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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON 1: PRONUNCIATION I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp va c ung cô cach phat âm cho h oc sinh, giup hoc sinh co th ê t ư luy ên t âp phat âm cac tư đươc phiên âm. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân xac đinh âm. II. Thơi lương: - Nguyên âm va bai tâp – tiêt 1. - Phu âm va bai tâp – tiêt 2. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. Nhân xet chung: Phân nay kiêm tra khả năng nhân biêt cach phat âm cac ch ữ cai đ ươc gạch dươi theo cach phat âm cac nguyên âm, nguyên âm đôi, ba, cac ph u âm, chùm ph u âm c ua cac t ư co trong chương trình hoặc liên quan đên chương trình Tiêng Anh THPT hi ên hanh. Đ ê lam t ôt phân bai tâp nay, thí sinh cân nắm vững: - Bảng phiên âm quốc tế. - Các tổ hợp chữ cái sản sinh ra các âm dễ gây nhầm lẫn. - Các tổ hợp chữ cái sản sinh ra các âm đặc biệt. - Quy tắc phát âm theo cách phát âm được giới thiệu ở sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12. 2. Bảng phiên âm quốc tế: TT Nguyên âm Nguyên Phu âm Phu âm hữu đơn âm đôi vô thanh thanh 1. /i/ / ei / /p/ /b/ 2. / i: / / ai / /f/ /v/ 3. /e/ / ɔi / // // 4. /æ/ / aʊ / /t/ /d/ 5. /ɔ/ / әʊ / /s/ /z/ 6. / ɔ: / / iә / /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 7. // / eә / / t∫ / / dʒ / 8. / ɑ: / / ʊә / /k/ /g/ 9. /ʊ/ /h/ /l/ 10. / u: / /m/ 11. /ә/ /n/ 12. / з: / /ŋ/ 13. /r/ 14. /w/ 15. /j/ 3. Một số nhóm âm thường được kiểm tra: a. Tổ hơp cac chữ cai tân cùng “ed”: - Phat âm la /id/ nêu liền trươc cac tổ hơp chữ cai nay la cac phu âm /t/ va /d/. Ví du: started /’sta:tid/; acted /’ æktid/; lasted/’la:stid/; listed/’listid/; painted /’peintid/;decided/di’saidid/; provided/pr ә’vaidid/; landed /’lændid/; added /’ædid/ Ngoai ra còn co cac tư bất qui tắc cu thê gồm: sacred /’seikrid/; hatred/’heitrid/; crooked/’krukid/; beloved/bi’lvid/; wicked/’wikid/; naked/’neikid/ - Phat âm la /t/ nêu liền trươc cac tổ hơp chữ cai nay la cac phu âm /k, f, s, ʃ, tʃ, p/. Ví du: cooked/’kukt/; laughed/’la:ft/; glanced/’gl ænst/; washed/’woʃt/; watched /’wotʃt/; stopped/’stopt/ - Cac trường hơp còn lại phat âm la /d/. Ví du: earned/’з:nd/; played/’pleid/; employed/im’ploid/; died/’daid/; moved/’muvd/ b. Tổ hơp cac chữ cai tân cùng “s”: - Phat âm la /s/ nêu liền trươc cua chung la cac âm /p,k,t,f, /. Ví du: caps/’kæps/; peaks/’pi:ks/; laughs/’la:fs/; tenths/’ten s/ - Phat âm la /z/ đôi vơi cac trường hơp còn lại. Ví du: hands/’hændz/; ears/’i:rz/; boys/’boiz/; apples/’æplz/ c. Cac cặp nguyên âm đơn:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Ví du: /i/ vs. /i:/; /e/ vs. /æ/; /ɔ/ vs. /ɔ:/; // vs. /a:/; /ʊ/ vs. /u:/; /ә/ vs. /з:/ d. Cac nguyên âm va phu âm khac. IV. Môt số bai tập luyện phát âm: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. 1. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography 2.. A. idiom. B. ideal. C. item. D. identical. 3.. A. children. B. child. C. mild. D. wild. 4.. A. both. B. myth. C. with. D. sixth. 5.. A. helped. B. booked. C. hoped. D. waited. 6.. A. name. B. natural. C. native. D. nation. 7.. A. blood. B. food. C. moon. D. pool. 8.. A. comb. B. plumb. C. climb. D. disturb. 9.. A. thick. B. though. C. thank. D. think. 10. A. flour. B. hour. C. pour. D. sour. 11. A. handed. B. booked. C. translated. D. visited. 12. A. car. B. coach. C. century. D. cooperate. 13. A. within. B. without. C. clothing. D. strengthen. 14. A. has. B. bag. C. dad. D. made. 15. A. kites. B. catches. C. oranges. D. buzzes. 16. A. student. B. stupid. C. study. D. studio. 17. A. wealth. B. cloth. C. with. D. marathon. 18. A. brilliant. B. trip. C. tripe. D. tip. 19. A. surgeon. B. agent. C. engine. D. regard. 20. A. feather. B. leather. C. feature. D. measure. 21. A. candy. B. sandy. C. many. D. handy. 22. A. earning. B. learning. C. searching. D. clearing. 23. A. pays. B. stays. C. says. D. plays. 24. A. given. B. risen. C. ridden. D. whiten. 25. A. cough. B. tough. C. rough. D. enough. 26. A. accident. B. jazz. C. stamp. D. watch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 27. A. this. B. thick. C. maths. D. thin. 28. A. gas. B. gain. C. germ. D. good. 29. A. bought. B. naught. C. plough. D. thought. 30. A. forks. B. tables. C. beds. D. windows. 31. A. moon. B. pool. C. door. D. cool. 32. A. any. B. apple. C. hat. D. cat. 33. A. book. B. blood. C. look. D. foot. 34. A. pan. B. woman. C. sad. D. man. 35. A. table. B. lady. C. labor. D. captain. 36. A. host. B. most. C. cost. D. post. 37. A. dear. B. beard. C. beer. D. heard. 38. A. work. B. coat. C. go. D. know. 39. A. name. B. flame. C. man. D. fame. 40. A. how. B. town. C. power. D. slow. 41. A. dictation. B. repetition. C. station. D. question. 42. A. dew. B. knew. C. sew. D. few. 43. A. asked. B. helped. C. kissed. D. played. 44. A. smells. B. cuts. C. opens. D. plays. 45. A. decided. B. hatred. C. sacred. D. warned. 46. A. head. B. break. C. bread. D. breath. 47. A. blood. B. tool. C. moon. D. spool. 48. A. height. B. fine. C. tidy. D. cliff. 49. A. through. B. them. C. threaten. D. thunder. 50. A. fought. B. country. C. bought. D. ought. _______THE END_______. LESSON 2: STRESS. I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp va cung cô cach phat âm cho hoc sinh, giup hoc sinh co th ê xac đ inh v i trí trong âm chính cua tư..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân xac đinh trong âm cua tư. II. Thơi lương: - Trong âm vơi tư co 2 âm tiet – tiêt 1. - Trong âm cua tư co hơn 2 âm tiêt – tiêt 2. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. Nhân xet chung: Phân nay kiêm tra cach xac đinh trong âm chính cua cac tư đa âm tiêt cac tư vưng đươc kiêm tra thường co trong chương trình Tiêng Anh THPT hiên hanh. Đ ê lam t ôt ph ân bai tâp nay, hoc sinh cân nắm vững: - Thế nào là trọng âm, trọng âm chính. - Các quy tắc xác định trọng âm chính của từ. - Phần phiên âm các từ vựng được giới thiệu ở sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12. 2. Một số qui tắc đánh trọng âm: a. Đối với các từ có 2 âm tiết. - Trong âm chính cua cac tư co hai âm tiêt thường rơi vao âm tiêt thứ 2 đôi vơi cac đông tư (trư trường hơp cac âm tiêt thứ 2 đo co chứa nguyên âm / ә/, /i/, ho ặc / әʊ/), va r ơi vao âm ti êt th ứ nhất đôi vơi cac tư loại còn lại (trư trường hơp âm tiêt thứ nhất đo co ch ứa nguyên âm đ ơn /ә/). 1. appeal (v) /ә’pi:l/ brother (n) /’brә/ ancient /’einsәnt/ 2. appear (v) /ә’pir/ color (n) /’k lә/ annual /’ænjʊәl/ 3. approach (v) /ә’prɔ:tʃ / dhoti (n) /’hәʊti/ concave /’kɔnkeiv/ 4. arrange (v) /ә’reidʒ / father (n) /’f a:ә/ hardly / ’ha:dli / 5. decide (v) /di’said/ mother (n) /’mә/ never / ’nevә / - Đôi vơi những tư co mang tiền tô, hâu tô, trong âm chính cua tư đo thường rơi vao âm tiêt gôc. 1. become / bi’km / quickly / ’kwikli / threaten / ’θretәn / 2. react / ri’ækt / builder / ’bildә / failure / ’feiljʊә / 3. foretell / fɔ’tel / lately / ’leitli / daily / ’deili / 4. begin / bi’gin / actual / ’æktʊәl / treatment / ’tri:tmәnt / 5. unknown / n’knәʊn / sandy / ’sændi / ruler / ’ru:lә / b. Đối với các từ có hơn 2 âm tiết - Đôi vơi cac tư co hơn hai âm tiêt, trong âm chính thường rơi vao âm tiêt thứ ba kê tư âm tiêt cuôi. 1. family /’fæmili/ philosopher / biology /bai’ɔ:lɔdʒi / fi’lɔ:sɔfә/ 2. cinema /’sinәmә / character /’kæriktә/ democracy /di’mɔ:krәsi/ 3. regular /’regjʊlә / interest /’intәrist/ satisfy /’sætisfai / 4. singular /’siŋgjʊlә / internet /’intәnet/ dedicate /’delikeit / 5. international /intә’næʃәnәl/ different /’difәrәnt philosophy /fi’lɔ:sɔfi / / - Đôi vơi cac tư co tân cùng như “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “iar”, “ion”, trong âm chính thường rơi vao âm tiêt liền trươc cua cac tân cùng nay – thứ 2 kê t ư âm ti êt cuôi. ian physician / fi’ziksәn / musician / mjʊ’ziksәn / ic athletic / eθ’letik / energetic / enә’dʒetik / ience experience / iks’priәns / convenience / kәn’veniәn / ient expedient / iks’pediәnt / ingredient / in’gri:diәn / al parental / pә’rentәl / refusal / re’fjʊzәl / ial essential / i’senʃәl/ confidential / kәnfi’denʃәl / ual habitual / hæ’bi:tʃʊәl / individual / indi’vi:dʊәl / eous courageous / kɔ’rægәʊs / spontaneous / spɔn’tænәʊs / ious delicious / de’li:ʃIәʊs / industrious / in’dstriәʊs / ion decision / di’si:zn / communication / kәmjʊni’keiʃn / iar familiar / fә’mi:liә / unfamiliar / nfә’mi:liә / - Đôi vơi cac tư co tân cùng “ese”, “ee’, “eer”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque”, trong âm chính thường rơi vao chính cac âm tiêt chứa cac tân cùng nay..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ee refugee / refjʊ’dʒi: / employee / implɔi’i: / eer volunteer / vɔln’tiә / engineer / endʒi’nIә / ese Portuguese / pɔtjʊ’gi:s / Vietnamese / vietn’mi:s / ette ushrette / ʃ’ret / cigarette / sigә’ret / esque bamboo / bæm’bu: / picturesque / piktʃә’res / oo kangaroo / kæŋ’gru: / cukoo / kʊ’ku: / oon saloon / sæ’lu:n / typhoon / tai’fu:n / - Đôi vơi cac tư co tân cùng la “ate”, “fy”, “ity”, “ize”, trong âm chính thường rơi vao âm tiêt thứ ba kê tư âm tiêt cuôi. ate dedicate / ’dedikeit/ communicate / kә’mjʊnikeit/ fy classify / ’kla:sifai / satisfy / ’sætisfai / ity ability / ә’bi:liti / responsibility / respɔsi’bi:liti / ize recognize / ’rekɔgnaiz / urbanize / ’ɜ:bәnaiz / ety society / sәʊ’saiәti/ anxiety / æŋ’zaiәti / IV. Môt số bai tập luyện xác định trọng âm của từ: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group. 1. A. uncle B. machine C. rubber D. butter 2. A. every B. evening C. potato D. factory 3. A. produce B. money C. improve D. because 4. A. vegetable B. university C. Wednesday D. television 5. A. coffee B. farmer C. paper D. deliver 6. A. eleven B. elephant C. energy D. envelope 7. A. preparation B. decoration C. television D. exhibition 8. A. leather B. paper C. iron D. ceramics 9. A. mirror B. invent C. wallet D. engine 10. A. discovery B. calculator C. aero-plane D. difficulty 11. A. provide B. adopt C. happen D. inspire 12. A. result B. region C. river D. robot 13. A. constant B. basic C. irate D. obvious 14. A. become B. carry C. appoint D. invent 15. A. engine B. battle C. career D. rabies 16. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful 17. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese 18. A. applicant B. uniform C. yesterday D. employment 19. A. dangerous B. parachute C. popular D. magazine 20. A. beautifully B. intelligent C. redundancy D. discovery 21. A. comfortable B. employment C. important D. surprising 22. A. variety B. irrational C. industrial D. characterize 23. A. colorful B. equality C. dictionary D. vegetable 24. A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important 25. A. difference B. suburban C. internet D. character 26. A. beautiful B. effective C. favorite D. popular 27. A. attraction B. government C. borrowing D. visit 28. A. difficulty B. individual C. population D. unemployment 29. A. biology B. redundancy C. interviewer D. comparative 30. A. conversation B. isolation C. traditional D. situation 31. A. continue B. disappear C. imagine D. inhabit 32. A. altogether B. capacity C. eventually D. particular 33. A. professor B. digestion C. mechanic D. engine 34. A. mathematics B. biology C. experiment D. philosophy 35. A. evolution B. development C. discovery D. philosopher 36. A. another B. energy C. centigrade D. gravity 37. A. evaporate B. temperature C. impossible D. experiment 38. A. gravity B. professor C. pyramid D. remedy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.. A. abandon A. activity A. picture A. museum A. performance A. yesterday A. memory A. sorry A. interest A. policeman A. vegetable A. homework. B. discover B. epidemic B. business B. cinema B. unknown B. tonight B. article B. tractor B. remember B. semester B. interesting B. lesson. C. imagine C. philosopher C. stranger C. hospital C. visit C. today C. newspaper C. police C. assemble C. exercise C. volleyball C. detect. D. satisfy D. significance D. return D. concert D. confirm D. tomorrow D. edition D. fireman D. resemble D. attendance D. detective D. tennis. _________ THE END________. LESSON 3: THE PRESENT TENSES I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về cac thì hiên tại, cung cấp cac bai tâp về thì c ua đông t ư, giơi thi êu cac yêu tô xac đinh thì cua đông tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân thì cua đông tư. II. Thơi lương: - Thì hiên tại thường – tiêt 1. - Thì hiên tại tiêp diên – tiêt 2. - Thì hiên tại hoan thanh – tiêt 3. - Bai tâp về cac thì hiên tại– tiêt 4. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. The simple present tense: Thì hiên tại thường 1.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo (+) S-V ( - ) S - don’t/ doesn’t – V ( ? ) Do/ Does - S - V? 1.2. The usage: Trường hơp sử dung - To denote actions that happened repeatedly. Diên t ả nh ững hanh đ ông đ ươc l ặp đi l ặp l ại, thường đi vơi cac trạng tư chỉ tân suất như: always, usually, often, sometimes, etc. e.g. She never comes late. They walk to school every day. - To denote long lasting events. Diên tả hanh đông tồn tại lâu dai như môt điều tất yêu. e.g. We live in Concord street. He works for a factory near his house. - To denote a true fact. Diên tả những sư thât hiên nhiên. e.g. The earth moves around the Sun. The Sun rises in the east. 1.3. The recognition: Cac dấu hiêu nhân biêt cua thì nay la cac tr ạng t ư ch ỉ th ời gian va t ân suất như sau: - now/ nowadays/ today/ this summer/… - always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ occasionally/… - the proof of constant truth. 1.4. Notes: Chu ý - Denote a plan/ prediction/ timetables/… Thì Hi ên t ại th ường còn dùng đ ê diên tả môt kê hoạch, dư đoan,hay thời gian biêu như: e.g. A: When does the first train leave? B: It leaves at 9.00. - The division of “be”, “have”, “can, may, must”,… 2. The present progressive tense: Thì hiên tại tiêp diên 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - am/ are/ is - V-ING ( - ) S - am/ are/ is - not - V-ING ( ? ) Am/ Are/ Is - S - V-ING? 2.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote happening actions at the time of speaking. Di ên t ả nh ững hanh đ ông đang di ên ra tại thời điêm noi, thường đi vơi cac trạng tư: now, right now, at the moment, at this time, etc. e.g. She is teaching Maths now. He is watching a football match at the moment. - To denote the interruption/ intention/ prediction/ plan/… Diên tả những d ư kiên, e.g. She is coming soon. (In fact, she has not come yet). Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. 2.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt cua thì nay căn cứ vao cac trạng tư sau:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - now/ right now/ at present/ at this time/ at this moment/… e.g. Right now, they are working in the factory. - follow a command, request,… e.g. Be quiet! I am trying to listen to the news. 2.4. Notes: Điêm cân lưu ý - The ING-forms – Gấp đôi phu âm cuôi khi t ạo present participles v ơi cac đ ông t ư sau: ge tting, running, having, writing, dying, lying,…) e.g. She is running in the park now. - The omission of the verbs of awareness or sensation as - m ôt s ô đ ông t ư không dùng cho thì hiên tại tiêp diên như: be/ see/ hear/ understand/ know/ like/ want/ glance/ feel/ think/ smell/ love/ hate/ realize/ seem/ remember/ forget/…(use the simple present instead - ma thay vao đo ta dùng thì hiên tại thường đê diên tả). 3. The present perfect tense: Thì hiên tại hoan thanh 3.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - have/ has - P.P ( - ) S - haven’t/ hasn’t - P.P ( ? ) Have/ Has - S - P.P? 3.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - Actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present. e.g. We have lived here since 1990. They have learned English for 5 years. - To denote actions that happened right before the time of speaking, using “just”. e.g. She has just come from New York. They have just bought a new house. - To denote unfulfilled actions with “yet”. e.g. He hasn’t come yet. Have you met him yet? - To denote past actions; no certain time expression, using “already”. e.g. We have already seen that film. She has already been to Paris. 3.3. The recognition: - just/ recently/ lately. - ever/ never (comments) e.g. We haven’t gone to the theatre recently. - already/ yet/ since/ for/ so far/ until now/ up to now (present). e.g. He has written ten books so far. 3.4. Notes: - Past participles: (regular verbs adding “ed”./ irregular verbs “learn by heart”) - The differences between the present perfect and the simple past tense. 4. The present perfect progressive tense: Thì hiên tại hoan thanh tiêp diên 4.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - have/ has - been - V-ing ( - ) S - haven’t/ hasn’t - been - Ving ( ? ) Have/ Has - S - been - V-ing? 4.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - Actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present. e.g. We have been living here since 1990. They have been learning English for 6 years now. 4.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt since/ for/ with verbs as: live, work, wait,… e.g. She has been waiting for 6 hours now. They have been playing since 3 o’clock. IV. Nôi dung bai tập: Exercise 1: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. John has always traveled a lot. In fact, he was only two years old when he first flew to the US. His mother is Italian and his father is American. John was born in France, but his parents (1. meet)_________ in Cologne, Germany after they (2. live)_________ there for five years. They had met one day while John’s father was reading a book in the library and his mother (3. sit)_________ beside him. John (4. travel)_________ a lot because his parents also travel a lot. As a matter of fact, John is visiting his parents in France at the moment. He lives in New York now, but (5. visit)_________ his parents for the last few weeks. He really enjoys living in New York, but he also loves coming to visit his parents at least once a year. This year he (6. fly)_________ over 5,000 miles for his job. He has been working for Jackson & Co. for almost two years now. He (7. be)_________ pretty sure that he (8. work)_________ for them next year as well. His job requires a lot of travel. In fact, by the end of this year, he (9. travel)_________ over 120,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia. He really doesn’t like going to Australia because it is so far. This time he (10. fly)_________ from Paris after a meeting with the company’s French partner. He will have been sitting for over 18 hours by the time he arrives!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Exercise 2: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising. Why this (1. happen)_______? One answer is that it could simply be part of a natural process. After all, there (2. be)________ ice ages and long periods of warmth, so we could just (3. experience)_________ another warming trend. This kind of answer (4. have)_______ more supporters a few years ago. What scientists now (5. believe)_________ is that human activity is the cause. For more than two hundred years, human (6. gradually change)________ the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution. We (7. create)_________ an atmosphere around the earth that, like a giant glass container, (8. let)________ heat from the sun through and then (9. hold)_________ it in temperatures, and sea levels (10. keep)_________ rising? The general answer is unfortunately yes. Exercise 3: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim (1. see)_______ monsters in the sea. Though people (2. often laugh)_______ at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which (13. at times sight)_______ are simply strange fish. Occasionally, unusual creatures (4. wash)_______ to the shore, but few of them (5. catch)_______ out at sea. Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing-boat (6. carry)_______ miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort (7. not damage)_______ it in any way. When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. The fish, which (8. send)_______ to a museum where it (9. examine)_______ by a scientist now, is called an oarfish. Such creatures (10. rarely see)_______ alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet. _________THE END_________. LESSON 4: THE PAST TENSES I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về cac thì hiên tại, cung cấp cac bai tâp về thì c ua đông t ư, giơi thi êu cac yêu tô xac đinh thì cua đông tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân thì cua đông tư. II. Thơi lương: - Thì qua khứ thường – tiêt 1. - Thì qua khứ tiêp diên – tiêt 2. - Thì qua khứ hoan thanh – tiêt 3. - Bai tâp về cac thì qua khứ – tiêt 4. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. The simple past tense: Thì qua khứ đơn 1.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo (p.V = the past form of verbs) ( +) S – p.V ( - ) S - didn’t – V ( ? ) Did - S - V? 1.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote a finished past action. e.g. We went to the park together. He gave her mother a ten-dollar note. - To report past events, past habits, or long lasting action in the past. e.g. She did all the work yesterday. We used to sit next to each other. 1.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt - last week/ month/ year/… e.g. He had 5 bad marks last month. They got married last year. - yesterday/ ago/ in 1969/ in the past/… e.g. Long long ago, there lived a couple by the sea. Man first discovered AIDS in 1981. 1.4. Notes: Những điêm cân lưu ý - The past form of the verbs: (regular “V-ED”/ irregular (2nd column in the irregular verbs list)) - “ED” pronunciation /id/; /t/; /d/..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 2. The past progressive tense: Thì qua khứ tiêp diên 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - was/ were - V- ( - ) S - was/ were - not - V- ( ? ) Was/ Were - S - VING ING ING? 2.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote past happening actions. e.g. She was watching T.V at 8.00 last night. Ann was walking to school at 6.00 yesterday. - To denote past interrupting actions. e.g. She was watching T.V when I came. While he was playing on the swing, it started to rain. 2.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt - at 8.00 last night/ at that time/ at that moment/… e.g. At 3.00 yesterday, the Jones were driving home. He was sleeping at that time. - time clause with “when”, “while = as”. e.g. As I was walking home, a stranger stopped me to ask for help. 2.4. Notes: Những điêm cân lưu ý actions that alternatively happened, use the simple past only. e.g. When I heard a knock at the door, I came to open it. When I opened the door, I saw my mum.) 3. The past perfect tense: Thì qua khứ hoan thanh 3.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - had - P.P ( - ) S - had not (hadn’t) - P.P ( ? ) Had - S - P.P (P2)? (P2) (P2) 3.2. The usage: Cach sử dung To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense). e.g: She had sold all the baskets before 9.00 yesterday. 3.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt - when-clause/ after/ before/ already/ since/ for/… e.g. Before he left for home, he had turned all the lights off. - The past perfect progressive “S + had been + V-ING” 4. The past perfect progressive tense: Thì qua khứ hoan thanh tiêp diên 4.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - had - been - V- ( - ) S - had not (hadn’t) - been - V- ( ? ) Had - S - been - Ving ing ing? 4.2. The usage: Cach sử dung To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense). e.g: She had been waiting for us since 9.00 yesterday. 4.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt - when-clause/ after/ before/ already/ since/ for/… e.g. After he had been waiting for a while, he felt annoyed. - The past perfect progressive “S - had been - V-ING” IV. Bai tập thưc hanh: Exercise 1: Choose among A, B, C, or D the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. When I got to the station, I_________ John. A. met B. had met C. was meeting D. have met 2. When I got to the station, John_________ in a coffee shop. A. sat B. was sitting C. had sat D. is sitting 3. When I got to the station, John_________ and I didn’t see him. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 4. When I got to the station, John_________ for me for ten minute. A. has been waiting B. had been waiting C. was waiting D. is waiting 5. When John_________ here tomorrow, I_________ you. A. A. arrives/ call B. will arrive/ will call C. arrives/ will call D. is arriving/ will be calling 6. When you_________ here at this time tomorrow, I_________ the room up. A. comes/ will tidy B. come/will be tidying.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> C. Will come/ will be tidying D. come/ will have tidied 7. When you_________ here by this time tomorrow, I_________ the room up. A. come/ will have tidied B. come /will be tidying C. Will come/ will have tidied D. are coming/ have tidied 8. When it rains heavily, John usually_________ at home. A. stay B. will stay C. stays D. will be staying 9. When it rained heavily, John usually_________ at home. A. stays B. stayed C. was staying D. had stayed 10. I_________ on the street when it rained. A. was walking B. have been walking C. had walked D. walked 11. John_________ anything since yesterday. A. didn’t say B. hasn’t said C. has said D. said 12. In a few days, there_________ an important meeting. A. will have B. is C. will be D. is having 13. How many questions_________ you_________ so far. A. do/answer B. will/ answer C. did/answer D. have/answered 14. I_________ John. He_________ me about his trip to Singapore. A. met/told B. met/was telling C. have met/told D. met/ have told 15. Look! A boy_________ run after a little dog. A. runs B. are running C. is running D. was running 16. This is the best book, I_________. A. have ever read it B. have ever read C. have read D. read 17. That was the most interesting story I_________. A. have ever listened B. had ever listened C. had ever listened to D. listened to it 18. China_________ to the North of Vietnam. A. is lying B. was lying C. lies D. lay 19. The police caught the thief who_________ John’s motorcycle. A. had stolen B. has stolen C. was stolen D. stole 20. I think that John_________ the money before we need it. A. have returned B. has returned C. will have returned D. had returned 21. When I looked out of the door, I found out that my motorcycle_________. A. was stolen B. had been stolen C. has been stolen D. had stolen 22. When_________ you first_________ Hanoi? A. have/visited B. will/visit C. do/visit D. did/visit 23. This is the first time I_________ Hanoi. A. visited B. am visiting C. have visited D. will visit 24. Right now, I_________ some help. What are you doing? Can you give me a hand? A. am needing B. need C. will need D. have needed 25. Last night, while I_________ a letter the phone_________. A. wrote/rang B. wrote/was ringing C. was writing/was ringing D. was writing/rang 26. At this time yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s daughter_________ the floor. A. were cleaning B. cleaned C. was cleaning D. had been cleaning 27. He hardly_________ up before the sun_________. A. had gotten/rose B. gets/rise C. got/rose D. gets/rises 28. In two weeks, we_________ our vacation in Halong bay. A. have spent B. will have spent C. will spend D. had spent 29. In the last two weeks, we_________ our vacation in Halong bay. A. have spent B. would have spent C. spent D. had spent 30. Mary_________ the meal before her friends came. A. was repairing B. had been repairing C. had repaired D. repaired Exercise 2: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. 1. Where (be)__________ your father now? - He (read)__________ a newspaper. 2. Listen! Mai (sing)__________ ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 3. They (play)__________ volleyball every afternoon, but they (play)__________ badminton. 4. It is 6:00 p.m. Mary is at home. She (have)__________ dinner. She always (have)__________ dinner with her family around 6 o’clock. 5. Ha (like)__________ badminton. She often (play)__________ badminton with her friend, Lan. They (play)__________ it every Thursday afternoon. They (play)__________ badminton in the stadium now. 6. Laura (be)__________ from Canada. She (speak)__________ English and French. She (come)__________ to Vietnam tomorrow. She (stay)__________ in a hotel in HCM City for 3 days. She (visit)__________ a lot of places of interest in Vietnam. 7. Which language Peter (speak)__________ ? 8. He often (have)__________ coffee for breakfast, but today he (eat)__________ some eggs. 9. We should (do)__________ morning exercises. 10. We (come)__________ back next Monday. 11. My brother can (swim)__________. 12. He (learn)__________ English and I (read)__________ a book now. 13. My friend (take)__________ a trip to Da Lat next week. 14. Let’s (help)__________ her. 15. She (not/ want)____________ any coffee. She (want)__________ some tea. 16. Lan and Nam (see)__________ a new film tonight. 17. They (not/ go)__________ fishing in winter. 18. I (like)__________ my English classes very much. I often (practice)__________ speaking English with my friend Lan. I (take)__________ the English Final Test now, and my father (wait)__________ for me in front of the school. 19. Minh (be)__________ at the library now. He (sit)__________ at a table and (read)__________ a picture book. He usually (go)__________ to the library when he has free time. 20. We (have)__________ a party next Sunday. Would you like to come? __________THE END__________. LESSON 5: THE FUTURE TENSES I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về cac thì hiên tại, cung cấp cac bai tâp về thì c ua đông t ư, giơi thi êu cac yêu tô xac đinh thì cua đông tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân thì cua đông tư. II. Thơi lương: - Thì tương lai thường – tiêt 1. - Thì tương lai tiêp diên – tiêt 2. - Thì tương lai hoan thanh – tiêt 3. - Bai tâp về cac thì tương lai – tiêt 4. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. The simple future tense: thì tương lai thường 1.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - will/ shall - V ( - ) S + will/ shall – V ( ? ) Will/ Shall - S - V? - “shall” is restrictedly used only for I/We with the formal senses. - The negative forms “will not = won’t”, “shall not = shan’t”. 1.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote future actions. e.g. They will build more hospitals. We shall go to your party. - To denote future plan/ idea/ timetable/… e.g. The car will start in-time. We shall finish the course in June. 1.3. The recognition: Dấu hiêu nhân biêt - someday, tomorrow,…/ e.g. She will be rich someday. - next week/ month/ year/.. e.g. He won’t leave next month..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 1.4. Notes: Điêm cân lưu ý “shan’t” is not used in conditional sentences./ “ shall” is used as a suggestion/ invitation/…. e.g. A: Shall we meet tonight? B: Yes, let’s. 2. The future progressive tense: thì tương lai tiêp diên 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - will be - V-ING ( - ) S - won’t be - V- ( ? ) Will - S - be - V-ING? ING 2.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote timetables/ intentions/ plans/… using “at”. e.g: She will be watching T.V at 8.00 tonight. We will be staying at REX hotel at 5.00 next Sunday’s morning. - To show the future happening actions with “when”. e.g. She will be sitting at the gate when we come tomorrow. 3. The future perfect tense: thì tương lai hoan thanh 3.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - will have - P.P ( - ) S - won’t have - P.P (P2) ( ? ) Will - S + have - P.P? (P2) 3.2. The usage: Cach sử dung - To denote planned actions with “by”, “by the time”, “by then”. e.g: She will have finished the course by the next Friday/ by then. - To show a future schedule-finished action. e.g: The bridge will have been used by the next Autumn. 3.3. Other forms: Cac hình thức diên đạt tương lai khac a. The simple present tense: To denote a timetable, or a plan…Thì hi ên t ại th ường di ên t ả k ê hoạch, dư đinh, thời gian biêu,… e.g: A: When does he leave? B: He leaves tonight. (He doesn’t leave in fact) b. The present progressive: To denote an intention. Thì hiên t ại tiêp diên co cach diên đ ạt tương lai tương tư thì hiên tai thường, nhưng co tinha chắc chắn cao hơn. e.g: A: When are you leaving? B: I am leaving this afternoon. c. The “be + going to inf” form: To denote an intention/ a near future action, an arrangement. e.g: She is going to celebrate her 34th birthday. They are going to get married. 4. The sequences of tenses: Sư hòa hơp cua cac thì trong cac mênh đề. 1. Subordinate clauses: Mênh đề phu cơ bản Main clause Subordinate clause simple present tense. /present perfect tense. Simple present tense. present progressive tense./ simple future tense. “be going to V” form. simple past tense (certain point of past time). simple past tense./ past progressive tense. Simple past tense past perfect tense./ “would + V” form. “be going to + V” past form. simple present tense (showing the truth). Present perfect tense Simple present tense. Past perfect tense Simple past tense. 2. Adverbial clauses: Mênh đề trạng ngữ Main clause Adverbial clauses (of time) Present tenses Present tenses When/ whenever/ as/ while/ before/ after/ as soon as/… Past tenses Past tenses When/ while/ as/ till/ until/ just as/ since/…. Future tenses Present tenses No sooner than/ hardly…when/ as long as/…. IV. Bai tập thưc hanh: Exercise 1: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. John has always traveled a lot. In fact, he was only two years old when he first flew to the US. His mother is Italian and his father is American. John was born in France, but his parents (1. meet)_________ in Cologne, Germany after they (2. live)_________ there for five years. They had met one day while John’s father was reading a book in the library and his mother (3. sit)_________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> beside him. John (4. travel)_________ a lot because his parents also travel a lot. As a matter of fact, John is visiting his parents in France at the moment. He lives in New York now, but (5. visit)_________ his parents for the last few weeks. He really enjoys living in New York, but he also loves coming to visit his parents at least once a year. This year he (6. fly)_________ over 5,000 miles for his job. He has been working for Jackson & Co. for almost two years now. He (7. be)_________ pretty sure that he (8. work)_________ for them next year as well. His job requires a lot of travel. In fact, by the end of this year, he (9. travel)_________ over 120,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia. He really doesn’t like going to Australia because it is so far. This time he (10. fly)_________ from Paris after a meeting with the company’s French partner. He will have been sitting for over 18 hours by the time he arrives! Exercise 2: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising. Why this (1. happen)_______? One answer is that it could simply be part of a natural process. After all, there (2. be)________ ice ages and long periods of warmth, so we could just (3. experience)_________ another warming trend. This kind of answer (4. have)_______ more supporters a few years ago. What scientists now (5. believe)_________ is that human activity is the cause. For more than two hundred years, human (6. gradually change)________ the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution. We (7. create)_________ an atmosphere around the earth that, like a giant glass container, (8. let)________ heat from the sun through and then (9. hold)_________ it in temperatures, and sea levels (10. keep)_________ rising? The general answer is unfortunately yes. Exercise 3: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim (1. see)_______ monsters in the sea. Though people (2. often laugh)_______ at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which (13. at times sight)_______ are simply strange fish. Occasionally, unusual creatures (4. wash)_______ to the shore, but few of them (5. catch)_______ out at sea. Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing-boat (6. carry)_______ miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort (7. not damage)_______ it in any way. When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. The fish, which (8. send)_______ to a museum where it (9. examine)_______ by a scientist now, is called an oarfish. Such creatures (10. rarely see)_______ alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet. Exercise 4: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket. 1. Isabel and I (live)___________in a room in the hotel. I (get)___________up at five o’clock and I (have)___________a shower. Isabel (stay)___________in bed. I (start)___________work at six in the morning and Isabel (start)___________at six in the evening. 2. We (meet)___________ at three o’clock in the afternoon when I (finish)___________work. I (go)___________back to our room and Isabel (make)___________ a late lunch. 3. Son (be)___________from Viet Nam. He (speak)___________Vietnamese. He can (speak)___________English, too. He (live)___________with his family in HCM City. He often (go)___________to school on Sundays to practice his English . Tomorrow (be)___________Sunday . He (walk)___________to school tomorrow . Now he (read)___________a book . _________THE END_________. LESSON 6: NOUNS I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về danh tư: đinh nghia, chức năng, cac loại danh t ư, danh tư s ô ít-nhi ều, cấu tạo danh tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân danh tư. II. Thơi lương: - Đinh nghia, chức năng – tiêt 1..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Cac loại danh tư, danh tư sô ít-nhiều, cấu tạo danh tư – tiêt 2. - Bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân danh tư – tiêt 3. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. Definition: To call out the names of things, objects, actions, or movements, etc. (Danh tư la tư dùng đê goi tên sư vât, hiên tương) 2. Functions: (chức năng) 2.1. Subject (S) (chu ngữ): Danh từ làm chủ ngữ cho câu, hay chủ thể tác động, nhận tác động từ động từ. e.g. A teacher usually works at school. Some kinds of birds migrate in winter. S A V A S V A Accidents may happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. S V A 2.2. Object (O) (tân ngữ): Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho câu, hay chủ thể nhận tác động từ động t ừ, theo sau một số giới từ. e.g. He buys some cakes for his birthday party. They sent me some documents. S V O O S V O O We had made an appointment to meet at the station. S V O 2.3. Complement (C) (bổ ngữ): Danh từ làm bổ ngữ trong câu, là thành phần phụ hoàn tất câu. e.g. She was a famous singer. She has been our principal since last May. S V C S V C A Peter will become our new manager in the next two year. S V C A 2.4. Compounds (danh tư ghep): Danh từ có thể ghép với nhau để tạo thành danh t ừ m ới với những qui tắc ghép khác nhau. e.g. summer holiday, birthday cakes, schoolboy, schoolgirl, salesman, chairperson, etc. 2.5. Possessive cases (dạng sở hữu cach): Chú ý cách tạo dấu sở hữu cách trong các ví dụ dưới đây. e.g. the boss’s car, his teacher’s remarks,… children’s seats, people’s lives,… pupils’ books, the farmers’ tools,… 2.6. Noun phrases (cum danh từ kêt hơp tư do): Free words combination or compounds. Danh từ ghép với các thành tố khác tạo thành cụm danh từ. 3. Plural forms: cac hình thức biên đổi danh tư tư dạng sô ít thanh s ô nhiều (ch ỉ danh cho danh tư đêm đươc – countable nouns). 3.1. Adding “s” to almost count-nouns: thêm ‘s’ vao sau hâu hêt cac danh tư sô ít đê tạo thanh cac danh tư sô nhiều. (Chu ý: tân cùng ‘s’ đươc phat âm /s/ khi liền trươc la cac phu âm vô thanh như /f/, /t/, /k/, /p/, phat âm la /iz/ khi theo sau cac tân cùng ce, ge, se, ze, còn lại phat âm la /z/). Như bảng sau: singular plural singular plural singular plural 1. an action actions 8. an hour hours 15. a kid kids 2. an actor actors 9. an onion onions 16. a lamp lamps 3. an apple apples 10. an umbrellas 17. a table tables umbrella 4. an orange oranges 11. a bomb bombs 18. a unit units 5. an eel eels 12. a cat cats 19. a whisper whispers 6. an eye eyes 13. a dog dogs 20. a winner winners 7. an heir heirs 14. a finger fingers 3.2. Adding “es” to the count-nouns that end in “s, ss, sh, ch, o, x” with /iz/ or /z/ sounds: Thêm ‘es’ vao sau cac danh tư đêm đươc s ô ít tân cùng b ằng “s, ss, sh, ch, o, x” đê tạo thanh cac danh tư sô nhiều tương ứng. Như bảng sau: endings singular plural singular plural 1. s a bus buses a plus pluses 2. ss a class classes a kiss kisses 3. sh a brush brushes a dish dishes 4. ch a church churches a watch watches.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 5. o a potato potatoes a tomato tomatoes 6. x an ax axes a box boxes Note: Words of foreign origin or abbreviation ending in ‘o’, add ‘s’ only. Vơi cac tư vay mươn, tư viêt tắt tân cùng bằng ‘o’, ta thêm ‘s’ đê tạo hình thức sô nhiều. Như: singular plural singular plural 1. a dynamo dynamos 6. a soprano sopranos 2. a kilo kilos 7. a kimono kimonos 3. a piano pianos 8. a UFO UFOs 4. a radio radios 9. a UFO UFOs 5. a photo photos 10. an O Os 3.3. Adding “ies” to the count-nouns that end in “y” with its preceding consonants: Vơi cac danh tư đêm đươc sô ít tân cùng la ‘y’ va liền trươc la phu âm ta bỏ ‘y’ thay bằng ‘ies’ đê tạo ra cac danh tư sô nhiều tương ứng. Như bảng sau: singular plural singular plural 1. a lorry lorries 5. an ability abilities 2. a story stories 6. a sky skies 3. a lady ladies 7. a fly flies 4. a baby babies 8. a lady ladies Nhưng: singular plural singular plural 1. a boy boys 4. a storey storeys 2. a toy toys 5. a prey preys 3. a play plays 6. a way ways 3.4. Adding “ves” to the count-nouns that end in “f”, “fe”: Chuyên cac danh tư đêm đươc tân cùng bằng “f”, “fe” tư sô ít sang sô nhiều ta đổi “f”, “fe” thanh ‘ves’ như bảng sau: singular plural singular plural 1. a wife wives 4. a leaf leaves 2. a knife knives 5. a loaf loaves 3. a life lives 6. a thief thieves Chú ý: - Cac danh tư hoof, scarf, va wharf đổi sang sô nhiều thanh hoofs, scarfs, va wharfs hoặc hooves, scarves, va wharves. Tức la co thê thêm ‘s’ hoặc ‘ves’. - Cac danh tư cliff, handkerchief, va safe đổi sang sô nhiều sẽ chuyên thanh cliffs, handkerchiefs, va safes. Tức la chỉ thêm ‘s’. 3.5. Irregular changes: dạng biên đổi bất qui tắc mô tả ở bảng dươi đây: singular plural singular plural 1. a man men 11. a child children 2. a woman women 12. a medium media 3. a chairman chairmen 13. a mouse mice 4. a chairwoman chairwomen 14. an ox oxen 5. a salesman salesmen 15. a goose geese 6. a saleswoman saleswomen 16. a tooth teeth 7. a salesperson salespeople 17. a foot feet 8. a chairperson chair people 18. a phenomenon phenomena 9. a person people 19. a policeman policemen 10. a louse lice 20. a policewoman policewomen 3.6. Collective nouns: crew, family, group, team,…(singular or plural form, either singular or plural verb) Cac danh tư trên goi la danh t ư t ổ hơp, co th ê coi la s ô ít ho ặc s ô nhiều, dùng đông tư dạng sô ít hoặc nhiều. e.g. The crew save many victims. Hoặc The crew saves many victims. Our group have won several times. Hoặc Our group has won several times. 3.7. Always-plural-form-nouns: Danh tư dươi đây luôn tồn tại dươi hình thức sô nhiều. 1. arms 11. greens (vegetable) 21. pyjamas 2. athletics 12. jeans 22. savings 3. binoculars 13. mathematics 23. scales.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. e.g.. breeches 14. outskirts 24. scissors clothes 15. pants 25. shears damages 16. pains (trouble, effort) 26. spirits earnings 17. physics 27. stairs ethics 18. pliers 28. surroundings glasses 19. police 29. trousers goods 20. politics 30. valuables The police have asked several witnesses to prove their ideas. The stairs are too dim for us to go up easily. 3.8. The unchanged names of creatures: deer, sheep, calf, cod, pike, plaice, salmon, squid, trout, turbot (these nouns can take either singular or plural verbs) hình th ức s ô ít, nhiều không đổi. singular plural singular plural 1. a deer deer 6. a cod cod 2. a sheep sheep 7. a pike pike 3. a calf calf 8. a plaice plaice 4. a salmon salmon 9. a squid squid 5. a trout trout 10. a turbot turbot e.g. A deer is trapped and two other deer are killed by the poachers. A squid and two salmon were sent to the laboratory for rescue. 3.9. Plural form but singular verb: news, mumps (bệnh sưng quai hàm), billiards, bowls – Cac danh tư trên co hình thức sô nhiều nhưng sử dung như danh tư sô ít. e.g. There is a news at 7.00 every day. Mumps is widely seen among children of the age of under fifteen. 4. Uncountable nouns: Danh tư không đêm đươc 4.1. Substances: cac dạng vât chất sau đươc qui ươc la danh tư không đêm đươc: 1. beer 6. dust 11. jam 16. stone 2. bread 7. gin 12. oil 17. tea 3. cloth 8. glass 13. paper 18. water 4. coffee 9. gold 14. sand 19. wine 5. cream 10. ice 15. soap 20. wood e.g. Vietnamese coffee is exported to many countries in the world. Beer is a favourire drink in the South. 4.2. Abstract nouns: Cac danh tư trưu tương sau đươc qui ươc la danh tư không đêm đươc: 1. advice 6. fear 11. knowledge 2. beauty 7. help 12. mercy 3. courage 8. hope 13. pity 4. death 9. horror 14. relief 5. experience 10. information 15. suspicion e.g. Fear is a kind of feelings. Knowledge is one’s valuable possession. 4.3. Others: môt sô danh tư khac đươc qui ươc la danh tư không đêm đươc: 1 baggag 3 damage 5 luggag 7 parking 9. work . e . . e . 2 campin 4 furnitur 6 money 8 shoppin 10 weathe . g . e . . g . r e.g. Camping is my favourite outdoor activity. Weather is getting warmer when the Spring comes. 4.4. Notes: Particular senses of uncountable nouns: Môt s ô danh t ư không đ êm đ ươc l ại co thê sử dung vơi mạo tư như danh tư đêm đươc trong cac ngữ cô đinh sau: a. a help: A great help to + O e.g. He gave a great help to our family. Computer is a great help to my work. b. a relief: A relief to + V. e.g. That gave me a relief to continue my study. A relief to work makes your doing better. c. a knowledge: A good/ bad knowledge of + N..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> e.g. Pete has got a good knowledge of history. d. a dislike / dread / hatred / horror / love of + … e.g. He had a great love for funny stories. e. a mercy / pity / shame / wonder + that… e.g. It’s a pity that I couldn’t come. What’s a pity! f. a fear/ fears; a hope/ hopes; a suspicion/ suspicions. e.g. We have a suspicion / suspicions that no one will agree to help. 5. Compound nouns: danh tư ghep 5.1. Noun-noun: Hanoi-capital; hall-door; hitch-hiker; kitchen-table; traffic light; … 5.2. Noun-gerund: fruit-picking; weight-lifting; lorry-driving; bird-watching; coal-mining;… 5.3. Gerund-noun: waiting-list; landing card; driving board; dining room; driving license;… 5.4. Free combination: sư kêt hơp tư do - shop window; church bell; picture frame; garden gate; college library; gear level;… - city street; corner shop; country lane; … - summer holiday; spring flowers; Sunday paper; dawn chorus; November fog; … - steel door; stone wall; silk shirt;… - coffee cup; golf club; chess board; football ground;… - fish-farm; gold-mine; oil-rig; … - football match; beauty contest; pop music;… 6. Suffixes: cac hâu tô dùng đê tạo danh tư. 1. er: teacher, reader, listener 11. ee: employee, refugee, interviewee 2. or: visitor, actor, spectator 12. ent: government, payment, investment 3. ist: terrorist, capitalist, naturalist 13. ce: importance, difference, significance 4. ant: applicant, assistant, pollutant 14. ion: action, decision, communication 5. age: voyage, carriage, marriage 15. hood: childhood, adulthood, neighborhood 6. dom: freedom, boredom, wisdom 16. ism: tourism, Buddhism, mechanism 7. ness: sadness, tiredness, happiness 17. ship: friendship, scholarship, relationship 8. iety: society, anxiety, variety 18. ility: ability, possibility, responsibility 9. ing: fishing, shopping, washing 19. al: arrival, refusal, approval 10. our: behavior 20. y: difficulty, honesty, accuracy BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1: Give ONE of the derived nouns of the given words. roots nouns roots nouns 1. able ……………… 11 explain ……………… . 2. anxious ……………… 12 friendly ……………… . 3. attract ……………… 13 free ……………… . 4. announc ……………… 14 hospitable ……………… e . 5. believe ……………… 15 imagine ……………… . 6. careful ……………… 16 imitate ……………… . 7. certain ……………… 17 know ……………… . 8. child ……………… 18 like ……………… . 9. discover ……………… 19 lonely ……………… . 10. excite ……………… 20 maintain ……………… .. roots 21. manage. nouns ………………… … 22. modernize ………………… … 23. organize ………………… … 24. pollute ………………… … 25. popular ………………… … 26. prove ………………… … 27. short ………………… … 28. solid ………………… … 29. stupid ………………… … 30. warm ………………… ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Exercise 2: Give ONE of the derived nouns of the given words to finish each of the incomplete sentences below. 1. The children all have very different____________. PERSON 2. An______________ is a person who is concerned about the natural ENVIRONMENT environment and wants to improve and protect it. 3. She had never been greatly concerned about her _____________. APPEAR 4. The_____________ of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. MAJOR 5. I’ll never forget the____________ I felt in the situation. HUMILIATE 6. The main goals of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are to promote peace and___________ in the region. STABLE 7. The security of the earth can be threatened by___________ groups. TERROR 8. It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat_____________. DESTROY 9. He resigned for a____________ of reasons. VARY 10. The Americans are much more concerned than the Indians and the Chinese with physical_______________ when choosing a wife or a husband. ATTRACT 11. How much does___________ of this club cost? MEMBER 12. I was annoyed at his___________ to co-operate. REFUSE 13. Jackson had another violent___________ with the referee. AGREE 14. She studied__________ at university. ECONOMY 15. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict___________. BRING 16. Rescue team held out little hope of finding other___________. SURVIVE 17. ___________ of the new system will take several days. INSTALL 18. Teachers must keep a record of students’_____________. ATTEND 19. There were 50___________ in the talent contest. COMPETE 20. Our___________ has lasted a lifetime. FRIEND ____________THE END___________. LESSON 7: ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về danh tư: đinh nghia, chức năng, cac loại tính tư, so sanh tính tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân tính tư. II. Thơi lương: - Đinh nghia, chức năng – tiêt 1. - Cac loại tính tư, so sanh – tiêt 2. - Bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân tính tư – tiêt 3. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. Definition: Words that denote colours, sizes, shapes, weights, characteristics, quality, quantity, and states of things, persons, actions, etc. La t ư dùng đ ê ch ỉ mau s ắc, kích c ỡ, hình dạng, trong lương, đặc điêm, chất lương, sô lương, va trạng thai cua sư vât, hiên tương. 2. Kinds (Classification): phân loại 1. Main kinds: phân loại chính a. Demonstrative: (tính tư chỉ đinh) this, that, those, these. e.g. This book is mine and that is yours. I’d like to have a look at those shoes, please. b. Distributive: (tính tư phân phôi) each, every, either, neither. e.g. Each room has its own TV set. We care for every client there. c. Quantitative: (tính tư chỉ sô lương) some, any, no, little, few, many, much, numbers. e.g. Some books are new and few are old. She has met many strangers in the town. d. Interrogative: (tính tư nghi vấn) which, what, whose. e.g. Which hat is your, the red or the blue one? What kind of films do you like to watch? e. Possessive: (tính tư sở hữu) my, your, his, her, our, its, their e.g. Your car needs cleaning. He apologized to her for having hurt her feelings. f. Quality: (tính tư chỉ phẩm chất) clever, dry, fat, golden, heavy,….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> e.g. He was very clever at making decision. The winners will be presented with golden medals. 2. Derived adjectives: Tính tư phai sinh la những tính tư đươc phai sinh t ư cac tư gôc khac đê đảm nhân chức năng cua tính tư. cu thê như sau: a. Present participles: Môt sô đông tư như amaze, amuse, bore, embarrass, excite, exhaust, frighten, interest, surprise, tire, etc. co thê thêm hâu tô ING đê tạo thanh cac tính tư ch ỉ đặc điêm, tính chất cua sư vât, hiên tương như: amazing, amusing, boring, embarrassing, exciting, exhausting, frightening, interesting, surprising, tiring, etc. e.g. We found the film amazing. They thought the long walk was tiring. A boring night didn’t appeal to him.An interesting book interested me. b. Past participles: Môt sô đông tư như amaze, amuse, bore, embarrass, excite, exhaust, frighten, interest, surprise, tire, etc. co thê thêm hâu tô ED đê tạo thanh cac tính t ư chỉ đặc điêm, tính chất cua người như: amazed, amused, bored, embarrassed, excited, exhausted, frightened, interested, surprised, tired, etc. e.g. We are nearly exhausted after so long a walk. They felt extremely tired after a day of hard work. c. Others: * compound words used as adjectives: e.g. Ha Noi is a one-thousand-year-old city. An eighty-year-old lady showed me the way here. * noun-ed used as adjectives: e.g An one-eyed man told me to sit down. The manned craft landed safely. * Adverbs-past participles used as adjectives: e.g. He was a well-educated man. They are properly-trained workers. The poorly-prepared trip turned to be disastrous. III. Functions (Position): chức năng hay vi trí 1. Noun-subordinator: Tính tư thưc hiên chức năng lam bổ nghia cho danh tư, tính tư thường đươc đặt liền trươc cac danh tư đê chỉ tính chất, đặc điêm cua danh tư đo. e.g. This is a new book. She is really a kind-hearted lady. We live in a very large room. Note: Khi co nhiều tính tư cùng bổ nghia cho m ôt danh t ư ta c ân chu ý đ ên tr ât t ư cac tính tư như bảng dươi đây: 1. Opinion → 2. Size → 3. Age → 4. Shape → 5. Color → 6. Origin e.g. My beautiful large new round brown Vietnamese cornical leaf hat is overthere. 2. Verb-complementation: Tính tư thưc hiên chức năng lam bổ ngữ cho đông tư, tính t ư thường theo sau cac đông tư (linking verbs) như: be, become, seem, appear, feel, get, grow (become), keep, look (appear), make, smell, sound, taste, turn,… e.g. She is really beautiful. They became more and more nervous. He seemed tired. Mr. An felt a bit disappointed. But some verbs can take either an adjective or an adverb: e.g. He looks calm. (=He himself is calm) He looks calmly at the angry crowd. (= He shows no attitude to the angry crowd) 3. Comparison forms: cấp so sanh đôi vơi cac tính tư co thê đươc trình bay theo dạng d ươi đây: 3.1. Positive degree: so sanh bằng cua tính tư a. Formula: S – V – as – adjs – as – O b. Examples: She is as tall as my wife. Peter was as hard-working as I was. Note: negative formula not – as/so – – as e.g. Helen is not as strict asadjs Jane. He was not so intelligent as his fellows. The house is not as comfortable as the previous one. 3.2. Comparative degree: Hình thức so sanh hơn cua tính tư a. Monosyllable-adjectives: Đôi vơi tính tư đơn âm tiêt hoặc tính tư đa âm tiêt nhưng co tân cùng bằng “y”, “ow”, hoặc “er”:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> S – V – adjs -ER – e.g.. Lan is shorter than Na. She was better at English than we were. She looked happier than her brother. b. Multisyllable-adjectives: Đôi vơi tính tư đa âm tiêt S – V – more – adjs – than – O e.g. She was more hard-working than us. We are more intelligent than him. Helen is more beautiful than she used to be. 3.3. Superlative degree: so sanh hơn nhất a. Monosyllable-adjectives: Đôi vơi tính tư đơn âm tiêt hoặc tính tư đa âm tiêt nhưng co tân cùng bằng “y”, “ow”, hoặc “er”: S – V – the – adjs EST e.g. Nam is the best in our class. She was the kindest lady I’ve ever met. Lam is the happiest in our group. b. Multisyllable- adjectives: Đôi vơi tính tư đa âm tiêt S – V – the – most – adjs e.g.. Sarah was the most intelligent in my group. She is the most hard-working girl I’ve ever known. Water is one of the most important factors to life. Notes: For adjectives ending in “er”, “y”, “ly”, or the irregular cases – B ảng cac hình th ức so sanh cua cac tính tư bất qui tắc: 1. bad – worse - the worst 6. clever – cleverer - the cleverest 2. good – better - the best 7. happy – happier - the happiest 3. little – less - the least 8. far - farther/ further - the farthest/ furthest 4. pretty – prettier - the prettiest 9. many/ much – more - the most 5. silly – sillier - the silliest 10. old - older/ elder - the oldest/ eldest 3.4. Double comparison: Hình thức so sanh kep gồm 4 mẫu câu sau: a. S – V – adj-ER – and – adj-ER e.g. She is becoming older and wiser. b. S – V – adj-ER – and – more – adj e.g. It was getting darker and more humid. c. S – V – more – adj – and – adj-ER e.g. He is more hard-working and smarter. d.. S – V – more – adj – and – more – adj e.g. Linh is becoming more industrious and more intelligent. 3.5. Parallel comparison: hình thức so sanh thăng tiên gồm 4 mẫu câu sau: a. a. The adj-ER - S – V, the adj-ER – S –V e.g. The older she is. the wiser she becomes. b. The adj-ER - S – V, the more adj – S –V e.g. The darker it was, the more humid it seemed to be. c. The more adj - S – V, the adj-ER – d.. S –V e.g. The more hard-working he is, the smarter he becomes. The more adj - S – V, the more adj – S – V.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> e.g. The more industrious Linh is, the more intelligent he gets. 4. Confused words: Môt sô tư dê bi nhâm lẫn về cach sử dung. a. like/ alike: * like (adj) giông e.g. Tom is very like Bill. * alike (adj) giông nhau e.g. Tom and Bill are alike. b. like/ as: * like (adv) giông e.g. He swims like a fish. You look like a ghost. * as (adv) như la e.g. Do as I told you. He ate as he had been hungry for months c. like + N/ as + N: * like (adv) giông e.g. He worked like a slave. (He worked very hard/ He wasn’t a slave). * as (adv) la e.g. He worked as a slave. (He was a slave in fact). d. The adjectives: the –đươc đặt trươc cac tính t ư đê ch ỉ nhom cac s ư v ât hi ên t ương co chung môt tính chất. e.g. The rich are not always happy. The poor need support from the whole community. The retarded find it hard to integrate. The suspected are not allowed to travel abroad. IV. Adjectival clauses: Môt sô cac mênh đề tính ngữ cơ bản thường gặp 1. That – clause: It be adj that - S e.g. It is disappointed that he failed the exam. It’s better that someone should tell him. 2. find/ think/ believe + that: S – V - that - it be adj to-inf e.g. I found that it is impossible to start now. She thought that it was silly to ask him to stay. We believe that it will be easier to get a seat in a university in the future. 3. Comment: Vơi cac tính tư theo cấu truc: It be adj of O to -. inf a. Character: Cac tính tư chỉ tính cach như: brave, careless, cowardly (nhút nhát), cruel, generous, good, nice (=kind), mean, rude, selfish... e.g. It is brave of Maria to go out at night alone. It is cowardly of him not to talk in public spaces. It is generous of Mr. Pike to offer me a lift. It is selfish to care for ourselves only. b. Sense: Cac tính tư chỉ phẩm chất như: clever, foolish, idiotic (ngu), intelligent, sensible (nhạy bén), silly, stupid,… e.g. It is idiotic of Maria to go out at night alone. It is clever of him not to talk in public spaces. It is sensible of Mr. Pike to offer me a lift. It is stupid to care for ourselves only.. e.g.. S – V - adj - N 4. Pronoun + be + adjs + noun + infinitives: Using the above adjectives and – Hình thức nay s ử d ung cac tính tư như phân trên, ngoai ra còn dung vơi cac tính tư sau đây: astonishing, curious, ridiculous (lố bịch), unreasonable, funny(=strange), odd (lập dị), pointless, useful, useless,… That’s the amazing idea to show. It was an unreasonable result to accept. It’s - adjs – to 5. infinitives Dùng vơi cac tình tư sau: advisable, inadvisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary, unnecessary, vital (tất yếu),… e.g. It’s advisable to put our money into the bank. 6. It be - adjs - (for O) – to infinitives Dùng vơi cac tình tư sau: convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, possible, important, safe,… e.g. It’s safe for us to put our money into the bank..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> It’s difficult for them to stop discussing the matter now. 7.. S - be - adjs - to infinitives Dùng vơi cac tình tư sau: angry, delighted, dismayed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sorry, sad e.g. They are angry to hear that their house was broken into. He is delighted to know his entrance examination results. 8.. S - be - glad/ happy/ sorry/ sad/… - to say/ tell/ inform e.g. I am glad to tell you that you win the prize. Others adjs + to find/ learn/ hear/ see/…) Như: able, unable, apt, inclined, liable, prone, prepared, quick, reluctant, slow, ready, willing,. It - be – adj that S – V (không chia)/ 9. V Đươc dùng vơi cac tính tshould ư sau: advisable, inadvisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary, unnecessary, vital, compulsory, suggested, etc. e.g. It’s advisable that he (should) be on-time. It’s vital that one (should) have medical insurance. 10. Special cases: cac cấu truc đặc biêt - Due: (sắp xảy ra chỉ thời gian) e.g. The race is due to start in 5 minutes . - Due to: a result of (vì, do bởi, chỉ môt kêt quả) e.g. The accident was due to his carelessness. - Owing to: because of (bởi vì, do bởi, chỉ môt nguyên nhân) e.g. Owing to his carelessness, we had an accident. - Certain/ sure + to V= opinion (chắc la – chỉ môt suy đoan) e.g. He is sure to take legal action. - Certain/ sure that + (clause) = opinion (chắc la – chỉ môt suy đoan) e.g. I am certain that the price will be higher. - Certain/ sure/ confident of + N/G: (chỉ s ư quyêt tâm) e.g. He was sure of entering the haunted house. - Bound + to V= obligation (Viêc sắp sửa diên ra) e.g. We were bound to leave . - Afraid/ ashamed of + N/G: (sơ hay xấu hổ vì điều gì) e.g. She was afraid of being left alone . - Sorry for/ about + N/G: (hôi tiêc về điều gì đo) e.g. Tom felt sorry for making so many mistakes. - Afraid/ ashamed/ sorry + to V: (sơ, xấu hổ, tiêc vì phải..) e.g. I’m sorry to tell you that bad news. - Anxious about = worried (lo lắng vì điều gì) e.g. He was anxious about going in the dark alone. - Anxious for O to V = wish (muôn lam gì) e.g. He was anxious for you to go in the dark alone . - Anxious that + (clause) e.g. We are anxious that we couldn’t come. - Fortunate/ lucky that + (clause) = It’s a good thing… e.g. It was lucky that we weren’t late. - S + be fortunate/ lucky to V e.g. She was lucky to have such an interesting book. - Possible/ probable/ likely + future = perhaps e.g. It’s possible that man will live longer. - Aware/ conscious of N/G e.g. We should be aware of protecting our nature. - Aware/ conscious + that + (clause) e.g. She was conscious that she would be late. V. Suffixes: Cach kiên tạo ra tính tư qua cac hâu tô. 1. able: portable, agreeable, eatable 9. ing: tiring, boring, exciting 2. al: parental, musical, moral 10. ish: reddish, whitish, blackish 3. ed: tired, bored, excited 11. ive: active, effective, native 4. en: woolen, golden, wooden 12. less: careless, useless, helpless 5. ful: careful, useful, helpful 13. ly: lovely, lively, friendly 6. ial: essential, trial, social 14. ous: industrious, enormous, dangerous 7. ible: visible, legible, edible 15. some: troublesome, worrisome 8. ic: politic, romantic, historic 16. y: wealthy, healthy, rainy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> _________THE END__________ LESSON 8: ADVERBS I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về danh tư: đinh nghia, chức năng, cac loại trạng tư, so sanh trạng tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân trạng tư. II. Thơi lương: - Đinh nghia, chức năng – tiêt 1. - Cac loại tính tư, so sanh, đảo ngữ – tiêt 2. - Bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân trạng tư – tiêt 3. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: I. Kinds (Classification): phân loại trạng tư 1. Adverbs of manner: trạng tư chỉ thê cach dung đê chỉ cach thức cua hanh đông, hoạt đông, thường theo sau va bổ nghia cho cac đông tư. thông th ường tr ạng t ư ch ỉ thê cach đươc biên đổi phai sinh tư tính tư tương ứng: Adjs + ly Ví du về cấu tạo cua trạng tư chỉ thê cach: adjectives adverbs adjectives adverbs 1. amazing amazingly 6. early early 2. beautiful beautifully 7. fast fast 3. brave bravely 8. good well 4. happy happily 9. hard hard 5. quick quickly 10. late late Ví du về chức năng cua trạng tư chỉ thê cach: - She sang beautifully. He drove dangerously and got a serious accident. - Helen was used to getting up early. Tom run very fast and won the first place prize. 2. Adverbs of place: Cac trạng tư chỉ nơi chôn đươc dùng như cac ngữ cô đ inh đê tạo thanh trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chôn. Gồm cac trạng t ư chỉ n ơi ch ôn nh ư: by/ down/ near/ here/ there/ etc. e.g. She comes there twice a week. Here come the police. 3. Adverbs of time: Cac trạng tư chỉ thời gian cũng đươc dùng như cac ngữ cô đinh đê tạo thanh trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian. Gồm cac trạng tư chỉ thời gian như: now/ soon/ still/ today/ yet/ etc. e.g. We are going to Hanoi today. He will return soon. 4. Adverbs of frequency: Cac trạng tư chỉ tân suất đươc dùng đê chỉ sô lân xuất hiên cua sư vât, sư viêc trên môt đơn vi thời gian. Gồm cac trạng tư chỉ tân suất như: always/ usually/often/ sometimes/ occasionally/ seldom/ rarely/ never/ once/ twice/ three times/ four times/ etc. e.g. Linda often goes to school by bus. We never eat dog-meat. 5. Adverbs of sentence: Cac trạng tư cua câu đươc dung đê mô tả s ắc thai l ời noi va co v i trí linh hoạt trong câu. Cac trạng tư cua câu như: certainly/ definitely/ luckily/ etc . e.g. He was certainly the liar. He finally passed the driving test after three successive attempts. Luckily, she passed the exam. Mr. Peter loved the scenic beauty of the resort totally. 6. Adverbs of degree: Cac trạng tư chỉ mức đô đươc dùng đê mô t ả m ức đ ô hay tính chất cua sư viêc. Cac trạng tư chỉ mức đô như: fairly/ hardly/ rather/ quite/ too/ etc . e.g. He was quite handsome. Hardly did we see anything. She is fairly tall with bright complexion. Mrs. Black felt a bit bored with the main character’s performance. 7. Adverbs of interrogative: Gồm cac trạng tư: when/ where/ why/ e.g. When did you go? Where is she now? Why didn’t you put on your best clothes to go to the interview? 8. Adverbs of relative: Gồm cac trạng tư: when/ where/ why e.g. He came when we were watching T.V. That’s the park where we first met. I don’t know the reason why she didn’t come to your party yesterday. Note: Some adverbs share the same form with their corresponding adjectives – Môt sô trạng tư co hình thức giông hêt vơi tính tư cùng nguồn gôc vơi chung. Hay noi khac đi, dươi đây la bảng môt sô tính tư va trạng tư co chung môt hình thức: adjectives adverbs adjectives adverbs adjectives adverbs 1. back back 9. just* just* 17. near* near*.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 2.. 10 late* late* 18. pretty pretty . 3. early early 11 left left 19. right* right* . 4. enough enough 12 little little 20. short* short* . 5. far far 13 long long 21. till till . 6. hard* hard* 14 more* more* 22. straight straight . 7. high* high* 15 most* most* 23. well well . 8. ill ill 16 much* much* 24. wrong* wrong* . e.g. She is a hard worker. She works very hard. He didn’t have enough money, and he wasn’t old enough to earn much. A near look helps me know what it is. He lives near the church. My house is far from school so I have to walk far every morning. Note: Adverb with “*” above can either have “ly” or not, but differences in meanings. e.g. She worked hard. = She is a hard-working person. She could hardly work. = She could not or was unable to work. II. Positions (Functions): Vi trí hay chức năng cua môt sô loại trạng tư đươc giơi thiêu như dươi đây: 1. Adverbs of manner: Trạng tư chỉ thê cach co chức năng chính la bổ nghia cho đông tư, chỉ cach thức cua hoạt đông. Trạng tư chỉ thê cach co vi trí như sau: * Follow verbs – đi liền ngay sau đông tư đê bổ nghia cho đông tư: eg: He danced gracefully. She sang marvelously. They ran quickly to the bookstore. * Before prepositions or follow objects in – Theo sau cac tân ng ữ ho ặc đi tr ươc cac gi ơi t ư trong cấu truc: S–V– eg:. direct*. direct*. He looked at me carefully. He looked carefully at me. * Follow Subject – Theo sau cac chu ngữ như: eg: He suspiciously tasted the soup. The inspectors thoroughly examined the dead body. * At the beginning or end – Co thê đặt ở đâu hoặc cuôi câu như: eg: Carefully he checks the suitcase. He checks the suitcase carefully. 2. Adverbs of time: Trạng tư chỉ thời gian thường so cac vi trí sau: * At the beginning or end of sentences – Môt sô trạng tư chỉ thời gian co thê đặt ở đâu hoặc cuôi cua câu ma không lam thay đổi tính chất hay nghia c ua câu như: afterwards/ eventually/ lately/ now/ recently/ at once/ since then/ till/… eg: He will returns soon. = He will soon return = Soon he will return. Today we will learn lesson two. = We will learn lesson two today. * Always at the end - Môt sô trạng tư chỉ thời gian luôn đ ươc đặt ở cu ôi cua câu, khi thay đổi vi trí chức năng cua trạng tư cũng thay đổi, chẳng hạn như: before*/ early/ immediately*/ (Adverbs with “*” are used as conjunctions when placed at the beginning of sentences – cac trạng tư co dấu “*” ở trên sẽ đươc dung như liên t ư khi đ ươc đ ặt ở đâu câu). eg: He went to the church immediately. Khac vơi Immediately, he went to the church..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> * Follow subjects or “V - O” – cac trạng tư yet/ still/etc. theo sau cac chu ngữ riêng just đứng tach giữa đông tư trơ va đông tư mang nghia như: eg: He still lives in the suburb of the city. nhưng: He has just left the house. 3. Adverbs of place: Cac trạng tư chỉ nơi chôn co cac vi trí trong câu như dươi đây:  At the beginning or end – Đươc đặt ở đâu hoặc cuôi cua câu ma không lam thay đ ổi tính chất va nghia cua câu như: away/ everywhere/ nowhere/ somewhere/ here /there/etc. eg: Nowhere could we find him. = We could find him nowhere. English is spoken everywhere.= Everywhere English is spoken.  Administration – cac trạng tư dung đê chỉ đinh như: here/ there eg: He lives here. She hasn’t gone there. 4. Adverbs of frequency: Trạng tư chỉ tân suất:.  Flexible positions - thường đi sau to be, đi trươc cac đông tư thường, hoặc tach giữa đông tư trơ vơi đông tư mang nghia như: always/ continually/ frequently/ often/ once/ twice/ periodically/ repeatedly/ sometimes/ usually/etc. eg: She usually walks to school. She is often late for school. Sometimes he goes out at night. He sometimes goes out at night.  Restricted (inversion) – Cac trạng tư mang nghia phu đ inh khi đ ươc đ ặt ở đ âu câu sẽ phải đảo ngữ như: hardly - ever/ never/ rarely/ scarcely ever/ seldom/ etc. eg: She will never she eat this kind of food. Nhưng Never will she eat this kind of food. __________THE END___________. LESSON 9: VERBS I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Ôn tâp về danh tư: đinh nghia, chức năng, cac loại đông tư. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân đông tư. II. Thơi lương: - Đông tư trơ, đông tư khiêm khuyêt – tiêt 1. - Nôi đông tư, ngoại đông tư– tiêt 2. - Bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân đông tư – tiêt 3. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: 1. Definition: To denote action, state, and be the most important part of sentences. Đ ông t ư dung đê diên tả hanh đông, hoạt đông, trạng thai va sư tồn tại. 2. Classification: phân loại đông tư 1. Auxiliary verbs: đông tư trơ 1.1. Primary auxiliary verbs: Đông tư trơ chính – la những đông tư vưa co thê đảm nhân chức năng cua môt đông tư chính, vưa co chức năng cua đông tư trơ. Gồm m ôt s ô đ ông tư nh ư: be/ have/ do/need, etc. (These verbs can either be auxiliaries or lexical verbs) a. Be: + Main verb: e.g. She is the head of our company. Lan has been to all big cities in Vietnam. Be careful! Don’t be afraid to go! + Auxiliary verb: e.g. She is doing her homework. Lan was punished due to her carelessness. b. Have: + Main verb: e.g. She has a lot of acquaintances but just a few close friends. They were having the time of their life. + Auxiliary verb: e.g. They had had a car before we afforded one. She has studied here for five years now. c. Do: + Main verb: e.g. She does morning exercises regularly. They did all they could in order to better their lives. + Auxiliary verb: e.g. She doesn’t go jogging because the weather is so wet. Lan did do that I think..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> d. Need + Main verb:. e.g.. She needs to start in order to get the last train to London. Some more materials are urgently needed. + Auxiliary verb: e.g. You needn’t hurry as we have much time left. He need not say any thing as it is not important for him to. 1.2. Modal verbs: Cac đông tư khuyêt thiêu (đông tư tình thai - Đông t ư đ ươc coi la đ ông t ư khuyêt thiêu gồm: can/ could/ may/might/ must/ have to + base form/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ be going to + base form/ used to + base form/ ought to + base form/) t ư thân không b ảo đảm nghia cho câu no cân kêt hơp vơi môt đông tư mang nghia đ ê hoan thanh nghia cho câu. Viêc phat âm cac đông tư tình thai đươc thưc hiên dươi hình thức strong form va weak form (xem chương trình sach giao khoa Tiêng Anh 12 – NXB Giao D uc Vi êt Nam 2006). M ôt s ô đ ông tư tình thai va cach sử dung cu thê đươc trình bay d ươi đây. (These are sometimes functional verbs) a. “Can” is used to denote: - ability: e.g. She can swim. - deduction: e.g. He gets up a bit later than usual so he can be late for school. (high certainty) - speculation: e.g. He hasn’t come up yet. He can have had something to do at home. - others: e.g. Can you help me? Or Can I help you? (ask for help or offer to help) You can win if you want. (possibility) b. “Could” is used to denote: - ability: e.g. She could swim when she was only eight. - deduction: e.g. He could be absent from school as he felt ill last night. (high certainty) - speculation: e.g. He hasn’t come up yet. He could have had trouble with his bike. - others: e.g. Could you tell me how to get to the Square, please? (ask for direction) Could you speak louder, please! (polite request) c. “Be able to - inf” is used to denote: - ability: e.g. She was able to swim when she was only eight. - future: e.g. He will be able to gain a seat at a university. Note: “Be able to - inf”, to some extent, functions as “can” (present tense); “could” (past tense) and replaces “can” in future tense, but in fact, “Be able to - inf” denotes the ability at the time of speaking. d. “May” is used to denote: - posibility: e.g. It may rain soon. - deduction: e.g. He may be selected as our new manager. (low certainty) - speculation: e.g. He hasn’t come up yet. He may have changed his mind. (low certainty) - others: e.g. May I say some thing? (ask for permission) e. “Might” is used to denote: - posibility: e.g. It might be a nice day there then. - deduction: e.g. He might be selected as our new manager. (lower certainty) - speculation: e.g. He hasn’t come up yet. He might have changed his mind. (lower certainty) f. “Must” is used to denote: - obligation: e.g. I must work hard to please my parents. (I myself want to do so.) - deduction: e.g. He must be selected as our new manager. (certainty) - speculation: e.g. He hasn’t come up yet. He must have changed his mind. (certainty) g. “Have to - inf” is used to denote: - compulsion: e.g. I have to work hard to please my parents. (My parents want me to do so.) - past: e.g. He had to work hard to please his parents. (replace must in the past) - future: e.g. He will have to work hard to please his parents. (replace must in the future) h. “Ought to - inf” is used to denote: - I ought to write to him right now. - You oughtn’t to go now. - A: Ought she to leave? - B: Yes, I suppose she should. i. “Will” is used to denote: - future: e.g. Our course will end in July. - promise: e.g. I will try my best to win her heart. (also used as a swear) - invitation: e.g. My party is on Monday night, will you come?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> j. “Would” is used to denote: - future in the past: e.g. He said he would help me. - invitation: e.g. Would you like a cold drink? - possibility: e.g. If he tried harder, he would be successful now. k. “Shall” is used to denote: - future: e.g. I shall be the 12th grade student next month. (for the subjects of I & We and formal way only) - suggestion: e.g. Shall we meet outside the theatre? l. “Should” is used to denote: - past form of shall: e.g. I told him that I should be there. - advice: e.g. We should do more to protect the wildlife. 2. Lexical verbs: Đông tư mang nghia la những đông tư mang nghia chính cho câu, đ ươc chia lam hai loại chính la nôi đông tư va ngoại đông t ư phu thuôc vao tính ch ất truy ền t ải ý nghia cua đông tư. Đông tư mang nghia gồm hai phân nhom chính la N ôi đ ông t ư va Ngo ại đ ông t ư như mô tả dươi đây: 2.1. Intransitive verbs: verbs that can function as verb phrases and make sentences meaningful without any complementation. Nôi đông tư la những đ ông t ư ma t ư thân co th ê b ảo đ ảm nghia cho câu, ma không co sư trơ giup cua tân ngữ. e.g. She cried (noisily). It rains (hard). It is raining (heavily). The wind was blowing (hard). They laughed (happily). * Linking verbs: Đông tư nôi la những đông tư co thê theo sau bởi cac tính t ư (b ổ ng ữ). G ồm: become; feel; seem; look; appear; turn; grow; taste; smell; sound; stay; keep; etc e.g. She became exhausted after a long walk. He felt a bit bored. He seemed indifferent. Lan appeared nicer after having made up carefully. Pete looked tired. Nhưng Pete looked tiredly at the man behind. 2.2. Transitive verbs: verbs that need objects as the complementation. La nh ững đ ông t ư t ư thân không đảm bảo nghia cho câu ma cân co cac tân ng ữ đi kèm, đ ươc chia lam ba nhom chính sau. a. Mono-transitive verbs: (Ngoại đông tư đơn) verbs that followed by one object – la những đông tư chỉ cân môt tân ngữ theo kèm theo mẫu câu: S–V–O e.g. She bought some kinds of flowers. S V O Ann met her fiance yesterday. They like apples very much. S V O S V O He did a lot of sight-seeing during his vacation. S V O Lan took many photos when she went shopping in the city centre. S V O Ta goi loại đông tư nay la ngoại đông tư đơn. b. Di-transitive verbs: (Ngoại đông tư đa) verbs that followed by both direct and indirect objects – La những đông tư ma theo sau la c ả tân ng ữ tr ưc ti êp va gian ti êp. Nh ững đông tư thường gặp nhom nay gồm bring, build, buy, cut, draw, feed, tell, find, get, give, hand, leave, lend, write, make, offer, owe, paint, pass, pay, promiss, read, sell, send, show, teach, etc.theo mẫu câu:. S–V–O–O. 1. 2. 3. 4.. Môt sô đông tư cân lưu ý: one form “buy somebody something” e.g. She bought me some sweets. “explain to somebody (about) something” e.g. He explained to me the rules. “give somebody something” e.g. Pete gave me a wink. “lend somebody something” e.g. Paul lent me $100 yesterday.. the other form “buy s.t for somebody” e.g. She bought some sweets for me “explain (about) something to somebody” e.g. He explained the rules to me. “give something to somebody” e.g. Pete gave a wink to me. “lend something to somebody” e.g. Paul lent $100 to me yesterday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 5.. “make somebody something” “make something for somebody” e.g. They made me some sandwiches. e.g. They made some sandwiches for me. 6. “send somebody something” “send something to somebody” e.g. Laura sends me a letter. e.g. Laura sends a letter to me. 7. “bring somebody something” “bring something for somebody” e.g. She brought me a pen. e.g. She brought a pen for me. 8. “fix somebody something” “fix something for somebody” e.g. He fixed me a drink. e.g. He fixed a drink for me. 9. “owe somebody something” “owe something to somebody” e.g. He owed Janet a drink. e.g. He owed a drink to Janet. 10. “draw somebody something” “draw something for somebody” e.g. He drew Janet a portrait. e.g. He owed a portrait for Janet. c. Complex transitive verbs: follow by an object and its compliment. Ta goi loại đông tư nay la ngoại đông tư phức hơp, va đông tư nay tuân theo công thức:. S–V–O–C Môt sô đông tư thuôc loại nay đươc ví du cu thê như dươi đây: Make: e.g. The film made me bored. → I was bored with the film. → The film bored me. → I found the film boring.  Get: e.g. He gets everything ready for her trip. → Everything for her chip is prepared well by her.  Find: e.g. They found the long walk tiring. → The long walk tired them. → They were tired of the long walk. → The long walk made them tired.  Drive: e.g. His jokes drove me mad. III. Affixations: phu tố để tạo đông từ 1. en: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or lead to). Ta co th ê thêm vao tr ươc hoặc sau môt sô danh tư hay tính tư đê tạo thanh đông tư. Mô tả như dươi đây: prefix suffix nouns/ adjectives verbs nouns/ adjectives verbs courage encourage length lengthen danger endanger strength strengthen roll enroll broad broaden act enact rich richen large enlarge wide widen rich enrich worse worsen 2. ize/ ise: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or develop, or specify). Ta co th ê thêm vao sau môt sô tính tư đê tạo thanh đông tư. Mô tả như dươi đây: adjectives verbs adjectives verbs critic criticize capital capitalize maximum maximize equal equalize minimum minimize industrial industrialize modern modernize natural naturalize popular popularize real realize IV. Sentence models: 1 S + V-intrans They laugh. The wind is blowing. S V S V 2 S + V-mono-trans + O He did his homework. Harley carried an umbrella. S V O S V O 3 S + V-in/ extensive + Cs He became famous. They are nearly exhausted. S V C S V C 4 S + V-intrans + A He went abroad. She arrives late. .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 5. S + V-ditrans + O + O. 6. S + V-complex trans + O + C. Others.. S V A S V A She buys me presents. That brings my father success. S V O O S V O O The story made me bored. You drive me mad. S V O C S V O C. -----------------------THE END------------------------. LESSON 10: LANGUAGE SKILLS I. Muc đich yêu câu: - Nâng cao cac ki năng ngôn ng ữ cho h oc sinh theo cac m ảng ki năng: đ oc, nghe, viêt. - Giơi thiêu cac bai tâp liên quan đên nôi dung phân ki năng. II. Thơi lương: - Ki năng đoc hiêu – tiêt 1. - Ki năng nghe hiêu – tiêt 2. - Ki năng viêt – tiêt 3. III. Nôi dung li thuyêt va ren ki năng: BÀI TẬP VỀ KĨ NĂNG NGHE - LISTENING: 1.1. Đánh giá chung: Phân nay kiêm tra ki năng nghe hiêu cua hoc sinh về cac ch u đ ề, ch u điêm như nha trường – gia đình – xã hôi – ki năng giao tiêp. Bôi cảnh nghe th ường di ên ra t ại khach sạn, nha hang, sân bay, văn phòng, cac đại lí nha đ ất, du l ich. Hình th ức bai nghe th ường la cac cuôc hôi thoại, điên đam, bai phat biêu, bai noi chuy ên v ề cac v ấn đ ề đ ươc đ ề c âp. Yêu c âu bai nghe gồm cac hình thức như: listen for specific details, listen to fill in the missing information, listening comprehension (listen then answer the questions, listen to retell the story,…). Đ ê lam chu phân nghe hoc sinh cân chu ý vao cac yêu câu sau: - Nghe các con số, các thông tin chi tiết như vị trí, giá cả, số điện thoại, ngày gi ờ. - Nghe các số liệu, tên, địa chỉ, phương tiện, hình thức công việc, các sắc thái tình cảm. - Nghe phán đoán nội dung, tìm chủ đề và các thông tin đặc biệt. - Nghe hiểu cốt chuyện, thuật lại cốt chuyện và nội dung chính. 1.2. Một số gợi ý khi nghe: - Chuẩn bi tôt tâm lí trươc khi nghe bằng cach: + Đoc trươc thât ki nôi dung yêu câu, câu hỏi phân cân nghe (trên đề). + Đoan chu đề bai nghe, liên tưởng cac kiên thức về chu đề nghe. + Chuẩn bi cac tư vưng, cấu truc co liên quan (theo phan đoan). + Đoan trươc theo nôi dung câu hỏi (co thê chính xac). - Chuẩn bi cho bai lam bằng cach: + Liêt kê (trên nhap) thứ tư cac câu hỏi theo đề bai. + Đê khoảng cach giữa cac câu hỏi sao cho co thê thay đổi đươc đap an. + Điền nôi dung đoan trươc nêu co. - Ki năng nghe: + Tâp trung tôi đa tinh thân, nhưng không qua lo lắng hay sôt sắng. + Chu ý nghe trong âm, tư nhấn mạnh, điều lặp lại. + Suy luân phân không nghe đươc theo kiên thức về văn hoa, ngữ phap, ngữ nghia. - Hoan thiên bai lam: + Kiêm tra cac thông tin can thiêt, tính logic, hơp lí cua cac thông tin nghe đươc. + Kiêm tra lại tính tương thíc về ngữ nghia, ngữ phap va văn phong cua cac đap an. + Hoan thanh bai lam bằng viêc suy đoan cac đap an không nghe đ ươc. 1.3. Một số địa chỉ hoặc phương pháp luyện nghe: - Nghe trưc tuyên trên cac websites như: www.luyennghetienganh.com, - Luyên nghe trưc tuyên, ngoại tuyên cac phân nghe cua TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS,… - Sử dung cac tai liêu nghe co ở cac hiêu sach. - Xem phim không phu đề, không dich,… - Nghe bai hat (tôt nhất).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> BÀI TẬP VỀ ĐỌC ĐIỀN KHUYẾT - GAPS FILLING 1. Nhân xet chung: Bai Đê giải quyêt yêu câu cua phân bai tâp nay hoc sinh phải co ki ên th ức ngữ phap tôt, vôn tư vưng kha, hiêu đươc cac thanh ngữ, đặc bi êt ph ải n ắm đ ươc cang nhi ều cum tư, ngữ cô đinh cang tôt. Phân bai tâp nay thường kiêm tra cac kiên thức: - Kĩ năng sử dụng từ vựng (cụm từ; collocations;...) - Kĩ năng sử dụng trật tự từ, mối quan hệ từ vựng,các ngữ cố định, thành ngữ. - Hiểu biết về thì, mệnh đề và các yếu tố văn hóa. - Sự hòa hợp các thành tố của câu, các yếu tố ngữ pháp. - Mệnh đề, các liên từ dùng cho mệnh đề, đại từ. 2. Một số bài tâp về đọc điền khuyết: phân thứ hai cuôn sach nay BÀI TẬP VỀ ĐỌC HIỂU - READING COMPREHENSION 1. Nhân xet chung: Đê lam tôt loại bai tâp đoc hiêu chung ta cân phân tích va chia nhom cac loại câu hỏi, vân dung cac ki năng giải cac nhom câu h ỏi c u th ê đ ê hoan thanh bai t âp. Thông thường, bai tâp đoc hiêu gồm hai bai đoc vơi chưng 10 câu h ỏi kèm theo thu ôc cac nhom câu hỏi cu thê sau: Type 1: Vocabulary questions: Khai quat: Identify vocabulary meaning (3 – 5 questions/ 1 passage). Câu hỏi: - The word/ phrase “X” is closest in meaning to . - The word/ phrase “X” could/ can be best replaced by . - The word/ phrase “X” probably means . Type 2: Reference questions: Khai quat: Identify the referent a reference word “refers to” (0 – 2 questions/ 1 passage). Câu hỏi: - The word/ phrase “X” refers to_ ____. Type 3&4: Factual & negative factual questions: Khai quat: Choose an answer that is true or untrue according to the passage Factual (3-6 questions/ 1 passage); Negative factual (0-2 questions/ 1 passage) Câu hỏi: Factual: - Which of the following statements is TRUE of ? - It is indicated in the passage that . - According to the passage, _____. Negative factual: - Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of________? - All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ____. Type 5: Sentence simplification questions: Khai quat: Find the best replacement of key information from long and complex sentences (1 question/ 1 passage). Câu hỏi: Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Type 6: Prose Summary: Complete a summary of a passage (1 question/ 1 passage). Type 7: Classify, categorize, organize information questions: Khai quat: Categorize specific facts in the passage (1 question/ 1 passage). Type 8: Inference questions: Khai quat: Make inferences, form generalizations and draw conclusions based on what is implied in a passage (0-2 questions/ 1 passage). Câu hỏi: - It is implied in the passage that . - It can/ could be inferred from the passage that . - It is suggested in the passage that . Type 9: Rhetorical purpose questions: Khai quat: Recognize why an author explains concept in a certain way (0-2 questions/ 1 passage) Câu hỏi: - Why does the author state X? - Why does the author mention X? - The author mentions X in order to . 2. Một số bài tâp về đọc hiểu: phân thứ hai cuôn sach nay BÀI TẬP VỀ VIẾT LUẬN – ESSAY WRITING.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 1. Đánh giá chung: Phân nay yêu câu hoc sinh viêt essay (bai luân) đê ban về m ôt vấn đ ề c u thê như: đời sông, môi trường, vấn đề xã hôi, nhiên liêu, ô nhiêm, lôi s ông, cac v ấn đ ề c ua th ời đại, đời sông hoc đường, giao duc, y tê, bảo vê thiên nhiên, đô th i hoa, toan c âu hoa,... H oc sinh cân nắm đươc cac yêu câu: - Cấu truc môt essay ( trên 200 tư - tư 4 đoạn văn trở lên). - Cấu truc hanh văn, môi liên kêt, lâp luân. - Cach sử dung ngôn ngữ, lôi phân tích: đưa vấn đề - giải thích – chứng minh – ví du. - Liên tư, mênh đề, cac yêu câu lâp luân: Topic – Main idea – Main dea - ... – Conclusion - Cac ki năng cu thê sau: 2. Kĩ năng viết luân cụ thể: 2.1. Writing Essay: Ki năng viêt bai văn a. Writing process: Tiên hanh viêt Đây la bươc chuyên hoa tư cac ý tưởng (đã lam ở phân chuẩn bi trên đây) thanh môt bai viêt hoan chỉnh (sản phẩm cuôi cùng). Tuân thu 5 bươc sau: Five Writing Steps: 1. Open your notebook and word processor. 2. Write the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence. 3. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning. 4. Focus on the main idea of your essay. 5. Use the dictionary to help you find additional words to express your ideas. b. Editing Essay: Sửa lỗi bai viêt gồm 2 bươc sau: * Grammar and Spelling: Chữa các lỗi ngữ pháp và chính tả 1. Check your spelling. 2. Check your grammar. 3. Read your essay again. 4. Make sure each sentence has a subject. 5. See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other. 6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence. 7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense. * Style and Organization: Chữa các lỗi về hành văn 1. Make sure your essay has a topic sentence. 2. Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea. 3. Make sure you have a closing sentence. 4. Check that all your sentences focus on the main idea. 5. See if your essay is interesting. 2.2. Useful expressions: Những liên tư, hay cac cum tư hữu ích khi viêt bai văn: Useful expressions Sequencing/ Listing First of all, First(ly), Initially, To begin with; Second(ly); Third(ly); Next; Then; After that (this); Following this (that); Finally; The first reason is…/ The second is…; Last but not least… Adding to what you have Also, Furthermore, In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Besides, As said well as, Similarly, not only…but also…, even beside this/ that Contrasting In contrast to this, On the contrary, In contrast, Conversely, On the other hand, While, Whereas, However, Despite/ In spite of, Although, Even though, Otherwise, Nonetheless Expressing similarity Similarly; Likewise, In the same way Showing results As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Hence, Thus, Therefore, So Giving examples For example, For instance, In particular, Particularly, That is to say, Namely, Such as Restating In other words, That is to say, To put it simply Inferring In other words, In that case, or else, Otherwise Summarizing In summary, To sum up, To conclude, To recapitulate, In conclusion, In short, In brief, In a nutshell, Lastly, Finally.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 2.3. Kinds of Essays: Cac loại bai văn cơ bản 1. Definition Essays: Bai văn đê đinh nghia về môt sư vât, hiên tương. e.g. Write an essay giving the definition of a pest. 2. Classification Essays: Bai văn đê nhom, hay phân loại cac sư vât, hiên t ương. e.g. Write an essay discussing two types of energy resources. 3. Description Essays: Bai văn miêu tả về môt sư vât, hiên tương. e.g. Write an essay to talk about your most favorite subject. 4. Compare and Contrast Essays: Bai văn đề diên tả sư so sanh hay t ương phản về cac sư vât, hiên tương. e.g. Write an essay comparing the weather in Vancouver and Halifax. 5. Sequence Essays: Bai văn mô tả môt chuỗi, hay môt tiên trình cua sư vât, sư viêc. e.g. Write an essay outlining how a person becomes the prime minister. 6. Choice Essays: Bai văn mô tả sư chon lưa. e.g. Write an essay stating whether you would prefer to play hockey or lacrosse. 7. Explanation Essays: Bai văn đê giải thích e.g. Write an essay explaining why so many Europeans moved to Canada during the nineteenth century. 8. Evaluation Essays: Bai văn đê đanh gia về sư vât, hiên tương. e.g. Write an essay evaluating whether pesticides should be used on farms. 9. For and Against Essays: Bai văn đê noi về sư tan đồng va phản đôi. e.g. Write an essay to show your opinion on the saying “____”. 10. Graph, Chart, Diagram Essays: Bai văn đê phân tích bảng biêu, sô liêu. e.g. Write an essay evaluating whether pesticides should be used on farms. -----------------------THE END-----------------------SOAN THANG 9 NĂM 2016 SƯ DUNG CHO CAC LƠP 11 – HÊ ĐÔI MƠI - TRƯƠNG THPT LIÊN SƠN. SELECTED & RELEASED BY ĐỖ BÌNH TRƯƠNG THPT LIÊN SƠN THỊ TRẤN HOA SƠN, LẬP THACH, VĨNH PHÚC www.violet.vn/quocbinh72

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