writes some conditional sentences in reported speech non the board and asks Ss to comment on the changes of the verbs, pronouns and adverbs of time and places. Eg: ‘I will come to see you if I have time’, the man said to her. (Type1) —>The man said to her that he would come to see her if he had time. ‘If I had a permit, I could get a job, ‘ he said. (Type2) —>He said that if he had a permit, he could get a job. - ‘If you had followed my advice, you would have been the winner, ‘said her mother. (Type3) —> Her mother said if she had followed her advice, she would have been the winner.. + Conditional type 1: we apply all the necessary changes as usual (changes of verb tenses, pronouns, adverbs of time and place...) + Conditional type 2 and 3: we do not change.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> T elicits the comments from Ss and makes clear the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to change pronouns, adverbs of time and place.... that:. EXERCISE 3: Ss have to change the conditional sentences into reported speech. Work individually then compare answers with another student. *Suggested answers: 1. The man said to to her (that) he would come Exercise 3: to see her f he had time. T asks Ss to do exercise 3 individually. T asks them to compare answers with another 2. He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet. student. 3. They said to me (that) if it didn’t rain they would go out with me. T calls some Ss to go to the board to write their 4. The man asked the woman what she would do sentences. T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct if she were a billionaire. 5. The man said to me (that) if I had asked him answers: he would have lent me his motorbike. 6. The man said to his daughter (that) they would be very disappointed if she did not come. 7. The boy said to the girl (that) he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them. Homework: Ss review the points that have been covered in the lesson. T summarises the main points of the lesson T assigns homework: EXTRA EXERCISE: Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech. 1. “If he had dropped the vase, it would have broken,” her grandmother said to him. 2. “If you have to do the washing up, I will help you,” her husband said to her. 3. “I wouldn’t run away if I saw a spider,” the girl said. 4. “We’d have given you a lift if you hadn’t had your bike with you,” my friends said to me. 5. “If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn’t have happened,” my father said to my brother. 6. “If we don’t get tickets for the concert, we’ll stay at home,” they said to me. 7. “We’d go by bus if we didn’t have a car,” my cousins said to their parents..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> 8. “He wouldn’t have taken the bread if he hadn’t been hungry,” her sister said. Answers: 1. Her grandmother said to him that if he had dropped the vase it would have broken. 2. Her husband said to her that if she had to do the washing up, he would help her. 3. The girl said that she would run away if she saw a spider. 4. My friends said to me that they’d have given me a lift if I hadn’t had my bike with me. 5. My father said to my brother that if he had listened to him the accident wouldn’t have happened. 6. They said to me that if they didn’t get tickets for the concert they would stay at home. 7. My cousins said to their parents that they’d go by bus if they didn’t have a car. 8. Her sister said that he wouldn’t have taken the bread if he hadn’t been hungry.. CELEBRATION Period:45 Class. Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students should know more about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Through this unit, students know the history of tet and some kinds of celebration - New words: Words related to celebration 3. Skills: Reading for identifying the main idea and specific information II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Real objects, pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV. Procedures: Teacher ’s activities Warm-up: (4 minutes). Students ’ activities. - T shows some real objects and pictures such as the pictures of Banh Chung, peach blossom, kumquat tree…., real objects as red envelops, a box of candied fruits….. Pair work. - T points the pictures and real objects and ask. - Listen to the teacher look at the picture and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> questions:. answer the questions. 1. What do you think of when you see this?. The answers are various. 2. Why so? 3 What do you often do before Tet?. - I think of Tet holiday - Because they are the symblols of Tet. - Clean and decorate the house, go shopping to. Before you read (10m). buy new clothes, candied fruits, make Banh. Discussing Tet holiday. Chung…….. -Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 90 and discuss the 3 questions in pairs. Work in pair and discuss these activities they. - T goes around to offer help. enjoy most doing in the Tet. - T calls on some Ss to present their answer and elicits comments from other Ss. T gives feedback if necessary 1. What time of the year is it?. - It is Spring and it should be Tet holiday because we can see peach blossom and kumquat. 2. What are the people in the picture doing?. tree full of ripe fruits - The grandmother is giving her niece and nephew some lucky money. The girl, the boy and. 3. What else do you see in the picture?. their parents good health and happiness - In the picture we can see a five-fruit tray on the ancestral altar and a dish of fruits, a tray of candied fruits and a banh chung on the table.. Pre -teaching vocabulary Lunar New Year: TÕt ©m lÞch To fall between….and …: R¬i vµo kho¶ng thêi gian từ…đến. To spead: kÐo dµi To be full of: ®Çy nhiÒu. Whole class pay attention. Candied fruit: Møt Peach blossom: Hoa đào Apricot blossom: Hoa mai Positive comments: Những lời nói tốt đẹp While you read Setting the scene. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> You are going to read a passage about Tet holiday in Vietnam. While you are reading, do the tasks in textbook Task 1 (6m) Find the meanings of the words. You can also use your dictionary + T writes these words on the board + Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their. 1- Trọng đại, hoành tráng 2- BiÓu ng÷, b¨ng r«n. meaning 1. grand: impressive and large 2. banner: along piece of cloth with a message on it that is carried between two poles or hung in a public place to show support for st. 3-Táo tẩm đờng 4-Thuéc vÒ n«ng nghiÖp 5-CÇu nguyÖn. 3. sugared apples 4. agrarian: connected with farming and the use of. 6- sù h¸o høc, nhén nhÞp. land for farming 5. pray: to speak to God especially to give thanks or. individual work and pair work. ask for help. 1- F. ; 2- F. 6. excitement: the state of feeling excited. 4- F. ; 5- T. ;3–T ;6–T. Task 2 (5m) Asks Ss to work individually to do the task and. Individual work and pair work. discuss their answers with their partners. 1. It falls sometime between 19th January and. Calls some Ss to give their answers and ask them to. 20th February. explain their choices. 2. Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to. Task 3(6m). be pread over months. Asks Ss to work individually to do the task, then. 3, They are decorated with coloured lights and. discuss their answer with their peers. red banners. Calls some Ss to write their answers on the board. 4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their. and ask them to explain their choices. houses and cook traditional foods 5. It is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork 6. Mut is candied fruit 7. Visiting friends and other family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda, playing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> games.. Group work After you read (10m). -two students present in front of the class homework. Asks Ss to work in groups to tell eachother about. -learn by heart all of the new words and give. their last Tet holiday. examples. When all groups have finished, T calls on some Ss. - Summarise the main ideas of the passage. to report their ideas to the class. - Prepare for READING. Consolidation and homework(2m) T summarises the main points and assigns homework. V. EXPERIENCE:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> CELEBRATION Period:46 Class. Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students could talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Through this unit, students can express their opinions about Tet holiday in Vietnam - Language: Ask and answer questions about the Tet holiday in Vietnam 3. Skills: Fluency in expressing opinion and expressions about celebrations in Vietnam II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm-up:(6 munites) Asks students close the book and find words that go - Listen to the teacher with “traditional” in groups. -Find out the words Suggested answer: food, flowers clothes, games ,. Today, we will practice speaking about Tet holiday in costumes Vietnam Pre-reading: (5 minutes). read individually and then work in pairs. Task 1:. listen to the friend and give comments. Asks students to read the dialogue and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue - Asks student to work individually then work in groups -calls some pairs to act out the dialogue - Gives suggestions While –speaking :(24 minutes). -Listen to the teacher. Task 2:. -Answer :. -Asks students to look at the three pictures and work 1, picture 1: Mid-Autumn out the name of each holiday. 2, Picture 2: thanksgiving. - Asks students to work individually then in pairs. 3, picture 3 : Valentine’s Day. - Walks around the class to help student when -1cC ,2aA ,3bB necessary - Checks and gives suggestions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> - Asks student to practice it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary Post-reading: (13 minutes) Task 3: - Asks students to read all words in the task 3 -Gives the meaning of some words when necessary. - Do the task 3. - Asks students to work individually then work in -Compare the answer with the partners pairs. - Work in groups. - Walks around the class to help students when -Ask the teacher if necessary necessary. -Some groups present their answer in front of the. - Checks and gives suggestions. class. - Asks students to practice this conversation - Corrects their pronunciation when necessary - Gives comments - Assigns homework. -copy in their notebooks -. Homework (2 minutes):. Write about the tet holiday their like and prepare the nex V. EXPERIENCE:. CELEBRATION Period:47 Class. Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen to get specific information about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan. - compare the aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one. Vocabulary: Similarities, Kimono, longevity, constancy, shrine, represent, pine trees, kumquat II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching Aids: Textbook, cassette, pictures, PowerPoint Overhead Presentations IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm-up : (4 minutes). - Listen and answer. Asks the students these questions : What is special about the New Year holiday in Japan?. - Listen to the teacher. Can you guess what Japanese do on these days? Lead in: we are going to listen to the talking about how the New Year celebrated in Japan BEFORE YOU LISTEN: (6 minutes) - Lets students work in pairs to guess which of the activities the Japanese often do on their New year’s Work in pairs and each pair works in role Day. Listen to the teacher. -Calls some students to give their answers and write Look at the picture in the book and guess before them on the boards -Introduces some new words from. listening the listening. passage While you listen: (24 minutes) Task 1: Instruction: You are going to listen to two people talking about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan.. -Listen carefully. Listen and tick (√ ) the things you hear. Before Ss listen and do the task, T asks them to read - Work individually through the statements to understand them and - Read through the statements to understand them underline key words. For example, the key words in and underline key words. the first statement are: put on, special, clothes. - Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key. T plays the tape once for Ss to do the task.. words. T plays the tape the second time for Ss to check their - Tick the things they hear in the appropriate boxes. answers. T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 to compare their answers.. - Give corrects. T checks Ss’ answers by calling on some Ss. T gives + They put on special clothes. + Housewives prepare special foods. the correct answers: + They go to a shrine. Task 2:. + They drink rice wine..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> Before Ss listen to the tape again to do the task, T + They watch television. may ask them to try to answer the questions with the + They eat a special meal. things they remember from the previous times of -Listen to the dialogues and then work in groups listening.. and give their answers. - Asks students to listen again and answer the The answers: questions. 1, Because they want to get rid of the old year. - Lets students read the questions first and quickly- and welcome the new year work in pairs. 2, From TV or the radio. - Lets students listen again 3 times and ask them to 3, Kimonos or special dress discuss in groups to answer the questions. 4, No, New year is mostly celebrates among. - Listens to each group and remark. family only. After you listen: (10 minutes). - Listen and copy in their notebooks. - Has students sit in groups and compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New year with those of the Japanese one - Goes around and help if necessary -Calls some students tell the class again -Gives comments Homework: (2 minutes) Asks students to do exercise in workbook Prepare the next lesson V. EXPERIENCE:. CELEBRATION Period:48 Class. Describing a celebration Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : Students should know how to describe a celebration 2. Knowledge General knowledge: Students learn writing a description of one of the popular celebrations Language: words related to festival 3. Skills : Writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> II. METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative III. TEACHING AIDS :Text book, poster IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Pre-Writing (5’) -Ask some questions: 1.Have you ever taken part in one of the popular celebrations in Vietnam? 2. What do you know about it?. Students’ activities. Observe and work in pairs to answer - Answer the question. 3. When is Teachers’ Day? 4. What do you often do on that day? Lead in : To know more about the popular celebration we will learn the new lesson: Writing While-Writing (25’) T: Before writing, discuss in groups about the. - Work in groups. - Listen carefully.. celebrations chosen. Give some cues related to some popular celebrations.. - Take notes. T goes around for help.. Things or activities relating to :. T collects students’ ideas and writes them on the. 1) Independence Day :. board.. marches, parades, meetings, flags, banners,. Asks ss to write a description of one of the popular. demonstration, and a day off.. celebrations in Vietnam (e.g. Mid-Autumn Festival,. 2) Mid-Autumn Festival :. National Independence Day, Teachers’ Day,. lanterns, dragon or lion dance, mooncakes, full. Women’s Day, ect. ). Your description should include. moon, children.. the following main points :. 3) Women’s Day :. . name and time of the festival. flowers, gifts, housework.. . purpose / meaning of the festival. 4) Teachers’ Day :. . main activities of the festival. flowers, gifts, gratitude, visit, performances,. . your feeling about the festival ( whether you. dance, sing.. like it or not and the reason(s) ). - Do the writing.. - Have students do the writing Post-Writing (15’). - Write the descriptions on the board.. Has the representatives of two groups to write their. Describing a celebration: Teachers’ Day. description on the blackboard. Mid-Autumn Festival : Mid-Autumn Festival is of my most favourite festivals. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every year. It’Ss the time when Vietnamese. Suggested Writing: Every year, on November 20th , all schools throughout our country celebrate Teachers’ Day. It is a good time for students to show their love, respect and gratitude towards their teachers. On the morning of November 20th , all students are at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> people celebrate the largest full moon in the year.. school to attend the celebration and enjoy the. The children have parties with special cakes and. music show played by our school band and other. grapefruits. They also parade in the street with their. students. After that we give our teachers beautiful. beautiful lantern, which come in all shapes and sizes.. flowers, cards and best wishes. We also pay a. Adults buy moon cakes for their relatives and friends.. visit to our former teachers in the afternoon.. It is a great time for not only children but also adults. I enjoy Teachers’ Day because it is on that day that we can show our gratitude towards. - Gives remarks and correct mistakes.. our teachers.. Assigns homework - Listen and take notes. * HOMEWORK : Students reread carefully the description, practise rewriting it. V. EXPERIENCE:. CELEBRATION Period:49 Class. Teaching dates. Absentees. 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - To pronounce some sounds correctly such as: / fl/ ,/Өr/ ,/fr/ - How to use some pronouns: one(s), someone , noone, anyone, everyone II. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach, Integrated, mainly communicative -Matching ,role play, discussion, work group, pair work, III. Teaching aids + Teaching aids :Blackboard, chalk, worksheets Textbook, posters text book, handout, poster., real object.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> IV. procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Listen and repeat. Students’ activities. - T asks Ss to listen to the 3 sounds and the words having them on the cassette tape.. Ss listen and try to distinguish these sounds. - T reads the words again and asks Ss to repeat word. - Ss listen carefully. by word. - Ss listen and repeat. - T helps Ss to recognize these sounds in the words 2. Practice the sentences: Calls some pairs to read the dialogue. - Ss practice in pairs ( page 97/ text book). 3.Grammar: T explains the use of “someone, everyone, anyone, no 1. someone, everyone, anyone, no one one ”  Someone, anyone, no one and everyone are singular words. Ex: - Nobody phoned, did they? (= did he or she) - No one in the class did their homework. (= his or her homework).  We often use someone and everyone in positive sentences; anyone in negative sentences and questions. Ex: Someone wants to see you. Is anyone there?. - Ss copy down in their notebooks. - Ss work in pairs.  After no one we often use positive verbs and they/. Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using. them/ their.. someone, everyone, anyone, or no one. Use each. - T guides Ss to do two exercises in the textbook and. word twice.. help them if necessary. Key: 1. anyone. 2. Someone. 3. anyone. 4. someone. 5. no one. 6. everyone. 7. no one T explains the use of one(s) - We can use one instead of repeating a singular countable noun when it is clear from the context what we are talking about: - Ones can be used instead of repeating a plural noun: Ex: Is this your umbrella?- No, mine’s the big blue one.(= umbrella) Ex: I think his best poems are his early ones. (=. Listen and copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> poems) - We don’t use one(s) instead of an uncountable noun: Ex: If you need any more paper, I’ll bring you some. (not…one/ones). Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences, using the. - T guides Ss to do exercise 2. pronoun one(s) Work indvidually then compare the answers with a partner. Key: 1. Of the three bags I like the blue one. 2. Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making one, too.. Calls ss to read aloud the answers. 3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world. 4. I don’t have a computer, and my father doesn’t want me to have one. 5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one. 6. There are several celebrations in Vietnam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet. 7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives. - Ss do the exercise in their notebooks.. - T guides Ss to do exercise 3; how to choose the kind of word and the suitable word to fill in the blank.. Key: 1. traditional. 2. grand. 3. gifts. 4. celebrating. 5. polite. 6. good luck. 7. excitement Home work: Assigns homework. - make some more exercises. - prepare for UNIT 9: READING. V. EXPERIENCE:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> Period: 58 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read and find the key words in situations, information and contents of reading to relate to the facts Language focus: *Vocabulary: courteous, fascimile, notify, spacious, speedy, recipient * Skill: reading comprehension II. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach, Integrated, mainly communicative II. Teaching aids: text book , hand outs, boards III. Procedures: I. Warm up(5’) T shows some pictures on the posters about the post office and asks Ss: -What can you see in the photos? -How far is it from your house to near the post ofice? -Have you ever been there? -What services do you think the post office offer?---T leads to the new lesson II.New lesson:. II.New lesson: R. Contents * Pre-reading : 5’ - Explains the new words : - Mail and Parcel service, Express Money Transfer, Phone calls and Faxes, Press Distribution, spacious, courteous, speedy, receive, subscribe,… - Encourages the Ss to give English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words. How often do you go to the Post Office? What for? What services do you think the Post Office offers *Vocabulary: -spacious(a)= large(a) -courteous(a) = polite -speedy(a) =quick. Fast -To notify(v)= announce -recipient(n) =receiver(n). T & Ss’activities _ Ts gives some more questions Take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible.. -T uses some method and teniques to teach the vocabularies -S listen and give the meaning of these words -T modern and asks ss to repeat in chorus and individually _ Free answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> WEEK 20 PERIOD 59 UNIT 9. Date of preparation:19th ,Dec,2008 THE POST OFFICE LESSON 2: SPEAKING. A)Objectives: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to MAKE THE CONVERSATIONS TO SURCRIBE USING A SERVICE AT THE POST OFFICE *Vocabulary: -instal, installation, registration, surcribe, take place, excuse me, what can I do for you * Skill: speaking comprehension C)Techniques: -role play, group works, ask and answer I. Warm up: 3’ _ Have you ever gone to the post-office to send a letter ? _ Have you ever used the services of the Post Office?. II.New lesson T. Contents * Pre-speaking : 10’ - Explains the new words : installation (n) , - install (v),: s ư đ ăng k í registration (n) take place(v) surcribe(v) Task 1. work in pairs. Act the dialogue and then answer the question: What service is the customer using in the dialogue?. _ T asks Sts to close their text books. - T shows a board with the dialogue of Task 1 written on it put in jumbled order. T asks Sts to rearrange the sentences to have a correct dialogue. . _ Ask Sts to answer the question : What service is the customer using in the dialogue? Key: The service the customer using is the * While speaking : 20’ Task 2:Make a conversation from the suggestions below .The conversation takes place at the post office between a clerk (A) and a customer (B) who wants to have a telephone line installed at home . A. Good morning. Can / help / you? B. Yes, I / like / have / telephone line/ installed / home . A. Well. Can/ have/ address,/ please ? B. 03 Phan Dang Luu Street. When/ it/ done ? A. installation/ take / week / your registration. B. Well, Can / come /Friday,/ please? / A. Yes, / fine. / you /got /a telephone /yet? B. Oh, yes. /I’ve /one / already.. And, how much / the installation fee / monthly fee ? A. Well / installation fee / three hundred thousand / the monthly fee /twenty seven thousand /. Fill / this form, /please. . - Key: A. Good morning. Can I help you? B. Yes, I’d like to have a telephone line installed at home . A. Well, Can I have your address, please ? B. 03 Phan Dang Luu Street. When can it be done ? A. The installation will take place about one week after your registration. B. Well, Can you come on Friday, please? A. Yes, that’s fine. Have you got a telephone yet?. T & Ss’ activities Take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible.. _ Sts close their text books. _ Sts rearrange the sentences to have a correct dialogue. -T Encourages the Ss to give English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words. - T asks some Sts to read the dialogue - Pair work.. _ T uses a board to give the cues for doing Task 2 - T asks Sts to make a conversation from the suggestion in Task 2.. T asks some pairs of Sts to act out the conversation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> WEEK 20 PERIOD 60. Date of preparation:1st ,Jan,2009. UNIT 9. THE POST OFFICE LESSON 3: LISTENING. A)Objectives: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 1. 2. 3.. Listen to the paragraphs for the specific information. Understand the development of the telephone networks in Vietnam. Summarize the contents of the lesson.. B) Language focus: *Vocabulary: -courteous, fascimile, notify, spacious, speedy, recipient * Skill: Listening comprehension C)Techniques: -Chatting ,RO & R, multiple choice, ask and answer, discussion D)Teaching aids:- text book , hand outs, boards, -Textbook, Cassette, Pictures, Real objects.. E) Time: 45 minutes. F) Procedures: T. Contents. T & Ss’ activities. Warm up (2 minutes). Look at the real object and the pictures then listen and answer the teacher’s questions.. -. Let students see the cellphone and some pictures of the post office the ask students some questions to lead in the new lesson. *Check up: -Make a conversation at the post office Pre- listening (10 minutes) - Have students listen and repeat some words in the book then introduce some difficult new words in the listening text. - Vocabulary: - Commune(n) : cong dong - Communual(a): su phat trien cong dong - Rural network(n) : mang luoi nong thon - Capacity(n) : kha nang , nang luc - Digit surcriber(n) : nguoi dang ki con so While - listening (20 minutes) *Task 1: Listen and choose the best answer (A< B< C or D) for the following the statements: - Play the tape more than three times if necessary - Ask students to read aloud their answer and give reason foe their choice. - Correct the students’ answers. Suggested answers: 1. b 2. d 3.c 4.d 5.c *Task 2:Lis ten again and answer the questions: Suggested answers: 1. Chine has the highest growth in the number of telephone subscribers. 2. In the early 1990s,there were only 140,000 telephones in Vietnam. 3. In 1996,the fixed telephone numbers were changed from six to seven digits in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city as well as five to six digits in other provinces.. - T asks students to work in pairs. -T asks some of the students to answer the questions in front of the class. - Work in pairs to ask and answer some questions in the book (page 105). - Answer the questions before the class. -Ask students to read through task 1 then listen to the tape to choose the best answers. - Listen and repeat Listen to the tape to do task 1. *- Ss work in pairs -Ask students to read the questions in task 2 then play the tape for the students to listen again to do it. - Have students compare their answers with their friends. - Ask some students to write their answers on the board. - correct and explain the answers sentence by sentence. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> 4. In 2001. 5. there 6014 communal post offices in Vietnam. Post- listening (10 minutes) - Ask students to work in groups to retell the main points of the lesson. - Go around the class to help students if necessary and to make sure that all the students take part in the lesson. -Ask some of the students to retell the main points of the lesson in front of the class. - comment Homework (3 minute) - Ask students to write the summary of the lesson they have just learnt and prepare for the next lesson : Part D: WRITING. WEEK 20 PERIOD 60 UNIT 9. - Read aloud the answer and explain the reason why to choose that answer. - Listen to the teacher’s correction. - Note down the answers - Note down the answers. - Work in groups of four to retell the main points.. Date of preparation:3rd ,Jan,2009 THE POST OFFICE LESSON 4: WRITING. A)Objectives:. -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the services of the Post Office. Lexical items: quality, prices, security condition, the attitude of the staff. Teaching aids : - the picture in the text book, text book.. B) Language focus: *Vocabulary: -puntuallt, security, pickpocket, arrogant *grammar:Simple present tense C)Techniques: -ordering words, RO & R, write it up. D) Time : 45’ E) Procedures: I.Check up: *Answer the questions: 1.Which countries has the highest growth in the number of telephone surcribers? 2.How does Vietnam for growth in the number of telephone surcribers? 3.How many communal post office era there in Vietnam? II. Warm up(Ordering words) -Ss read the following adjectives and order ones make can people / thing satisfied *polite, rude, cold, helpful, spacious,, cramped, large ,small, good, bad./ reasonable, cheap, punctual, arrogant, reliable *Answers: polite, spacious, large, good, cheap, reasonalbe C)Techniques: -Chatting ,RO & R, multiple choice, ask and answer, discussion D)Teaching aids:- text book , hand outs, boards, -Textbook, Cassette, Pictures, Real objects.. E) Time: 45 minutes F) Procedures T. Contents * Warm up: 3’ Have you ever used a service of the Post Office ? Are you satisfied with. T & Ss’activities -_ Teacher raised a few guiding questions :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> the services ?. * Pre-writing : 10’ - Explains the new words : the quality of the equipment, arrogant, pickpocket. - Encourages the Ss to give English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words. Task 1.Work with a partner .Imaagine that you have been using some of the services provided by Thanh Ba post office .Discuss the thing that may make you satisfied (or dissatisfied ) with the service there .. _ T gives Sts some useful structures to discuss: - Take notes. - I think…. - I believe … - As I know….. *Some useful languages: 1*the opening hours of the post office-too late/too early 2*The quality of the equipment -good /bad /poor quality.nee 3*The security conditions of the post office -good/bad /poor security condition 4* The atitude of the staff—polite, helpful, rude /arrogant 5* The prices of the services- low/high/ reasonable 6*The puntuality of delivery of ltters and newspapers --always/never puntual/sometimes late/letters and newspapers are lost* While writing : 20’ Task 2:After a year in the job, the director of Thanh Ba post office has invited residents in the neighbourhood to write letter to him describing the quality of the services they have received.Write such a letter , using the ideas you discussed in Task 1 Suggested key Dear Sir, I have been using the services provided by Thanh Ba Post Office for years and I am writing in respond to your call for customers to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Like many other customers, I find your Post Office a well-equipped and reliable address for our needs in communication. I am really impressed by your spacious place for transaction. The seats in the lobby are pretty and always clean. The nine telephone boxes are always available so customers don’t have to wait to make their calls. More interestingly, I appreciate your ideas of offering envelopes free of charge. The cost of an envelope can be small but your care for customers is surely not. I also have my belief in your service quality. The fax machines are always in good condition and my colleagues in the provinces have never complained about the quality of the documents I sent them. However, there are some minor drawbacks that need mentioning here. Although the parking area is large, it has no security guards and I sometimes feel insecure leaving my motorbike there. And I think it would be much better if the Post Office is open until 11 pm so that customers can have more access to your services. And I think you also need to pay attention to the attitude of some of your staff who sometimes seem a bit cold and not very helpful. I know that making everyone satisfied is hard work and sometimes seems impossible . What you and your staff have done so far for the development of the Post Office is encouraging and this letter is written in the hope that your post office will become better and better in future. Yours sincerely, Nguyen Phu.. -Free answers(Ss). - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible.. - Pair work - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible. -Ss work in pairs , after that work in groups. _ T can help Sts to write their letters. _ T can divide the class into three group. One group will write their satisfaction . the other will write their dissatisfaction. The last one will write about both.. Pair work. Group work. Some Sts go to the board to write the parts of their letters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> Post - writing : 10’ _ T goes around the class to help students to write their letters. _ T asks some Sts to go to the board to write the parts of their letters ( each of them a part). . * Homework : 2’ _ Asks Sts to prepare for the next period_ Language focus.. WEEK 21 PERIOD 62 UNIT 9. Date of preparation: 4th ,Jan,2009 THE POST OFFICE LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. A)Objectives: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to - Students can pronounce the consonant clusters : / sp/ , / st /, and / sk / - Review defining and non-defining relative clauses. Lexical items: speak, speech, speedy, crisp, spacious, Stanley, stand, stop, best, text, ask, disk, dusk, skill, school, steal, brave, pay rent, break into a house to steal things, coward, burglar, shoplifter, tenant, pacifist. Teaching aids : - the picture in the text book, text book. : B)Techniques. ROLE PLAY, ,GAP- FILLING, combine the sentences D) Time : 45’ E) Procedures: I.Check up: -Write some insructions how to write a letter to the director of the post office II. New lesson. T. Contents. T & Ss’activities. Pronunciation ( 10’) Listen and repeat _ T reads aloud the words with the consonant clusters : / sp/ , / st /, and / sk / twice : speak, speech, speedy, crisp, spacious, Stanley, stand, stop, best, text, ask, disk, dusk, skill, school.. _ T asks Sts to repeat, and correct their wrong pronunciation if necessary.. . Practise reading aloud this dialogue. _ T reads aloud the dialogue on page 108. A. Ladies and gentlemen.. B. Speak up, Stanley. A. I stand before you. B. Speak up, Stanley! A. On this School Speech Day… B. Do speak up! A. ON THIS SCHOOL DAY.. B. Stop shouting, Stanley! A. And I speak for both my wife and myself, when I say.. B. Speak up, Stanley! A. SPEAK UP, STANLEY!  Grammar : 30’  *Some new words : steal, brave, pay rent, break into a house to steal things, coward, burglar, shoplifter, tenant, pacifist,. 1)Adjectives/Relative clauses a) Defining /retrictive clauses: M ênh đ ê t ính t ư x ác đ ịnh hay gi ơ í h ạn l à th ành ph ânf. _ T reviews defining and nondefining relative clauses. - Explains the new words - Encourages the Ss to give English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words. -T reminds some the ways of using of the relative clauses.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> c ủa kh ông b ỏ d ư ơc b)Non-defining relative clause L à m ênh đ ê gi ải th ích th êm cho ti ên t ô đ ưng ơ ph ía tr ư ơc v à c ó th ê b ỏ đi trong th ành ph ân c ủa c âu. Take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible.. Exercise 1.Explain what the words below mean, using the phrases ffrom the box. Key: An architect is someone who designs buildings. 1. A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things. 2. An customer is someone who buys something from a shop. 3. A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop. 4. A coward is someone who is not brave. 5. A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or in a flat.. Exercise 2.Complete the sentences , using who ., whom or whose. _ T asks Sts to do the exercise 2(p.109) in their text books. _ T goes around to help them with their work. _ T asks some Sts to go to the board to write the exercise. _ T corrects it and reviews defining and non-defining relative clauses for Sts. them . _ Key: 1. who 2. whose 3. whom 4. whose 5. whom. Exercise 3.Join the sentences , using who , that or which Key 1. The man who answers the phone told me ….. 2. The waitress who served us was very impolite.. 3. The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been …. 4. The people who were arrested have now been 5. The bus that goes to the airport runs every…. Exercise 4.Join the sentences below, using who , whose or which _ Key 1. Peter, who has never been abroad, is studying . 2. You’ve all met M.M, who is visiting….. 3. We are moving to Manchester, which is …. 4. I’ll be staying with Adrian, whose brother…. 5. J.B, who has gone to live in Canada, is one .. Homework ( 5’) _ Reviews defining and non-defining relative clauses for Sts. _ Asks Sts to prepare for the next Unit 10.. _ Sts do the exercise 1.. _ T asks Sts to do the exercise 1(p.109) in their text books. _ T goes around to help them with their work. _ T asks some Sts to go to the board to write the exercise. _ T corrects it.. Sts take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible.. _ Sts do the exercise 2.. _ T asks Sts to do the exercise 3(p.109) in their text books. _ T goes around to help them with their work. _ T asks some Sts to go to the board to write the exercise. _ T corrects it.. - Sts take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new words if possible. _ Sts do the exercise 3.. T asks Sts to do the exercise 4(p.110) in their text books. _ T goes around to help them with their work. _ T asks some Sts to go to the board to write the exercise. _ T corrects it.. - Sts take notes. - Gives English equivalents, or Vietnamese meanings of the new.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> words if possible.. _ Sts do the exercise 4.. WEEK 21 PERIOD 63. Date of preparation:10th ,Jan,2009. UNIT 10. NATURE IN DANGER PART A:. T. READING.  OBJECTIVES: Aims:To help students know nature in danger and have the concept and importance of conservation. Lexical items: Vocabulary: To present new vocabulary in the text. Teaching aids : pictures Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information  METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative  PROCEDURE: Contents T & Ss ‘activities Warm-up (3ms) - T gives feedback and sticks B on - Teacher shows 2 pictures( A: a beautiful forest and B: a forest with the board. cut-down trees), saying: “Now look at the 2 pictures please. What is - T shows the other 4 pictures: the difference between the 2 pictures?” T asks students: “Who does these C: a clean beach things?” D: a dirty beach - Teacher gives feedback, introduces E: living elephants the lesson and writes the title on the F: killed elephants board. - Teacher points to the pictures on the board, saying: “ Our nature is being destroyed. Many trees are cut down. Water is not clean any Students listening to the teacher, more and many animals have been killed. look at the pictures and answer the Pre-reading(8ms) questions. - T asks Ss look at the pictures in the textbook and say what they are. -Vocabularies: T asks Ss to have a look at the text quickly and pick out .  the same meaning words : people, …………………….  the verbs referring to destroy nature: influence, affect, ………………………  the verbs referring to protect environment: protect, save, ……………… some expressions: have a great influence on, result in, * Expected answers: - people, human race, human beings - change, destroy, kill, cut, disappear -set up ,raise, prohibit, establish - as the result, so ….that.., in danger of becoming extinct While-reading(24ms) . Task 1: The words in the box appear in the passage .Fill each blank with a suitble word. . * Keys 1. extinct 3. decreasing 5. endangered. 2. protect 4 .pollutants 6.infterference. Task 2: T asks Ss to work in pairs , read the text again and then circle A, B, C, or D that best sums up each paragraph.. Ss answer the questions. T has Ss work in pairs , read the facts about endangered species and then discuss the questions in the textbook (P.114. T reads or plays the recording of the reading T gives feedback text T has Ss do task 1 -Ss listen to T or to the recording. -Ss read the text and give the answers to task 1. -T gives feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> *Keys: 1.C. 2.B 3.A 4.C. -Ss read the text again and do the. activity.*Keys: (Pair-work) Task 3: T asks Ss to work in pairs and read the text carefully to answer the questions in the textbook. *Keys: 1. Four ways that people change the world are: -changing the environment the environment by building cities and villages. -affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture. - changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests. - destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from cars.. . -Ss read the text again and do the. activity: (Pair-work) - T gives feedback. 2. The serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment are: - many kinds rare animals are killed. - the environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed. - the numbers of rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct. Post-reading(8ms): Find out why some animals have become extinct -T asks Ss to work in groups and discuss and find out why some animals have become extinct. -T corrects them when necessary. Homework (2ms) T ask Ss to prepare the next skill. -Discuss (group-work). -Do the homework. WEEK 22 PERIOD 64. Date of preaparation:10th ,Jan,2009. UNIT 10. NATURE IN DANGER PART B:. SPEAKING. I. Objectives 1. Aim: Students learn to give the reasons and ways to protect the environment and nature. 2. Lexical items: Words and phrases related to the reasons why nature is threatened and the measures for protecting it. 3. Structures: Passive voice with model should: SHOULD BE PAST PART. 4. Teaching aids: handout, textbook , board, chalk, pictures II. Procedure. 1.Check up: Answer the questions *What are the four ways by which human beings are changing the world? *What are the serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment? *What has been done to protect environment? 2 New lesson T. Contents Warm –up (3’) Game:. 1 2 3. T & Ss’activities - T gives handouts , suggests some explanations, encourages sts to give the key word.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> 4 5 6. Individual work - Find the word in each row, give the key word. 1- man kind (3 letters) 2 - preparing soil, land for growing crops (11 letters) 3 - substance that pollutes (9 letters) 4 - animal skin , used for making clothes (3 letters) 5 - substance added to soil to enrich it (10 letters) 6 - chemical substance used to kill insects (9 letters) Key: 1 M A N 2 C U L T I V A T I O N 3 P O L L U T A N T 4 F U R 5 F E R T I L I Z E R 6 P E S T I C I D E Pre-speaking (10’) *Vocabulary endangered, hunting, capturing, recreation , fertilizer ,pesticides, cultivation, discharging, pollutants. . While- speaking (25’) Task 1: Below are some reasons why nature is threatened .Put them in order of importance Task 2Match the reasonsin task one with possible mesures for protecting the environment in the box below - Explains structure : SHOULD BE PAST PART. is used to say what needs to be done Ex: More trees should be planted. The blackboards should be cleaned after every class. - Encourages sts to give a few more examples - Walks around the class to see if sts have any problem in pronunciation. - Gives comments after each presentation. Key: Reasons why natures is threatned: 1- Killing endangered animals for fur, skin ,and food 2- Keeping animals as pets. 3- Burning the forests Cutting down trees for food. 4- Using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation 5- Discharging chemical pollutants into the environment. Task 3 :State the negative impacts caused by people on the environment and suggest mesures to protect it 1People are keeping animals as pets 2- People are hunting or capturing animals for recreation or entertainment.. -. T helps sts pronounce the following words in task 1 T makes sure they all understand the word ( by asking them to give Vietnamese equivalents) T has sts look at the pictures - Asks them what the people in the pictures are doing - Encourages sts to use the phrases in task 1 to answer - the question Ask sts to read the instruction and make sure they all. Take notes - give examples Pair work Each pair of students presents one reason and one measure. Pair work - Present their conversation in front of the class. - SS know to do the task -T has three or four sts present their orders ( and reasons if possible) - No exact orders. - T has students read the example in task 3 and follow the model , reminds them to use the structure they have just learned, with a gerund as the subject. - T sks some pairs of Sts to present their conversation , encourages them not to look at the book.. 3- People are bunting forests , or cutting down trees for wood. 4- People are using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation. 5- People are discharging chemical pollutants into the environment. - Gives comments. Post- speaking (7’) Task 1 Asks sts to discuss what they should or shouldn’t do to protect nature . ( suggests some words for under- average sts to join in the discussion : keeping animals as pet, killing animals for fur, planting more trees, protect endangered species …) T has a few sts stand up and say what they should or shouldn’t. Task 2 Asks sts to discuss the question: What will happen if nature is continued to be in danger?. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> III. Homework. Prepare part C (Name some national parks in Viet Nam and their locations). WEEK 22 PERIOD 64. Group work Report their discussion.. Date of preparation:12 th ,Jan, 2009. UNIT 10. NATURE IN DANGER PART C:. listening. I.Objectives 1. Aim: Students learn to give the reasons and ways to protect the environment and nature. _ Listen to a passage with specific information. _ Listen to some new words and phrases that talk about endangered nature. 2. Lexical items: Words and phrases related to the reasons why nature is threatened and the measures for protecting it. 3. Teaching aids: handout, textbook , board, chalk, pictures II.Procedure 1.Check up: Give some reasons why nature is threatened(7’). 2 New lesson T. Contents. T & Ss’ activities. I.Before you listen(8’) Cat Ba National Parks,Cuc Phuong National Parks, Phong Nha National Park,Ba Be National Park… New words: Scenic features ;= Devastating : destroy Maintenance: su bao tri Approximately: xâp x ỉ Vehicles: xe cô Completely: hoàn toàn * Checking vocabulary:what and where II.While you listen( 25’) Task 1: Listen to the passage and decide if the following statements are True or Fasle. T.asks sts to give some national parks in VN.. Key 1.T 2.T 3.F (Many national parks……) 4. T 5. T Task 2: Listen again and answer the questions. Sts work in pairs. T. explains difficult words . Sts listen and repeat after the teacher.. T.introduces the situation. T.asks Sts to look through Task 1 so that they can understand new words and structures in it. T. plays the tape once or twice and asks sts to do task 1 T. asks some sts to give answers the others give remarks on them. T.corrects them.. T.asks sts to read the questions in Task 2. T. plays the tape again . Sts listen and Key: answer the questions. After they work in 1. There are 52 national parks in the US. pairs. 2. Millions of people visit national parks every year. T. asks some pairs of sts to ask and 3. Rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts.Trees are cutanswer a loud. down for wood. Large areas of national parks experience devastating fires caused by careless people. The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the population from their vehicles. 4. Rare animals and trees should be protected, fires caused by careless people should be limited, pollution from their visitors’ vehicles should be decreased and money should be raised for the parks’ staff and maintenance of their resources. III.After you listen.(4’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> T. asks sts to summarizes the passage, using the information in Task 1 and 2. Sts work in groups. Homework(1’) T. asks sts to prepare for the next part. WEEK 22 PERIOD 65. Date of preparation: 14 th ,Jan,2009. UNIT 10. NATURE IN DANGER PART D:. Writing. I.Objectives 1Aim:By the end of the lesson . - Writing a description of a location by using the given facts and figures. 2Lexical items: Words and phrases related to the reasons why nature is threatened and the measures for protecting it. 3Teaching aids: handout, textbook , board, chalk, pictures II.Procedure. T. Contents. T & Ss’activities. Lead-in(5’) - Asks some Ss questions: 1. Can you name some national parks in Vietnam? 2. Have you ever been to one of them?. Ss talk in front of class(free answers). * Task 1: (10’) - Asks Ss to read the given information of Cat Ba National Park carefully and then discuss about these facts and figures (by making questions) National Park Ex: a) Where is Cat Ba National Park? b) How far is it from Hanoi to this national park? c) What are the special features of Cat Ba National Park? d) What do you know about the animals and plants in this park? e) What are some of the historic features of the park?. - T walks around the classroom and checks Ss’ work or helps them, if necessary -Ss work in pairs. - Read the facts and figures; ask and answer about Cat Ba. Ss write the description of Cat Ba National Park, and then correct the writing of each other. * Task 2: (17’) - Asks Ss to write individually a description of Cat Ba National Park by using the given information; then to discuss their writing in pairs ( Suggested key: Cat Ba National Park is situated on Cat Ba Island, 120km east of Hai Phong. Cat Ba National Park is the only site in Vietnam endowed with both tropical forests and coastal waters with white sand beaches, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscapes and many kinds of rare animals and plants. It covers 15,200ha, including 9,800ha of land and 4,400ha of ocean. Cat Ba National Park preserves approximately 300 species of fish, 40 kinds of animals, 150 different birds and 620 species of plants. The stone tools and human bones found in the island’s limestone caves reveal that people inhabited there at least 6,000 years ago.) endangered species to do community service. The community service should require work that helps protect the animals they’re harming. This service might help people understand how destructive their business is. It would also turn them into helpers rather than destroyers.. -Ss Write the description and discuss the mistakes. T asks some Ss to write their description.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> So community service would be an effective way to protect endangered species.). on the board and others to correct the mistakes T walks and checks what Ss are doing. *Task 3(8’) - Write the description and discuss the mistakes products/ endangered species/ do community service. Community service/ require work/ help protect the animals/ harming. This service/ help people understand/ destructive business. It also turn them/ helpers rather than destroyers. So community service/ an effective way/ protect endangered species  Home work (2’)  -Write the above writing again  -prepare the next part: Language focus. WEEK 22 PERIOD 66. Date of preparation: 16 th ,jan,2009. UNIT 10. NATURE IN DANGER. PART E:. Language focus. I.Objectives 1Aim:By the end of the lesson . -Pronunciation: helping Ss to pronounce the sound /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, /sw/. 2.Grammar: helping Ss to use Relative Pronouns with prepositions. 3.Teaching Aids: blackboard, charts, tapes, cassette, pictures. II.Procedure T. Contents Warm-up (3’) T gives the chart, these are some: _ow, _art, _im, …. And s ome prefixes: /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, /sw/. -asks Ss to use these prefixes to fill in these to have the whole words. A/Pronunciation: -plays the tape twice /sl/ /sm/ /sn/ /sw/ Slave small snack swallow Sleep smart sneeze swim Slim smell snooker swing Slowly smoke snowy switch Sentences in the text book(page 121) B/Grammar: RELATIVE PRONOUNS WITH PREPOSITIONS -repeat the combination of these sentences, using relative Pronoun +The man is standing there. We talked about him yesterday. The man whom we talked about yesterday is standing there. -Instead of that, we can use like this: The man about whom we talked yesterday is standing there. ……Preposition _ Relative pronoun….(whom/which) -Never use this form with Relative Pronoun THAT -Repeat somethings about Phrasal Verbs, for example, wash up…, we can’t use Relative pronoun follows a preposition. Example: +My mother has just bought some new dishes. My sister is washing them up. -Only combine like this: My mother has just bought some new dishes which my sister is washing up. - Practice (15’). T & Ss’activities - Sslisten and fill in this game -Ss listen and repeat. -Ss repeat the words and sentences -T corrects the mistakes -T asks Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation of these. -listen and write down in their notebooks. T instructs Ss to do the exercise 1,2,3 on page 122, 123. -Ss work in groups and do the exercises then go to bb to write the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> Key: +Exercise 1:Choose the suitable italicised words to complete the following sentences 1/whom 2/which 3/whom 4/which 5/that 6/whom 7/which +Exercise 2:Combine the folowing sentences , using the preposition+ whom , which 1/The man to whom I talked yesterday was very kind. 2/The man about whom I told you works in the hospital. -Ss work in groups and give the 3/The woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English. answers 4/The movie about which -T checks and give feeedback +Exercise 3: 1/that 2/which 3/who 4/whom 5/which/that 6/whom -asks some Ss to read aloud the answers. -corrects mistakes. -gets some Ss to make the conversation in which they use this combination. Free practice (3’) Discus something about some solutions to solve the pollution of environment by using relative pronouns. Homework(2’) -Gives Ss some sentences, asks them to combine these sentences, using Relative Pronoun follows a preposition.. WEEK 23 PERIOD 67. asks some Ss to read aloud the answers. -corrects mistakes. -gets some Ss to make the conversation in which they use this combination.. Date of preparation:19,Jan,2009. UNIT 11. SOURCES OF ENERGY PART A:. READING. A.OBJECTIVES: Aims : - Helping students to understand the importance of saving energy and using alternative sources of energy. - Helping students to use the words related to the sources of energy through reading and writing. Vocabulary : fossil fuels, alternative, nuclear energy, geothermal heat/energy, solar power/panel, potential, to release, to create, exhausted, limited, plentiful, infinite Teaching Aids: pictures of sources of energy; projector (if available); textbook B.PROCEDURE:. T. Contents. T & Ss’activities. I). WARM UP: (5 MINUTES) Al the pictures should show different kinds of producing energy, such as wind power, solar energy, hydroelectric plant, etc..  Teacher may use the pictures in the Unit 11 Textbook page 124, or provides some mores pictures on cardboard or by projector.  Students look at the pictures on the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span>  Write the words of different sources of energy on the board and ask students to match the words with the right pictures.. II). PRE-READING: (10 minutes) - What do we need energy for? - What kind of energy is the most popular in Vietnam? 1.Vocabulary: fossil fuels(n) : nhien liêụ hoá thạch alternative (a): thay th ê nuclear energy (n) : n ăng l ư ơng nguy ên t ư geothermal heat/energy(n) : h ơi nong đ ịa nhi êt solar power/panel(n): Tam thu năng l ư ơng m ăt trơì potential (n) Tiem n ăng to release (v) th ải ra to create(v) : t ạo ra exhausted(a) c ạn ki ẹt limited,(v) plentiful(a) infinite(v) Suggested answers: - We need energy to light and warm our houses, run automobiles and other machines, operate factories, and so on. - The most popular kind of energy in Vietnam is from oil. We also use power produced by hydroelectric plants. III). WHILE READING: (25 MINUTES) 1.Task 1:The words in the box all appear in the passage .Fill in the blank with a suitable word( Use dictionary when necessary) Suggested answers: 1. released 2. alternative 3. energy 4. limited 5. exhausted 2.Task 2: Scan the passage and write down the advatages and disadvantages of each altenative source of energy.  Check the results and correct them if necessa(or in their books) and try to distainguish the sources of energy.  Exchange with their partners and match the words given with the right pictures.  Ss Listen to the teacher's comments and repeat the words.  Teacher explains some important words using pictures or giving meaning (some words need to be described in Vietnamese, especially to students of lower-level classes).  Teacher ask these questions and has students work in groups before giving their answers:  Students get to understand these words: fossil fuels; alternative; solar panel; dam; nuclear; available; potential; limited; unlimited  Students copy the words in their notebooks after the teacher's corection on the board.  Students work in groups discussing the teacher's questions.  Teacher has students listen to the recording of the passage two times, then read it in silence. (Teacher should go round to check and give help where necessary.)  Students discuss Task 1 with their partners.  Teacher has students work in pairs and complete Task 1 (pp. 125 - 126, Textbook).  Teacher has students work in pairs studying the table in Task 2 (pp. 126, Textbook) and then discussing the advantages and  Students listen to the recording and then read the text in silence.  Students discuss the table with their partners and try to find the answers to Task 2..  Students reread the text and group work to find the answers.. Suggested answers: Sources Advantages Disadvant. Nuclear unlimited dangerous Solar Plentiful and infinite, clean Not strong enough at present Water clean expensive Wind Clean, safe not always available Geothermal Clean Not available *Task 3: Answer the questions: 1. How many sources of energy are mentioned in the passage? What are they? 2. In your opinion, which one is the most potential? Why? Suggested answers: 1.These sources of energy are mentioned in the passage: fossil.  Teacher has students read the passage again then ask them to work in groups in order to work out the answers to theses questions:.  Students reread the text and group work to find the answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> fuels, nuclear, geothermal, solar, water, and wind power. 2. In my opinion, solar energy is the most potential because it is clean, safe and not expensive, and people can get it almost everywhere on earth. (There can be different answers to this questions.) IV). POST-READING: (5 minutes)  Teacher has students work in pairs and complete the summary of the text on pages 126&127 in Textbook..  Students read the summary and discuss the completion with their partners.. Suggested answer: 1. energy 2. one 3. fuels 4. limited 5. alternative 6. sources 7. unlimited 8. environment.  Homework: Teacher has students write a short paragraph to express their own choice of the alternative source of energy including some reasons for their choice.. WEEK 23 PERIOD 68. Date of preparation: 28 th ,Jan,2009. UNIT 11. SOURCES OF ENERGY PART B:. Speaking. I. OBJECTIVES: Aims: - Getting students to give reasons the of using alternative sources of energy and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of alternative sources of energy. Vocabulary: abundant, enormous, plentiful, renewable, convenient, polluted, limited, non-renewable, exhausted Expressions : I think/believe that … Why do you think so? I know it is …. However, it is … Teaching aids: some pictures about the alternative sources of energy II.PROCEDURE. T. Contents I). WARM UP: (5 minutes) .1. Can you tell me some sources of energy? 2. Which source of energy is the most popular in Vietnam? Is it clean or polluted? Is it limited or unlimited? Is it safe or dangerous? *Suggested answers 1. fossil fuels, solar energy, wind energy, water energy, … 2. Fossil fuels are perhaps the most popular. This kind of energy is polluted and limited. II.Check up:Answer the questions: 1.What is major sources of energy? 2.How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text , and which one do you think has the most potential? II). PRE-SPEAKING (5 minutes). T & S’activities  Teacher asks these questions one after another and has students discuss with their partners before giving answers.  Students may discuss the questions with their partners to find out the answers. -T calls Ss to bb and Ss answer the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> 1. Wind energy 2. Solar energy energy 5. Nuclear energy 4. Fossil fuel (coal) 6. Water gy ener 7. Fossil fuel (oil). Picture A:. Picture A : Solar energ 3. Geothermal Picture B : Wind energy Picture C : Fossil fuel (oil). Picture D : Water energy Picture E : Fossil fuel (coal) Picture F : Geothermal energy Picture G : Nuclear energ. Teacher sticks the pictures on the board or shows them on the projector. Ask students to match the following words with each picture:. Students may discuss the pictures with their partners before giving answers. à wind energy Picture B. Solar energy. à water energy. Picture Cà fossil fuel (oil). Picture D. Picture E. Picture F. Picture G. à nuclear energy. à geothermal energy. II). WHILE-SPEAKING: (20 - 25 minutes) Task 1:The following statements list some advantages and disadvantages of various sources of energy .Read and tick( THE APPROPRIATE BOX a ( For advantages) Or D( for disadvantages ) then compare the result with a partner’s. Teacher has students work in pairs reading the information in the table and then discussing the advantages and disadvantages. After that, have some pairs report their work in front of the class. The teacher gives comments if necessary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> .1. Fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time. 2. Geothermal heat is available only in a few places in the world. 3. If the wind does not blow, there is no wind energy. 4. Water power provides energy without pollution. 5. A nuclear reactor releases radiation which is dangerous to the environment. 6. Solar energy is not only plentiful and unlimited but also clean and safe. 7. It is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity. Suggested answer: 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. 5. D 6.A 7. D Task 2: Talk with your friend about the advantages and disadvantages of using each alternative source of energy , using the suggestion from Task 1 *Useful language Enormous Dangerous Plentiful Polluted Available Exhausted Unlimited Limited Renewable Non-renewable Convenient Unsafe Model: A. I think / believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy. B. Why do you think / believe so? A. Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited. B. I know it is also clean and safe to environment. However, it is not available when there is no wind. A. I think that nuclear power can be an alternative source of energy. B. Why do you think so? A. Because our major sources of energy are running out while the nuclear power is unlimited B. I know it can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs for hundreds of years. However, a nuclear reactor releases radiation which is dangerous to the environment. A. I believe that solar energy can be an alternative source of energy. B. Why do you believe so? A. Because our major sources of energy are running out while the sun releases large amount of energy every day . B. I know it is not only plentiful and infinitive but also clean and safe. However, it is only possible during the day time.. A. I think that water power can be an alternative source of energy. B. Why do you think so? A. Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is unlimited. B. I know water power provides energy without pollution. However, it is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity A: I think that more and more people will use the solar energy. B: Why do you think so? A: Because it’s available, unlimited and easy to use.. Students work in pairs and then report their answers to the class by reading them aloud.  Teacher should have students practise speaking these words first:.  T has students read the example in Task 2 (page 128) then act out and role-play with one or two students. à Students practice in pairs: ..  Teacher should ask them to pay attention to the expressions:  Have students work in pairs practising the dialogue and changing the sources and using the words given to give the reasons..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> C: But it’s expensive and we can only have it at specific time of the year. A: I hope that the progress of science and technology will help to overcome this problem. B: That’s right and then we don’t have to worry about the shortage of energy. C: And our life will be more comfortable with cheap simple devices run on the solar energy. I think that … I believe that … Why do you think so? I know it is …. However, it is … Task 3:Express your belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future , Using the ideas from Task 2 .IV). POST SPEAKING: (5 minutes)  Teacher has each students write a short description of several alternative sources of energy. Ask some of them to read their description to the class.. Teacher has students work in groups to prepare a report on which source they think is the most potential. Then ask the representative of some groups to report to the class. Give comments and correct mistakes where necessary. V) Homework. -do all the exercises again and prepare the part : Listening. WEEK 23 PERIOD 69. Date of preparation:2 nd ,feb,2009. UNIT 11. SOURCES OF ENERGY PART C:. I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Aims. Listening. : - improve students’ listening skill/ listen for specific information. - help students understand more about sources of energy. : words/ phrases related to the lesson. : communicative : cassette, hand – outs, textbook, pictures.. 2. Knowledge II. METHOD III. TEACHING AIDS IV . PROCEDURE : Stages Teacher’s activities Warm up ( 5ms) - Divide the class into small groups ( about ten groups) - Ask the groups to list as many kinds of energy as possible. After four minutes, the group with the most words will be the winner and get good marks. Before you listen - Ask students to work in pairs and list some sources of energy (10ms) they use in their house. Suggest some words: petroleum , gas , coal , electricity , solar , panel. - Ask students to listen and repeat the words.. Students’ activities - Work in groups - List as many kinds of energy as possible. - Write the words on the board. - Work in pairs. - List some sources of energy they use in their house. - Listen and repeat the words: Ecologist Resources Renewable Fossil fuels Unlimited Fertilized.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> While you listen ( 20ms). - Ask students to guess the situation of the listening task. - T : From what you see in the listen and repeat, can you guess what the listening text is about ? - St. : I guess it’s the souces of energy. Some ecologists can give some information about fossil fuels. They may warn us that some sources are limited and which one is renewable, … Task 1. - Ask students to read the questions and answers for about some minutes. - Play the tape the first time , ask students to get the main idea of the listening task. - Play the tape twice, ask students to choose the best answers. -Ask some students to give their answers. - Ask students to compare the answer with the others. - Do the corrections.. Task 2. - Ask students to read the passage carefully. - Ask them to guess the missing words if they can. - Play the tape three times. Ask students to compare the answers with a partner. Do the corrections.. After you read ( 10ms). Homework. Read the questions and answers Listen to the tape and get the main idea. Listen twice , then choose the correct answers. - Compare the answers with the others. Answers: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C. - Read the passage carefully. - Guess the missing words if possible. - Listen and fill in the missing words. - Compare the answer with a partner. Answers : 1. unlimited 2. atmosphere 3. may 4. gases 5. amount. - Ask students to work in groups. - Ask students to look at the table and decide which group these sources of energy belong to - renewable or nonrenewable. - Walk around to give help. - Check the answers in front of the whole class.. Sources of energy Coal Geothermal heat Petroleum Solar energy Oil Wind energy Gas. Nonrenewable a. renewable a. a a a a a. - Ask students to name five renewable and then nonrenewable sources of energy. - Prepare new lesson ( writing). WEEK 24 PERIOD 70. Date of preparation: 4th ,feb,2009. UNIT 11. SOURCES OF ENERGY PART D:. Writing. I. OBJECTIVES: Aims: To know how to describe the information from the chart. Teaching aids: chart, text book, cassette player Skill: Listening comprehension Techniques: gap-filling, multiple choice. Pair work , group work II.Procedure T. Contents I.Pre-writing: 1.Warmer:(5ms). T & Ss’activities T asks Ss to play a game( T gives four sentences in cues, then asks them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> .a.Water power/ supply/energy/not cause/pollution. b.It/ expensive/build/a dam/ hydroelectricity. c.Fossil fuels/ exhauted /within / relatively/ short time. d.natural environment/ consist/ natural resources. Suggeted answers: àWater power supplies energy not causing pollution. àIt is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity. àFossil fuels will be exhauted within a relatively short time. à The natural environment consists of all natural resources. 2. Check up: Write some meaning of these words: Ecologist, fossil fuels, resources, renewable, unlimited, fertilized 3.Lead in:(2ms) T:What kinds of energy are consumed the most in Viet nam? Petroleum, II. While-writing:(25 ms) Task 1:Study the chart about energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and fill in the gap with the information from thr chart: * (suggested answers) 2000: nuclear and hydroelectricity -20 tons million petroleum –57 million tons coal – 40 million tons 2005: nuclear and hydroelectricity-75 million tons. petroleum –50million tons coal –45million tons Task 2:Continue your description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland *(suggested answers) 1. 117 2. coal 3. smallest III. Post –writing(13ms) 1.Chart/ show/energy consumption/ Highland/2005/ 2.total energy consumption/170 million tons 3.Petroleum/ make/largest amount/figure. 4.This/ follow/ by/ consumption/ coal// 40 million tons. 5.Nuclear and hydroelectricity /make/ smallest amount/ energy consumption . IV. Homework: To ask Ss to write a paragraph to compare energy consumption in Highland in 2000 with one in 2005.. WEEK 24 PERIOD 71. to write meaningful sentences. à Work in groups. -T calls Ss to go to bb answer the question( expected answers) asnwer the questions of T leads to the new lesson Close the book and answer à work in groups -To ask Ss to interpret the information from the chart.read and take the exact figure for each item and fill in the gaps. -Ss work in groups and write the naswers on the posters. To ask Ss to fill in the gaps in the passage with the exact information from the chart given. Work in pairs. To ask Ss to write a short paragraph from cues in 2005. Date of preparation; 9 th ,feb, 2009. UNIT 11. SOURCES OF ENERGY PART E:. A.Objectives. Language focus. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce: -the consonant clusters: [ʃr], [spl], and [spr] so that they can say them correctly when saying individual words as well as sentences. -Teaching students how to use participles and/or To-infinitive to replace relative clauses..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> Structures :. - Present participle used to replace relative clauses - Past participle used to replace relative clauses - To-infinitive used to replace relative clauses Teaching aids cassette or CD player, textbook Techniques:role play, combine the sentences, pair work, group work B.Procedure: T. Contents. T & Ss’activities. A). PRONUNCIATION Stage 1 :. Have students close their books and listen. Read aloud some words which contain clusters [ʃr], [spl], and [spr]. For example:  Students listen carefully.. shrine shrimp shred shrewd shriek. splat splat splendidspread split splendour. spray spring spree sprinkle. Stage 2: Teacher writes the phonetic symbols of these sounds on the board. Act out so that students can repeat and say them correctly..  Pratice the following sentences: 1.They were all shrieking with laughter 2.He shrugged (his shoulder) , saying he didn’t know thing and did’t care 3.My dad hates shrimp paste 4.what a splendid spring day. 5.The stream spilits into the three smaller streams at this point 6.The house has a narrow front , but it splays out at the back B.GRAMMAR: Stage 1 :. 1. The boy who is running after the dog is my brother. - The boy running after the dog is my brother. 2. Baseball is a game which is played mainly in the United States. - Baseball is a game played mainly in the United States. 3. Paul was the only person who discovered the mistake. - Paul was the only person to discover the mistake.  Possible remarks: * Sentence 1 is active, so we use Verb+ing to replace "who is" * Sentence 2 is passive, so we use Verb+ed to repalce "which is" * In sentence 3, we use To-infinitive to replace "who discovered" because there is "the only person" before it. Stage 2: The teacher gives comments on the students' remarks and then writes some notes on the board for the students to copy down, as follows: V-ing phrase (Active meaning) V-ed (p.p.) phrase (Passive meaning) To-infinitive phrase.  Students listen to and repeat the sounds after the teacher..  Students listens and repeat the words after the Stage 3: Teacher writes the words containing each cluster on the board, then reads them aloud and has students repeat word by word twice or three times. Stage 4: The teacher acts out the sentences in Pronunciation on page 131 (Textbook) and has students repeat. Have some students read the sentences aloud and correct mistakes when necessary.  Students listen and repeat. Students then take down the symbols and the words in their notebooks. Teacher writes these sentences on the board and asks students to give remarks. Ask them to work in pairs and then tell the difference between the pairs of sentences.  Students work in pairs discussing the difference between the pairs of sentences. They then give their remarks to the class..  Students copy down the sentences and the. Replacing "who/which/that+verb" Replacing "who/which/that+be+p.p." Replacing "who/which/that"+verb". Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences , using a present participle phrase Exercise 1: Suggested answers:. The teacher has students work in pairs and finish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> 1. The boy playing the piano is Ben. 2. Do you know the woman coming toward us? 3. The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet. 4. The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress. 5. The fence surrounding our house is made of wood. 6. We have an apartment overlooking the park. Exercise 2:Rewrite the following sentences , using a past participle phrase Suggested answers: 1. The ideas presented in that book are interesting. 2. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country. 3. They live in a house built in 1890. 4. The photographs published in the newspaper were extraodinary. 5. The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was successful. 6. They work in a hospital sponsored by the government. Exercise 3: Rewite the following sentences , using an infinitive phrase. Exercise 3: Suggested answers: 1. John was the last man to reach the top of the mountain. 2. The last person to leave the room must turn off the light. 3. The first person to see is Mr. Smith. 4. This is the second person to be killed in that way. 5. The first person to catch the ball will be the winner. Stage 3: Homework: the teacher gives some more exercises for students to do at home. *Rewrite these sentences using "participle" or "To-infinitive".. WEEK 24 PERIOD 72. the exercise. Then have some of them stand up and read the each sentence aloud. ---Correct the mistakes and give comments where necessary. Exercise 2: The teacher has students work in pairs again. Ask them to study the example and then rewrite the sentences. Have them compare their answers with their partners. The teacher then asks some of them to read aloud the sentences and corrects mistakes or gives comments when necessary. .. The teacher has students study the example and then finish the exercise. Ask them to compare their answers with their partners. -Have some stand up and read their sentences. Correct mistakes and give comments where necessary.. TEST YOURSELF C. Aims: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to review some grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension. Listening, writing, pronunciation I.Listening comprehension Listen and choose the correct answers II.Do exercises: I.Rewrite the sentences, using relative clause. 1. The student was punished . This student was very naughty  ………………………………………. 2. This doctor was very famous . You visited him yesterday .  …. …………………………………… 3. He died at once . This made everyone shocked .  .. ……………………………………… 4. Nam's car had been stolen . The police found it ten days ago  .. ……………………………………. 5. I saw a lot of people and horses .They went to the market.  …………………………………… 6. The master's course is no longer taught. I took this course in 1990 .  …… ……………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others . 1. a. sure b. sugar c. special d. show 2. a. swim b. swallow c. swing d. sword 3. a. forest b. exist c. raise d. establish 4. a. suggest b. disappear c. busy d. extinct 5. a. supply b. apply c. plenty d. fly III. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest . 6. a. affect b. water c. number d. peacefully 7. a. decrease b. environment c.consequence d. prohibit 8. a. disappear b. pollutant c. volunteer d. magazine 9. a. fertilizer b. respect c. pesticide d. offspring 10. a. destroy b. industry c. planet d. human. IV. Find out the mistake in the following sentences. 1. The biggest reason for whom I didn't take the job is the low pay. 2. Natural resources provide the raw material are needed to produce finished goods. 3. In an essay writing in 1779, Judith Sargeant Murray promoted the cause of women's education. 4.A dam is a wall building across a river to stop the river's flow and collect the water. 5. I have something interesting telling you. 6. Water energy is used to design electricity. Rewrite the following sentences , using participle phrases: 1. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?  ..................................................................................................................... 2. The people who was waiting for the bus in the rain is getting wet.  ..................................................................................................................... 3. The rules that allow public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered.  ..................................................................................................................... 4. The children who attend that school receive a good education.  ..................................................................................................................... 5. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress.  ..................................................................................................................... 6. Our solr system is in a galary that is called the Milky way.  ..................................................................................................................... 7. The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.  ..................................................................................................................... 8. Only a small fraction of the eggs that are laid by a fish actually hatch and survive to adulthood. ..................................................................................................................... 9. He read " The Old Man and The sea" , which was written by Ernest hemingway.  ..................................................................................................................... 10. A throne is the chair which is occupied by a queen, king or other rules.  ..................................................................................................................... 12. Only a few of te movies that are shown at the Gray Theatre are suitable for children.  .......................................................................................................... WEEK 25 PERIOD 73+74. WRITTEN TEST ONE AND CORRECT THE WRITTEN TEST. THE FIRST WRITTEN TEST OF THE SECOND TERM.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> I .Pronunciation I. Which word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others . 1. a. equipped b. delivered c. transfered d. recieved 2. a. helps b. provides c. documents d. laughs 3. a. noisy b. subscribe c. service d. grafics 4. a. sure b. sugar c. special d. show 5. a. swim b. swallow c. swing d. sword II.Choose the best answers . 6/ Water is one of the most precious resouces .................. for our life . a that we depend b. on which we depend c. which we depend 7/ The people in my neighbourhood are leading a ...................... life . a. peace b. peacefulness c. peaceful 8/ Do you know that environmentalist ................ I used to work ? a. in which b. with that c. in which 9/ Human beings have ..........great influence on .............. world . a. O / a b. the / O c. the / a. d. on that we depend d. peacefully d. with whom d. a / the. 10. We will never use solar energy in its ....…… a. entire b. entirely c. entirenes d. entired 8. A ..…………..is a structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity. a. dam b. windmill c. . rule d. energy 11. Oil, coal, and natural gas are ...……………… a. solar system b. nuclear power c. hydropower d. fossil fuels 12 Coal, ....of energy in many countries, is a serious polutants. a. the main source b. is the main source c. being the main source d. that is the man source 13. The old man ....a black suit is a famous energy researcher. a. to wear b. wearing c. whom is wearing d. is wearing 14. We should develop such ............sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear enrgy. a. alternative b. traditional c. revolutionary d. surprising 15. The world's coal .……... last longer but, once used, these cannot be renewd. a. reserves b. reservations c. stores d. storage III.. Rewrite the sentences using relative clause . 1. A cafe is a small restaurant. People can get a light meal there . ................................................................................................................ 2. I saw a lot of people and horses . They went to the market. .................................................................................................................. 3. You gave me a nice present . Thank you for that present . .................................................................................................................. 4. The magazine is owned by Mears group . Its chairman is Sir Brown . ................................................................................................................... 5. They are going on the road. It leads to the village . .................................................................................................................... 6. This is my loved school. I studied in this school when I was young . IV.. Read and fill in each blank with one suitable word form the box:. matter consuming conservation safe. fifthy dangerous renewable correct. supply. vailble. reaches. contain. Solar energy, air and water are usually called (1) .............. resources because there is an unlimited (2) ..........of them. However, this definition may change if people are not careful with (3) .............of these resources. The quality of solar energy that (4) .............the earth depends on the atmosphere. if the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy reaching the earth may be (5) ............ if life is about to continue, the air must (6) ...............the appropriate amount of N, O2, , CO2 and other gases. If humans continue to pullute the air, it will not contain the (7) .........amount of these gases. Water is also a (8) ......to take into cnsideration. Industry is making our water (9) ......... Therefore, resources must be conserved, the air and water must be protected. (10) .........must play important part in life.. WEEK 25 PERIOD 75. Date of preparation: 12 th ,feb,2009.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> UNIT 12. THE ASIAN GAMES. PART A: Reading A)Objectives: -by the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the main ideas of the text about the Asian Games -To know names of popular players in Vietnam as wll as in the world B)Language focus: *Vocabulary: 1. deep  depth (n)  deepen (v) 2. to participate ( = to join in)  participant (n) participation (n) 3. Weight + lifting  weightlifting4. Body + building  bodybuilding Grammar:present simple Skill: Reading comprehension C)Techniques: pair work, group work, multiple choice, ask and answer, gap-filling Teaching aids:picture on the book, cassette player, handouts D)Procedures T Contents I.Warm up; Play a game(brainstorming)(5’) Give the names of the sports which played in the Asian games GRA. GRB. T & Ss’activities -T gvies the rules -Ss work in the two groups and write the answers on the bb -T checks and corrects. II.Before you read: (5’) Answers A. B. C. D. E. C B A C B II. While –reading(25’) 1.Word study: -. deep  depth (n)  deepen (v) -to participate ( = to join in)  participant (n) participation (n) - Weight + lifting  weightlifting: m ôn c ư t ạ -Body + building  bodybuilding: -intercultural(a):liên văn hoá -multi-sport(n): -enthusiasm(n):s ư h ăng h ái nhi êt t ình -medal(n):huy ch ư ơng -appreciate(v) đánh giá -aquatic(a): thu ôc v ê n ư ơc *checking vocabulary: RO& R 2 Task 1:The words in the box all appear in the passage .Fill in each blank with a suiltabe word. -Have sts work with a partner and choose the correct answers -Sts work with a partner and choose the correct answers.. Have sts listen to the passage. T. explain some new words or expressions: (matching). -Sts listen to the passage.. -Sts do the matching (game).. -Individuals & pairwork a. participant. 1. put a high value on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> b. solidarity 2. a period of ten year c. decade 3. strong feeling of interest d. athlete 4. aids which make it easy to do something e. official 5. a country where the games are organized. (chuû nhaø) f. aquatic 6. a person holding a government position. (quan chức) g. enthusiasm 7. a person who participates in something. h. appreciate 8. person trained for competing in physical exercises of outdoor games i. host 9. unity j. facilities 10. (taking place) in/on the water Sts do TASK 1: Answers: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 7 9 2 8 6 10 3 1 5 4. -Pairwork - Have sts work in pairs to do TASK 1.. 3.Task 3: Scan the passage and complete the following table:. Sts do TASK 2: Answers: 1. facilities 3. enthusiasm 5. advancing. - Have sts work in groups to do TASK 2. 2. 4. 6.. aquatic effort appreciated. 4.Answer thw questions: -. 1. The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia. / among the Asian countries. Athletes from all over Asia gather together to compete. It is an occasion when strength to compete. It is an occasion when strength and sports skills are tested; friendship and solidarity are built and deepened. 2. 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games in Busan. / There were 9,919 participants in the 14th Asian Games in Busan. 3. They win the gold medals in billiards, bodybuilding, and women’s karatedo. IV.After you read7’) (suggested summary) (paragraph 1) it tells (us) about the purpose of the Asian Games and how they are held. (paragraph 2) it tells (us) about the advance of the Asian Games in all aspects since 1951. (the number of participants has been increasing, the quality of athletes, officials, and sports facilities has also been developing, new sports and traditional sports have been introduced and added to the Games) (paragraph 3) it tells (us) about the 14 th Asian Games in Busan,. Have sts to answer the questions (TASK 3) -Ss work in pairs -T checks and corrects the answer. Have sts summarize the reading passage -Sts work in groups to summarize the reading passage:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> Korea, and the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes in the Games. V.Homwe work:((2’) Learn by heart new words and answer all the questions again -prepare the next lesson: Speaking. WEEK 26 PERIOD 76. Date of preparation: 20th ,feb,2009 UNIT 12 THE ASIAN GAMES PART B: Speaking. A)Objectives:  -by the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make some conversation about the Asian Games  1. Asking for and giving information about Asian Games  Talking about sports results B)Language focus: *Vocabulary:  Vocabulary: Asian Games, Bodybuilding, Billiards, Karatedo, Shooting, Wushu  Teaching aids: Pictures collected by students Grammar:present simple Skill: Speaking comprehension C)Techniques: pair work, group work, multiple choice, ask and answer, gap-filling Teaching aids:picture on the book, cassette player, handouts D)Procedures I.Check up:(5’) Asnwer the questions 1.What is the purpose of The Asian Games? 2.How many participants took part in the 14th Asian Games? 3.Give some vocabularies in English II.New lesson T Contents T & Ss’actitvities 1Warm – up(5’) - Putting the class into two groups  Group 1: write the name under the pictures ( newspaper, - Asking Ss to write the words sea, ink-pot, apple, arm) describing the pictures  Group 2: (snail, goose, elephant, mouse, ant) Asking Ss to arrange the first letters into Word expected: ASIAN GAMES another meaningful word -Ss work in groups 2.pre-speaking:(5’)  New words: - Asian Games: the opening ceremony of the 14th Asian Games - Bodybuilding: Ly Duc – Nguyen Van Mach.  T uses pictures to teach Vocabulary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> - Billiards: Truong Dinh Hoa - Karatedo: Vu Kim Anh – Nguyen Trong Bao Ngoc - Shooting: Nguyen Manh Tuong Wushu: Nguyen Ngoc Oanh – Nguyen Thi My Duc.  Ask students to practice in pairs to play the conversation in task 1 and pay attention to these structures: 3.while-speaking:(23’)  *Task 1: Ask and asnwer about the Asian Games ,using  information from the table below  Walking around the class, Monitoring The simple past ( passive & active ) these activities so that the students can - When and where / games / held ? get help when they need. Then selecting - How many countries/ took part ……? some pairs at random and asking them - How many sports were there………… ? to play the roles in front of the class Note: Using cued dialogue -Ss work in pairs  Using the table in textbook to practice  Basing on the cued dialogue on the board and practicing in pairs A: Where and when were the 2nd Asian Games held? B: They were held in 1954 in Philippines. A: How many countries took part in the Games?  Asking students to match the names of B: Eighteen the athletes, who won the medals in the A: How many sports were there at the games? sports in textbook B: Eight  Asking students to practice in groups of six and talk about the sports results of *Task 2:Take turn to talk about the sports results of th the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Vienamese athletes at 14 Asian games , using the Games information in the table below  Asking students to pay attention to the structure: simple past as example  Monitoring and helping if Ss need  Asking each group to select the representative to report For example: In bodybuilding, Ly Duc won one gold medal  Working in groups ( discussing ) and Nguyen Van Mach won one bronze medal.  Matching as the teacher’s request No. 1  Working in groups of six  Looking at the pictures and finding the words th - Asian Games: the opening ceremony of the 14 Asian  Reporting in front of the class  Looking at the pictures and finding the Games words - Bodybuilding: Ly Duc – Nguyen Van Mach - Billiards: Truong Dinh Hoa - Karatedo: Vu Kim Anh – Nguyen Trong Bao Ngoc - Shooting: Nguyen Manh Tuong - Wushu: Nguyen Ngoc Oanh – Nguyen Thi My Duc  Asking some questions about the 16th 5.Post-speaking(6’) Asian Games: - When will the 16th Asian Games be held? - Where will it be held?  Asking students to practice asking and - Do you think it will be held in Vietnam? Why / why answering the above questions not? *Suggested answers:  Answering the questions: à In 2010 à In Quang Chau – China à Up to the students’ ideas IV .Home work:(2’) Getting information about one athlete, who is your favourite at the 15th ASIAN Games.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> -Prepare the next lesson: Listening. WEEK 26 PERIOD 77. Date of preparation: 22sd ,feb,2009. UNIT 12 THE ASIAN GAMES PART C: Listening. I.Objective: -By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -Use the require language to ask and answer about the Asian Games and sports -Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific and detailed information -Use the acquired language and knowledge to talk about sports and sportsmen II.Material: -text book , hand outs, pictures about the Asian Games, cassette tapes III.Anticipated problems: -The after listening task could be a challenging for Ss as the may not have enough information to complete it, so T could be ready to assist them IV.Procedure -*Chech up:(5’) Answer the questions: 1.Where and when is the first Asin Games held? 2.How many countries did take part in the first Asian Games? 3.How many sports were played at the Games? -* NEW LESSON T. CONTENTS. 6’. I.Warm up:. Names of some sports. T AND Ss’ ACTIVITIES -Ss work in groups and write the answers on the bb -T checks and correct some names. 3’. II.Before listening 1. What are these sports? 2. Have you ever watched the sports like these on television? 3. Which sports do you like best? Why? - Swimming (butterfly), high jump, gymnastics (high-and-low bars) - Yes, I have. - (free answer) It’s jogging. Because it makes me healthy. Or: It’s football. Because it is the King of sports. Or: It’s swimming. Because the weather in South Viet Nam is often hot.. -T asks Ss to look at the pictures in page 129 and answer the questions -Sts work in pairs to ask and answer the questions: (p. 129).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span>  Pre-teach vocabulary: -gymnasium -gymnast -bar -land -freestype Tapescript Good evening. It’s 10.15 and it’s time for “The Asian Games Report”. Our report tonight is coming live by satellite. It’s the 3 rd day of the Games. Well, today’s most important event was the women’s 200 metre freestyle. The Japanese, Yuko was first and got the gold medal. She made a new world record time of 1 minute 58 seconds. The Japanese athletes won two gold medals yesterday, and three the day before, so in the first three days they’ve won six gold medals. … Here we are in the Asian Games Gymnasium. Lily, the 15-year-old Chinese gymnast, has just finished her display. We’re waiting for the results now. And here’s the result! She’s got an average of 9.5 points. That’s the best score today! Lily has won the gold medal! … And this is Lee Bong-ju, an 18-year-old young man coming from Korea. This is the 2nd time he took part in the long jump at the Asian Games. Last time he jumped 8.5 metres. Today he’s won a gold medal for men’s long jump. He jumped 8.9 metres. … Now we’re just waiting for the last high jumper. Vichai 20’ coming from Thailad is going to jump. The bar is at 2.30 metres and… it seems too high for him. Now he’s beginning his final attempt. And he has jumped!... Ooh! He has crashed into the bar! He’s landing. The bar has fallen too. Is he hurt? No, no, he’s all right. He’s getting up and walking away. But he looks very disappointed. II.While listening: TASK 1:Listen and choose the best answer A,B,C or D for the following sentences: . Sts listen to the tape and then do TASK 1 (multiple choice) 1. C. 2. A. 3. B. 4. B. 5. D. TASK 2:Listen again and asnwer the questions:. 4’. 1. What time was “The Asian Games Report” programme? 2. How many gold medals have the Japanese athletes won in the first three days? 3. How many times has Lee Bong-ju participated in the long jump? 4. What was the last sport event mentioned in the report? 5. What did Vichal look like after he finished his performance? *Answers: 1. (It was at) 10.15 p.m. -T leads some new words. - T has sts do the task after listening to the tape Have sts do the task after listening to the tape. -Ss listen and give the answer on the bb -Individual Have sts do the task after listening to the tape again. Sts listen to the tape one more and then do TASK 2 -. Ss work in pairs and do the tast 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> 2. (They have won) 6 gold medals. 3. (He has participated in the long jump) 2 times. 4. It was high jump. 2’ 5.He looked very disappointed IV. After listening:. Have sts work in groups to name some Vietnamese famous athletes. Sts work in groups to name some Vietnamese famous athletes. Trần Hiếu Ngân (In Taekwondo, she won the silver medal in the Olympic Games 2000, in Sydney, Australia) Trần võ Thúy Hạnh (In Judo, she won the gold medal in the 19 th SEA Games, in Bangkok, Thailand). Lý Đức (In Bodybuilding, he won the gold medal in the Asian Games 2002, in Busan, Korea). -T summaries the main points V.Home work: -Learn all the lesson you have learnt in listening -Prepare the next lesson: writing -. WEEK 27 PERIOD 79. Date of preparation: 25th,feb,2009 UNIT 12 THE ASIAN GAMES PART D: Writing. I.Objective: -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to -Write a paragraph describing the preparation for the Asain Games -Using verb in the future tense II.Material: -Text book, handouts, modal writing about the Asian Games III.Anticipated problems: -Studenys may not have enough vocabulary to complete the task so T should be ready to assist them IV. Procedures:  Check up:(7’) Answer the questions and write some new words on the bb . 1. What time was “The Asian Games Report” programme? 2. How many gold medals have the Japanese athletes won in the first three days? 3. How many times has Lee Bong-ju participated in the long jump? 4. What was the last sport event mentioned in the report? 5. What did Vichai look like after he finished his performance * NEW LESSON T. CONTENTS. T AND Ss’activites.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> 5’. I.Warm up: _A photo of My Dinh stadium. -T asks ss some questions about the stadium -Ss discuss and answer the questions. Sts have to use the cues given to write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the preparations for the Games if Vietnam is going to be a host country for the coming Asian Games. Sts may start the description with: “To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to do. First of all, we will build one more National Stadium, sports II.Pre-writing: buildings and car parks…” Have sts write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the Each st has to write the preparations for the Games. description.  To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to do. III. While-writing 30’ Some suggested questions: 1. What will we have to build first? (one more National Stadium, sports buildings and car parks) 2. Why do we have to upgrade the National Sports Centers and local stadiums? (because they are not in good conditions) 3. What will be widened? (the training areas and roads to sport buildings) 4. What do we have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities for? (to supply good services for athletes and visitors, and special services for disabled athletes./ (to make athletes comfortable when they attend the Games) 5. What can we propagate and advertise on the radio and TV? -Ss look at the sample writing 6. How can we recruit volunteers to serve the Games? and write the other writing 7. What should we do to choose an official music? -T checks and give the feedback *Sample writing: -Ss can make some questions To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of after finishing the writing things to do. First of all, we will build one more National Stadium and some sports building and car parks. The National Sports Centres and local stadiums are not in good condition so they need to be immediately upgraded. And we will widen the training areas and the roads to the sports buildings. Then we have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors. These hotels should also have special service for disable athletes. It is necessary to propagate and advertise all the preparations for the Asian games on the radio and TV. Finally, we need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games-These people 3’ should be university teacher and students with good English. One more important thing is that we have to hold a competition to choose an official music for welcoming the Asian Games. -III. Wrap up:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> T summaries the main point of the lesson -For home work ,T asks Ss to revise their work, incorporating their peers and teacher’s comments and corretions WEEK 27 PERIOD 80. Date of preparation: 30th,feb,2009. UNIT 12 THE ASIAN GAMES. PART E: Language focus I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss wii be able to: -Distinguish the sounds /str/, /skr/ , /skw/ -Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly -Master the use of relative clauses and equivalent types of clauses without relative pronouns -Use these strictures correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks II.Material: -Text book, handouts, play games III.Anticipated problems: Students might have difficulty pronouncing cluster because the do not exist in Vietnamese .Therefore , T should be ready to assist them IV.Procedures 1.Check up:(7’) 1. What time was “The Asian Games Report” programme? 2. How many gold medals have the Japanese athletes won in the first three days? 3. How many times has Lee Bong-ju participated in the long jump? 4. What was the last sport event mentioned in the report? 5. What did Vichai look like after he finished his performance 2.New lesson: T Contents T & SS’activities 5’ I.Warm up: -T asks Ss to find some words chatting which have the sounds:/str/, /skr/,/skw/. II.Pronunciation: Chùm phụ âm này không có trong tiếng việt Pronunciation: / str / -street -Strong -Strange -strenght. / skr / / skw/ scream square screen squeeze screw squeak scratch squeal.  Listen and repeat Practice reading these sentences (6 sentences) III.Grammar: *Theory: *Khi đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ ở mệnh đề quan hệ xác định ,. Have sts listen to the cassette tape or the teacher. Have sts repeat the words in the book -T listen and corrects it ì Ss pronounce the target incorrectly. -T explains some rules to omission of relative pronouns.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> chúng ta có thể bỏ -Ex: The book which/that I’m reading is one of Dickens * The book I’m reading is one of Dickens -The student that/whom you meet in the library is my class’s prefect *The student you meet in the library is my class’prefect -Trái lại ,đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ ở mệnh đề quan hệ không không xác định không được bỏ Ex: This book,which you recommended to me , is very interesting *Pratice: Task 1: Complete each of the following sentences with a relative clause, using a suitable sentence in the box to make your relative clause 1. I like the diamond ring (whom) he invited to the party 2. Have you found the bike (which) John tells are very funny. 3. Most of the classmates (which) I bought yesterday is expensive. 4. The short stories ( which) Mary is wearing 5. The dictionary but very interesting (which) you lost? 6. I did not like the man (whom) we met this morning. (which) we had for lunch was really 7.The beef delicious *Task 2: Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in the box to make your relative clause with a preposition  The fly that I wanted to travel on was full  -The fly I wanted to travel on was full 1. The flight I wanted to travel on was fully booked 2. I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with 3. The dinner party we went to was not very enjoyable 4. The house we are living in is not in good condition 5. I was not interested in the things they were talking about 6. He did not get the job he applied for 7. The bed I slept in was very modern Task 3: In sententes 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7, relative pronouns can be omitted. V.Wrap up: -T summarise the main points fo the lesson -For homwork, Ss do all exercises in workbook and prepare for the next lesson. -Ss work in groups and do the exercises (Task 1) after work in pairs -T corrects and give feedback. -T gets Ss to read through the sentences in the box .T explains new words , if any -T prepares a few examples below and writes them on the board. T gets Ss read through the sentences and explains some new words if neccssary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> WEEK 28 PERIOD 81. Date of preparation: 3rd ,March,2009. UNIT 13 :. HOBBIES. PART A: Reading. I. Objectives Students can practice: - Guessing the meaning of the word in context:accomplished guitarist - Intensive reading skills :about hobbies - Scanning and skimming skills: To get information ABOUT hobbies such as :collect stamps,keeping fish and play guitars.. II. Material Text books, board, chalks.pictures and handouts III. Procedures *.Checking up the old lesson (5’): Remind some relative prononces and how to omission it in the sentence T CONTENTS. T & SS’ACTIVITIES. 6 I.Warm up:(6’). -T give some questions about the hobbies of SS -Ss work in groups and give the answers on the bb( 2 groups) -T checks and gives the ideas. ’. Reading playing chess Things you do in your free time. Playing guitar Going shopping Fishing. Collecting stamps. -T: How can you keep yur hobbies and why do you have that hobby ? Come to Unit 13 : HOBBIES II.While reading:(26’). -Which group write more and correct that group will win T give some expression to lead to New Lesson -T uses some techniques to teach the new words -Ss listen , repeat and give.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> 1. Vocabulary:(7’) -accomplished(a): well-trained, skilled -accompany (v): use a musical instrument, accompanying -modest (a): not very big -avid (a) : eager, crazy - discarded (a): thrown away -indudlge in (v) : let yourself do or have something that you Enjoy -collect(v) –collector(n) *Checking Vocabulary: What and where 2.Task 1: Fill in the blank with the words given in the box(8’) Discarded, modest, accomplished, accompanying, fish tank, avid, keep me occupied 1.Van Cao is an…………………..musician.All his song are very popular 2.This TV can’t be used. It can be………………… 3.My father loves ……………..for my mother’s songs 4.I spend most of her time to look after the children.I really ……………………….. 5.My brother has a beautiful……………..which has a lot of beautiful fishes 6.He doesn’t like a big house.His only dream is to have a ……………… little house on the bank 7.She loves all kinds of stamps.She is an ………..collector of stamps 3.Task 2:Scan the passage and answer the questions ( play a game: noughs and crosses)(11’) *Suggested answers: 1.Playing theguitar 2.No,he isn’t 3.He is accomplished guitarist and he ‘s good at accompany people by his guitar 4.Keeping fishes 5.From shop and the rice field near his house 6.an avid stamp 7.from discarded envelop that my relatives and friends give me 8.local stamps 9.He usually gives away to others or if ni one wants them he simply throws them away III.Post –reading: role play * Suggested questions: 1.What is your favourite hobby? 2.How often do you …………….? 3.Where do you usually……………? 4.When do you usually…………………? 5.Who do you usually ………………..with? 6.Why do you enjoy………………? IV.Homework Write a passage to answer the questions Among the three hobbies mentioned in the passage which one are you interested in?. the meaning in English and Vietnameses -T reads and SS repeat In chorus and in individually -Ss repeat and give the meaning. -T explains how to do -SS work in groups and write the answers on the posters and hang it on bb -T checks and gives feedback. -T explains the rules to SS -Ss work in groups and after that work in pairs ask and answer the questions (2 groups) -T checks and give the feedback 1 5 6. 2 3 7. 9 4 8. -Ss woork in groups of 8 students, One Ss is a famous person, others are the interviewers and interview the famous person -T can lists for SS some hobbies.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> WEEK 28 PERIOD 81. Date of preparation: 10th ,March,2009. UNIT 13 :. HOBBIES. PART B: Speaking I.Objectives .By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to - make a dialogue with their partners about their hoby – collecting stamps - talk about their own hobbies and express the reasons they take up such hobbies. II.Language notes: a. Structures: - What is your hobby? - How do you collect ...? - Where do you buy ...?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> - How do you organise ...? - Why do you collect ....? - What are you going/planning to ...? -classify something into categories, the simple present and the simple future tense. b. Vocabulary: - stamp collecting - chat (v) - book stall (n) - collection (n) - exchange (v) - category (n) - classify (v) III.Material - Pictures , text book Pictures of activities: swimming, fishing, stamp-collecting, mountain-climbing, playing compute games, reading books, watching TV, chatting with a friend on the phone, etc. 2. Some kinds of books, i.e. student books, comic books, novels… 3. Some name tags: student books, comic books, novels… IV.Procedures: -1. Checking up:( 5’) Answer the questions: What is the first hobby of writer? Write some new words Contents I - Warm up(5’) Guessing game: - Call on a student and give a picture to him/her. - Don't let the others see the picture. - Ask them to make Yes or No questions to guess: 'What are the special foods in the picture? ' 'What holiday is it?' - Show the picture on the screen. (Can have some music about new year). T & Ss’activities - A student goes to the board and gets the picture. - The others can't see the picture. - Make Yes or No questions to guess. - T Arouse the students' interest, curiosity and provide an introduction to the topic and content. - Relate the content of the lesson to the students' own background knowledge and interest to motivate students. Visual aids.. Possible Questions: Is there a cake in the picture? Have you got...?. The student answers the questions: Yes/ No. - Look at the picture to check the result..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> Is it ... holiday? - Listen to the introduction. - Possible Problems: The students may misunderstand between Yes/ No questions and - Listen and watch the show of the Wh-questions -> Teacher will suggest some structures as dialogue to imitate (pronunciation, examples. intonation...) II - Task 1: (10’) - Work with the partner next to - Introduce the situation. them. - Tell the students to listen and watch the show of the dialogue to imitate - Set up pairs of the students in the class. - Have the students work in pairs and practice reading the Work in pairs and practice reading the dialogue in roles. - Change their roles; all the dialogue. members of the pairs have role- Have the same pairs change roles played all the parts. - Can ask if have any difficulties in - Go around and help if necessary. pronunciation or vocabulary. Language notes: - Tell the students to list the questions that they can use in a conversation about a holiday or a festival. - Call on two students to write on the board. (Can have a competition between them) Memory check: - Direct students to practice reading the dialogue without books. - Call on several students to role-play in front of the class. - Make any necessary corrections to their conversation. III - Task 2:(15’): make a dialogue about collecting stamps. Read aloud the words. Use the suggested below7 Tell thestudents to listen and repeat. - Show photos and ask: What holiday is it? -Look at the pictures and photos to get the meaning of new words. - Listen to the teacher to imitate the pronunciation and repeat. - Write down new words. - Work in groups of four students.. Valentine's day Language notes: - Show the pictures and photos:. Masks - Introduce the task. - Set up groups of the students in the class.. Harvest. - Discuss and match the holidays with its meaning and activities. - Write the result on the - T reads the dialogue twice, pays attention to pronunciation, stressed words. - T explains the phrase “classify something into categories” and “name tag”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> - Have the students work in groups - Go around and help if necessary. Result check: - Tell the students to handle Roast turkey (photo) Masks (Picture) Parade (photo and context) Harvest (photo): Vô thu ho¹ch. “Which would you like to do?” “ I’d like __________” “ Why would you like to do it?” “Because _____________”. -. by showing some different kinds of books and classifying them into categories, then put each of them with a name tag. T has Ss practise in pairs. T asks some good pairs to present in front of the class. (T pays attention to accuracy). 3.Post-speaking: (7’) - Question: What holiday is next two days? - Show the pictures as a suggestion. - Tell them to work in pairs and talk about Christmas. - Go around and help if necessary. - Call on 1 or 2 students to report the result in front of the class. VI – Homework (3’) - Give homework direction. 1. Take part in a discussion about holidays and festivals on net. 2. Speaking (workbook). WEEK 28 PERIOD 82. Date of preparation: 10th ,March,2009. UNIT 13 :. HOBBIES. PART C: Listening I. Objectives II. –By the end of the lesson , Students will be able to - Listen to the hobbies of a student. - listen to a talk a fill in blanks with True or False.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> III.. Material: - Cassette player, board - Some books III.Skills: Listening skill IV. Procedures Time 5. 5. Content Warmer. T&Ss’ activities Ss work in pairs. stamps / fish / book / swimming Asks students to close their - Ask students to work in pairs - Have some students to write theirs sentences on the books Gives them prompts and board and check for correction asks them make sentences - Show some books and ask students: with those prompts provided What are the benefit of reading books? * Before listening Find the letter 1.It is noun with four letter 2.It can be your friend or even your teacher T introduces the new lesson 3.It gives you knowledge about the world 4.It can be found in a library BOOK Lead in new lesson Do you read book? How often do you read them? Do people collect books as a hobby? Today you are going to listen to someone talking about his hobby of reading books.In the first place I’m going Ss show meanings and parts of speech of the words to help you know some new words Pre-listening I.Vocabulary(10’) 1.Gigantic(a)=huge(a) 2.fairy tale(n) Ex:My grandmother used to tell story to me before I went to sleep 3.Profitably(adv)translation Ss work in pairs say T or F 4.bygone days(question What do you call the days which have passed? *While listening (25’) II.Task1:Listen and decide whether T or F Play the tape 2 times and students give the answers of the task 1. Students can write their answers on the board - Play the tape the third time and give students the right answers Answers 1 2 T F. 3 F. 4 F. 5 T. 6 T. 7 T. 8 F. III.Task 2: Listen and write the missing words - Play the tape 2 times and students give the answers of the task 2. Students can write their answers on the board. Ss work in groups complete the following sentences. T Explains the instruction of the task 2 to the students and ask them prepare the task 2 silently, walk around and give students help Ss Listen to the tape, the go to the board and write their answers - Pay attention on to the listening passage and take note.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> the correct answers Play the tape the third time sentence by sentence and correct the answers on the board Answers 1 wonderful. 2 3 disease jungle ignorantly. 4 certainly. 5. *Post-listening(10’) - Ask students to work in groups and give them the instruction of the task: Talking about the disadvantages of over-reading, give many examples to the task - Ask them write the report on a sheet of paper - Call one student of each group to write the report on the board V.Homework Write a passage 50words about disadvantages of overreading. I .Pronunciation I. Which word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others . 1. a. equipped b. delivered c. transfered d. recieved 2. a. helps b. provides c. documents d. laughs 3. a. noisy b. subscribe c. service d. grafics.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> 4. a. sure b. sugar c. special d. show 5. a. swim b. swallow c. swing d. sword II. Choose the best answers . 1/ Water is one of the most precious resouces .................. for our life . a that we depend b. on which we depend c. which we depend d. on that we depend 2/ The people in my neighbourhood are leading a ...................... life . a. peace b. peacefulness c. peaceful d. peacefully 3/ Do you know that environmentalist ................ I used to work ? a. in which b. with that c. in which d. with whom 4/ Human beings have ..........great influence on .............. world . a. O / a b. the / O c. the / a d. a / the 5/ A number of rare animals are now in danger.....................extinction . a. for b. into c. of d. with 6/ To protect our environment, industrial factories must stop releasing ............ into the atmosphere . a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. pollutants 7/ The areas .............. are destroyed suffer a lot from soil erosion . a. that trees b. which trees c. trees which d. whose trees 8. A ..…………..is a structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity. a. dam b. windmill c. . rule d. energy 9. Oil, coal, and natural gas are ...……………… a. solar system b. nuclear power c. hydropower d. fossil fuels 10. Coal, ....of energy in many countries, is a serious polutants. a. the main source b. is the main source c. being the main source d. that is the man source 11. The old man ....a black suit is a famous energy researcher. a. to wear b. wearing c. whom is wearing d. is wearing 12. We should develop such ............sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear enrgy. a. alternative b. traditional c. revolutionary d. surprising 13. The world's coal .……... last longer but, once used, these cannot be renewd. a. reserves b. reservations c. stores d. storage 15. The .....of these toxic substances into the envinment is potentially devastating. a. delivery b. release c. distribution d. research III.. Rewrite the following sentences , using to infinitive phrases: 1. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.  ........................................................................................................................... 2. I'd more interested if I had a family that I had to cook for.  ........................................................................................................................... 3. He was the first man who left the burning building.  ........................................................................................................................... 4. You are the last person who saw her alive.  ...................................................................... 5. The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable.  ........................................................................................................................... 6. He was the second man who was killed in this way.  ........................................................................................................................... IV.Rewrite the following sentences , using participle phrases: 1. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?  ..................................................................................................................... 2. The people who was waiting for the bus in the rain is getting wet.  ..................................................................................................................... 3. The rules that allow public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered.  ..................................................................................................................... 4. The children who attend that school receive a good education.  ..................................................................................................................... 5. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress.  ..................................................................................................................... 6. Our solr system is in a galary that is called the Milky way.  ......................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> Read and fill in each blank with one suitable word form the box:. matter consuming conservation safe. fifthy dangerous renewable correct. supply. vailble. reaches. contain. Solar energy, air and water are usually called (1) .............. resources because there is an unlimited (2) ..........of them. However, this definition may change if people are not careful with (3) .............of these resources. The quality of solar energy that (4) .............the earth depends on the atmosphere. if the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy reaching the earth may be (5) ............ if life is about to continue, the air must (6) ...............the appropriate amount of N, O2, , CO2 and other gases. If humans continue to pullute the air, it will not contain the (7) .........amount of these gases. Water is also a (8) ......to take into cnsideration. Industry is making our water (9) ......... Therefore, resources must be conserved, the air and water must be protected. (10) .........must play important part in life..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span>

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