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Giao an English 3 U1115

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P71 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY Lesson 1: Section 1-3 (P.6) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - asking and answering questions about family members. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sister, brother, family - Sentence patterns: who’s that ? – He’s / She’s + (family member) III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - t has Sts sing the song Hide- and- seek - Listen and check - sing again the song 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the picture - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. (point to picture) note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen What are they doing? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen and guess in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen the recording at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say: They are - listen to the teacher and point to some Sts. They are asking and answering some pictures about family members. - Listen and repeat new words - Say the words a few times Teaching vocabulary: + family: gia đình - Go to the board and rewrite the + grandfather: ông words + grandmother: bà + father: bố + mother: mẹ - Listen and repeat a few times + sister: em. Chị gái.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> + brother: em, anh trai * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from Mai and Nam - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching model sentence Who’s that ? He’s/ She’s my + family member Eg: Who’s that ? He’s my father. - Call on some pairs to perform the task in the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - Work in groups. - Practice in pairs - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, e, - practise in pairs - Listen and copy the model sentence - Read the example - Listen and take notes. 3.Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the picture on page 6. - Look at the pictures on page 6 Make sure they understand the task: Each St - Choose some family members chooses some family members from picture -ask his/ her partner. His/ Her partner will answer questions.(using guiding question) - Listen to ask and answer Eg: Who’s that ? He’s/ She’s my --------------Class listen - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - asking and answering about - have sts read again new words and model family members. sentence. 5. Homework - Learn new words and model - Do exercise A in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............... WEEK 18 Date of teaching: …./ … /2017 P72 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY? Lesson 1: Section 4-6 (P.7) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: photo, happy - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * play a game “Matching” - Listen and play : Matching - Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word - Listen and check + grandfather: bố + grandmother: anh trai + father: mẹ + mother: ông + sister: bà + brother: em gái - Listen and repeat: 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 7 and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts While-listening: - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their prediction - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and number - Play the tape again for Sts to check their answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Post-listening:. - Identify the school things in the pictures - Listen and answer the questions - Listen the recording to check predictions - Listen and tick - Listen and check their answers - Listen and repeat all the phrases.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Ask Sts about the content of the listening text - Listen and copy * Tapescripts:(recording) Answers: 1- b; 2- a;3 - c 3. Read and complete - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 7 about the picture and the task - photo: bức ảnh Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer What is this? What are you going to do? - Ask Sts to read the sentences and fill in the - Read and write missing words - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Work in pair - Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check the class. Other listen and comment 4. Let’s sing - open the tape 2 times - listen to the song - Ask sts listen to the song “ A happy - sing the song in chorus family’’ - sing the song individualy - T gives feedback. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Write. - Do exercise B in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............... Date of teaching: ….. / … /2017 P73 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY Lesson 2: Section 1-3 (P.8) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer the questions about colours. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: sixty-eight, sixty-five, forty-one, forty-two, thirteen III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * Country Bingo: - Give the grid and a list of words on the poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last lesson - The first Sts who crosses out all six words in his grid calls “Bingo!”. Father mother sister brother grandmother grandfather - Listen and cross. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen What are these children talking ? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen and guess in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen the recording at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - Listen to the tape twice - T gives feedback - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs - Practice in pairs 3. Point and say - tell pupils that they are going to do further - look at some pictures (p .80) practice on asking and answering question about the age of family members. - Listen Teaching vocabulary: + sixty-eight – số 68 + sixty-five – số 65 + forty-two – số 42 + forty-one – số 41 + thirteen – số 13 * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines in each picture - Call some pairs to practice in front of class. - Say the words a few times (explain) (translate) (translate) - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, e, f - Listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> and check Sts’ pronunciation.. How old is your mother? - She’s forty-one.. - Teaching model sentence: How old is your ------------ ? + He’s/ She’s --------------------. - Listen and repeat the words about - give examples numbers - Call on some pairs to perform the task at - Read the example the front of the class. Others observe and - Work in pairs comment. - Ask Sts to ask and answer about the colour - Ask and answer in pairs of the school things in the picture. - call some pairs practise in front of class - Repeat all the phrases - T gives feedback. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. 3. Let’s Talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 8 - Look at the picture on page 8 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her partner will make questions.(using guiding questions) - ask and answer about the age of - Do the first example: family members A: How old is your father? - Work in pairs B: He’s forty-five. - Practice at the class - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - has sts play a game “matching” -Listen and play - T checks 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Do exercise E in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: ….. / …. /2017 P 74 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY Lesson 2: Section 4-6 (P.9) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Ask some sts about the age of their family - listen and answer members. How old is your grandfather? He’s sixty-five. - check and give mark 2. Listen and number - Have Ss look at Pictures a, b, c and d on - Identify the characters in the page 9 pictures. - Elicit the identification of family - guess the age of characters members in the pictures and guess their age - Ask Ss to listen to the recording number - Listen to the recording number the pictures. them. - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the - Look at the picture and listen. pictures in their books - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and number. - Listen and number - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers. - Listen and check - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Work in pairs for correction - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) Answers: 1 – d; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – b - Listen and copy 3. Read and complete Pre-reading: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 9 and - Identify the characters in the tell them the purpose of reading: You are picture. going to read and complete - Ask Sts some questions about passage: Can you guess what you are going to read - Listen and answer the questions about? Look at the picture. - T elicits and recall any vocabulary While-reading: - Read and complete - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read silently and do the tasks - Look and check their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Have Sts check their answers in pairs - T gives key Key: 1.his father:44 3.His brother:14. - some sts read the text aloud. 2:His mother:39. - Listen and copy 4. Write about your family - listen - tell sts that they are going to answer - read the questions some questions about their own family - ask sts read the questions - look at example - T gives example - write about their family -give sts time to do task - read their answer - get sts read their answers in front of class. - call some sts write their answer on the board - give feedback 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. -listen and answer 6. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Write - Do exercise E in the workbook - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: …. /…. /2017 P75 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY? Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.10) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “br’ and “ gr’’. - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: brother grandfather III. Resources: - Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * play a game “slap the board” - Sts work in group - check and give mark. - Listen and play “ slap the board ” father sister grandfather. mother brother grandmother. 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 10, look at the - Listen and guess words brother, grandfather and notice the - Look, listen, repeat then take letters colored differently in both words. note. - Produce the sounds of the letters br in the word brother and the letters gr in the word - Listen to the tape twice grandfather. brother grandfather - Listen and answer - Ask Ss to say what they think about when they hear the sound - Read aloud in chorus - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Work individually in their books - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at act2 on page 10 - tell sts that they are going to do a dictation - give sts a few seconds to read the text in - Look and listen silence before starting the dictation - Listen and check - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the information they hear - Work in pairs for correction - T gives key. - Listen and copy 1. brother 2. grandfather 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant - Look at the chart on page 10 - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat the recording - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to -Repeat again reinforce their pronunciation - Check and give mark.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters br and gr 6. Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... WEEK 19 Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P76– UNIT 11: THIS IS MY FAMILY. Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6 (P.11) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: man, woman - Model setence: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 10 -Listen and read the chant “ How - Sts do the task some times old is he ”?. 2. read and match - Ask Sts to open the book on page 11. - Identify the characters in the pictures - Act1: Set the context: You are going to - Listen and read read and match - Ask Sts to read the sentences and match - read and match the correct sentences - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Listen and repeat each sentence - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Read aloud explanation when necessary. Key: 1.d 2. a 3. b 4c.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 3.Look, read and write * Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Set the - listen and read scene: You’ve going to look at the picture, read the text and fill the gaps - T presents new words. - Read and write + man: người đàn ông + woman: người phụ nữ - Work individually - T gives the first gap as an example - T gives sts time to do the task - Go around to offer help if necessary - T gives key: 1: family 2: father 3: mother 4: brother 5: sister. - Report their answer - compare with key - do choral and individual repetition of the text. 4. Reinforcement - ask sts draw a picture of their family and -listen and do the tasks present it to the class - pupils stick their picture of - have sts ask and answer questions, using family on the wall of the Who’s this ? How old is he? classroom and choose the best - T gives feedback five. 5.Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P.77… - UNIT 12: THIS IS MY HOUSE Lesson 1: Section 1-3 (P.12) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Identifying rooms in the house. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, garden, house - Sentence patterns: There’s a ---------------III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - t has Sts sing the song A happy family - Listen and check - sing again the song 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the picture - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. (point to picture) note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen Where are they? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen and guess in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen the recording at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say:There are - listen to the teacher and point to some rooms in the house. some pictures - Listen and repeat new words Teaching vocabulary: - Say the words a few times + house: nhà + living roomr: phòng khách - Go to the board and rewrite the + bathroomr: phòng tắm words + kitchen: nhà bếp + bedroom: phòng ngủ + dining room: phòng ăn - Listen and repeat a few times + garden: vườn * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from Mai and linda - Work in groups - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching model sentence There is a …………… Eg: There’s a living room - Practice in pairs - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, e, f - Call on some pairs to perform the task in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - practise in pairs - Listen and copy the model sentence - Read the example. - Listen and take notes 3.Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the picture on page 12. - Look at the pictures on page 12 Make sure they understand the task: (using - Choose some family members guiding question) Eg: There’s a bath room - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Listen to ask and answer - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ Class listen pronunciation. - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - introduce about the rooms in the - have sts read again new words and model house sentence. 5. Homework - Learn new words and model - Do exercise A in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............... Date of teaching: …./ … /2017 P.78 - UNIT 12: THIS IS MY HOUSE. Lesson 1: Section 4-6 (P.13) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: clean, early - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 1. Warm up * play a game “Matching” - Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word - Listen and check. - Listen and play : Matching. + bathroom + bedroom: + kitchen + house + living room + dining room - Listen and repeat: 2. Listen and tick. nhà: phòng ngủ phòng tắm phòng ăn nhà bếp phòng khách. Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page13 and - Identify the rooms in the pictures tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Listen and answer the questions - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts While-listening: - Listen the recording to check - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their predictions prediction - Listen and tick - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and number - Listen and check their answers - Play the tape again for Sts to check their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy text * Tapescripts:(recording) Answers: 1- a; 2- b;3 - a 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 13 about the picture and the task - Listen and answer Point to the model text and elicit St’answers What is this? What are you going to do? - Read and write - Ask Sts to read the sentences and fill in the missing words - Work in pair - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Read aloud answer - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board - Listen and check - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> the class. Other listen and comment 4. Let’s sing - open the tape 2 times - listen to the song - Ask sts listen to the song “ The way I - sing the song in chorus clean my house’’ - sing the song individualy - T gives feedback. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Write. - Do exercise B in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............... Date of teaching: ….. / … /2017 P.79 - UNIT 12: THIS IS MY HOUSE Lesson 2: Section 1-3 (P.14) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer the questions about house facilities. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: fence, pond, yard, gate, tree, over there III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * Country Bingo: - Give the grid and a list of words on the Livingroom House poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last Bedroom Kitchen lesson bathroom garden - The first Sts who crosses out all six words in his grid calls “Bingo!” - Listen and cross 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. note. - Ask Sts some questions:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Who are they? What are these children talking ? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - T gives feedback. - Listen - Listen and guess - Listen the recording - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs. - Practice in pairs 3. Point and say - tell pupils that they are going to do further - look at some pictures (p .14) practice on asking and answering question about the house fac.ilities - Listen Teaching vocabulary: + pond- ao + yard – sân + gate – cổng + fence –hàng rào + over there– * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines in each picture - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation.. - Say the words a few times (explain) (translate) (translate) - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, - Listen and repeat Is there a living room? - Yes, there is.. - Teaching model sentence: Is there a ------------ ? + yes, there is/ No, there isn’t - give examples - Listen and repeat the words about - Call on some pairs to perform the task at house facilities the front of the class. Others observe and - Read the example comment. - Work in pairs - Ask Sts to ask and answer about the house facilities in the picture. - Ask and answer in pairs - call some pairs practise in front of class - T gives feedback. - Repeat all the phrases - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. 3. Let’s Talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 14 - Look at the picture on page 14 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> partner will make questions.(using guiding questions) - Do the first example:. - ask and answer about the house facilities. A: Is there a pond? - Work in pairs B: Yes, there is - Practice at the class - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - has sts play a game “matching” -Listen and play - T checks 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Do exercise E in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. WEEK 20 Date of teaching: ….. / …. /2017 P.80 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY HOUSE Lesson 2: Section 4-6 (P.15) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Ask some sts about the house facilities - listen and answer Is there a yard? No, It isn’t - check and give mark 2. Listen and number - Have Ss look at Pictures a, b, c and d on - Identify the characters in the page 15 pictures. - Elicit the identification of house facilities - guess the facilities in the picture - Ask Ss to listen to the recording number - Listen to the recording number.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> the pictures. them. - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the - Look at the picture and listen. pictures in their books - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and number. - Listen and number - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers. - Listen and check - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Work in pairs for correction - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) Answers: 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – d; 4 – c - Listen and copy 3. Read and complete Pre-reading: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 15 - Identify the characters in the and tell them the purpose of reading: You picture. are going to read and complete - Ask Sts some questions about passage: Can you guess what you are going to read - Listen and answer the questions about? Look at the picture. - T elicits and recall any vocabulary While-reading: - Read and complete - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read silently and do the tasks - Look and check their answers - Have Sts check their answers in pairs - T gives key - some sts read the text aloud Key: 1.house 4: pond. 2:beautiful. 3. tree. - Listen and copy 4. Write about your house - listen - tell sts that they are going to answer - read the questions some questions about their house - ask sts read the questions - look at example - T gives example - write about their house -give sts time to do task - read their answer - get sts read their answers in front of class. - call some sts write their answer on the board - give feedback 5. Reinforcement.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson.. -listen and answer. 6. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Write - Do exercise E in the workbook - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: …. /…. /2017 P.81 - UNIT 11: THIS IS MY HOUSE Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.16) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “ch and “ th’’. - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: kitchen bathroom III. Resources: - Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * play a game “slap the board” - Sts work in group - check and give mark. - Listen and play Matching pond. beautiful over there. tree. house garden 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 16, look at the - Listen and guess words kitchen, bathroomr and notice the letters colored differently in both words. - Look at the T - Produce the sounds of the letters ch in the - Look, listen, repeat then take word kitchen and the letters th in the word note. bathroom. kitchen bathroom - Listen to the tape twice - Ask Ss to say what they think about when they hear the sound - Listen and answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Read aloud in chorus in their books - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times - Work individually 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at act2 on page 16 - tell sts that they are going to do a dictation - give sts a few seconds to read the text in - Look and listen silence before starting the dictation - Listen and check - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the information they hear - Work in pairs for correction - T gives key. - Listen and copy 2. kitchen 1. bathroom 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant - Look at the chart on page 16 - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat the recording - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to -Repeat again reinforce their pronunciation - Check and give mark 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ch and th 6. Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P.82– UNIT 12: THIS IS MY HOUSE Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6 (P.17) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Model setence: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 16 -Listen and read the chant “ Is - Sts do the task some times there a garden”?. 2. Read and write - Ask Sts to open the book on page 17. - Identify the characters in the pictures - Act1: Set the context: You are going to - Listen and read read and write - Ask Sts to look at the picture p17. read - read and write the passage and then write the missing words. - Listen and read aloud the passage - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Read aloud - Give the answer to the class. Provide explanation when necessary. Key: 1.house 2. garden 3. pond 4. livingroom 3.read again and write the answer * Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Tell the - listen and read pupils that they are going to read the text again and write the answer to the questions. - T gives sts time to do the task - Read and write - get sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class.Write the answer on the board - Go around to offer help if necessary - T gives key: 1: No, It isn’t 2. It’s blue 3. Yes, there is 4. Yes, there is 5. No, there isn’t 4. Project - ask sts that they are going to draw and colour their houses, lable the rooms and finally present picture to the class. - give time to do the projectin class. Get sts. - Work individually - Report their answer - compare with key - do choral and individual repetition of the text. -listen and do the tasks - pupils stick their picture of their houses on the wall of the classroom and choose the best.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> to work in groups. - T gives feedback. five.. 5.Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. WEEK 22 Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P. 83 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 1: 1,2,3 (P.18) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - ask and answer questions about the location of things in the house. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: poster, bed, chair, picture, coat, ball. - Sentence patterns: Where’s the ………. ? – It’s here/there. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - has Sts sing the song The way I clean my house. - sing again the song. - Listen and check. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess. them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones. - Look at the picture. - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening - Look, listen, repeat then take note. in each picture. (point to picture) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen. Who are they? What are they doing? - Listen and guess. - Play the recording for Sts to read - Listen the recording. each line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, - Listen to the tape twice and Vietnamese when necessary. - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus. - Work in pairs. 3. Point and say.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Point to the picture and say: They - Listen to the teacher and point to are some Sts. They are asking and some pictures. answering about the location of things. - Listen and repeat new words. - Teaching vocabulary: - Say the words a few times. + poster: tấm áp phích + bed: cái giường - Go to the board and rewrite the + chair: ghế tựa words. + picture: bức tranh + coat: áo khoác + ball: quả bóng - Listen and repeat a few times. * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat. - Divide the class into groups to take - Work in groups. turns to say the lines. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching model sentence - Listen and take note. Where’s the ………. ? – It’s here/there. - Do model with picture a. Eg: Where’s the poster? It’s here. - Ask the class to repeat the model - Listen and repeat. sentence. - Look at the pictures b, c, d, e, - Call on some pairs to perform the - Practise in pairs. task in the front of the class. Others - Listen and copy the model sentence. observe and comment. - Read the example. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture. - Have the whole class repeat all the - Listen and take notes. phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. 4. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the picture on page - Look at the pictures on page 18. 18. Make sure they understand the - Choose some family members. task: Ss look at the pictures and ask and answer using the structure: Where’s the ………. ? - Listen to ask and answer. – It’s here/there. - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups. - Work in pairs or groups. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the - Listen and give comment. task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this - Asking and answering about the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> lesson. location of things. - have sts read again new words and model sentence. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Do exercise A in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P.84 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 1: 4,5,6 (P.19) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: map - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, extra board. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * play a game “Slap the board” - Listen and play in groups. - Ask Sts to repeat each word. chair - Listen and check. Quả bóng poster bed. pictur e áo khoác. Listen and repeat: 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 19 and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts While-listening:. - Identify the school things in the pictures. - Listen and answer the questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> - Play the tape first for Sts to check their - Listen the recording to check prediction. predictions. - Play the tape the second time for Sts to - Listen and tick. listen and tick. - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and check their answers. answers. - Ask Ss to swap the answer in pars. - Work in pairs. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases. Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening text. - Listen and copy. * Tapescripts:(recording) Answers: 1- b; 2- a;3 - c 3. Read and complete - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 19 about the picture and the task. - map: bản đồ. Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer. What is this? What are you going to do? - Ask Sts to read the sentences and fill the - Read and write. given words in the gaps. - Ask Sts to work individually. - Work individuall. - Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer. help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Ask Ss to check the answers in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check. the class. Other listen and comment. 4. Let’s sing - Open the tape twice. - Listen to the song. - Ask sts listen and sing along “ The poster - Sing the song in chorus. and the ball. - Sing the song individualy. - T gives feedback. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Do exercise B in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P.85 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 2: 1,2,3 (P.20) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer the questions about locations. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: table, bed, wall, door, near, in, on, under, behind. - Sentence pattern: Where are the …………..? -> They’re …………… III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Ask Ss to sing a song: The poster and the - Sing. ball” 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess. to identify the familiar characters and the new ones. - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Discuss in pairs. each picture. - Ask Sts some questions: - Answer the questions in Who are they? Vietnamese. What are they talking about? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen and repeat. in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen to the tape twice. at times, using English, and Vietnamese - Work in pairs or groups. when necessary. - Read aloud in chorus. - Work in pairs. - Practice in pairs. - Call some pairs to read. - Listen and comment. 3. Point and say - Tell pupils that they are going to do further - look at some pictures (p .80) practice on asking and answering question about the locations. - Listen Teaching vocabulary: + table: cái bàn - Say the words a few times. + bed: cái giường (explain) + wall: bức tường (translate) + door: cửa ra vào (translate) + near: ở gần + in : ở trong + on: ở trên.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> + under: ở dưới + behind: đằng sau * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat. - Listen and repeat a few times. - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Work in groups. say the lines in each picture. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching sentence pattern: Where are the …………..? -> They’re …………… - Does model with picture a. - Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to practise in pairs with other - Work in pairs. pictures. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. - Listen and give comment. 3. Let’s Talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 8 - Look at the picture on page 20. Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her partner will make questions.(using guiding questions). - Do the first example: - Ask and answer about locations A: How old is your father? of things. B: He’s forty-five. - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Practice before the class. in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - has sts play a game “matching” - Listen and play - T checks 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Do exercise E in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next period. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P86 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 2: 4,5,6 (P.21) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, extra board. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Makes questions. - Answer. 2. Listen and number - Have Ss look at Pictures a, b, c and d on - Identify the locations of the page 21. books. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and - Listen. number the pictures. - 1st: Play the recording all the way through - Listen to the recording number for Ss to listen while they are looking at the them. pictures in their books. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and number. number. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check - Listen and check. their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction. correction. - Listen and copy. - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) Answers: 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – d; 4 – b 3. Read and complete Pre-reading: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 21 - Look at the picture. and tell them the purpose of reading: You are going to read and complete. - Ask Sts some questions about passage: - Listen and answer the questions. Can you guess what you are going to read about? Look at the picture. - T elicits and recall any vocabulary While-reading: - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read - Read and complete. silently and do the tasks. - Have Sts check their answers in pairs - Look and check their answers. - T gives key. - Some sts read the text aloud. Key: 1. on the bed - Listen and copy. 2:under the bed 3.near the desk. 4. on the desk. 5. on the wall. 4. Write about your bedroom - Tell sts that they are going to write some - Listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> things in the bedroom and their location - Ask sts some qs about their bedroom. - Answer. - T gives example. - Look at example. - Give sts time to do task. - Write about their bedroom. - Get sts read their answers in front of - Read their answer. class. - Give feedback. 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Listen and answer. - Learn new words and model. - Do exercise E in the workbook. - Prepare next period.. 6. Homelink - Write.. WEEK 23 Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P87 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 (P.22) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “ch’ and “ wh’’. - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: chair where III. Resources: - Student's book, recording, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * play a game “Matching” - Match. - Sts work individulally. - Check in pairs. 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 10, look at the - Listen and guess. words brother, grandfather and notice the - Look, listen, repeat then take letters colored differently in both words. note. - Produce the sounds of the letters ch in the word chair and the letters wh in the word - Listen to the tape twice. where. brother grandfather - Listen and answer. - Ask Ss to say what they think about when.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> they hear the sound. - Read aloud in chorus. - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Work individually. in their books. - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times. 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at act2 on page 22. - Tell sts that they are going to do a dictation. - Give sts a few seconds to read the text in silence before starting the dictation. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write - Listen and write. the information they hear. - Ask Ss to listen again. - Listen and check. - T gives key. - Work in pairs for correction. 1. Wher’s 2. chair - Listen and copy. 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant. - Look at the chart on page 22 - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat. the recording. - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word. - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read. chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to - Repeat again. reinforce their pronunciation. - Check and give mark. 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ch and wh. 6. Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next lesson.. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P88 - UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 3: 4,5,6 (P.23) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Model setence: review.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 22. -Listen and read the chant “ How - Sts do the task some times. old is he ”? 2. read and tick - Ask Sts to open the book on page 23. - Identify the differences of the pictures. - Act1: Set the context: You are going to read and tick the correct picture. - Listen and tick. - Ask Sts to read the sentences and and tick the correct picture. - Read and match. - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Listen and repeat each sentence. - Give the answer to the class. Provide explanation when necessary. - Read aloud. Key: c 3.Read and write * Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Set the - Listen and read. scene: You’ve going complete the dialogue about their own bedrooms. - T gives the first gap as an example. - Read and write. - T gives sts time to do the task. - Work individually. - Go around to offer help if necessary. - Report their answer. - Compare with key. - Do choral and individual. repetition of the text. 4. Reinforcement - Ask sts draw a picture of their bedroom. - Listen and do the tasks. - Pupils stick their picture of family on the wall of the classroom and choose the best five. 5.Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next lesson. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P89 - UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM? Lesson 1: 1,2,3 (P.24) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer about things in the room. - Develop listening and speaking skills..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: maps, sofas, wardrobes, cupboards - Sentence patterns: Are there any ………… in the room? -> Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have Sts sing the song The poster and the - sing again the song. ball. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess. them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones. - Look at the picture. - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. (point to picture) note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen. Where are they? - Listen and guess. - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen the recording. in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen to the tape twice. at times, using English, and Vietnamese - Work in pairs or groups. when necessary. - Read aloud in chorus. - Work in pairs. 3. Point and say - Say the task:You are going to ask and - listen to the teacher and point to answer questions about things in the room. some pictures Teaching vocabulary: - Listen and repeat new words. + maps: bản đồ - Say the words a few times. + sofas: ghế salon. + wardrobe: tủ quần áo. + cupboard: tủ đựng chén. * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Listen and repeat a few times. - Divide the class into groups to take turns - Work in groups. to say the lines from Mai and linda - Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Practice in pairs. and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching model sentence Eg: Are there any maps in the room? - Listen and repeat. Yes, there are. -> Are there any ……….. in the room? Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture. - Look at the pictures b, c, d, e, f - Call on some pairs to perform the task in - practise in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation.. - Listen and copy the model sentence. - Listen and take notes.. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the picture on page 24. - Look at the pictures on page 12. Make sure they understand the task: (using guiding question). - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Practice at the class. in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Ask and answer the things in the - have sts read again new words and model room. sentence. 5. Homework - Learn new words and model. - Do exercise A in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P90 - UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM? Lesson 1: 4,5,6 (P.25) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: clean, early - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Make questions: - Listen and answer. + Are there any chairs in your kitchen? + Are there any table in your bedroom? + Are there any cupboards in your kitchen? 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 25 - Identify the things in the pictures. and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Listen and answer the questions. - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts. While-listening: - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen the recording to check prediction. predictions. - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and tick. number. - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and check their answers. answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases. - Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy. text. * Tapescripts:(recording) Answers: 1- a; 2- b 3. Look, read and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 13. about the picture and the task. - Ask Sts to read the sentences and fill in the - Read and write. missing words. - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer. help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check. the class. Other listen and comment. 4. Let’s write - Ask Ss to read the questions. - Read. - Ask sts listen to do the task. - Work individually. - Calls two sts to write on the board. - Comment. - T gives feedback. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Write - Do exercise B in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> WEEK 24 Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P91- UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM Lesson 2: 1,2,3 (P.26) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer the questions about the quantity of things in a room. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: fan, mirror, door, window. - Sentence pattern: How many …………. are there? ->There are …………………. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * Play a game: “Bingo” - Give the grid and a list of words on the sofa cupboard poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last bedroom wall lesson. map wardrobe - The first Sts who crosses out all six words - Listen and cross. in his grid calls “Bingo!”. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess. to identify the familiar characters and the new ones. - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look at the T. each picture. - Look, listen, repeat then take - Ask Sts some questions: note. Who are they? What are these children talking ? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen and repeat. in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Work in pairs or groups. at times, using English, and Vietnamese - Read aloud in chorus. when necessary. - Work in pairs. - T gives feedback. - Practice in pairs. 3. Point and say - Tell pupils that they are going to do further - Look at some pictures (p .14). practice on asking and answering question about the house facilities. Teaching vocabulary: - Listen + fan: quạt điện + mirror: cái gương - Say the words a few times. + door : cửa ra vào (explain) + window: cửa sổ (translate) * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember (translate).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat. - Listen and repeat a few times - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Work in groups. say the lines in each picture. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Listen and comment. and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Teaching model sentence: - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d. How many …………. are there? - Listen and repeat. ->There are ………………… - Give examples. - Read the example. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at - Work in pairs. the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Ask Sts to ask and answer about the - Ask and answer in pairs. quantity of things in the picture. - Call some pairs to practise in front of class. - Listen and comment. - T gives feedback. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases - Repeat all the phrases. to reinforce their pronunciation. 3. Let’s Talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 26 - Look at the picture on page 14. Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her partner will make questions.(using guiding questions). - Ask and answer about the house - Do the first example: facilities. A: How many beds are there? B: There are two. - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Practice at the class. in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - has sts play a game “matching”. -Listen and play. - T checks. 5. Homelink - Learn new words and model. - Do exercise E in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next period. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P92 - UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM? Lesson 2: 4,5,6 (P.27) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Has Ss play a game: Slap the board. - Play in groups. 2. Listen and number - Have Ss look at picture on page 27. - Identify the characters in the pictures. - Elicit the things and quantity of the things - Guess. in the picture. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording number - Listen to the recording number the pictures. them. - 1st:Play the recording all the way through - Look at the picture and listen. for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and number. number. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check - Listen and check. their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction. correction. - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) - Listen and copy. Answers: 1 – bed; 2 – desk; 3 – two chairs; 4 – TV 3. Read and write Pre-reading: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 27 - Identify the characters in the and tell them the purpose of reading: You picture. are going to read and write the answers. - Ask Sts some questions about passage: Can you guess what you are going to read - Listen and answer the questions. about? Look at the picture. While-reading: - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read - Read and write. silently and do the tasks. - Have Sts check their answers in pairs. - Look and check their answers. - T gives key..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Key: 1.There is one door/ One - Some sts read the text aloud. 2.There are two windows/ Two - Listen and copy. 3. There are eight chairs/ Eight. 4: There are four pictures/ Four 5: There are two fans/ Two 4. Let’s play - Describe how to play and check - Listen. understanding. - Set the time and get groups to sit face - Play a game. to face and start the game. - Write about their house. - Ask the winning groups to report the - Report. differences to the class. 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Listen and answer. 6. Homelink - Learn new words and model - Do exercise E in the workbook - Write. - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P93- UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 (P.28) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “a and “ u’’. - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: fan cup III. Resources: - Student's book, recording, fresh cards, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Show the pictures of the rooms and make - Look at the pictures and answer some questions. the questions. How many beds are there? - Listen and give comment. How many fans are there? How many doors are there? 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 28, look at the - Listen and guess. words fan, cup and notice the letters colored.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> differently in both words. - Produce the sounds of the letters a in the word fan and the letters u in the word cup.. fan cup - Ask Ss to say what they think about when they hear the sound. - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words in their books. - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times.. - Look at the T. - Look, listen, repeat then take note. - Listen to the tape twice.. - Read aloud in chorus. - Work individually. - Calls some Ss to read. - Listen and give ideas. 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at act2 on page 28. - Tell sts that they are going to do a dictation. - Look and listen. - Give sts a few seconds to read the text in silence before starting the dictation. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write - Listen and write. the information they hear. - Work in pairs for correction. - T gives key. - Listen and copy. 2. cup 1. fan 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant. - Look at the chart on page 28. - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat. the recording. - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word. - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read. chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to - Repeat again. reinforce their pronunciation. - Check and give mark. 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters a and u. 6. Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write. - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> P94- UNIT 14: ARE THERE ANY POSTERS IN THE ROOM? Lesson 3: 4,5,6 (P.29) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Model setence: review III. Resources: Student's book, extra board, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 28. - Listen and read the chant “ How - Sts do the task some times. many desks?” 2. Read and write - Ask Sts to open the book on page 29. - Identify the characters in the pictures. - Act1: Set the context: You are going to read and circle. - Ask Sts to look at the picture p29. read - Read and circle the words. the passage and then circle the words. - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Work in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Listen and give comment. - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Read aloud. explanation when necessary. Key: 1.are 2. is 3. lamps 4. chairs 5. on 3. Read and write * Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Tell the - Listen and read. pupils that they are going to look at the picture and read the text and then write the - Read and write. missing words. - T gives sts time to do the task. - Work individually. - Get sts to swap and check their answers - Work in pairs. before checking as a class.Write the answer - Report their answer. on the board. - Compare with key. - Go around to offer help if necessary - Do choral and individual. - T gives key: repetition of the text. 1: is 2. chairs 3. TV 4. posters 4. Project - Ask sts that they are going to interview - Listen and do the tasks. their friends about their houses and take notes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> - Do model. - Give time to do the project in class. Get sts to work in groups.. - Listen. - Work in groups. - Pupils stick their notes on the wall of the class for display.. 5.Homelink - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P95 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 1: Section 1-3 (P.30) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Identifying toys. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: doll, car, robot, puzzle - Sentence patterns: Do you have………..? Yes, I do / No, I don’t. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - t has Sts chant “ How many desks?” - Listen and check - chant 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the picture - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. (point to picture) note. - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen - Listen and guess Who are they? - Listen the recording Where are they?. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus. - Play the recording for Sts to read each line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese - Work in pairs when necessary..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say:There are - listen to the teacher and point to some things. some pictures - Listen and repeat new words * Teaching vocabulary: - Say the words a few times + doll + car - Go to the board and rewrite the + robot words + puzzle * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Listen and repeat a few times - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. * Teaching model sentence Do you have………..? - Practice in pairs Yes, I do / No, I don’t. - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, Eg: Do you have a doll? - practise in pairs Yes, I do - Listen and copy the model - Call on some pairs to perform the task in sentence the front of the class. Others observe and - Read the example comment. - Listen and take notes - Ask Sts to practice with each picture - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation 4. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the picture on page 30. - Look at the pictures on page 24 Make sure they understand the task: (using - Choose some family members guiding question) - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Listen to ask and answer - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ Class listen pronunciation. - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Prepare next lesson - Write V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P96 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 1: Section 4-6 (P.31) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * play a game “Matching” - Listen and play : Matching - Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word - Listen and check - Listen and repeat 2. Listen and number Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 31 - Identify the rooms in the pictures and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and number the picture. - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T - Listen and answer the questions elicits each picture for Sts While-listening: - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen the recording to check prediction predictions - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and number number - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and check their answers answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening text - Listen and copy 3. Read and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 31 about the picture and the task - Listen and answer Point to the model text and elicit Sts’answers What is this? - Read and write What are you going to do? - Ask Sts to read the sentences and fill in the - Work in pair missing words - Read aloud answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on - Listen and check the board - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to the class. Other listen and comment 4. Let’s write -Ask Sts to open the book. Tell the pupils - listen and read that they are going to read and write the answer. - T gives sts time to do the task - Read and write - get sts to swap and check their answers - Work individually before checking as a class. Write the answer - Report their answer on the board - compare with key - do choral and individual - Go around to offer help if necessary repetition of the text 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Prepare next lesson - Write V.Comments: .............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............... Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P97 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 2: Section 1-3 (P.32) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about toys. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: yo-yo, ship, plane, kite - Sentence patterns: Does he/ she have………..? Yes, he/she does No, he/she doesn’t III. Resources: Student's book, recording IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up * Country Bingo: - Give the grid and a list of words on the - Listen and cross poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> - The first Sts who crosses out all six words in his grid calls “Bingo!” 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look, listen, repeat then take each picture. note. - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen Who are they? What are they talking ? - Listen and guess - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen the recording in the pictures and check Sts comprehension - Listen to the tape twice at times, using English, and Vietnamese - Work in pairs or groups. when necessary. - Read aloud in chorus - T gives feedback - Work in pairs - Practice in pairs 3. Point and say - tell pupils that they are going to do further - look at some pictures (p.32) practice on asking and answering question about quantity of things. - Listen *Teaching vocabulary: + yo-yo - Say the words a few times + ship (explain) + plane (translate) + kite (translate) * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines in each picture - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. *Teaching model sentence: Does he/ she have………..? Yes, he/she does No, he/she doesn’t - give examples: Eg: Does he have a ship? No, he doesn’t - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and. - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d, - Listen and repeat - Listen and repeat the words about house facilities - Read the example - Work in pairs - Ask and answer in pairs - Repeat all the phrases.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> comment. - Ask Sts to ask and answer about the house facilities in the picture. - call some pairs practise in front of class - T gives feedback. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. 4. Let’s Talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 32 - Look at the picture on page 32 Make sure they understand the task. His/ Her partner will make questions.(using guiding questions) - ask and answer about the house - Do the first example: facilities A: Does she have a yo-yo? B: Yes, she does - Work in pairs - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Practice at the class - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Prepare next period - Write V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P98 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 2: Section 4-6 (P.33) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop listening and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Ask some sts answering questions about - listen and answer toys. - check and give mark 2. Listen and tick - Have Ss look at Pictures on page 33 - Identify the characters in the - Elicit the identification of house facilities pictures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> in the picture - guess the facilities - Ask Ss to listen to the recording number the pictures. - Listen to the recording number - 1st:Play the recording all the way through them. for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books - Look at the picture and listen. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and number. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check - Listen and tick their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Listen and check correction - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ - Work in pairs for correction comprehension of the listening text. - Listen and copy 3. Read and write - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 33 and tell them the purpose of reading: You - Identify the characters in the are going to read and write picture. - Ask Sts some questions about passage: - Listen and answer the questions Can you guess what you are going to read - Read and complete about? Look at the picture. - T elicits and recall any vocabulary - Look and check their answers - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read - some sts read the text aloud silently and do the tasks - Listen and copy - Have Sts check their answers in pairs 4. Let’s sing - open the tape 2 times - Ask sts listen to the song “ Linda has a little doll’’ - T gives feedback. - Learn new words and model. - Look at the part 6 and sing - listen to the song - sing the song in chorus - sing the song individualy. 5. Home link - Write. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P99 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.34) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “pl and “ sh’’. - Develop listening, and writing skills..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: plane ship III. Resources: - Student's book, recording IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * play a game “slap the board” - Sts work in group - check and give mark. - Listen and play Matching. 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 34, look at the - Listen and guess words plane, ship and notice the letters colored differently in both words. - Look at the T - Produce the sounds of the letters pl in the - Look, listen, repeat then take word plane and the letters sh in the word note. ship. plane ship - Listen to the tape twice - Ask Ss to say what they think about when they hear the sound - Listen and answer - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Read aloud in chorus in their books - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times - Work individually 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at act2 on page 34 - tell sts that they are going to do a dictation - Look and listen - give sts a few seconds to read the text in - Listen and check silence before starting the dictation - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write - Work in pairs for correction the information they hear - Listen and copy 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant - Look at the chart on page 34 - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat the recording - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to -Repeat again reinforce their pronunciation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> - Check and give mark 5. Home link - Write. - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Date of teaching: .…/….. /2017 P100 - UNIT 15: DO YOU HAVE ANY TOYS? Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6 (P.34) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Model sentence: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 34 -Listen and read the chant “ How - Sts do the task some times many desks”?. 2. Read and complete - Ask Sts to open the book on page 35. - Identify the characters in the pictures - Act1: Set the context: You are going to - Listen and read read and complete - Ask Sts to look at the picture p35, read - read and circle the passage and then choose the suitable word. - Listen and read aloud the passage - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Read aloud - Give the answer to the class. Provide explanation when necessary. 3.Write about you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> * Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Tell the pupils that they are going to read and write the answer. - T gives sts time to do the task. - listen and read - Read and write. - get sts to swap and check their answers - Work individually before checking as a class. Write the answer on the board - Report their answer - compare with key - Go around to offer help if necessary - do choral and individual repetition of the text 4. Project - ask sts that they are going to meke a paper - listen and do the tasks toy. - give time to do the project. Get sts to work in groups. - T gives feedback 5. Home link - Write. - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span>

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