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anh 9 tuan 28

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Week : 28
Period: 55

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching:

Lesson 4: WRITE
- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter of a friend to share their ideas
about a particular issue.
II. PREPARATION: Textbook, extra-boards


1 / Warm-up : (8’)
Guessing game
It is celebrated on 20th December.
It is celebrated on the eighth of March.
It is celebrated for fathers.
It is celebrated for mothers.

 Lead the new lesson.
2 / Pre- writing : (15’)

Activity 1: Pre-teach vocabulary
- Introduce the topic of the writing and some new words
to students.
1. Essential (a) = necessary (a)
2. Enhance (v) = improve (v)
3. Tradition (n) : belief or custom handed down from
one generation to another .

- Work in groups to play game.
1. Teacher’s day
2. International women’s day
3. Father’s day
4. Women’s day

- Listen and copy.
- Listen, guess its meaning and
copy down.
- Repeat chorally , individually.

4. Day off (n) : a day away from work or school .
5. Support (v) : in favor of
6. Nationwide (n) : all over the country
* Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember
Activity 2:
Guiding questions
- Ask Ss to read the outline and practice in groups to
answer the questions about Father,s Day or Mother,s

1. Is it necessary to have a day to celebrate for your
parents? Why?
2. When should you celebrate these days ?
( In what season? / In what month ? / On what day ? )
(I think / I suggest/ In my opinion )we should
choose .........
3. How should you celebrate these days ?
I suggest that we should…..
4. What special gifts should you give ?
We should give our parents ...........
5. What will you give special gifts to your parents?
6. Will you offer your parents the food that they like

- Read the outline, and practice
asking and answering the questions
* Suggest answer:
1. In my opinion, I think it is
necessary to have a day to
celebrate for Mom and another for
- for children to express their
feelings, memories and love for
their parents.
- to enhance family traditions.
- to bring family members closer...
2. the (first / second/ third /
fourth ) Sunday in (January /

March/June/…) for our dad / for
our mom.
( Sunday is a day off , everyone is
3. - have parties / send cards / go
on picnics...
4. ( flowers / gifts / postcards /
hanging potted trees / clothes
ties ..)
- Demonstrate in front of class.

- Call on some volunteers from each groups to
demonstrate in front of class.
- Gather their ideas to make a completed outline.
3 / While - writing : (15’)
- Ask Ss to follow the outline and work independently to
write a letter to a friend as instructed.
- Have Ss compare their writing with a friend.
- Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud in front of
* Suggested writing :
In my opinion I think it is important to have a day to
celebrate for our parents .

- Listen and pay attention.

- Work individually.
- Compare with friend.
- Read the writing aloud.

It will be a day for us to express our feelings , memories
and love for our parents . Family members can have a
chance to get together and help one another . I think the
first Sunday in August is suitable for everyone because
Sunday is a day off , everyone is free from work and
study . It is a good idea to have a lunch or dinner with
all family members . Our parents should be given
flowers , greeting cards and special gifts . They should
be severed the food they like best .
I believe that the idea will be supported and the day will
be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their
parents and wants their parents to be happy
4 / Post - writing : (5’)
- Ask Ss to work with a friend , exchange their writings
and correct for each other.
- Pick up some typical writings to correct in front of
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
+ Learn by heart new words.
+ Hang on the writing to get 15-minutes grade.
+ Prepare for the next period: Language Focus.

- Work in pairs.
- Listen and copy.
- Write assignments.



Week : 28
Period: 56

Date of preparing: 01/03/2018
Date of teaching: 07/03/2018

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use Relative clause, and make
Adverb clause of concession.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, handouts
1 / Warm up : (7’)
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Call at random on members of - Work in groups.
the groups to complete the sentences. Ss can use their own
ideas but they have to make sense.

1.Mother is a woman
a. which is celebrated for father
2.Father,s Day is the day b.that is celebrated on November 20th 3 – b
3.Teacher’s Day is the day c. who takes care of my family

2/ Exercises: (25’)
 Exercise 1: Relatives clauses
- Remind the relative clause :

- Listen and identify the relative
clauses. Copy in their notebooks.

- Have Ss read the example aloud and ask them to work in - Read and do the exercise.
pairs to complete the sentences.
- Give feedback.
- Call on some pairs to write the answer on the board.
b. This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt
on on my 14th birthday.
c. My friend Tom who sings Western folk songs very well

can compose songs.
d. We often go to the town cultural house which always
open on public on holidays.
e. I like reading books which tell about different people
and their cultures.
f. On my Mom’s birthday my dad gave her roses which
were very sweet and beautiful.

g. Judy liked the full-moon festival which is celebrated in
mid-fall very much.
h. Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends who
come to stay with us during the Christmas.
 Exercise 2:
- Have Ss look at 2 pictures /page 71 and make the

- Work in pairs.
a. Mom is the woman who is sitting
in an armchair.
b.Linda is the little girl who is
giving a gift to Mom
c..Dad is the man who is standing
behind Linda
d.Uncle John is the man who is
wearing a red jumper.
e.Grandmother is the woman who is
giving a gift to the baby.
- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to give feedback.
 Exercise 3:
Adverbial clauses of concessions
- Listen and copy in their notebooks.
- Ask Ss to take note.
Read and give some more
Though , although , even though + clause
examples .
Example : Hai is not satisfied with his preparations for
Tet even though he has decorated his house and made
plenty of cakes .
- Work individually, then compare.
- Ask Ss to work individually and compare with their
- Give their answers.
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
3/ Production: (11’)
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures , complete the sentences
- Work individually.
by using though , although , even though. Use the correct
tense of the verbs and information
- Have Ss check their answers for each other.
- Check their answers for each other.
- Feedback and give correct Answers.
- Listen and copy down .
4/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
- Write assignments.
+ Redo all the exercise.
+ Prepare for the next period Unit 9: lesson 1.


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